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J Fish Biol ; 2024 Mar 27.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-38533638


Migration is a critical aspect of ocean ecosystems, and understanding this phenomenon answers ecological and management questions. Given the difficulty in tracking ocean animals across large distances, the extent to which different ray species perform long-distance movements, such as migrations, remains unknown. This study used passive acoustic telemetry to track the movements of endemic diamond Gymnura natalensis and critically endangered duckbill Aetomylaeus bovinus rays along the South African coastline using a collaborative nationwide network of coastal acoustic receivers for up to 7 years. Duckbill rays were detected significantly more frequently than diamond rays, but both species moved between the south and east coasts of South Africa (traveling up to 1167 km). Tagged individuals were detected significantly more often in their tagging locations during summer months but traveled significantly further distances during winter months. Furthermore, movement models fitted to individual duckbill rays' annual net-squared displacement identified most individual annual movements as migratory. This evidence suggests that both diamond and duckbill rays make eastward winter migrations and return to specific areas along the coastline during the summer months. The exceptions to this were diamond rays tagged on the east coast that were not found to migrate seasonally, which supports previous research that there is intraspecific variability in migrations for ray species. These findings have implications for understanding ray migration not only on a global scale but also locally for spatial management interventions and population delineation.

J Fish Biol ; 2024 Jan 16.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-38226528


Acoustic telemetry has seen a rapid increase in utility and sophistication in recent years and is now used extensively to assess the behavior and survival rates of many aquatic animals, including the Atlantic salmon. As part of the salmon's complex life cycle, salmon smolts are thought to make a unidirectional migration from fresh water to the sea, which is initiated by changes in their physiology. However, some tag movement patterns do not conform with this and can be difficult to explain, particularly if the tagged fish has been eaten by a predator. This study combines the use of predator tags with machine learning techniques to understand the fate of migrating salmon smolts and thereby improve estimates for migration success. Over 3 years between 2020 and 2022, 217 salmon smolts (including wild and hatchery-reared ranched fish) were acoustically tagged and released into an embayment on the west coast of Ireland. Some tagged smolts were observed to return from the estuary back into a saline lagoon through which they had already migrated. To distinguish between the movement of a salmon smolt and that of a predator, predator tags were deployed in migrating smolts in 2021 and 2022. The addition of a temperature sensor in 2022 enabled the determination of predator type causing the returning movement. A significant number of predator tags were triggered, and the patterns of movement associated with these triggered tags were then used with two types of machine learning algorithms (hierarchical cluster analysis and random forest) to identify and validate the behavior of smolts tagged without extra sensors. Both models produced the same outputs, grouping smolts tagged with predator tags with smolts tagged without the additional sensors but showing similar movements. A mammalian predator was identified as the cause of most reversal movement, and hatchery-reared ranched smolts were found to be more likely predated upon by this predator than wild smolts within the lake and the estuary. However, overall migration success estimates were similar for both wild and hatchery-reared ranched fish. This study highlights the value of predator tags as an essential tool in the overall validation of detection data.

J Fish Biol ; 2024 Jun 05.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-38838707


Acoustic telemetry has emerged as an important tool for studying the movement and behavior of aquatic animals. Predation-sensing acoustic transmitters combine the functions of typical acoustic transmitters with the added ability to identify the predation of tagged animals. The objective of this paper was to assess the performance of a newly miniaturized acid-based predation-sensing acoustic transmitter (Innovasea V3D; 0.33 g in air). We conducted staged predation events in the laboratory where acoustically tagged rainbow trout (Oncorhynchus mykiss) were fed to largemouth bass (Micropterus nigricans) at 3.3-7.0, 9.0-10.8, 16.0-20.0, and 22.0-25.8°C. We also conducted false-positive tests where tagged rainbow trout were held at 10.0 and 16.8°C without the risk of predation. Predation events were successfully identified in 92% of the staged predation trials. Signal lag (i.e., the time required for a predation tag to indicate that predation occurred) ranged from 0.11 to 6.29 days and decreased strongly with increasing water temperature and increased with increasing body mass of the tagged prey. Tag retention in the gut of the predator was much more variable than signal lag and was influenced by water temperature and individual predators but not by prey mass. No false positives were detected after 60 days at either temperature (n = 27 individuals). Although the relationships between water temperature, signal lag, and retention time are likely species-specific, the data reported here provide useful information for the use of these transmitters to study predation in wild fishes, especially for temperate, freshwater fish.

