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J Appl Psychol ; 2023 Dec 07.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-38059951


Increasing racial diversity in organizations remains a challenge, as stereotype threat undermines the performance and career aspirations of minority group members during job recruitment. The present study examines how prospective leaders can leverage their influence on their followers' identities to mitigate the stereotype threat Black individuals face in this context. We explore the effects of two moral leadership styles (ethical vs. authentic) on stereotype threat in the context of recruitment. Specifically, we investigate whether prospective leaders' ingroup status moderates the relationship between ethical versus authentic leadership styles and candidates' stereotype threat during the selection process and candidates' willingness to join the organization. To this end, we conducted four experiments with Black residents of Brazilian favelas (impoverished neighborhoods), two of which included real-world job recruitment processes and physiological measures of stress (i.e., salivary cortisol and blood pressure). The results indicate that when the prospective leaders are from the outgroup, displaying ethical leadership by relying on community norms is more helpful in reducing Black candidates' threat and, in turn, promotes willingness to apply for the job. In contrast, when the leader is from the ingroup, displaying authentic leadership by emphasizing the importance of an internal moral compass is more helpful in reducing threat, and this effect is mediated by the identity process of inclusion of the leader in the self. Overall, the present study suggests that prospective direct supervisors have the critical ability to reduce stereotype threat, which can negatively affect Black applicants and their desire to join organizations. (PsycInfo Database Record (c) 2023 APA, all rights reserved).

Front Psychol ; 9: 100, 2018.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-29467706


Although research on implicit leadership theories (ILTs) has concentrated on determining which attributes define a leadership prototype, little attention has been paid to testing the relative importance of each of these attributes for individuals' leadership perceptions. Building on socio-cognitive theories of impression processes, we experimentally explore the formation of leadership perceptions based on the recognition of six key attributes in a series of three experimental studies comprising 566 US-based participants recruited online via Amazon Mechanical Turk. Our results show that while certain attributes play an important role in the leader categorization process, others are less relevant. We also demonstrate that some attributes' importance is contingent on the presence of other attributes and on the leadership schema type activated in respondents' minds. Consistent with the Leadership Categorization Theory, our findings support the premise that individuals cognitively hold a superordinate leadership prototype, which imposes constraints on their more basic level prototypes. We discuss the implications of these results for leadership theory and practice.

Springerplus ; 5: 586, 2016.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-27247883


BACKGROUND: The aim of this study is to identify, quantify, and characterize the international experiences available for general surgery residents in the general surgery residency programs in the United States (US). METHODS: The Fellowship and Residency Electronic Interactive Database (FREIDA) database was used to identify all the general surgery residency programs in the US. Each institution was contacted by both e-mail and telephone. Respondents were asked if an international experience was available for residents within their program and, if available, details of the experience were obtained. RESULTS: A total of 253 general surgery residency programs were identified using the FREIDA database. Eighty-six (34 %) programs were noted to offer an international experience for their residents. A majority are incorporated into the PGY 3 and PGY 4 level of training with a duration of 1-4 weeks. Common locations are evenly distributed among the Americas and Africa and are usually funded through a combination of resident and department funding. CONCLUSIONS: US resident interest in global health is growing along with an increasing demand for surgical care worldwide. This is one of the first studies to identify, quantify, and characterize in detail the international experiences currently available to general surgery residents within the general surgery training programs in the US. These results can help general surgery residency applicants with an interest in global health and also pave the path for residency programs to develop future international experiences.

Rev. adm. pública (Online) ; 54(3): 524-544, maio-jun. 2020. tab
Artigo em Inglês | LILACS | ID: biblio-1136963


Abstract Collective leadership, reflecting the representative and participatory character of bureaucracies, is known to have a good fit for public organizations. Despite the importance of the topic, very few studies have examined what triggers the emergence of shared or participative leadership in public organizations and how these plural forms of leadership translate into team outcomes. To fill this gap, this study explores whether the existence of an organizational climate characterized by participative safety (a climate characterized by shared purpose, social support, and voice) can facilitate the emergence of collective forms of leadership, such as shared leadership. Further, we investigate if shared leadership ultimately influences an important organizational outcome: voluntary turnover. To test our model, we conducted a field study with 96 public schools and more than 1,000 teachers of the public educational system of the city of Rio de Janeiro. Our results highlight the importance of the existence of a favorable organizational climate for the emergence of shared leadership and provide evidence of the positive effects of this type of leadership on reducing turnover ratings among public teachers.

Resumen El liderazgo compartido, que refleja el carácter representativo y participativo de las organizaciones públicas, es reconocido por su adecuación a este tipo de burocracia. Sin embargo, a pesar de la importancia del tema, pocos son los estudios han examinado qué desencadena la aparición del liderazgo compartido o participativo en las organizaciones públicas y cómo estas formas plurales de liderazgo se traducen en resultados organizacionales. Para llenar esta brecha, exploramos cómo la existencia de un clima organizacional caracterizado por la seguridad participativa (un clima determinado por propósito compartido, apoyo social y voz) puede facilitar estilos de colectivos de liderazgo, como el liderazgo compartido. Además, investigamos si el liderazgo puede tener impacto sobre un importante indicador organizacional: rotación de personal. Para probar nuestro modelo, realizamos un estudio de campo con 96 escuelas públicas y más de 1.000 profesores de la red pública de enseñanza de la ciudad de Río de Janeiro. Nuestros resultados resaltan la importancia de la existencia de un clima organizacional favorable al surgimiento del liderazgo compartido y evidencia los efectos positivos de ese tipo de liderazgo en la reducción de los índices de rotación de profesionales de la red pública.

