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J Exp Child Psychol ; 217: 105357, 2022 05.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-35066419


The still-face paradigm (SFP) is a common method in infancy used to assess emotion regulation and interactions when an adult (typically the caregiver) abruptly stops a positive interaction with a child and switches to a more neutral affect. The effect of this paradigm has been studied in different countries and age ranges, but research in Latin America and with toddlers (e.g., 2-3 years old) of different socioeconomic backgrounds is scarce. The current study analyzed caregiver-child interactions in this novel sample, to analyze the possibility of generalization of the typical response of this paradigm (i.e., less positive affect, reduced gaze, and more negative affect in children when parent affect changes). The sample consisted of 114 caregiver-child dyads from low to middle socioeconomic status (SES) (children's Mage = 26.61 months, SD = 6.73, range = 18-36; 61 girls). The SFP modified version (i.e., on the floor and with a series of standardized toys), the temperament Early Childhood Behavior Questionnaire adapted for Argentina, and an SES scale were used. The typical SFP response was observed in Latin American children. In addition, older children and children with higher SES exhibited better general regulation, and there were weak associations with temperament. For gender differences, boys demonstrated more aggressive behaviors at Phase II. Results from this study suggest that children's response to this paradigm is an unconditional response to the lack of social reinforcers and is only partially associated with social and individual variables.

Relações Mãe-Filho , Temperamento , Adolescente , Adulto , Criança , Pré-Escolar , Feminino , Humanos , Lactente , América Latina , Masculino , Relações Mãe-Filho/psicologia , Mães/psicologia , Classe Social
Vertex ; XXVII(130): 405-419, 2016 Nov.
Artigo em Espanhol | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-28898298


Personal memories are multimodal cognitive representations. Nowadays, psychometric instruments which aim to assess signifcant memories phenomenological features are scarce. Consequently, the Evaluation of Signifcant Autobiographical Memories Scale was constructed and structural validated at an exploratory level. A total of 404 individuals from Buenos Aires city (Argentina) participated in the research. Initially, an expert judgment and a pilot study administration were carried out. Next, a homogeneity and a principal components analysis were implemented. To assess the scale reliability, Cronbach's alphas coefficients were analyzed. The fnal version has 30 Likert response items gathered in 8 dimensions. Satisfactory psychometric proprieties were obtained - internal consistency of .892 and a total explained variance of 65.78%. The scale provides two main scores regarding the total quantity and intensity of the phenomenological components as well as a partial score per each dimension. It is stated that the test will prove to be useful in the research feld as well as in the clinical area.

Memória Episódica , Adulto , Estudos Transversais , Feminino , Humanos , Masculino , Psicometria , Autorrelato
Health Psychol Rep ; 11(4): 295-308, 2023.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-38178967


BACKGROUND: According to the emotion regulation process, situation selection comprises actions that increase or decrease the likelihood of being in contexts that foster a certain type of emotion, positive or negative. This concept is complemented by the social basis theory, which starts with the assumption that the primary ecology of humans is characterized by its social components. Thus, reduced access to social relationships increases cognitive and physiological effort, which leads to a decrease in well-being. PARTICIPANTS AND PROCEDURE: In order to make a joint assessment of both concepts, the study used supervised machine learning models to analyze the associations between selected variables of social support, emotion regulation, coping, and several psychological symptoms (somatization, obsession-compulsion, interpersonal sensitivity, depression, anxiety, hostility, phobic anxiety, paranoid ideation, and psychoticism). For this purpose, an Argentine sample (N = 812, M age = 44.35, female = 435) was collected through the Internet, nested cross-validations were performed with 8 different learning algorithms and Shapley values were computed for the predictive models that minimized the test errors. RESULTS: The results showed that adaptive strategies have considerable effects on maladaptive strategies, but they do not have significant effects on symptoms. Contrariwise, social support variables have significant effects on symptoms, while they do not have major effects on maladaptive strategies. CONCLUSIONS: It is concluded that the main function of regulatory flexibility does not appear to be a better adaptation to situations, but rather the maintenance of adequate levels of social support, i.e. emotional support received, perception of available emotional support, and perceived comprehension. Further implications are discussed, and a hypothetical model proposed.

Int J Psychol Res (Medellin) ; 12(1): 28-40, 2019.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-32612785


The impulsivity construct has been investigated in the psychological literature as both a personality factor and a manifestation of the cognitive functioning of individuals. In addition, an increasing number of studies have shown that impulsivity is not a unitary concept and that it must be conceived of as several subtypes. We investigated whether a self-report test of three types of impulsivity could be a good predictor of cognitive functioning in healthy individuals. The sample was composed of 230 subjects (65% women) with a mean age of 28.4 years (SD = 13.6 years) from the general population of the Autonomous City of Buenos Aires, Argentina. The sample was evaluated using the Questionnaire on Compulsive Urgency, Sensation Seeking, and Impulsive Improvidence (CUBI-18; Squillace Louhau, & Picón Janerio, 2019), which measures three impulsivity subtypes. A battery of neuropsychological tests was administered to measure not only executive-attentional functioning, verbal and non-verbal fluency, and speed of processing, but also strategies in the decision-making process. The results showed a differential profile of the three subtypes of impulsivity. Compulsive Urgency was associated with greater executive- attentional difficulties, Impulsive Improvidence with lower fluency in processing nonverbal information, and Sensation Seeking with better general cognitive performance and risk-taking during decision-making.