J Fish Biol ; 2024 May 29.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-38812115


Predators display rhythms in behavior and habitat use, often with the goal of maximizing foraging success. The underlying mechanisms behind these rhythms are generally linked to abiotic conditions related to diel, lunar, or seasonal cycles. To understand their effects on the space use, activity, and swimming depth of gray reef sharks (Carcharhinus amblyrhynchos), we tagged 38 individuals with depth and accelerometer sensors in a French Polynesian atoll channel exposed to strong tidal flow, and monitored them over a year. C. amblyrhynchos used a larger space during nighttime and were more active at night and during outgoing currents. Shark activity also peaked during the full and new moons. The swimming depth of sharks was mostly influenced by diel cycles, with sharks swimming deeper during the day compared to nighttime. The dynamic energyscape may promote the emergence of discrete behavioral strategies in reef sharks that use the south channel of Fakarava for resting and foraging purposes. Turbulence imposed by outgoing tides induces additional foraging cost on sharks, shifting their hunting areas to the southern part of the channel, where turbulence is less pronounced. Understanding when and where sharks are active and foraging is important for our understanding of predator-prey dynamics and ecosystem dynamics. This study highlights how abiotic rhythms in a highly dynamic environment likely generate spatiotemporal heterogeneity in the distribution of predation pressure.

J Fish Biol ; 2024 May 28.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-38807298


The homing behavior and site fidelity to habitats in various fishes, including anguillid eels (genus Anguilla), are fascinating. However, little is known about how yellow-phase eels exhibit homing behavior and the sensory mechanisms involved. Using acoustic telemetry, we investigated the homing behavior of 18 Japanese eels, A. japonica, with total lengths ranging from 204 to 570 mm, in a narrow freshwater river in inland central Japan, where salinity gradient, tidal current, and magnetic sense cannot be used for their homing, but where olfaction could play a role. The tagged eels captured upstream and downstream were released downstream and upstream, respectively. The results showed that large eels, over approximately 400 mm in total length, exhibited homing behavior to their original sampling locations (likely to shelters and foraging sites, where they probably spent a longer time than in other locations and grew successfully) from outside their home ranges, predominantly during the dark period. Homing success was not affected by the two capture locations, indicating that eels did not use olfactory cues for short-range homing in freshwater rivers.

J Fish Biol ; 2024 Jul 24.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-39048359


Native to Central and Eastern Europe, the euryhaline pikeperch Sander lucioperca can acclimatize to elevated salinity levels (e.g., up to 30‰), but it remains unknown whether their invasive populations use this ability to inhabit and/or disperse through brackish waters, such as estuaries and inshore areas. To test whether invasive pikeperch show a propensity to move into areas of relatively high salinity, their spatial use and movement patterns (e.g., home range, distances moved, and movement rates) were assessed using acoustic telemetry in the upper River Thames estuary, southeast England. Analyses revealed that individual pikeperch were capable of moving relatively long distances in a short time (e.g., speeds up to 70 m min-1), with movement patterns associated more with tidal state and elevation at the water surface (both assumed to relate to changes in salinity) than diurnal changes. There were no recorded movements of any pikeperch into the more saline, downstream waters of the estuary where salinity levels were recorded to over 40‰, with the mean salinity in the most downstream area where pikeperch were detected being 1.39‰ (range of logger: 1.22-1.71). The results suggest that these pikeperch did not use high salinity waters when less saline waters were available, and thus the risk that they will use to move through high salinity areas to expand their invasive range appears low. Accordingly, efforts to minimize risks of the further dispersal of invasive pikeperch populations can focus on control and containment programmes within fresh waters.

