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Psychoanal Rev ; 108(1): 97-120, 2021 Mar.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-33617338


The author describes the evolution of theory and practice at the New York Psychoanalytic Society and Institute. The core concepts at the Institute have included the importance of unconscious fantasy, conflict and compromise theory, transference and countertransference, and defense analysis. In recent years, a variety of contemporary analytic theories have been incorporated into the theory and practice of the Institute. The importance of systematized research to theory development and practice is stressed.

Terapia Psicanalítica , Contratransferência , Fantasia , Humanos , Interpretação Psicanalítica , Teoria Psicanalítica , Cidade de Roma , Transferência Psicológica
J Am Psychoanal Assoc ; 67(4): 625-653, 2019 08.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-31604388


In 2000, Jeffrey Arnett, a developmental research psychologist, proposed a new phase of development that he called "emerging adulthood." He delineated developmental challenges centered on identity, role exploration, and subjective experience and linked his observations to changes in the demographics and culture of contemporary society. This proposal elicited an extraordinary response in the research community, but the reaction among psychoanalysts has been tepid at best: developmental phases have not been amended for almost a century, and in some schools the very notion of such phases has been discredited. Adult development has historically attracted mostly lifespan psychoanalysts, and the concept of identity has never achieved full psychoanalytic status. But both adulthood and identity merit psychoanalytic legitimacy: adulthood because it looms in the mind as a meaningful endpoint that shapes earlier stages, and identity because it is a complex, organizing aspect of self-representation. The concept of emerging adulthood, too, has sufficient validity and heuristic value to be considered a developmental phase, provided we loosen our fixed ideas about what constitutes "developmental" and take a fresh look at the sweep of human development as it is shaping up in a transformed world.

Envelhecimento/psicologia , Teoria Psicanalítica , Adolescente , Humanos , Adulto Jovem
Front Psychol ; 10: 1781, 2019.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-31496965


Psychoanalytic innovation is easy to recognize but difficult to define. There is a dearth of literature exploring the nature of innovation in our field. My main thesis is that psychoanalytic innovation can be of two types. Psychoanalytic innovation of the first order is about new discoveries concerning facts related to the psyche, development, transference relations, or psychopathology. It usually emerges as a development of insights from canonical psychoanalytic theory; offers an original explanation for a choice of empirical psychic phenomena hitherto unexamined; is perceived as creative and useful when it succeeds to reconceptualize the relations between the patient's past, unconscious dynamics, and the transference relations; often resembles poetic expression; and registers a truth we knew but did not yet put into words. When it is of the second order, psychoanalytic innovation challenges either methodological or philosophical assumptions held by psychoanalysis, without pretending to replace existing theories. It constitutes a "sensibility" that its adherents strive to incorporate into the existing corpus. I distinguish between two types of sensibilities: cultural -philosophical sensibility represented by the relational approach; and methodological sensibility represented by infant research, and neuropsychoanalysis. In the last part of the paper I analyze psychoanalytic progress pointing to its merits and shortcomings.

J. psicanal ; 54(101): 73-88, jul.-dez. 2021. ilus
Artigo em Português | LILACS, INDEXPSI | ID: biblio-1350992


Este artigo propõe reflexões sobre o sofrimento psíquico no contexto universitário, destacando a problemática do racismo com base em uma vinheta clínica. Como referencial teórico diante de tal tarefa utilizaremos as contribuições das teorias psicanalíticas de grupo, particularmente o pensamento do psicanalista francês René Kaës. O acesso ao ensino superior para algumas camadas sociais não se dá sem a existência de diversas barreiras que afetam as condições de pertencimento efetivo à universidade, tais barreiras incluem questões relativas a classe, raça e gênero. A partir da experiência apresentada, propomos uma problematização que posiciona o racismo brasileiro no campo do pacto denegativo. A invisibilização do debate em relação à questão da cor da pele juntamente com a suposta democracia racial no Brasil se constituem em mecanismos que sustentam o racismo institucional no país.Dessa forma, entendemos que a luta contra o racismo demanda o rompimento do pacto de silêncio e do imobilismo que o sustenta.

This article proposes reflections on psychic suffering in the university context, highlighting the problem of racism. Our theoretical framework is based on the contributions of Group Psychoanalytic Theories, particularly the thinking of René Kaës. For some social layers, the university access does not take place without the existence of several barriers that affect the conditions of effective belonging. Such barriers include issues relating to class, race and gender. By presenting a clinical experience, we aim to problematize racism within the denegative pact. The invisibility of the debate regarding the issue of skin color along with our supposed racial democracy: those are the mechanisms that support institutional racism in Brazil. Thus, the fight against racism demands the breaking of the pact of silence and the immobility that sustains it.