El constructo impulsividad ha sido investigado, dentro de la literatura psicológica, tanto como un factor de personalidad como una manifestación del funcionamiento cognitivo de los individuos. A su vez, la creciente investigación muestra que ésta no debe concebirse como un concepto unitario sino ser definida a través de varios subtipos. En este trabajo se buscó indagar sobre la posibilidad de que una prueba de auto-informe de tres tipos de impulsividad sea un buen predictor del funcionamiento cognitivo en individuos sanos. La muestra estuvo constituida por 230 sujetos (65% mujeres) con edad media de 28.4 años (SD = 13.6 años) de la población general de la Ciudad Autónoma de Buenos Aires, Argentina. Se evaluó a través del Cuestionario de Urgencia Compulsiva, Búsqueda de Sensaciones e Impulsividad por Imprevisión (CUBI, Squillace Louhau, & Picón Janerio, 2019) que mide los tres subtipos de impulsividad. En relación a esto, se utilizó una batería de pruebas neuropsicológicas para mensurar tanto el funcionamiento ejecutivo-atencional, la fluencia verbal y no verbal, la velocidad de procesamiento, así como las estrategias en el proceso de toma de decisiones. Los resultados encontrados han sido significativos y han demostrado un perfil diferencial de los tres subtipos de impulsividad. Primero, la Urgencia Compulsiva puede relacionarse con mayores dificultades ejecutivo-atencionales, segundo, la Impulsividad por Imprevisión con una menor fluencia del procesamiento de información no verbal y, por último, la Búsqueda de Sensaciones con un mejor rendimiento cognitivo general y la toma de riesgos durante la toma de decisiones. En conclusión, la prueba de auto-informe de tres tipos de impulsividad mencionada puede ser un buen predictor del funcionamiento cognitivo en contextos no patológicos.

Rev. CES psicol ; 15(1): 163-181, ene.-abr. 2022. tab, graf
Artigo em Espanhol | LILACS-Express | LILACS | ID: biblio-1376234


Resumen El presente trabajo tuvo como objetivo adaptar y validar la Escala Multidimensional de Apoyo Social Percibido (EMASP) para adultos argentinos. La EMASP cuenta con 12 items que permiten indagar acerca del apoyo social en tres fuentes: Familia, Amigos y Otros significativos. Para este trabajo, se ha escogido un diseño instrumental. La muestra fue de tipo intencional, compuesta por 1278 adultos nacidos en Argentina con edades que oscilan entre los 18 y 83 años y de ambos sexos. En el contexto local, la EMASP muestra propiedades psicométricas adecuadas para cada uno de los factores. La validez cruzada por sexo indica que la Escala presenta índices de ajuste adecuados tanto para hombres como para mujeres. El análisis de la validez externa dio cuenta de las relaciones indirectas entre las distintas dimensiones de la ESMAP con el cuestionario Patient Health Questionnaire (PQH9), que evalúa trastorno depresivo mayor. Se concluye que la EMASP presenta propiedades psicométricas adecuadas para su uso en población argentina.

Abstract The present work aimed to adapt and validate the Multidimensional Scale of Perceived Social Support (EMASP) for Argentine adults. The EMASP has 12 items that allow inquiring about social support from three sources: Family, Friends and Significant others. For this work, an instrumental design has been chosen. The sample was of an intentional type, consisted of 1278 adults born in Argentina aged between 18 and 83 of both sexes. In the local context, the EMASP shows adequate psychometric properties for each of the factors. Cross-validity by sex indicates that the Scale has adequate adjustment indices for both men and women. The external validity analysis revealed the indirect relationships between the different dimensions of the ESMAP with the Patient Health Questionnaire (PQH9) which assesses major depressive disorder. It is concluded that the EMASP has adequate psychometric properties for its use in the Argentine population.

Interdisciplinaria ; 39(3): 151-166, oct. 2022. tab
Artigo em Inglês | LILACS-Express | LILACS | ID: biblio-1430574


Abstract The use of electronic media has increased in early childhood. During early childhood, language and motor skills are important for the development of other cognitive skills. Therefore, it becomes essential to study how the use of screens is associated with these important skills in the first years of life. The objective of the following research was to describe the use of electronic media (i. e., TV, cell phone and tablet) and its association with language and developmental milestones in the first years of life. Participants were 253 primary caregivers of infants between 2 to 48 months (M = 30.17 months, SD = 10.82, female = 124). Parental reports of infant media use, motor and language development milestones, the MacArthur-Bates Communicative Development Inventory (CDI) and the Permanent Household Survey (EPH) for sociodemographic variables were used. The results showed that, on average, infants began to use screens during the first year of life at an average of one hour per day with TV as the most used medium and video viewing as the activity they did the most. The number of hours of devices usage was positively associated with lexical density and sentence use. Furthermore, starting device use at a later age was associated with lower scores in language reports and later milestones of motor and language development. No differences were found based on the type of device content and sociodemographic variables. Results indicate that the excessive use of screens could affect some early skills, although it is necessary to investigate the context in which they are used.

