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Chemphyschem ; 22(11): 1088-1093, 2021 06 04.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-33900679


Polymorphic salts of trans-1,2-bis(4-pyridyl)ethylene (bpe), 2[bpeH2 ] ⋅ (SO4 )(2HSO4 ) (1) and [bpeH2 ] ⋅ 2HSO4 (2) have been synthesized and their structures determined by X-ray crystallography. The Schmidt postulate predicts that neither of the salts will give rise to photodimerization so they can both potentially be applied as green light emitters. Despite the predictions, 1 undergoes a stereospecific solid-state photodimerization reaction with 100 % yield. This is due to UV induced combination of sliding and pedal-like movement of the pyridyl ring system that influences the alignment of C=C bonds. The sliding motion is restricted in 2. Consequently, the green emission from 1 is completely quenched after photodimerization. It is evident that counter ions play a dominant role in dis- and enabling photodimerization; their degree of protonization and lattice placement are important solvent controlled design parameters towards crystal structures that can act as future light emitters.

Phys Chem Chem Phys ; 22(45): 26241-26254, 2020 Nov 25.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-33174560


The vacuum ultraviolet (VUV) absorption spectra of cyclic ethers consist primarily of Rydberg ← n transitions. By studying three cyclic ethers of varying ring size (tetrahydropyran, tetrahydrofuran and trimethylene oxide, n = 6-4), we investigated the influence of ring size on the VUV excited-state dynamics of the 3d Rydberg manifold using time-resolved photoelectron spectroscopy (TRPES), time-resolved mass spectroscopy (TRMS) and ab initio electronic structure calculations. Whereas neither the electronic characters nor the term energies of the excited-states are substantially modified when the ring-size is reduced from n = 6 to 5 to 4, the excited-state lifetimes concomitantly decrease five-fold. TRPES and TRMS allow us to attribute the observed dynamics to a Rydberg cascade from the initially excited d-Rydberg manifold via the p-Rydberg manifold to the s-Rydberg state. Cuts through potential energy surfaces along the C-O bond reveal that a nσ* state crossing brings the s-Rydberg state along a path to the ring-opened ground state. The observed difference in excited-state lifetimes is attributed to an increasing slope along the repulsive C-O bond coordinate as ring size decreases.

J Chem Phys ; 153(24): 244307, 2020 Dec 28.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-33380089


Functional group substituents are a ubiquitous tool in ground-state organic chemistry often employed to fine-tune chemical properties and obtain desired chemical reaction outcomes. Their effect on photoexcited electronic states, however, remains poorly understood. To help build an intuition for these effects, we have studied ethylene, substituted with electron acceptor (cyano) and/or electron donor (methoxy) substituents, both theoretically and experimentally: using ab initio quantum molecular dynamics and time-resolved photoelectron spectroscopy. Our results show the consistent trend that photo-induced ethylenic dynamics is primarily localized to the carbon with the greater electron density. For doubly substituted ethylenes, the trend is additive when both substituents are located on opposite carbons, whereas the methoxy group (in concert with steric effects) dominates when both substituents are located on a single carbon atom. These results point to the development of rules for structure-dynamics correlations; in this case, a novel mechanistic ultrafast photochemistry for conjugated carbon chains employing long-established chemical concepts.

Phys Chem Chem Phys ; 21(5): 2283-2294, 2019 Jan 30.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-30397704


Symmetry effects in internal conversion are studied by means of two isomeric cyclic tertiary aliphatic amines in a velocity map imaging (VMI) experiment on the femtosecond timescale. It is demonstrated that there is a delicate structural dependence on when coherence is preserved after the transition between the 3p and 3s Rydberg states. N-Methyl morpholine (NMM) shows unambiguous preserved coherence, consistent with previous work, which is decidedly switched off by the repositioning of oxygen within the ring. From the differences in these dynamics, and an examination of the potential energy surface following the normal modes of vibration, it becomes clear that there is a striking dependence on atom substitution, which manifests itself in the permitted modes of vibration that take the system out of the Franck-Condon region through to the 3s minimum. It is shown that the non Fermi-like behaviour of NMM is due to a conical intersection (CI) between the 3px and 3s states lying directly along the symmetry allowed path of steepest descent out of the Franck-Condon region. NMI, where the symmetry has been changed, is shown to undergo internal conversion in a more Fermi-like manner as the energy spreads through the available modes ergodically.

