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Nanotechnology ; 29(6): 065202, 2018 Feb 09.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-29187648


Pumping single electrons at a set rate is being widely pursued as an electrical current standard. Semiconductor charge pumps have been pursued in a variety of modes, including single gate ratchet, a variety of 2-gate ratchet pumps, and 2-gate turnstiles. Whether pumping with one or two AC signals, lower error rates can result from better knowledge of the properties of the AC signal at the device. In this work, we operated a CMOS single-electron pump with a 2-gate ratchet style measurement and used the results to characterize and optimize our two AC signals. Fitting this data at various frequencies revealed both a difference in signal path length and attenuation between our two AC lines. Using this data, we corrected for the difference in signal path length and attenuation by applying an offset in both the phase and the amplitude at the signal generator. Operating the device as a turnstile while using the optimized parameters determined from the 2-gate ratchet measurement led to much flatter, more robust charge pumping plateaus. This method was useful in tuning our device up for optimal charge pumping, and may prove useful to the semiconductor quantum dot community to determine signal attenuation and path differences at the device.

Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-34877141


We discuss how the impending redefinition of the SI system of units might affect the ability of students to understand the link between the units and the new system. The redefinition will no longer define a set of base units, but rather a set of constants of nature, such as the elementary charge, e. We point out that this list of constants need not be the only way to introduce students to the subject, either in class or in textbooks. We suggest an alternative way to introduce high school and undergraduate students to the redefined SI, by suggesting a list of experiments for some units; this list would be completely compatible with the redefined SI, and would have all of the same scientific and technological advantages. We demonstrate by questionnaire results that this alternative is more appealing to students. We hope to spur a discussion amongst teachers regarding this important topic for high school and undergraduate physics courses.

Nano Lett ; 17(7): 4461-4465, 2017 07 12.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-28657758


With any roughness at the interface of an indirect-bandgap semiconducting dot, the phase of the valley-orbit coupling can take on a random value. This random value, in double quantum dots, causes a large change in the exchange splitting. We demonstrate a simple analytical method to calculate the phase, and thus the exchange splitting and singlet-triplet qubit frequency, for an arbitrary interface. We then show that, with lateral control of the position of a quantum dot using a gate voltage, the valley-orbit phase can be controlled over a wide range, so that variations in the exchange splitting can be controlled for individual devices. Finally, we suggest experiments to measure the valley phase and the concomitant gate voltage control.

Nanotechnology ; 25(40): 405201, 2014 Oct 10.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-25213165


We report on the charge offset drift (time stability) in Si single electron devices (SEDs) defined with aluminum (Al) gates. The size of the charge offset drift (0.15 e) is intermediate between that of Al/AlO(x)/Al tunnel junctions (greater than 1 e) and Si SEDs defined with Si gates (0.01 e). This range of values suggests that defects in the AlO(x) are the main cause of the charge offset drift instability.

J Appl Phys ; 131(20)2022.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-38524783


In recent years, interesting materials have emerged which are only available as µm-scale flakes, and whose novel physics might be better understood through broadband microwave spectroscopy; examples include twisted bilayer graphene [Y. Cao S. Fang, K. Watanabe, T. Taniguchi, E. Kaxiras and P. Jarillo-Herrero Nature 556, 43 (2018).], 2D materials in which many-body phases are observed [S. Chen R. Ribeiro-Palau, K. Yang, T. Taniguchi, J. Hone, M. O. Goerbig and C. R. Dean Physical Review Letters 122¸ 026802 (2019)], and artificial lattices for analog quantum simulations [J. Salfi J. A. Mol, R. Rahman, G. Klimeck, M. Y. Simmons, L. C. L. Hollenberg and S. Rogge Nature Communications 7, 1 (2016)]. Most previous techniques are unfortunately not sensitive for flakes below mm lateral sizes. We propose a simple technique which does not require sophisticated sample preparation nor Ohmic contact and show through theory and simulations that one will be able to qualitatively measure spectral features of interest, and quantitatively measure the frequency-dependent complex conductivity.

Sci Rep ; 10(1): 18216, 2020 Oct 26.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-33106545


Aluminum oxide ([Formula: see text])-based single-electron transistors (SETs) fabricated in ultra-high vacuum (UHV) chambers using in situ plasma oxidation show excellent stabilities over more than a week, enabling applications as tunnel barriers, capacitor dielectrics or gate insulators in close proximity to qubit devices. Historically, [Formula: see text]-based SETs exhibit time instabilities due to charge defect rearrangements and defects in [Formula: see text] often dominate the loss mechanisms in superconducting quantum computation. To characterize the charge offset stability of our [Formula: see text]-based devices, we fabricate SETs with sub-1 e charge sensitivity and utilize charge offset drift measurements (measuring voltage shifts in the SET control curve). The charge offset drift ([Formula: see text]) measured from the plasma oxidized [Formula: see text] SETs in this work is remarkably reduced (best [Formula: see text] over [Formula: see text] days and no observation of [Formula: see text] exceeding [Formula: see text]), compared to the results of conventionally fabricated [Formula: see text] tunnel barriers in previous studies (best [Formula: see text] over [Formula: see text] days and most [Formula: see text] within one day). We attribute this improvement primarily to using plasma oxidation, which forms the tunnel barrier with fewer two-level system (TLS) defects, and secondarily to fabricating the devices entirely within a UHV system.

