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Rev Panam Salud Publica ; 47: e156, 2023.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-37901443


Objective: To highlight the objectives, achievements, challenges, and next steps for the World Health Organization's Global Initiative for Childhood Cancer (GICC) framework, a project designed to improve psychosocial care (PSC) in pediatric cancer centers across Latin America and the Caribbean (LAC). Methods: The project was launched in Peru, the first GICC focal country, in November 2020. The diagnosis phase included a survey and a semistructured interview with health professionals to assess PSC practices in institutions, and a needs assessment survey for caregivers. In the second phase, a strategic plan was developed to address the identified needs, including the adaptation of PSC standards, the establishment of multicenter working groups, the expansion of the proposal, and the development of materials. Results: The study found that PSC was not being adequately provided in accordance with international standards. Six adapted standards were proposed and validated, and more than 50 regional health professionals participated in online activities to support the project. The implementation process is currently ongoing, with the establishment of five multidisciplinary working groups, one regional committee, and the production of 16 technical outputs. Conclusion: This project represents a substantial step forward to improve PSC for pediatric patients with cancer and their families in LAC countries. The establishment of working groups and evidence-based interventions strengthen the proposal and its implementation. Development of health policies that include PSC according to standards is needed to achieve sustainable results in the quality of life of children with cancer and their families.

rev. psicogente ; 26(49)jun. 2023.
Artigo em Espanhol | LILACS-Express | LILACS | ID: biblio-1536970


Objetivo: Analizar el rol predictivo de las estrategias de afrontamiento y el soporte social percibido, sobre los estilos de humor en padres migrantes de niños con cáncer. Método: Se empleó un diseño cuantitativo transaccional-correlacional y un muestreo no probabilístico por conveniencia. Participaron 62 progenitores (11 hombres y 51 mujeres) entre los 20 y 61 años, quienes respondieron la Escala del Sentido del Humor (HSQ), el Cuestionario de Estimación del Afrontamiento (COPE) y el Medical Outcomes Study Social Support Survey (MOS-SSS). Resultados: Se establecieron modelos de regresión para el humor afiliativo (R²=0,19, p<0,001) y agresivo (R²=0,25, p<0,001), ambos considerados estilos de humor orientados a los demás. Respecto a los estilos orientados a uno mismo, para el humor de mejoramiento personal se desarrollaron dos modelos, el primero considera el soporte social global (R²=0,25, p< 0,001) y el segundo el soporte afectivo (R²=0,27, p< 0,001); y de la misma forma para el humor de descalificación personal, un modelo incluye el soporte social global (R²=0,28, p< 0,001) y el segundo el soporte instrumental (R²=0,27, p< 0,001). Conclusión: Las estrategias de afrontamiento y el soporte social en relación con los estilos de humor en contexto de enfermedad y migración demuestra la efectividad de ciertas estrategias y estilos considerados desadaptativos ante una situación altamente estresante.

Objective: To analyze the predictive role of coping strategies and social support over humor styles in parents who migrate along with children with cancer. Method: A transactional-correlational quantitative design and non-probabilistic convenience sampling were used. It involved 62 parents (11 men and 51 women) between 20 and 61 years. They answered the Humor Styles Questionnaire (HSQ), COPE Inventory (COPE) and the Medical Outcomes Study Social Support Survey (MOS-SSS). Results: Regression models were developed for affiliative (R²=0,19, p<0,001) and aggressive humor (R²=0,25, p<0,001), both considered humor styles towards others. For self-oriented humor styles, two models were built to predict self-enhancing humor. The first model considers global social support (R²=0,25, p<0,001), while the second model, affective support (R²=0,27, p<0,001). Likewise, the first model explaining self-defeating humor considers global social support (R²=0,28, p<0,001) and the second, instrumental support (R²=0,27, p<0,001). Discussion: Coping strategies and social support in relation to humor styles in the context of illness and migration demonstrate the effectiveness of certain strategies and styles considered maladaptive in face of a highly stressful situation.

Rev. panam. salud pública ; 47: e156, 2023. tab, graf
Artigo em Inglês | LILACS-Express | LILACS | ID: biblio-1530309


ABSTRACT Objective. To highlight the objectives, achievements, challenges, and next steps for the World Health Organization's Global Initiative for Childhood Cancer (GICC) framework, a project designed to improve psychosocial care (PSC) in pediatric cancer centers across Latin America and the Caribbean (LAC). Methods. The project was launched in Peru, the first GICC focal country, in November 2020. The diagnosis phase included a survey and a semistructured interview with health professionals to assess PSC practices in institutions, and a needs assessment survey for caregivers. In the second phase, a strategic plan was developed to address the identified needs, including the adaptation of PSC standards, the establishment of multicenter working groups, the expansion of the proposal, and the development of materials. Results. The study found that PSC was not being adequately provided in accordance with international standards. Six adapted standards were proposed and validated, and more than 50 regional health professionals participated in online activities to support the project. The implementation process is currently ongoing, with the establishment of five multidisciplinary working groups, one regional committee, and the production of 16 technical outputs. Conclusion. This project represents a substantial step forward to improve PSC for pediatric patients with cancer and their families in LAC countries. The establishment of working groups and evidence-based interventions strengthen the proposal and its implementation. Development of health policies that include PSC according to standards is needed to achieve sustainable results in the quality of life of children with cancer and their families.

resumen está disponible en el texto completo

RESUMO Objetivo. Destacar os objetivos, as conquistas, os desafios e as próximas etapas da Iniciativa Global para o Câncer Infantil (GICC), um projeto criado pela Organização Mundial da Saúde para melhorar a atenção psicossocial em centros de câncer pediátrico na América Latina e no Caribe. Métodos. O projeto foi lançado no Peru, o primeiro país focal da GICC, em novembro de 2020. A fase de diagnóstico incluiu uma pesquisa e uma entrevista semiestruturada com profissionais de saúde para avaliar as práticas de atenção psicossocial nas instituições, bem como uma pesquisa para avaliar as necessidades dos cuidadores. Na segunda fase, foi desenvolvido um plano estratégico para atender às necessidades identificadas, incluindo uma adaptação de padrões de atenção psicossocial, o estabelecimento de grupos de trabalho multicêntricos, a expansão da proposta e o desenvolvimento de materiais. Resultados. O estudo constatou que, de acordo com padrões internacionais, a atenção psicossocial não estava sendo adequadamente oferecida. Seis padrões adaptados foram propostos e validados, e mais de 50 profissionais de saúde da região participaram de atividades on-line para apoiar o projeto. O processo de implementação está em andamento, com a formação de cinco grupos de trabalho multidisciplinares e um comitê regional e a produção de 16 relatórios técnicos. Conclusão. Este projeto representa um avanço substancial para melhorar a atenção psicossocial para pacientes pediátricos com câncer e suas famílias nos países da América Latina e do Caribe. A criação de grupos de trabalho e intervenções baseadas em evidências fortalecem a proposta e sua implementação. É preciso desenvolver políticas de saúde que incluam atenção psicossocial segundo padrões estabelecidos para alcançar resultados sustentáveis na qualidade de vida das crianças com câncer e de suas famílias.