J Fish Biol ; 2024 May 16.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-38752417


The widespread adoption of acoustic telemetry has transformed our understanding of marine species' behavior and movement ecology. However, accurately interpreting telemetry data, especially concerning tagging mortality, is essential for drawing valid conclusions. In this study, we scrutinized tagging mortality in 223 individuals across 14 species and evaluated the impact of tagging methodologies, including capture method and size effects. Results reveal high tagging survival rates overall, attributable to the resiliency of the studied species and the rigorous animal welfare protocols followed during tagging procedures. Our results highlight the importance of tailoring array designs to the specific mobility patterns of the studied species for accurate survival assessments. This research contributes to generalizing mortality assessments and clearing the path for more precise and reliable telemetry studies in the future.

J Fish Biol ; 2024 Apr 17.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-38632858


Rock hind (Epinephelus adscensionis) and spotted moray (Gymnothorax moringa) are ubiquitous mesopredators that co-occur in the nearshore waters of Ascension Island in the South Atlantic Ocean, where they have significant cultural and subsistence value, but management of their non-commercial take is limited. This isolated volcanic system is home to high biomass and low species diversity, which poses two key questions: How can two mesopredators that perform similar ecological roles coexist? And if these two species are so ecologically similar, can they be managed using the same approach? Here, we combined acoustic telemetry, stomach content analysis, and stable isotope analysis to (i) explore space use and diet choices within and between these two species and (ii) to assess appropriate species-specific management options. Although rock hind had high residency and small calculated home ranges (0.0001-0.3114 km2), spotted moray exhibited shorter periods of residency (<3 months) before exiting the array. Vertical space use differed significantly across the 20-month tracking period, with individual differences in vertical space observed for both species. A hierarchical generalized additive model using 12-h averaged depth data identified that rock hind occurred lower in the water column than spotted moray, with both species occupying moderately deeper depths at night versus day (+1.6% relative depth). Spotted moray depth was also significantly predicted by lunar illumination. Aggregating samples by species and tissue type, Bayesian ecological niche modeling identified a 53.14%-54.15% and 78.02%-97.08% probability of niche overlap from fin clip and white muscle, respectively, whereas limited stomach content data indicated a preference for piscivorous prey. Variability in niche breadth between years suggests these species may exploit a range of prey items over time. These findings indicate that although these two species perform a similar ecological role by feeding on prey occupying the same trophic levels, subtle differences in movement behaviors between them suggest a one-rule-fits-all management approach is not likely the most effective option.

J Fish Biol ; 2024 Sep 30.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-39350433


Estuaries support diverse fish and invertebrate communities, including resident species that rely on estuarine habitats year-round and transient migratory species. The unique movement patterns of these animals connect habitats within and far beyond the estuary and are integrally linked to fisheries management objectives. With a focus on Chesapeake Bay, this study leveraged data from collaborative acoustic telemetry networks in the northwest Atlantic to assess habitat use and phenology of movements for seven species of fish (cownose rays, dusky sharks, smooth dogfish, alewife, striped bass, common carp, and blue catfish) and one invertebrate (horseshoe crabs). A total of 288 acoustically tagged individuals were detected >3.2 million times (6,743 to 2,095,717 detections per species) on receivers across ~20.5 degrees of latitude spanning the North American Atlantic seaboard from Florida, USA, to New Brunswick, Canada. Common metrics of movement and phenology grouped these species as resident (common carp, blue catfish, horseshoe crabs), primarily resident in estuaries (juvenile striped bass), and coastal migrant (cownose rays, dusky sharks, smooth dogfish, alewife); maximum distance traveled varied by three orders of magnitude among these species. Further analysis of phenology for coastal migrants elucidated the timing and duration of these species' use of Chesapeake Bay. Collectively, movements linked habitats within Chesapeake Bay and connected the estuary to coastal ecosystems both to the north (e.g., alewife) and south (e.g., cownose rays), creating networks of fisheries management jurisdictions that varied in complexity and identified opportunities for enhancement to current management or co-management of some species. Our results elucidate the importance of estuaries to species with diverse movement behaviors, identify scales and pathways of habitat connectivity via animal movements, and highlight the utility of collaborative acoustic telemetry networks for quantifying movements relevant to both ecological research and fisheries management.