Resumen En los últimos años, el uso de medios electrónicos ha aumentado en la infancia temprana debido al creciente acceso a las pantallas y a la situación de aislamiento ocasionado por la pandemia de COVID-19. Por otro lado, durante la primera infancia, las habilidades de lenguaje y motrices son fundamentales para el desarrollo de otras habilidades cognitivas, y se asocian con el rendimiento académico y habilidades sociales posteriores durante la niñez y adolescencia. Por ende, se vuelve fundamental estudiar cómo el contexto de estimulación en el hogar, específicamente el uso de pantallas, se asocia con estas habilidades importantes en los primeros años de vida. Si bien existen investigaciones sobre las asociaciones del uso de pantallas con habilidades cognitivas tempranas, son escasas las que indagan este fenómeno en el ámbito latinoamericano, y nulas las que lo realizaron en el actual contexto de pandemia. El objetivo de esta investigación fue describir el uso de medios electrónicos (i. e., TV, teléfono celular y tablet) y su asociación con el lenguaje y los hitos del desarrollo en los primeros años de vida. Los participantes fueron 253 cuidadores primarios de infantes de Latinoamérica (68.8 % de Argentina, y 31.2 % de otros países de la región) con edades entre 2 y 48 meses (M = 30.17 meses, SD = 10.82, femenino = 124), reclutados vía web a través de muestreo no probabilístico de tipo intencional y por bola de nieve. Se utilizaron los reportes de los padres sobre el uso de medios electrónicos (i. e., tiempo de uso, edad de inicio y tipo de contenido), los hitos del desarrollo motor y del lenguaje, el Inventario de Desarrollo de Habilidades Comunicativas (CDI) (i. e., densidad léxica y uso de oraciones) y la Encuesta Permanente de Hogares (EPH) para evaluar las variables sociodemográficas. Los resultados mostraron que, en promedio, los infantes comenzaron a usar pantallas durante el primer año de vida en un promedio de una hora por día, con la televisión como el medio más utilizado y la visualización de videos la actividad que más realizaban. El número de horas de uso de dispositivos se asoció positivamente con la densidad léxica y el uso de oraciones: a más horas de uso, mayor cantidad de palabras y oraciones reportadas. Además, cuanto más tardía era la edad de inicio de uso de dispositivos, más bajas eran las puntuaciones en los informes lingüísticos e hitos posteriores del desarrollo motor y del lenguaje. Los tamaños del efecto para estas asociaciones fueron de bajos a moderados, lo que indica que otras variables podrían estar contribuyendo al desarrollo de estas habilidades cognitivas. No se encontraron diferencias en las capacidades motrices y del lenguaje en función del tipo de contenido del dispositivo. Tampoco se observaron diferencias en el uso de pantallas en función del género de los infantes, la edad y las variables sociodemográficas, lo que podría indicar, tal como demostraron investigaciones anteriores, que durante el aislamiento por COVID-19 el uso de los medios electrónicos fue constante, independientemente del contexto del hogar. Los resultados indican que el uso excesivo de pantallas podría afectar, tanto de forma positiva como negativa, algunas habilidades tempranas, aunque es necesario investigar el contexto en el que se utilizan. Específicamente, para futuras investigaciones sería importante: (a) trabajar con díadas de cuidadores-infantes, para evaluar cómo los comportamientos parentales moderan las asociaciones entre uso de pantallas y cognición infantil; (b) realizar estudios longitudinales; y (c) evaluar estas variables en diferentes provincias del país y regiones de Latinoamérica, para estudiar cómo las idiosincrasias culturales modulan el uso de estos dispositivos.

Actual. psicol. (Impr.) ; 35(131)dic. 2021.
Artigo em Espanhol | LILACS, SaludCR, PsiArg | ID: biblio-1383500


Resumen. Objetivo. Analizar la eficacia del personal voluntario y profesional que asiste en emergencias (Bomberos Voluntarios, Defensa Civil, Cruz Roja) en un programa de entrenamiento en la Primera Ayuda Psicológica y su relación con indicadores de empatía y estrategias de afrontamiento. Método. Se realizó un estudio cuantitativo, comparativo correlacional, con una muestra de 198 voluntarios que pertenecen a instituciones que intervienen en emergencias. Se utilizó un programa de simulación sobre respuestas a víctimas de catástrofes (Sistema Interactivo de Primera Ayuda Psicológica y el Inventario de Valoración y Afrontamiento). Resultados. Los voluntarios que expresan que manejan mejor una situación estresante lograban un rendimiento más eficaz en el programa de simulación. La valoración del contexto como amenazante o indiferente, perjudicaba la ejecución del protocolo de PAP propuesto en la ejercitación mediante software.

Abstract. Objective. To analyze the effectiveness of volunteer and professional personnel who assist in emergencies (Volunteer Firefighters, Civil Defense, Red Cross) in a Psychological First Aid training program and its relationship with indicators of empathy and coping strategies. Method. A quantitative, comparative, and co-relational study was carried out with a sample of 198 volunteers belonging to institutions that intervene in emergencies. A simulation program on responses to victims of catastrophes was used, Interactive System in Psychological First Aid and the Coping Strategies Inventory. Results. Volunteers, who state that handle better stressful situations, achieve a more effective performance in the simulation program. The assessment of the context as threatening or indifferent impaired the execution of the proposed PFA protocol using software.

Humanos , Masculino , Feminino , Voluntários/psicologia , Adaptação Psicológica , Socorristas , Argentina , Capacitação em Serviço
Psocial (Ciudad Autón. B. Aires) ; 7(2): 27-38, jul. 2021. tab
Artigo em Espanhol | LILACS-Express | LILACS | ID: biblio-1387047


Resumen Los estilos decisorios se refieren a patrones cognitivos habituales que utilizan los sujetos en tareas decisorias cuando procesan la información. Recientes investigaciones han referido el rol que cumple la motivación epistémica de la Necesidad de Cierre Cognitivo en el procesamiento de la información. Esta influencia puede generar un procesamiento sesgado afectando la toma de decisiones. Esto se debe a que la NCC trae dos consecuencias en el procesamiento de la información. La primera es la Urgencia donde los individuos tienden a una búsqueda generalizada de la información generando mayores hipótesis hasta superar el umbral cognitivo. La segunda refiere a la Permanencia donde una vez superado el umbral, la información se cristaliza y se extrapola a otras áreas. El presente estudio exploratorio, tuvo como objetivo explorar la relación entre la Necesidad Cierre Cognitivo y los Estilos decisorios. Para ello, se tomó muestra de 378 individuos residentes en Ciudad de Buenos Aires y Gran Buenos Aires. Se utilizaron para evaluar las variables el Test Revisado de Necesidad de cierre cognitivo (TR NCC) y la escala de Estilos Decisorios (ED).Los resultados indican que si bien no existe una relación contundente entre ambas variables, este abordaje exploratorio debe seguir siendo explorado en futuras investigaciones.

