Gametogenesis, which is essential to the sexual reproductive system, has drastically changed during plant evolution. Bryophytes, lycophytes and ferns develop reproductive organs called gametangia-antheridia and archegonia for sperm and egg production, respectively. However, the molecular mechanism of early gametangium development remains unclear. Here we identified a 'non-canonical' type of BZR/BES transcription factor, MpBZR3, as a regulator of gametangium development in a model bryophyte, Marchantia polymorpha. Interestingly, overexpression of MpBZR3 induced ectopic gametangia. Genetic analysis revealed that MpBZR3 promotes the early phase of antheridium development in male plants. By contrast, MpBZR3 is required for the late phase of archegonium development in female plants. We demonstrate that MpBZR3 is necessary for the successful development of both antheridia and archegonia but functions in a different manner between the two sexes. Together, the functional specialization of this 'non-canonical' type of BZR/BES member may have contributed to the evolution of reproductive systems.