J Fish Biol ; 2024 Jun 26.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-38924061


Seasonal migrations of marine fish between shallow summer feeding habitats and deep overwintering grounds are driven by fluctuations in the biotic and abiotic environment as well as by changes in the internal state. Ontogenetic shifts in physiology and metabolism affect the response to environmental drivers and may lead to changes in migration timing and propensity. In this study, we investigated the effect of temperature and body size on migration timing and depth distribution in acoustically tagged Atlantic cod, Gadus morhua, and saithe, Pollachius virens, during the period of seasonal migration from shallow summer habitats. The results from our study revealed a wide range of horizontal and vertical distribution of age 1 and 2 G. morhua within the fjord. Larger G. morhua inhabited deeper, cooler waters than smaller juveniles, likely reflecting size-dependent thermal preferences and predation pressure. Conversely, juvenile P. virens occupied primarily shallow waters close to land. The variation in depth distribution of G. morhua was mainly explained by body size and not, against our predictions, by water temperature. Conversely, the dispersal from the in-fjord habitats occurred when water temperatures were high, suggesting that seasonal temperature fluctuations can trigger the migration timing of P. virens and larger G. morhua from summer habitats. Partial migration of small juvenile G. morhua from in-fjord foraging grounds, likely influenced by individual body condition, suggested seasonal migration as a flexible strategy that individuals may use to reduce predation and energetic expenditure. Predation mortality rates of tagged juveniles were higher than previously suggested and are the first robust predation mortality rates for juvenile G. morhua and P. virens estimated based on acoustic transmitters with acidity sensors. The results have relevance for climate-informed marine spatial planning as under the scenario of increasing ocean temperatures, increasing summer temperatures may reduce the juveniles' resource utilization in the shallow summer nurseries, resulting in lower growth rates, increased predation pressure, and lower chances of juvenile winter survival.

J Fish Biol ; 104(6): 1860-1874, 2024 Jun.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-38494640


Anthropogenic barriers are widely known to negatively impact the spawning migrations of anadromous fishes, by delaying or preventing passage upstream. Although the impacts of barriers on emigrating post-spawned adults are less well studied, they could potentially impact the fitness and subsequent return rates of iteroparous species. In this study, passive acoustic telemetry was used to track the emigrations of 53 twaite shad Alosa fallax in the River Severn basin in their first spawning migration a year after being tagged, giving insights into their emigration movements and the impacts of anthropogenic weirs on these movements. A. fallax began their emigrations after spending varying amounts of time and migrating various distances within the river, with late-emigrating individuals moving fastest and most directly. Emigrations became faster and more direct the further downstream individuals were from their furthest upstream extent. Downstream passage delays at weirs increased emigration times by a median of 61%, with environmental conditions (i.e., temperature, flow, and tidal influence on river level) having little influence on downstream passage at weirs with no modifications to facilitate fish passage. As weir-induced emigration delays are suggested to deplete energy reserves (when energy levels are already depleted post-spawning), limit spawning opportunities (by preventing access to downstream spawning habitat), and expose individuals to increased predation risk and suboptimal conditions (e.g., high temperatures), these delays can potentially diminish the benefits of iteroparity. The evidence presented here suggests that more consideration should be given to the potential impacts of anthropogenic barriers on the emigrations of iteroparous species when assessing river connectivity or undertaking barrier mitigation.

Migração Animal , Rios , Telemetria , Animais , Reprodução
J Fish Biol ; 2024 Aug 20.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-39165097


Conservation decisions surrounding which fish habitats managers choose to protect and restore are informed by fish habitat models. As acoustic telemetry has allowed for improvements in our ability to directly measure fish positions year-round, so too have there been opportunities to refine and apply fish habitat models. In an area with considerable anthropogenic disturbance, Hamilton Harbour in the Laurentian Great Lakes, we used telemetry-based fish habitat models to identify key habitat variables, compare habitat associations among seasons, and spatially identify the presence distribution of six fish species. Using environmental data and telemetry-based presence-absence from 2016 to 2022, random forest models were developed for each species across seasons. Habitat variables with the highest relative importance across species included fetch, water depth, and percentage cover of submerged aquatic vegetation. The presence probability of each species was spatially predicted for each season within Hamilton Harbour. Generally, species showed a spatial range expansion with greater presence probability in the fall and winter to include parts of the harbor further offshore, and a range contraction in the spring and summer toward the nearshore, sheltered areas, with summer having the most limited habitat availability. Greater habitat suitability was predicted in western Hamilton Harbour for the majority of species, whereas the east end was less suitable and may benefit from habitat restoration. These types of fish habitat models are highly flexible and can be used with a variety of data, not just telemetry, and should be considered as an additional tool for fish habitat and fisheries managers alike.