Abstract Decisional styles refer to habitual cognitive patterns used by subjects in decision-making tasks when they process the information. Recent research has referred to the role played by the epistemic motivation of the Need for Cognitive Closure in information processing. This influence can generate a biased processing affecting decision making. This is because NCC brings two consequences in information processing. The first one is the Urgency where individuals tend to a generalized search for information generating more hypotheses until the cognitive threshold is exceeded. The second refers to Permanence, where once the threshold is surpassed, the information crystallizes and is extrapolated to other areas. The present exploratory study aimed to explore the relationship between the Need for Cognitive Closure and Decision Styles. For this purpose, a sample of 378 individuals residing in the City of Buenos Aires and Greater Buenos Aires was taken. The Revised Test of Need for Cognitive Closure (TR-NCC) and the Decision-Making Styles (DE) scale were used to assess the variables. The results indicate that although there is no strong relationship between the two variables, this exploratory approach should be further explored in future research.

Liberabit ; 26(1): e320, 30/06/2020. tab, graf
Artigo em Espanhol | LILACS-Express | LILACS | ID: biblio-1287110


Resumen Antecedentes :El modelo de los cinco factores representa uno de los enfoques más empleados para el estudio de la personalidad desde una perspectiva psicológica. Si bien se han relevado numerosos instrumentos para su evaluación, el Compendio Internacional de Ítems de Personalidad Abreviado (Donnellan et al., 2006) constituye una de las principales herramientas destacadas en la literatura. Objetivo : Por este motivo, el propósito del presente estudio consiste en adaptar y validar el instrumento en una muestra no probabilística incidental compuesta por estudiantes de nivel superior en la Ciudad de Buenos Aires (N = 2460). Resultado : El análisis factorial confirmatorio indica un buen ajuste a los datos del modelo relevado por los autores, por lo que puede recomendarse su administración en el contexto local. Conclusiones : Se sugiere que futuros trabajos exploren sus propiedades en poblaciones diferentes.

Abstract Background : the five-factor model represents one of the most widely used approaches to the study of personality from a psychological perspective. Although many instruments have been relied upon for its evaluation, the Mini International Personality Item Pool (Donnellan et al., 2006) is one of the main tools highlighted in the literature. Objective : for this reason, the purpose of the present study is to adapt and validate such instrument in a non-probability sample composed of university students in Buenos Aires (N = 2460) Results : a confirmatory factor analysis indicates a good fit to the data of the model relayed by the authors, so it can be recommended to be administered in the local context. Conclusion : it is suggested that future works explore their properties in different populations.

Interdisciplinaria ; 37(2): 23-38, dic. 2020. tab, graf
Artigo em Espanhol | LILACS-Express | LILACS | ID: biblio-1149362


Resumen Se realizó un estudio explicativo y transversal con el objetivo de analizar la efectividad y los tiempos en la toma de decisiones al momento de brindar una primera ayuda psicológica (PAP) en las fases iniciales de un desastre en función del estilo y el proceso decisorio implicados. Se tomó una muestra no probabilística intencional de 165 voluntarios rescatistas de cuatro cuarteles de la zona de AMBA, se los dividió aleatoriamente en dos grupos (capacitados y no capacitados en PAP) y, a su vez, dichos grupos fueron divididos aleatoriamente respecto de la consigna impartida en la evaluación sobre el proceso decisorio a utilizar (decidir en función de lo que se piensa o de que lo que se siente). Asimismo, cada rescatista fue clasificado como "racional" o "afectivo" según el estilo decisorio urgente medido por el instrumento Bases for Urgent Decisions under Extreme Circumstances Inventory (BUDECI). Los resultados mostraron que los menos efectivos y más lentos fueron aquellos rescatistas capacitados con un estilo urgente decisorio afectivo, bajo una consigna que apelaba también a lo emocional. Este último grupo no presentó diferencias respecto de su efectividad cuando se lo comparó con el grupo de los no capacitados. La mayor efectividad la obtuvieron aquellos grupos que tenían un estilo o una consigna de tipo racional. La capacitación en PAP ha posibilitado la adquisición de estrategias de acción sencillas. Se concluye que el estilo decisorio y/o una inducción decisoria racionales favorecen una mayor efectividad de las acciones de PAP en las fases iniciales de un desastre.