Este artículo propone reflexiones sobre el sufrimiento psíquico en el contexto universitario, destacando el problema del racismo desde una viñeta clínica. Como referencia teórica a esta tarea utilizaremos las contribuciones de las Teorías Psicoanalíticas de Grupo, en particular el pensamiento del psicoanalista francés René Kaës. El acceso a la educación superior para algunos estratos sociales no se da sin la existencia de varias barreras que afectan las condiciones de pertenencia efectiva a la universidad; esas barreras incluyen cuestiones de clase, raza y género. A partir de la experiencia presentada, proponemos una problematización que coloca el racismo brasileño en el campo del pacto denegativo. La invisibilidad del debate sobre el tema del color de la piel frente a la supuesta democracia racial en Brasil son mecanismos que sustentan el racismo institucional en el país. De esta manera, entendemos que la lucha contra el racismo exige la ruptura del pacto de silencio y la inmovilidad que lo sustenta.

Cet article propose des réflexions sur la souffrance psychique en contexte universitaire, mettant en lumière le problème du racisme à partir d'une vignette clinique. Comme cadre théorique à cette tâche, nous utiliserons les apports des théories psychanalytiques de groupe, en particulier la pensée du psychanalyste français René Kaës. L'accès à l'enseignement supérieur pour certaines classes sociales ne se fait pas sans l'existence de plusieurs obstacles qui affectent les conditions d'appartenance effective à l'université; ces obstacles comprennent des questions de classe, de race et de sexe. Sur la base de l'expérience présentée, nous proposons une problématisation qui place le racisme brésilien dans le champ du pacte denégatif. L'invisibilité du débat sur la question de la couleur de la peau face à la prétendue démocratie raciale au Brésil constitue un mécanisme qui entretiennent le racisme institutionnel dans le pays. Ainsi, nous comprenons que la lutte contre le racisme exige la rupture du pacte du silence et de l'immobilité qui le soutient.

Universidades , Racismo
J. psicanal ; 50(92): 181-193, jun. 2017.
Artigo em Português | LILACS, INDEXPSI | ID: biblio-878102


Este artigo discute as mudanças trazidas à nossa forma de pensar a Psicanálise pelas contribuições de Bion em e após "Transformações". Tanto suas teorizações como desenvolvimentos ainda são difíceis de serem avaliados em seu pleno alcance, mas certamente são tão profundos que podem ser olhados como o surgimento de um novo paradigma, no sentido utilizado por Kuhn para examinar as revoluções científicas. Sem buscar argumentos epistemológicos, campo de conhecimento fora de seu alcance, o autor desenvolve ideias a este respeito, partindo da conjunção de sua experiência clínica com o estudo destas propostas de Bion

This paper discusses how Bion's contributions in "Transformations" have changed our way of thinking about Psychoanalysis. It is still hard to evaluate the full scope of both Bion's theorizations and developments. However, they certainly are so deep that may be considered the rise of a new paradigm. "Paradigm" is used herein in the same sense that it was used by Kuhn to examine scientific revolutions. The author develops his ideas from the conjunction of both his clinical experience and the study of Bion's proposals

Este artículo enfoca los cambios producidos en nuestra forma de pensar el psicoanálisis a partir de las contribuciones de Bion, en y después de su libro "Transformaciones". Todavía es difícil evaluar el pleno alcance de sus teorizaciones y desarrollos, pero ciertamente son tan profundos que pueden ser vistos como el surgimiento de un nuevo paradigma, en el sentido utilizado por Kuhn para examinar las revoluciones científicas. Sin buscar argumentos epistemológicos, campo del conocimiento que está fuera de su alcance, el autor desarrolla ideas, en relación a este tema, partiendo de la conjunción de su experiencia clínica con el estudio de estas propuestas de Bion

Cet article discute les changements apportés à notre façon de penser la psychanalyse suivant les contributions de Bion, dans et après "Transformations". Ses théorisations aussi bien que ses développements sont encore difficiles d'être évalués dans toute sa portée, mais ils sont certainement tellement profonds qui peuvent être vus comme la naissance d'un nouveau paradigme, dans le sens employé par Kuhn pour examiner les révolutions scientifiques. Sans rechercher des arguments épistémologiques, un domaine de connaissances hors de sa portée, l'auteur développe des idées à ce sujet, tout en s'appuyant sur la conjugaison de son expérience clinique avec l'étude des propositions de Bion

Ide (São Paulo) ; 36(56): 105-117, jun. 2013.
Artigo em Português | LILACS | ID: lil-692756


Este artigo discute as possibilidades e limites das teorias psicanalíticas, tomando como exemplo a questão da religiosidade tal como foi compreendida pela psicanálise, a partir das ideias de Freud, suas consequências, e como isto tem repercutido na prática dos psicanalistas hoje.

This article discuss the possibilities and limits of the psychoanalytic theories, considering the issue of the religiousness as understood by psychoanalysis since Freud and the consequences to psychoanalytical practice today.

Humanos , Teoria Freudiana , Teoria Psicanalítica , Religião