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Oecologia ; 130(1): 78-87, 2002 Jan.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-28547028


Chronic herbivory by the stem-boring moth (Dioryctria albovittella) alters the sexual expression of a monoecious tree, pinyon pine (Pinus edulis) by reducing female function and increasing male function. Observations and long-term moth removal experiments show that 55% of susceptible trees can lose all female function. Moth herbivory has little effect on male function in young trees, but has an important effect on older trees, where moth-susceptible trees produced 1.5 times more pollen than moth-resistant trees. Susceptible trees were 6.5 times more likely to exhibit male-only function than either resistant trees or susceptible trees that have had their moths experimentally removed. This herbivore-induced sex change is caused primarily by differential moth attack and the resulting mortality of the shoots that bear female reproductive structures. Moth attack rates were positively correlated with individual stem biomass (female stems >non-reproductive stems >male stems). Moth attack also increased conelet abortion on unattacked shoots, indicating that moths indirectly reduce female function. Moth-induced altering of sexual function is also expressed at the population level. Male function is relatively greater in stands with high moth densities on stressful soils than in stands with few moths. Under certain conditions, sexual selection theory suggests that the negative effects on female function could be overcome with greater investment in male function. Because susceptible trees produce large amounts of pollen and are more abundant than moth-resistant trees, frequency-dependent selection may counteract selection against susceptible genotypes. Plant-herbivore interaction studies typically examine negative impacts of herbivory on female function, but not positive effects on male function. Here we demonstrate that herbivory may have important effects on the evolutionary ecology of pinyon by both promoting male function and depressing female function.

Oecologia ; 101(1): 29-36, 1995 Jan.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-28306972


We examined the abundances of three common insect herbivores on pure and hybrid pinyon pines along a 250-km transect in west-central Arizona, United States. Using six morphological traits, we developed a hybrid index to classify trees as pure Pinus californiarum, hybrid, or pure Pinus edulis. The insects (the stem-boring moth, Dioryctria albovittella, the scale insect, Matsucoccus acalyptus, and several species of pitch moths that produce wounds on the trunk and branches) exhibited different distributional patterns across tree types. Stem-boring moths were significantly more abundant on trees at "hybrid" sites compared to trees at "pure" sites. In addition, within hybrid sites, hybrids supported significantly more moth larvae than pure trees of either species. These two patterns support the hybrid susceptibility hypothesis in which hybrid breakdown results in increased susceptibility to herbivory. In contrast to stem-borers, there were significantly more pitch moth wounds on trees at pure P. californiarum sites than at hybrid and pure P. edulis sites. Within the hybrid zone, pitch moth abundance was equal on pure P. californiarum and hybrids, and both were significantly greater than on pure P. edulis. These within-site comparisons support the dominance hypothesis where hybrid resistance differs from one tree species, but not the other. Scale insects exhibited the most restricted distribution; over the 250 km transect they were found only in the hybrid zone. This supports the hybrid susceptibility and/or the stress hypothesis (i.e., species at the edge of their range suffer greater stress and are more susceptible to herbivory). We summed the mean numbers of these three common herbivores across sites and found that hybrid sites supported 2.1 and 3.9 times more herbivores than pure P. californiarum and P. edulis sites, respectively. Furthermore, tree mortality was on average, 35 times greater within the hybrid zone compared to pure zones of each species and was associated with the cumulative abundance of herbivores (r 2=0.646). Regardless of whether this mortality is due to insect infestation, stress or a combination of both, these results suggest that hybrid zones are important arenas of natural selection.

Oecologia ; 109(3): 389-397, 1997 Feb.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-28307536


Using 6 years of observational and experimental data, we examined the hypothesis that water and nutrient stress increase the susceptibility of pinyon pine (Pinus edulis) to the stem- and cone-boring moth (Dioryctria albovittella). At two geographic levels, a local scale of 550 km2 and a regional scale of 10,000 km2, moth herbivory was strongly correlated with an edaphic stress gradient. At a local scale, from the cinder soils of Sunset Crater to nearby sandy-loam soils, nine of ten soil macro- and micronutrients, and soil water content were lowest in cinder-dominated soils. Herbivore damage was six times greater on trees growing in the most water and nutrient deficient site at Sunset Crater compared to sites with well-developed soils. Percentage silt-clay content of soil, which was highly positively correlated with soil nutrient and soil moisture at a local scale, accounted for 56% of the variation in herbivory at a regional scale among 22 sites. Within and across sites, increased stem resin flow was positively associated with reduced moth attack. On the basis of moth distribution across a stress gradient, we predicted that pinyons growing in highly stressful environments would show increased resistance to herbivores if supplemented with water and/or nutrients. We conducted a 6-year experiment at a high-stress site where individual trees received water only, fertilizer only, and water + fertilizer. Relative to control trees, stem growth and resin flow increased in all three treatments, but only significantly in the water + fertilizer treatment. Although there was no significant difference in herbivore damage among these three treatments, there was an overall reduction in herbivore damage on all treatment trees combined, compared to control trees. This experiment suggests that release from stress leads to increased resistance to insect attack and is consistent with our observational data. While other studies have predicted that short-term stress will result in herbivore outbreaks, our studies extend this prediction to chronically stressed host populations. Finally, while flush-feeders are not predicted to respond positively to stressed host plants, we found a positive association between herbivore attack and stressed pinyon populations.