Abstract The protocol on Psychological First Aid (PFA) establishes a number of actions to take on victims who are in the area of an event. Through these actions, the victims are assisted and helped to feel calm but not passive. Regarding the implementation of PFA in disaster situations, the type of decision-making, analytic or intuitive, could represent an important factor in the effectiveness of the actions of aid provided by volunteers in emergencies and disaster situations. Modifications of a PFA protocol are presented to apply to victims in the early stages of a disaster; these modifications are intended to clear the life-saving area for the rescuer and reduce the risk of post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD). Starting from the premises of the original model of Farchi, known as the Model of the 6 Cs, a simplified version for its application in Argentina was denominated the Model of the 4 Cs. In the same way, it is considered that, when assisting a person in a situation of crisis or disaster, the objective is to promote the activity of the prefrontal cortex and decrease the action of the limbic system. To do this, four guidelines are proposed: 1) Cognitive Communication, 2) Control and Challenge, 3) Commitment and 4) Continuity. Likewise, a PFA protocol based on the above mentioned model is presented. An explanatory and cross-sectional study was carried out with the objective of analyzing the effectiveness and the decision times when providing a PFA in the initial phases of a disaster, depending on the style and decision process involved. An intentional non-probabilistic sample, composed of 165 rescue volunteers from 4 fire stations in the AMBA area (Metropolitan Area and Greater Buenos Aires) and a headquarters of the Red Cross of the party of Tigre (San Fernando), was randomly divided into 2 groups (trained and untrained in PFA). Each volunteer was evaluated through the Software of the First Aid Interactive Psychological System (SIPAPSI); this consisted of a simulation of different crisis situations during which the participants must decide between different options presented in audiovisual format. The user must select the video that most closely approximates to what he or she would do in the presented situation. Then, the rescuers were randomly divided with respect to the slogan about the decision-making process used in the evaluation ("decide based on what you think", rational, or "decide based on what you feel", affective). The software SIPAPSI recorded the participant's response and the response time for each scene. Likewise, each volunteer was evaluated using the test Bases for Urgent Decisions under Extreme Circumstances Inventory (BUDECI). The BUDECI is composed of 8 elements that evaluate the decision-making style in unexpected and very important situations according to two dimensions: affective and rational. Rescuers were divided according to their urgent decision-making style: affective or rational. Therefore, the volunteers were classified according to whether or not they presented an adjustment between the decision-making style and the decision-making process induced by the slogan. This allowed us to study the influence of this adjustment on the effectiveness and decision time in disaster situations. The results showed that the least effective and, at the same time, slowest were those trained rescuers with an urgent affective decision style but induced under an emotional process. The PFA training has enabled the acquisition of simple action strategies in emergencies and disaster situations. It is concluded that the rational decision-making style or a rational decision induction favors a greater effectiveness of the PFA actions. These results allow us to build an optimal decisional profile for the rescuer's performance in crisis intervention tasks.

Psychol Addict Behav ; 27(3): 841-7, 2013 Sep.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-24059835


There is persistent disagreement over the degree of control that addicted patients are inferred to exercise over their drug use behavior. The study presented here proposes to investigate the perceptions and expectancies of controlled drug use in cocaine-addicted patients along the motivational stages that comprise their process of change. A total of 142 cocaine-addicted patients were evaluated with an original questionnaire--the Addictive Control Belief Inventory (ACBI)--and other validated inventories. The results were statistically analyzed. The precontemplative stage was characterized by the greatest perception of control over drug use, whereas maintenance showed the lowest perception of control. The results make it possible to infer a relation between awareness of the problematic aspects of drug use and a decrease in perceptions of controlled drug use.

Transtornos Relacionados ao Uso de Cocaína/psicologia , Motivação , Autoeficácia , Adolescente , Adulto , Feminino , Humanos , Masculino , Pessoa de Meia-Idade , Percepção , Autoimagem , Adulto Jovem
Temas psicol. (Online) ; 25(2): 459-472, jun. 2017. tab
Artigo em Espanhol | LILACS, Index Psi Periódicos Técnico-Científicos | ID: biblio-991722


Los recuerdos autobiográficos se encuentran en íntima relación con los procesos de regulación emocional y con la concepción del sí mismo. Por otro lado, el acceso a los componentes fenomenológicos específicos se vería disminuido de ocurrir alteraciones afectivas. Se llevó a cabo un muestro no probabilístico intencional de 94 individuos con depresión mayor y de 188 individuos sanos de la ciudad de Buenos Aires, Argentina. Fueron comparados los componentes fenomenológicos de los recuerdos autobiográficos significativos en cuanto a su cantidad e intensidad. Asimismo, se comparó el rendimiento dentro del grupo depresivo, de acuerdo a la presencia o ausencia de episodios depresivos previos, tratamiento psicofarmacológico y severidad sintomatológica. Se encontraron diferencias significativas en la Cantidad e Intensidad Total de los componentes fenomenológicos evocados, presentando el grupo clínico una evocación reducida (p<.001). Las dimensiones Valencia, Imaginería Visual, Sensorialidad, Intersubjetividad y Claridad también presentaron diferencias significativas. No se encontraron diferencias al realizar los análisis secundarios de acuerdo a las variables clínicas. Los individuos con depresión manifestaron un patrón distintivo de evocación fenomenológica de sus recuerdos en comparación a individuos sanos. Considerar las modalidades fenomenológicas de evocación autobiográfica a la luz de los modelos cognitivos en Mindfulness e Imaginería posee implicancias clínicas de relevancia.

Autobiographical memories are deeply linked with emotional regulation processes and self-concept. Conversely, in case of affective disorders, the access to specific phenomenological components would be impaired. Intentional non-probabilistic sampling was carried out, involving 94 individuals with major depression and 188 healthy individuals in the city of Buenos Aires, Argentina. The phenomenological components of significant autobiographical recollections were contrasted, considering their quantity and intensity. In addition, the depressive individuals' performances were compared according to the presence or absence of previous depressive episodes, psychopharmacological treatment and severity of symptoms. Statistically significant differences were found in the total amount and intensity of the recalled phenomenological components, in which the clinical group presented reduced memory (p< .001). Besides, the dimensions: Valence, Visual Imagery, Sensoriality, Inter-subjectivity and Clarity also presented significant differences. Notwithstanding, non-significant differences were observed during the secondary analysis in relation to the clinical variables. Individuals with depression showed a distinctive phenomenological memory pattern in comparison to controls. Considering phenomenological memory modalities in the light of cognitive models of Mindfulness and Imagery entails relevant clinical implications.

