Light is a fundamental aspect of our lives, being involved in the regulation of numerous processes in our body. While blue light has always existed in nature, with the ever-growing number of electronic devices that make use of short wavelength (blue) light, the human retina has seen increased exposure to it. Because it is at the high-energy end of the visible spectrum, many authors have investigated the theoretical harmful effects that it poses to the human retina and, more recently, the human body, given the discovery and characterization of the intrinsically photosensitive retinal ganglion cells. Many approaches have been explored, with the focus shifting throughout the years from examining classic ophthalmological parameters, such as visual acuity, and contrast sensitivity to more complex ones seen on electrophysiological assays and optical coherence tomographies. The current study aims to gather the most recent relevant data, reveal encountered pitfalls, and suggest future directions for studies regarding local and/or systemic effects of blue light retinal exposures.