Sci Rep ; 9(1): 7656, 2019 May 21.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-31114008


Charge noise can be detrimental to the operation of quantum dot (QD) based semiconductor qubits. We study the low-frequency charge noise by charge offset drift measurements for Si-MOS devices with intentionally implanted donors near the QDs. We show that the MOS system exhibits non-equilibrium drift characteristics, in the form of transients and discrete jumps, that are not dependent on the properties of the donor implants. The equilibrium charge noise indicates a 1/f noise dependence, and a noise strength as low as [Formula: see text], comparable to that reported in more model GaAs and Si/SiGe systems (which have also not been implanted). We demonstrate that implanted qubits, therefore, can be fabricated without detrimental effects on long-term drift or 1/f noise for devices with less than 50 implanted donors near the qubit.

J Appl Phys ; 1242018.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-31274883


We have measured the low-frequency time instability known as charge offset drift of Si/SiO2 single electron devices (SEDs) with and without an overall poly-Si top gate. We find that SEDs with a poly-Si top gate have significantly less charge offset drift, exhibiting fewer isolated jumps and a factor of two reduction in fluctuations about a stable mean value. The observed reduction can be accounted for by the electrostatic reduction in the mutual capacitance Cm between defects and the quantum dot, and increase in the total defect capacitance Cd due to the top gate. These results depart from the prominent interpretation that the level of charge offset drift in SEDs is determined by the intrinsic material properties, forcing consideration of the device design as well. We expect these results to be of importance in developing SEDs for applications from quantum information to metrology or wherever charge noise or integrability of devices is a challenge.

Phys Rev B ; 95(7)2017 Feb.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-29354794


The electrical control of single spin qubits based on semiconductor quantum dots is of great interest for scalable quantum computing since electric fields provide an alternative mechanism for qubit control compared with magnetic fields and can also be easier to produce. Here we outline the mechanism for a drastic enhancement in the electrically-driven spin rotation frequency for silicon quantum dot qubits in the presence of a step at a heterointerface. The enhancement is due to the strong coupling between the ground and excited states which occurs when the electron wave function overcomes the potential barrier induced by the interface step. We theoretically calculate single qubit gate times tπ of 170 ns for a quantum dot confined at a silicon/silicon-dioxide interface. The engineering of such steps could be used to achieve fast electrical rotation and entanglement of spin qubits despite the weak spin-orbit coupling in silicon.

J Appl Phys ; 119(13)2016 Apr.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-29353918


Pauli-spin blockade (PSB) is a transport phenomenon in double quantum dots that allows for a type of spin to charge conversion often used to probe fundamental physics such as spin relaxation and singlet-triplet coupling. In this paper, we theoretically explore Pauli-spin blockade as a function of magnetic field B applied parallel to the substrate. In the well-studied low magnetic field regime, where PSB occurs in the forward (1, 1) → (0, 2) tunneling direction, we highlight some aspects of PSB that are not discussed in detail in existing literature, including the change in size of both bias triangles measured in the forward and reverse biasing directions as a function of B. At higher fields, we predict a crossover to "reverse PSB" in which current is blockaded in the reverse direction due to the occupation of a spin singlet as opposed to the traditional triplet blockade that occurs at low fields. The onset of reverse PSB coincides with the development of a tail like feature in the measured bias triangles and occurs when the Zeeman energy of the polarized triplet equals the exchange energy in the (0, 2) charge configuration. In Si quantum dots, these fields are experimentally accessible; thus, this work suggests a way to observe a crossover in magnetic field to qualitatively different behavior.

J Phys Condens Matter ; 27(23): 235302, 2015 Jun 17.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-25992789


We present measurements of bias triangles in several biasing configurations. Using a capacitive model and two fit parameters we are able to predict the shapes and locations of the bias triangles in all measurement configurations. Furthermore, analysis of the data using this model allows us to present data from all four possible bias configurations on a single plot in chemical potential space. This presentation allows comparison between different biasing directions to be made in a clean and straightforward manner. Our analysis and presentation will prove useful in demonstrations of Pauli-spin blockade where comparisons between different biasing directions are paramount. The long term stability of the CMOS compatible Si/SiO2 only architecture leads to the success of this analysis. We also propose a simple variation to this analysis that will extend its use to systems lacking the long term stability of these devices.