Os registos autobiográficos encontram-se em relação íntima com os procesoss de regulação emocional e com a concepção de si mesmo. Por outro lado, os procesos de acesso aos componentes fenomenológicos específicos estariam alterados durante a ocorrência de alterações afetivas. A amostra não probabilística intencional foi constituída por 94 indivíduos com depressão maior e 188 indivíduos sãos, provenientes da cidade de Buenos Aires, Argentina. Foram comparados os componentes fenomenológicos das memorias autobiográficas significativas quanto à sua quantidade e intensidade. Ao mesmo tempo, comparou-se o rendimento do grupo depressivo de acordo com a presença ou ausência de episódios depressivos prévios, tratamento psicofarmacológico e severidade dos sintomas. Encontraram-se diferenças significativas na Quantidade e Intensidade Totais dos componentes fenomenológicos evocados, apresentando o grupo clínico uma evocação reduzida (p<0,001). Ao mesmo tempo, as dimensões Valencia, Imagem Visual, Sensorialidade, Intersubjetividade e Claridade também apresentaram diferenças significativas. Contudo, não se encontraram diferenças significativas ao realizar as análises secundárias de acordo com as variáveis clínicas. Os individuos com depressão mostraram um padrão distintivo de evocação fenomenológica de suas memórias em comparação com os controles. Considerar as modalidades fenomenológicas de evocação autobiográfica à luz dos modelos cognitivos em Mindfulness e Imagem tem implicações clínicas relevantes.

Humanos , Masculino , Feminino , Adulto , Autobiografias como Assunto , Depressão , Memória
Subj. procesos cogn ; 21(2): 205-216, 2017.
Artigo em Espanhol | LILACS | ID: biblio-909867


La Escala Abreviada de Centralidad del Evento desarrollada por Berntsen y Rubin (2006), representa uno de los instrumentos más utilizados para evaluar la centralidad que adquiere un determinado suceso traumático en el desarrollo de la identidad. Debido a que no se han registrado adaptaciones de la técnica en el contexto argentino, este trabajo se propone evaluar sus propiedades psicométricas en una muestra no probabilística compuesta por 429 estudiantes de nivel medio y superior de ambos sexos residentes en la Ciudad Autónoma de Buenos Aires. De acuerdo a los resultados, la escala presenta propiedades psicométricas adecuadas que posibilitan su administración en el contexto local. Se sugiere en próximos estudios emplear distintas poblaciones a fin de ofrecer una mayor fortaleza al constructo. (AU)

The abbreviated Centrality of the Event Scale, developed by Berntsen and Rubin (2006), is one of the most applied to evaluate the centrality that a particular traumatic event holds in the development of identity. Since no adaptations of the technique have been recorded in the Argentine context, this work is an attempt to evaluate its psychometric properties in a non-probabilistic sample consisting of 429 students of middle and upper level of both sexes residing in the city of Buenos Aires. According to the results, the scale presents appropriate psychometric properties for its application in the local context. It is suggested that future studies employ different populations so that the construct can acquire greater strength. (AU)

Adulto Jovem , Transtornos de Estresse Pós-Traumáticos , Adolescente , Adulto , Transtornos Mentais , Psicologia , Psicometria
Artigo em Espanhol | LILACS | ID: biblio-981010


La empatía constituye un predictor del comportamiento socialmente responsable (Castejón Costa, 2016, Anué, Abal y Attorresi, 2016), que incluye factores cognitivos y emocionales (Mestre Escrivá, Navarro y García, 2004) cobrando interés en relación al perfil de voluntarios en Primera Ayuda Psicológica (Montero, 2014; Moreto, Blasco y Piñero 2017). Se aborda la asociación entre la empatía (reactividad interpersonal) y la eficacia en el entrenamiento para Primera Ayuda Psicológica (PAP). Metodología: estudio descriptivo, correlacional, comparativo, transversal en 139 voluntarios. Resultados: se encontraron asociaciones significativas (p_valor<0.05) entre las dimensiones de empatía, el género, la edad y la experiencia previa. La eficacia en el entrenamiento presentó relación con el género, la edad y la capacitación. La empatía funciona como moduladora entre el perfil del voluntario y su eficacia en la aplicación de PAP.

Empathy is a predictor of the social responsible behaviour (Castejón Costa, 2016; Anué, Abal & Attorresi, 2016). It's analyzed in relation with the professional profile of the volunteers (Montero, 2014; Moreto, Blasco & Piñero 2017) from a multidimensional perspective that includes cognitive and emotional factors (Escrivá, Navarro & García, 2004). It is analyzed the association between empathy, understood as interpersonal reactivity and to the efficacy in the training for Psychological First Aid (PFA). Methodology: descriptive, correlacional and comparative study of transversal cut in 139 volunteers. Results: there were found significative associations (p_value<0.05) among the dimensions of Interpersonal Reactivity, the gender, age and previous experience. At the same time, the efficacy in the training programme showed relation with the gender, age and training. The analyses by group allow to see that the empathy `dimensions function as modulators in the volunteer ´profile and its efficacy in the application of PFA.