Resumo A liderança coletiva, que reflete o caráter representativo e participativo das burocracias públicas, é reconhecida como um bom modelo para este tipo de organizações. No entanto, apesar da importância do tópico, poucos estudos exploraram o que promove a emergência da liderança compartilhada ou participativa em organizações públicas e como essas formas plurais de liderança se traduzem em resultados organizacionais. Para preencher essa lacuna, exploramos como a existência de um clima organizacional caracterizado pela segurança participativa (um clima marcado por propósito compartilhado, apoio social e voz) pode facilitar o de estilos de coletivos de liderança, como a liderança compartilhada. Além disso, investigamos se a liderança pode impactar um importante indicador organizacional: rotatividade. Para testar nosso modelo, realizamos um estudo de campo com 96 escolas públicas e mais de 1.000 professores da rede pública de ensino da cidade do Rio de Janeiro. Nossos resultados ressaltam a importância da existência de um clima organizacional favorável ao surgimento de liderança compartilhada e evidencia os efeitos positivos desse tipo de liderança na redução dos índices de rotatividade de profissionais da rede pública.

Administração Pública , Participação da Comunidade , Ensino Fundamental e Médio , Liderança
Rev. adm. pública (Online) ; 54(4): 758-781, jul.-ago. 2020. tab, graf
Artigo em Inglês | LILACS | ID: biblio-1136974


Abstract Government leaders who want to promote a collective response to disrupting events, such as the COVID-19 pandemic, need to foster a shared understanding of the crisis through effective communication. However, the tone and content of communication varies across and within countries and led to conflicting results in terms of collective sensemaking. To understand how government leaders' messages shape emotional and cognitive responses of citizens, we designed a 2x2 vignette experiment in which we manipulate the framing (pessimistic vs. optimistic) and content of the message (specific vs. general) delivered by a political leader. Results from 436 participants showed that while the tone of leader's messages has significant implications for the levels of anxiety and evaluation of the government's truthfulness and its overall response to the crisis, the content of the leader's message matters less. Furthermore, these effects were particularly experienced by women and left-leaning participants. Overall, our results highlight the importance of the leader's communication strategies on influencing the public's emotional reactions, as well as the perceptions of government effectiveness in dealing with the crisis.

Resumen Los líderes gubernamentales que desean promover una respuesta colectiva a eventos disruptivos, como la pandemia de COVID-19, deben promover una comprensión compartida de la crisis a través de una comunicación efectiva. Sin embargo, el tono y el contenido de dicha comunicación han variado entre los diferentes países, e incluso dentro de éstos, y han demostrado que promueven resultados conflictivos en términos de creación colectiva de sentido. Para entender cómo los mensajes de los líderes gubernamentales determinan las respuestas emocionales y cognitivas de los ciudadanos, desarrollamos un experimento 2x2 usando viñetas, en el que manipulamos el tono (pesimista contra optimista) y el contenido del mensaje (específico contra general) emitido por un líder político. Los resultados de 436 participantes mostraron que si bien el tono del mensaje del líder tiene implicaciones significativas para los niveles de ansiedad y para la evaluación de la transparencia del gobierno y de su respuesta general a la crisis, el contenido del mensaje del líder es menos importante. Además, esos efectos los sintieron particularmente las mujeres y los participantes con un posicionamiento político de la izquierda. En general, nuestros resultados resaltan la importancia de las estrategias de comunicación de los líderes para influir en las reacciones emocionales del público, así como las percepciones de la eficacia del gobierno al enfrentar una crisis.

Resumo As lideranças governamentais que desejam promover uma resposta coletiva a eventos disruptivos, como a pandemia da COVID-19, precisam promover um entendimento compartilhado da crise por meio de uma comunicação eficaz. No entanto, o tom e o conteúdo de tais comunicações têm variado entre países e até dentro deles e demonstrado promover resultados conflitantes em termos de criação coletiva de sentido. Para entender como as mensagens das lideranças governamentais moldam as respostas emocionais e cognitivas dos cidadãos, desenvolvemos um experimento 2x2 com uso de vinhetas, no qual manipulamos o tom (pessimista x otimista) e o conteúdo da mensagem (específica x geral) emitida por uma liderança política. Os resultados de 436 participantes mostraram que, embora o tom da mensagem da liderança tenha implicações significativas para os níveis de ansiedade e para a avaliação da transparência do governo e da sua resposta geral à crise, o conteúdo da mensagem da liderança é menos importante. Além disso, esses efeitos foram particularmente sentidos por mulheres e participantes com inclinação política à esquerda. No geral, nossos resultados destacam a importância das estratégias de comunicação da liderança para influenciar as reações emocionais do público, bem como as percepções da eficácia do governo ao lidar com a crise.

Humanos , Masculino , Feminino , Política , Infecções por Coronavirus , Estratégias de eSaúde , Capacidade de Liderança e Governança