Ketanserin, a serotonin receptor antagonist (S2), lowered blood pressure in patients with essential hypertension; at three months 72% (13/18) had a successful reduction in pressure. No marked orthostatic changes were noted. Older patients responded better when standing. Compared with metoprolol, ketanserin provided no significant difference in response at three months. With ketanserin, the heart rate was reduced only in the supine position, whereas it was reduced in the supine and standing positions with metoprolol. Response to ketanserin could not be predicted from baseline renin, aldosterone, or cortisol levels in blood, nor were there any changes in these factors or in plasma hydroxyindole levels with therapy. Ketanserin was generally well tolerated. Cholesterol values were significantly reduced with ketanserin, and there were no adverse hematologic or biochemical changes. Ketanserin should have a significant role in managing hypertension.