Humanos , Voluntários , Empatia , Vítimas de Desastres , Assistência à Saúde Mental
Interdisciplinaria ; 33(2): 283-298, Dec. 2016.
Artigo em Espanhol | LILACS | ID: biblio-841055


Los llamados modelos duales proponen dos tipos de procesamiento de la información, relacionados con los modos de tomar decisiones emocionales y racionales. La investigación realizada se focalizó en el estudio de la toma de decisión en soldados para el mantenimiento de la paz (i.e., Cascos Azules). Ellos integran el personal militar que envía la Organización Naciones Unidas (ONU) para mantener la paz y brindar ayuda humanitaria en zonas de conflicto. Se empleó un diseño factorial 2x2x2, con las variables independientes: modalidad decisoria, entrenamiento como soldado para la paz y saturación cultural de la situación observada, y con la variable dependiente respuesta de intervención en la situación observada. Según las reglas de la ONU, no se debería intervenir en las situaciones multiculturales presentadas en este estudio. Se corroboraron tres hipótesis: (a) la toma de decisión basada en el procesamiento racional de la información en comparación con la toma de decisión basada en el procesamiento afectivo / emocional, lleva a no intervenir, (b) los expertos en misiones militares de paz internacionales (i.e., militares con entrenamiento de casco azul) en comparación con los inexpertos (i.e., militares sin dicho entrenamiento) realizan menos intervenciones y (c) la alta saturación de elementos culturales de las escenas en comparación a las escenas de baja saturación de elementos culturales lleva a realizar menor cantidad de intervenciones. Adicionalmente, se halló que la tendencia individual a tomar decisiones racionales urgentes está asociada negativamente con el tiempo de reacción. Se discuten los resultados en relación al marco de las teorías duales.

The so called dual models that emerged in the70s suggest that there are two types of information processing with opposite characteristics to one another and are related to ways of making emotional and rational decisions. This research focused on the study of emotional and rational peace keepers' decision making. Peace keepers are military personnel that participate in United Nations Organization (UN) international forces in order to be deployed in conflict zones around the world to maintain peace and to provide humanitarian aid. In these missions, peacekeepers' behavior is ruled by codes which are committed to ensuring the highest standards of conduct in UN military operations. According to these UN rules, servicemen should not intervene in situations of not obvious risk or no imminent physical harm to civilians of the local population. It is worth noting that inappropriate peacekeepers ´interventions can have serious negative consequences in the mission. Consequently, in the predeployment stage peacekeepers are trained by qualified military personnel with core operational and cultural information related the country where they are going to be deployed to have an effective performance during their duty. At the moment of our research, Argentinian peacekeepers were deployed in Haiti. The objective of this study was to study the effects of the emotional / rational decision-making mode, the Argentine's soldiers training as peacekeeper, and the level of cultural saturation in the observed situations; over the decision to intervene in multicultural situations. For this study, a piece of software called SITDE with a series of audible videos that reflect different situations related to the UN peacekeeper mission was used. There were two SITDE versions that differed from each other due to the level of cultural representation. One version contains a set of videos with high typical Haitian´s cultural saturation. The other version, a set of homologous videos related to the other series, includes scenes with fewer aspects of Haitian´s elements. After watching each video participants had to decide whether to intervene or not to intervene in the observed scenes. They should report its decision by clicking on a screen displaying two buttons with the corresponding decision. The software recorded the participant's response and the response time of each scene. This study sought to corroborate three hypotheses about peacekeepers' decision making on culturally diverse scenes in which they had no danger of imminent attack: (a) decision making based on rational information processing compared to decision making based on affective / emotional processing leads to not intervene; (b) military experts in international peace missions (i.e., military with UN training) compared to the inexperienced (military with no UN training) make fewer interventions and (c) the high saturation of cultural elements of the scenes compared to scenes of low saturation of cultural elements leads to make fewer interventions. The hypotheses were verified through a 2 x 2 x 2 factorial design. The 2 x 2 x 2 factorial design included the independent variables decision making modality, training as peace -keepers, and cultural saturation of the observed situation; and the dependent variable intervention in the observed situation. The military personnel´s decision-making was manipulated by differentiated instruction, and the cultural saturation of scenes was manipulated by the use of the two SITDE versions. Additionally, it has been analyzed the relationship between the individual trend to the emotional / rational decision-making and relevant variables. It was found that the individual trend to the rational decision making in urgent situations is negatively associated to the reaction time. The results are discussed related to the frame of the dual theories.

Anu. investig. - Fac. Psicol., Univ. B. Aires ; 22(1): 253-261, jun. 2015. tab
Artigo em Espanhol | LILACS | ID: biblio-838127


Se presentan resultados de un relevamiento preliminar de un estudio mayor sobre personas en situación de calle, que tuvo como finalidad describir las representaciones sociales que construyen los referentes de organizaciones que son parte del circuito socio-asistencial para esta población en la Ciudad de Buenos Aires e identificar en qué discursos sociales se anclan esas representaciones y prácticas. Con un muestreo intencional, participaron 10 referentes de organizaciones de ese circuito. Se realizaron entrevistas en profundidad y se construyeron categorías emergentes a partir de análisis de tipo axial y selectivo. Los resultados obtenidos permiten dar cuenta del anclaje de las representaciones sociales y las prácticas con personas en situación de calle en dos discursos o lógicas en tensión -lógica tutelar y lógica restitutiva. Se infiere que las mismas incluyen una dimensión ontológica, epistemológica y ética, que perfilan modos yuxtapuestos de concebir a las personas en situación de calle y las intervenciones con esta población.

Results of a preliminary compilation are presented in this paper, whose aim is to describe the social representations constructed by persons who are part of organizations that make social assistance and identify social discourses in which social representations are anchored. Through an intentional sample, 10 institutional operators, who work in the social attendance circuit, participated. Depth interviews were carried on and emergent categories were constructed, through an axial and selective analysis. The results obtained discover the social representations and practices anchorage of people living in the street through two discourses or logics in tension - the tutelary logic and the restorative logic. We infer that both of them include an ontological, epistemological and ethical dimension, which outline juxtaposed ways of conceiving people living in the streets and the interventions with this population.