Chemphyschem ; 19(21): 2829-2834, 2018 11 05.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-30084532


We investigate the ultrafast photoinduced dynamics of the cyclic disulfide 1,2-dithiane upon 200 nm excitation by time-resolved photoelectron spectroscopy and show that the S-S bond breaks on an ultrafast time scale. This stands in stark contrast to excitation at longer wavelengths where the initially excited S1 state evolves as the wavepacket is guided towards a conical intersection with S0 by a torsional motion involving a partially broken bond between the sulfur atoms. This process at lower excitation energy allows for efficient (re-)population of S0 , rendering dithiane intact. At 200 nm, in contrast, the excitation leads to a manifold of higher excited states, Sn , that are primarily of Rydberg character. We are able to follow the gradual transition from the initially excited state to the dissociative receiver state in real time. The Rydberg states are intersected by a repulsive valence state that mediates a transition to the repulsive S2 surface. Therefore, we propose that the resulting diradical will eventually break apart on a longer timescale. The findings imply that upon going from UV-B to UV-C light the structural integrity of the disulfide moiety is compromised and proteins irradiated in this range will not be able to reform the initial tertiary structure, leading to loss of function.

Phys Chem Chem Phys ; 20(19): 13412-13418, 2018 May 16.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-29722398


Bithiophenes serve as model systems for larger polythiophenes used in solar cell applications and molecular electronics. We report a study of ultrafast dynamics of two bithiophene systems measured with femtosecond time-resolved photoelectron spectroscopy, and show that their intersystem crossing takes place within the first few picoseconds after excitation, in line with previous studies. We show that the intersystem crossing rate can be explained in terms of arguments based on symmetry of the S1 minimum energy geometry, which depends on the specific conformation of bithiophene. Furthermore, this work shows that the minor cis-conformer contributes to an even higher intersystem crossing rate than the major trans conformer. The work presented here can provide guiding principles towards the design of solar cell components with even faster formation of long-lived excited states for solar energy harvesting.

Angew Chem Int Ed Engl ; 57(21): 6069-6072, 2018 05 22.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-29566296


Molecules comprised of three covalently linked bi-stable switches can exist in states described by a combination of binary numbers, one for each individual switch: ⟨000⟩, ⟨001⟩, etc. Here we have linked three photo-/thermoswitches together in a rigid macrocyclic structure, one azobenzene (bit no 1) and two dihydroazulenes (DHAs; bits no 2 and 3) and demonstrate how electronic interactions and unfavorable strain in some states can be used to control the speed by which a certain state is reached. More specifically, upon irradiation of state ⟨000⟩, the AZB isomerizes from trans to cis and the two DHAs to vinylheptafulvenes (VHFs), generating ⟨111⟩. The thermal VHF-to-DHA back-reactions from this state also occur stepwise and can be accelerated by photo-induced AZB cis-to-trans conversion, proceeding via ⟨011⟩ to ultimately furnish ⟨000⟩. Overall, the accessibility to a specific state of one bit was found to depend on the states of its neighboring bits.

