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Atmos Environ (1994) ; 214: 1-116872, 2019.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-31741655


Previous studies have proposed that model performance statistics from earlier photochemical grid model (PGM) applications can be used to benchmark performance in new PGM applications. A challenge in implementing this approach is that limited information is available on consistently calculated model performance statistics that vary spatially and temporally over the U.S. Here, a consistent set of model performance statistics are calculated by year, season, region, and monitoring network for PM2.5 and its major components using simulations from versions 4.7.1-5.2.1 of the Community Multiscale Air Quality (CMAQ) model for years 2007-2015. The multi-year set of statistics is then used to provide quantitative context for model performance results from the 2015 simulation. Model performance for PM2.5 organic carbon in the 2015 simulation ranked high (i.e., favorable performance) in the multi-year dataset, due to factors including recent improvements in biogenic secondary organic aerosol and atmospheric mixing parameterizations in CMAQ. Model performance statistics for the Northwest region in 2015 ranked low (i.e., unfavorable performance) for many species in comparison to the 2007-2015 dataset. This finding motivated additional investigation that suggests a need for improved speciation of wildfire PM2.5emissions and modeling of boundary layer dynamics near water bodies. Several limitations were identified in the approach of benchmarking new model performance results with previous results. Since performance statistics vary widely by region and season, a simple set of national performance benchmarks (e.g., one or two targets per species and statistic) as proposed previously are inadequate to assess model performance throughout the U.S. Also, trends in model performance statistics for sulfate over the 2007 to 2015 period suggest that model performance for earlier years may not be a useful reference for assessing model performance for recent years in some cases. Comparisons of results from the 2015 base case with results from five sensitivity simulations demonstrated the importance of parameterizations of NH3 surface exchange, organic aerosol volatility and production, and emissions of crustal cations for predicting PM2.5 species concentrations.

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