J Fish Biol ; 2024 Aug 12.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-39129462


There is some evidence that the river migration success of Atlantic salmon smolts, on their first migration to sea, varies both spatially and temporally. However, we have only a poor understanding of what may be driving this variation. In this study, we used acoustic telemetry to quantify the spatial and temporal variations in river migration success in Atlantic salmon smolts on their first migration to sea. In total 4120 Atlantic salmon smolts migrating through 22 rivers in Scotland, England, Ireland, and Northern Ireland over multiple years were included in the study. Individuals were defined as successful migrants if detected leaving the river to enter marine waters. The results show significant temporal (up to 4 years) and spatial (river) variations in migration success, with overall between-river migration success varying from 3.4% to 97.0% and between years from 3.4% and 61.0%. Temporal variation in migration success was river specific, with some rivers being more temporally stable (exhibiting little variation between years) than others. Across all rivers and years, individual migration success was predicted positively by body condition and negatively by tag burden. The rate of migration success for a population (migration success standardized to a common river distance [proportion km-1]) was predicted by a number of environmental factors. The proportion of river catchment that comprised wetland and woodland positively predicted migration success, whereas the proportion of grassland and peatland in a catchment negatively predicted the rate of migration success. Although the mechanisms through which these effects may be operating were not directly examined in this study, we discuss some potential routes through which they may occur.

J Fish Biol ; 2024 Jul 05.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-38965998


Acoustic telemetry has been used to monitor the movement of aquatic animals in a broad range of aquatic environments. Despite their importance, mangrove habitats are understudied for the spatial ecology of elasmobranchs, with acoustic telemetry rarely used inside mangrove habitats. One reason for this may be a general assumption that acoustic signals would not be able to be detected by receivers in such shallow, structurally complex, environments. This study tested whether acoustic receivers can be used inside mangrove habitats to track the movement of sharks and rays. Thirty-eight receivers were deployed in a mangrove system in Pioneer Bay, Orpheus Island, Great Barrier Reef, including inside mangroves, mangrove edges, and adjacent reef flat areas. The detection range and receiver performance metrics, such as code detection efficiency, rejection coefficient, and noise quotient, were examined and tested among habitats. The results highlighted that the signal from transmitters was successfully detected inside mangrove habitats as well as on the adjacent reef flat. The range to detect at least 50% of transmissions was up to 20 m inside mangroves and up to 120 m outside mangroves. The performance metrics of acoustic receivers inside the mangrove habitat were characterized by low background noise, low rejection rates, and reasonably high code detection efficiency. Furthermore, this study tested the application of this method on juvenile blacktip reef shark Carcharhinus melanopterus and mangrove whipray Urogymnus granulatus, and demonstrated that it can be used to successfully track animals inside mangrove habitat. This novel method could reveal further information on how sharks and rays use mangrove habitats.

J Fish Biol ; 2024 May 09.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-38721880