Subj. procesos cogn ; 18(2): 178-197, dic. 2014.
Artigo em Espanhol | LILACS | ID: lil-753441


Si bien existen numerosos antecedentes que han observado que la orientación ideológica se encuentra asociada a la personalidad y los valores sociales, son escasos los estudios que exploran este vínculo en el contexto local. Por este motivo, el presente trabajo se propone evaluar la relación entre el Modelo de los Cinco Factores de la Personalidad, la orientación ideológica, el interés por la actualidad política y la Teoría de los Valores Sociales de Schwartz en una muestra compuesta por 238 estudiantes universitarios de la Ciudad Autónoma de Buenos Aires. De acuerdo con los resultados, los cinco factores de la personalidad se encuentran asociados a los valores propuestos por Schwartz, a la orientación ideológica y al interés por la actualidad política, de manera similar a lo informado en los antecedentes en el contexto internacional. Se concluye la necesidad de incrementar los estudios en el área que puedan contribuir a explorar el modo en el que estas variables afectan el comportamiento político en el contexto argentino...

Humanos , Opinião Pública , Personalidade , Política , Propaganda , Valores Sociais
Rev. argent. salud publica ; 3(10): 15-23, mar. 2012. tab
Artigo em Espanhol | LILACS | ID: lil-644965


INTRODUCCIÓN: La diabetes es una de las enfermedades más frecuentes e importantes debido a las complicaciones conexas. Un 80% o más de los pacientes incumplen con el tratamiento. OBJETIVO: Conocer las actitudes hacia la diabetes, su influencia sobre las estrategias de afrontamiento y la adhesión al autocuidado, según edad, género, nivel sociocultural y locus de control de los pacientes con diabetes tipo 2 que concurren a hospitales públicos de la Ciudad de Buenos Aires. MÉTODOS: Se realizó un estudio descriptivo y transversal. Ante una muestra sistemática de 337 pacientes se administraron cuestionarios de datos personales, laborales y familiares, escala de locus de control, inventario de afrontamiento, escala sobre prácticas de autocuidado y sobre actitudes hacia la patología. Los datos fueron analizados estadísticamente. RESULTADOS: Los pacientes con una actitud positiva o neutra hacia la enfermedad presentaron una media significativamente superior (p<0,001) en la valoración como desafío que quienes adoptaron una actitud negativa. La valoración en cuestión mostró correlaciones positivas y significativas con los afrontamientos activos. Este tipo de afrontamiento, a su vez, exhibió una correlación positiva con el cumplimiento de las pautas de autocuidado. CONCLUSIONES : Los hallazgos ponen de manifiesto la importancia de la educación diabetológica relacionada con el componente cognitivo de la actitud. Sin embargo, este factor resulta insuficiente para lograr una adhesión plena a los tratamientos.

INTRODUCTION: Diabetes is one of the most frequent and important diseases due to its complications. 80% or more of the patients do not follow the medical advice. OBJECTIVE: To know the attitudes towards diabetes, its influence on ways of coping and the adherence to selfcare, according to age, gender, sociocultural backgroundand locus of control in patients with diabetes type 2 attending public hospitals in Buenos Aires city. METHODS: A descriptive and cross-sectional research was conducted. A systematic sample of 337 patients was selected to answer a questionnaire including personal information, work and family situation, locus of control scale, ways of coping inventory, self-care practice scale and attitudes towards diabetes. RESULTS: The perception of the illness as challenge was significantly higher (p<0.001) in patients with a positive or neutral attitude to diabetes than in those with a negative perception. The positive attitude led to active ways of coping, which in turn improved the adherence to self-care. CONCLUSIONS: The results show the importance of diabetes education related to a cognitive component of attitude. However, it is not enough to achieve full adherence to treatment.

Humanos , Fatores Etários , Atitude Frente a Saúde , /diagnóstico , Estilo de Vida , Autocuidado , Apoio Social
Artigo em Espanhol | LILACS | ID: lil-694592


Este trabajo es parte de una investigación exploratoria - Proyecto UBACyT- cuyo objetivo es indagar sobre los procesos de construcción de realidades sociales e identidad en “jóvenes invisibles”, residentes en la Ciudad Autónoma de Buenos Aires y conurbano bonaerense, desde la perspectiva de la Teoría de las Representaciones Sociales (Moscovici, 1961, 2001; Jodelet, 1984, 2003, 2008). Se presentan resultados preliminares vinculados con los procesos de construcción de identidad social, a partir de la realización de entrevistas en profundidad a jóvenes de ambos sexos, que se analizaron a partir de la construcción de categorías emergentes. La nominación “juventud invisible” y su caracterización a partir de la “falta de inserción social” refiere a la no inclusión en instituciones tradicionales - sistema laboral y educativo formal - (Vera, 2005; Reutlinger, 2001; Berkman, 2007). Implica que la interacción social y los procesos de construcción de la identidad se desarrollan en otros escenarios menos visibles socialmente.

This article is part of an exploratory research - Ubacyt Project - which aim is to inquire about the process of social realities and identity construction in "young invisible people", who live in Buenos Aires city and surroundings, from the Social Representations Theory perspective (Moscovici, 1979, 2001; Jodelet, 1984, 2003, 2008). Preliminary results are presented related to social identity construction process, by the fulillment of depth interviews to both sex young people, which were analyzed through emergent categories construction. The name and characterization of the "invisible youth" by the "lack of social belonging", refers to the non inclusion in traditional institutions - labor system and formal education - (Vera, 2005; Reutlinger, 2001; Berkman, 2007). It involves that social interaction and the identity construction process develops in other non social visible sceneries.

Humanos , Atividades Cotidianas/psicologia , Relações Interpessoais , Argentina
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