J Org Chem ; 82(19): 10398-10407, 2017 10 06.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-28853882


Efficient energy storage and release are two major challenges of solar energy harvesting technologies. The development of molecular solar thermal systems presents one approach to address these issues by tuning the isomerization reactions of photo/thermoswitches. Here we show that the incorporation of photoswitches into macrocyclic structures is a particularly attractive solution for increasing the storage time. We present the synthesis and properties of a series of macrocycles incorporating two dihydroazulene (DHA) photoswitching subunits, bridged by linkers of varying chain length. Independent of ring size, all macrocycles exhibit stepwise, light-induced, ring-opening reactions (DHA-DHA to DHA-VHF to VHF-VHF; VHF = vinylheptafulvene) with the first DHA undergoing isomerization with a similar efficiency as the uncyclized parent system while the second (DHA-VHF to VHF-VHF) is significantly slower. The energy-releasing, VHF-to-DHA, ring closures also occur in a stepwise manner and are systematically found to proceed slower in the more strained (smaller) cycles, but in all cases with a remarkably slow conversion of the second VHF to DHA. We managed to increase the half-life of the second VHF-to-DHA conversion from 65 to 202 h at room temperature by simply decreasing the ring size. A computational study reveals the smallest macrocycle to have the most energetic VHF-VHF state and hence highest energy density.

Org Biomol Chem ; 15(46): 9809-9823, 2017 Nov 29.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-29019511


Boron subphthalocyanines (SubPcs) are powerful chromophoric heterocycles that can be synthetically modified at both axial and peripheral positions. Acetylenic scaffolding offers the possibility of building large, unsaturated carbon-rich frameworks that can exhibit excellent electron-accepting properties, and when combined with SubPcs it presents a convenient method for preparing interesting chromophore-acceptor architectures. Here we present synthetic methodologies for the post-functionalization of the relatively sensitive SubPc chromophore via acetylenic coupling reactions. By gentle AlCl3-mediated alkynylation at the axial boron position, we managed to anchor two SubPcs to the geminal positions of a tetraethynylethene (TEE) acceptor. Convenient conditions that allow for stepwise desilylations of trimethylsilyl (TMS) and triisopropylsilyl (TIPS) protected SubPc-decorated acetylenes using silver(i) fluoride were developed. The resulting terminal alkynes were successfully used as coupling partners in metal-catalyzed couplings, providing access to larger acetylenic SubPc scaffolds and multiple chromophore systems. Moreover, conditions allowing for the conversion of a terminal alkyne into an iodoalkyne in the presence of SubPc were developed, and the product was subjected to cross-coupling reactions affording unsymmetrical 1,3-butadiynes. The degree of interactions between two SubPc units as a function of the acetylenic bridge was studied by UV-Vis absorption spectroscopy and cyclic voltammetry. A TEE bridging unit was found to strongly influence the reductions and oxidations of the two SubPc units, while a more flexible bridge had no influence.

Chemistry ; 22(31): 10796-800, 2016 Jul 25.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-27253462


The conversion and efficient storage of solar energy is recognized to hold significant potential with regard to future energy solutions. Molecular solar thermal batteries based on photochromic systems exemplify one possible technology able to harness and apply this potential. Herein is described the synthesis of a macrocycle based on a dimer of the dihydroazulene/vinylheptafulvene (DHA/VHF) photo/thermal couple. By taking advantage of conformational strain, this DHA-DHA macrocycle presents an improved ability to absorb and store incident light energy in chemical bonds (VHF-VHF). A stepwise energy release over two sequential ring-closing reactions (VHF→DHA) combines the advantages of an initially fast discharge, hypothetically addressing immediate energy consumption needs, followed by a slow process for consistent, long-term use. This exemplifies another step forward in the molecular engineering and design of functional organic materials towards solar thermal energy storage and release.

Chemistry ; 22(41): 14567-75, 2016 Oct 04.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-27552740


Photochemical conversion of molecules into high-energy isomers that, after a stimulus, return to the original isomer presents a closed-cycle of light-harvesting, energy storage, and release. One challenge is to achieve a sufficiently high energy storage capacity. Here, we present efforts to tune the dihydroazulene/vinylheptafulvene (DHA/VHF) couple through loss/gain of aromaticity. Two derivatives were prepared, one with aromatic stabilization of DHA and the second of VHF. The consequences for the switching properties were elucidated. For the first type, sigmatropic rearrangements of DHA occurred upon irradiation. Formation of a VHF complex could be induced by a Lewis acid, but addition of H2 O resulted in immediate regeneration of DHA. For the second type, the VHF was too stable to convert into DHA. Calculations support the results and provide new targets. We predict that by removing one of the two CN groups at C-1 of the aromatic DHA, the heat storage capacity will be further increased, as will the life-time of the VHF. Calculations also reveal that a CN group at the fulvene ring retards the back-reaction, and we show synthetically that it can be introduced regioselectively.