Marine predators are vital to the healthy functioning of coastal ecosystems, but to understand their roles, it is necessary to elucidate their movement ecology, particularly in relation to one another. A decade's worth of acoustic telemetry data (2011-2020) from Algoa Bay, South Africa, was investigated to determine how two mesopredatory species (teleosts: dusky kob Argyrosomus japonicus, n = 11, and leervis Lichia amia, n = 16) and two top predatory species (sharks: ragged-tooth sharks Carcharias taurus, n = 45, and white sharks Carcharodon carcharias, n = 31) used and shared this bay ecosystem. Multi-annual seasonal fidelity to the bay was exhibited by all species, but differences in residency were observed among species. Similarly, species used space in the bay differently-the teleosts moved less and had movements restricted to the central and western inshore regions of the bay. Conversely, the sharks roamed more, but detections were concentrated in the western part of the bay for C. taurus and in the eastern part of the bay for C. carcharias. Social network analysis showed that species segregated in space and time on a fine scale. However, there was some interaction observed between C. taurus, L. amia, and A. japonicus, but to varying degrees. This is likely because of strong habitat preferences exhibited by each species and predator-prey relationships between these predatory guilds. Results highlight that the sheltered marine Algoa Bay is a resource-rich environment, supporting multiple predators with different hunting strategies albeit similar prey preferences. Finally, these species are likely afforded some protection by the current Greater Addo Elephant National Park Marine Protected Area in the bay but are vulnerable to fishing pressure when they leave this ecosystem.

J Environ Manage ; 352: 120047, 2024 Feb 14.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-38190781


Mass development of macrophytes is an increasing problem worldwide and they are frequently removed where they are in conflict with local waterway users. Yet, macrophytes can provide important refuge and nursery habitats for fish. Little is known about the consequences of macrophyte removal for fish behavioural space use and habitat selection. We hypothesised that macrophyte removal would affect brown trout (Salmo trutta) movement during the partial removal of the aquatic plant Juncus bulbosus (L.) in an oligotrophic impounded Norwegian river.We tagged 94 brown trout and tracked them using passive acoustic telemetry for 10 months and mapped the cover of J. bulbosus. Trout behavioural patterns were quantified as space use (utilisation areas 50% and 95%) which was linked to habitat use and selection for J. bulbosus. Removal of J. bulbosus influenced space use of brown trout by reducing the core utilisation area by 22%. Habitat use and selection were likewise influenced by removal with increased use and selection of areas with low J. bulbosus cover (<25%) with corresponding reduction in high J. bulbosus cover (>25-75%). Finally, diurnal differences in space use and habitat use were found, with 19% larger utilisation areas at night and higher use of areas with low J. bulbosus during daytime. Yet, all effect sizes were relatively small compared to the size of the study area. This research provides a detailed case study on the effects of macrophyte removal on fish behavioural patterns in a section of a large Norwegian river with macrophyte mass development. We found no large effects of removal on trout behaviour but noted an increased use of areas with low macrophyte cover. This research is relevant for water managers and policy makers of freshwater conservation and provides a template for using acoustic telemetry to study the effects of macrophyte removal on fish.

Ecossistema , Truta , Animais , Truta/fisiologia , Água Doce , Rios , Plantas
Am Nat ; 201(4): 586-602, 2023 04.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-36958006


AbstractUnifying models have shown that the amount of space used by animals (e.g., activity space, home range) scales allometrically with body mass for terrestrial taxa; however, such relationships are far less clear for marine species. We compiled movement data from 1,596 individuals across 79 taxa collected using a continental passive acoustic telemetry network of acoustic receivers to assess allometric scaling of activity space. We found that ectothermic marine taxa do exhibit allometric scaling for activity space, with an overall scaling exponent of 0.64. However, body mass alone explained only 35% of the variation, with the remaining variation best explained by trophic position for teleosts and latitude for sharks, rays, and marine reptiles. Taxon-specific allometric relationships highlighted weaker scaling exponents among teleost fish species (0.07) than sharks (0.96), rays (0.55), and marine reptiles (0.57). The allometric scaling relationship and scaling exponents for the marine taxonomic groups examined were lower than those reported from studies that had collated both marine and terrestrial species data derived using various tracking methods. We propose that these disparities arise because previous work integrated summarized data across many studies that used differing methods for collecting and quantifying activity space, introducing considerable uncertainty into slope estimates. Our findings highlight the benefit of using large-scale, coordinated animal biotelemetry networks to address cross-taxa evolutionary and ecological questions.

