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Nature ; 553(7689): 481-485, 2018 01 24.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-29368703


Periodic driving can be used to control the properties of a many-body state coherently and to realize phases that are not accessible in static systems. For example, exposing materials to intense laser pulses makes it possible to induce metal-insulator transitions, to control magnetic order and to generate transient superconducting behaviour well above the static transition temperature. However, pinning down the mechanisms underlying these phenomena is often difficult because the response of a material to irradiation is governed by complex, many-body dynamics. For static systems, extensive calculations have been performed to explain phenomena such as high-temperature superconductivity. Theoretical analyses of driven many-body Hamiltonians are more challenging, but approaches have now been developed, motivated by recent observations. Here we report an experimental quantum simulation in a periodically modulated hexagonal lattice and show that antiferromagnetic correlations in a fermionic many-body system can be reduced, enhanced or even switched to ferromagnetic correlations (sign reversal). We demonstrate that the description of the many-body system using an effective Floquet-Hamiltonian with a renormalized tunnelling energy remains valid in the high-frequency regime by comparing the results to measurements in an equivalent static lattice. For near-resonant driving, the enhancement and sign reversal of correlations is explained by a microscopic model of the system in which the particle tunnelling and magnetic exchange energies can be controlled independently. In combination with the observed sufficiently long lifetimes of the correlations in this system, periodic driving thus provides an alternative way of investigating unconventional pairing in strongly correlated systems experimentally.

Phys Rev Lett ; 129(5): 053201, 2022 Jul 29.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-35960575


Constructing new topological materials is of vital interest for the development of robust quantum applications. However, engineering such materials often causes technological overhead, such as large magnetic fields, spin-orbit coupling, or dynamical superlattice potentials. Simplifying the experimental requirements has been addressed on a conceptual level-by proposing to combine simple lattice structures with Floquet engineering-but there has been no experimental implementation. Here, we demonstrate topological pumping in a Floquet-Bloch band using a plain sinusoidal lattice potential and two-tone driving with frequencies ω and 2ω. We adiabatically prepare a near-insulating Floquet band of ultracold fermions via a frequency chirp, which avoids gap closings en route from trivial to topological bands. Subsequently, we induce topological pumping by slowly cycling the amplitude and the phase of the 2ω drive. Our system is well described by an effective Shockley model, establishing a novel paradigm to engineer topological matter from simple underlying lattice geometries. This approach could enable the application of quantized pumping in metrology, following recent experimental advances on two-frequency driving in real materials.

Phys Rev Lett ; 123(19): 193602, 2019 Nov 08.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-31765173


We perform an ab initio comparison between nonequilibrium dynamical mean-field theory and optical lattice experiments by studying the time evolution of double occupations in the periodically driven Fermi-Hubbard model. For off-resonant driving, the range of validity of a description in terms of an effective static Hamiltonian is determined and its breakdown due to energy absorption close to resonance is demonstrated. For near-resonant driving, we investigate the response to a change in driving amplitude and discover an asymmetric excitation spectrum with respect to the detuning. In general, we find good agreement between experiment and theory, which cross validates the experimental and numerical approaches in a strongly correlated nonequilibrium system.

Phys Rev Lett ; 121(23): 233603, 2018 Dec 07.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-30576215


We study the dynamics and timescales of a periodically driven Fermi-Hubbard model in a three-dimensional hexagonal lattice. The evolution of the Floquet many-body state is analyzed by comparing it to an equivalent implementation in undriven systems. The dynamics of double occupancies for the near- and off-resonant driving regime indicate that the effective Hamiltonian picture is valid for several orders of magnitude in modulation time. Furthermore, we show that driving a hexagonal lattice compared to a simple cubic lattice allows us to modulate the system up to 1 s, corresponding to hundreds of tunneling times, with only minor atom loss. Here, driving at a frequency close to the interaction energy does not introduce resonant features to the atom loss.

Nat Phys ; 19(10): 1471-1475, 2023.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-37841998


Geometric properties of wave functions can explain the appearance of topological invariants in many condensed-matter and quantum systems1. For example, topological invariants describe the plateaux observed in the quantized Hall effect and the pumped charge in its dynamic analogue-the Thouless pump2-4. However, the presence of interparticle interactions can affect the topology of a material, invalidating the idealized formulation in terms of Bloch waves. Despite pioneering experiments in different platforms5-9, the study of topological matter under variations in interparticle interactions has proven challenging10. Here we experimentally realize a topological Thouless pump with fully tuneable Hubbard interactions in an optical lattice and observe regimes with robust pumping, as well as an interaction-induced breakdown. We confirm the pump's robustness against interactions that are smaller than the protecting gap for both repulsive and attractive interactions. Furthermore, we identify that bound pairs of fermions are responsible for quantized transport at strongly attractive interactions. However, for strong repulsive interactions, topological pumping breaks down, but we show how to reinstate it by modifying the pump trajectory. Our results will prove useful for further investigations of interacting topological matter10, including edge effects11 and interaction-induced topological phases12-15.