J Phys Chem A ; 120(49): 9782-9793, 2016 Dec 15.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-27973809


We have investigated the effects of substituents on the properties of the dihydroazulene/vinylheptafulvene photoswitch. The focus is on the changes of the thermochemical properties by placing electron withdrawing and donating groups on the monocyano and dicyano structures of the parent dihydroazulene and vinylheptafulvene compounds. We wish to increase the energy storage capacity, that is, the energy difference between the dihydroazulene and vinylheptafulvene isomers, of the photoswitch by computational molecular design and have performed over 9000 electronic structure calculations using density functional theory. Based on these calculations, we obtain design rules for how to increase the energy storage capacity of the photoswitch. Furthermore, we have investigated how the activation energy for the thermally induced vinylheptafulvene to dihydroazulene conversion depends on the substitution pattern, and based on these results, we have outlined molecular design considerations for obtaining new desired target structures exhibiting long energy storage times. Selected candidate systems have also been investigated in terms of optical properties to elucidate how sensitive the absorption maxima are to the functionalizations.

Chemistry ; 21(20): 7454-61, 2015 May 11.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-25847100


One key challenge in the field of exploitation of solar energy is to store the energy and make it available on demand. One possibility is to use photochromic molecules that undergo light-induced isomerization to metastable isomers. Here we present efforts to develop solar thermal energy storage systems based on the dihydroazulene (DHA)/vinylheptafulvene (VHF) photo/thermoswitch. New DHA derivatives with one electron-withdrawing cyano group at position 1 and one or two phenyl substituents in the five-membered ring were prepared by using different synthetic routes. In particular, a diastereoselective reductive removal of one cyano group from DHAs incorporating two cyano groups at position 1 turned out to be most effective. Quantum chemical calculations reveal that the structural modifications provide two benefits relative to DHAs with two cyano groups at position 1: 1) The DHA-VHF energy difference is increased (i.e., higher energy capacity of metastable VHF isomer); 2) the Gibbs free energy of activation is increased for the energy-releasing VHF to DHA back-reaction. In fact, experimentally, these new derivatives were so reluctant to undergo the back-reaction at room temperature that they practically behaved as DHA to VHF one-way switches. Although lifetimes of years are at first attractive, which offers the ultimate control of energy release, for a real device it must of course be possible to trigger the back-reaction, which calls for further iterations in the future.

Chem Asian J ; 14(8): 1111-1116, 2019 Apr 15.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-29683264


The thermal electrocyclic ring-closure reaction of vinylheptafulvene (VHF) to form dihydroazulene (DHA) is elucidated herein by using DFT and 1 H NMR spectroscopy. Two different transition states were found computationally; one corresponds to a disrotatory pathway, which is allowed according to the Woodward-Hoffmann selection rules, whereas the other corresponds to a conrotatory pathway. The conrotatory pathway is found to be zwitterionic in the transition state, whereas the disrotatory transition state varies in zwitterionic character depending on solvent and substituents in the molecular framework. The conrotatory and disrotatory transition states are found to have similar energy and their relative stability varies with solvent polarity and functionalization at the C1 position. To support these findings, we chemically ring-opened diastereomerically pure 1-(benzothiazol-2-yl)-DHA to give the VHF form, then subsequently thermally reconverted the VHF to DHA in a range of solvents with various polarities. We found that, depending on solvent polarity, different ratios of anti- and syn-diastereoisomers of DHA were formed in a systematic manner, which supports the existence of two distinct thermal ring-closure pathways for VHF.