Morphology and morphometry of preantral follicles, and immunolocalization of angiogenic factors in ovarian tissue from the neotropical primate Sapajus apella

Brito, A. B; Brito, D. C. C; Silva, Wellington Bandeira da; Rodrigues, A. P. R; Figueiredo, J. R; Domingues, S. F. S; Santos, Renata R.
BRITO, A. B. et al. Morphology and morphometry of preantral follicles, and immunolocalization of angiogenic factors in ovarian tissue from the neotropical primate Sapajus apella. Zygote, v. 26, n. 5, p. 424-429, Oct. 2018.
Artigo em Inglês | Instituto Evandro Chagas (DSpace) | ID: ied-4008