Organismos Aquáticos , Peixes , Animais , Comportamento de Retorno ao Território Vital
J Anim Ecol ; 92(10): 1966-1978, 2023 10.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-37485731


Movement diversity within species represent an important but often neglected, component of biodiversity that affects ecological and genetic interactions, as well as the productivity of exploited systems. By combining individual tracking data from acoustic telemetry with novel genetic analyses, we describe the movement diversity of two Atlantic cod Gadus morhua ecotypes in two high-latitude fjord systems: the highly migratory Northeast Arctic cod (NEA cod) that supports the largest cod fishery in the world, and the more sedentary Norwegian coastal cod, which is currently in a depleted state. As predicted, coastal cod displayed a higher level of fjord residency than NEA cod. Of the cod tagged during the spawning season, NEA cod left the fjords permanently to a greater extent and earlier compared to coastal cod, which to a greater extent remained resident and left the fjords temporarily. Despite this overall pattern, horizontal movements atypical for the ecotypes were common with some NEA cod remaining within the fjords year-round and some coastal cod displaying a low fjord fidelity. Fjord residency and exit timing also differed with spawning status and body size, with spawning cod and large individuals tagged during the feeding season more prone to leave the fjords and earlier than non-spawning and smaller individuals. While our results confirm a lower fjord dependency for NEA cod, they highlight a movement diversity within each ecotype and sympatric residency between ecotypes, previously undetected by population-level monitoring. This new knowledge is relevant for the management, which should base their fisheries advice for these interacting ecotypes on their habitat use and seasonal movements.

Gadiformes , Gadus morhua , Humanos , Animais , Ecótipo , Simpatria , Gadus morhua/genética , Biodiversidade
J Anim Ecol ; 92(12): 2333-2347, 2023 12.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-37843043


Foraging is a behavioural process and, therefore, individual behaviour and diet are theorized to covary. However, few comparisons of individual behaviour type and diet exist in the wild. We tested whether behaviour type and diet covary in a protected population of Atlantic cod, Gadus morhua. Working in a no-take marine reserve, we could collect data on natural behavioural variation and diet choice with minimal anthropogenic disturbance. We inferred behaviour using acoustic telemetry and diet from stable isotope compositions (expressed as δ13 C and δ15 N values). We further investigated whether behaviour and diet could have survival costs. We found cod with shorter diel vertical migration distances fed at higher trophic levels. Cod δ13 C and δ15 N values scaled positively with body size. Neither behaviour nor diet predicted survival, indicating phenotypic diversity is maintained without survival costs for cod in a protected ecosystem. The links between diet and diel vertical migration highlight that future work is needed to understand whether the shifts in this behaviour during environmental change (e.g. fishing or climate), could lead to trophic cascades.

Ecossistema , Gadus morhua , Animais , Clima , Isótopos , Comportamento Espacial
J Fish Biol ; 102(2): 465-478, 2023 Feb.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-36433764


The global population of European eel (Anguilla anguilla) is rapidly declining, and migration barriers in rivers are believed to be one of several key causes. While progress has been made in the development of bypass solutions, they are often constructed based on a limited knowledge of swimming behaviour. A bypass close to the stream bed is often recommended at fish passage facilities to accommodate downstream eel migration. The results of this recommendation are poorly studied, and the few studies that exist show varying bypass efficiencies. The current study used acoustic telemetry with depth sensors to explore the three-dimensional migratory behaviour of downstream-migrating silver eels. The eels were tracked as they approached a hydropower plant with a state-of-the-art angled bar rack and full-depth bypass. Downstream and upstream swimming differed in preferred vertical and lateral positions. During periods of local downstream movement, the density of observations was largest in the upper middle section, away from the river boundaries and in higher velocities. Conversely, when moving upstream, eels tended to avoid the upper layers of the middle part of the river, swimming closer to the riverbed and using the bank areas to a greater extent. Downstream-moving fish swam higher in the water column during night and in turbid conditions (high discharge). When approaching the impassable bar rack and the full-depth bypass, the eels searched most intensely but not exclusively along the bottom third of the rack, often exploring at new depths after changing direction. The impediment passage efficiency was 100% when both bypass solutions were considered. The study provides knowledge of the swimming behaviour of silver eels, which is relevant for the design of bypass solutions for eels at migration barriers.

Anguilla , Animais , Migração Animal , Enguias , Natação , Rios , Telemetria