Detection of rotavirus group C in fecal samples from children less than three years hospitalized for gastroenteritis in Belém, Pará, Brazil

Lobo, P. S; Kaiano, J. H. L; Oliveira, A. S. L; Guerra, Sylvia de Fátima dos Santos; Gabbay, Yvone Benchimol; Linhares, Alexandre da Costa; Mascarenhas, Joana D'Arc Pereira.
LOBO, P. S. et al. Detection of rotavirus group C in fecal samples from children less than three years hospitalized for gastroenteritis in Belém, Pará, Brazil. In: INTERNATIONAL CONGRESS FOR TROPICAL MEDICINE AND MALARIA, 18.; CONGRESS OF THE BRAZILIAN SOCIETY OF TROPICAL MEDICINE, 48., 2012, Rio de Janeiro. Anais... Rio de Janeiro: Fiocruz, 2012. p. 972.
Não convencional em Inglês | Instituto Evandro Chagas (DSpace) | ID: ied-1990