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Opt Lett ; 48(9): 2210-2213, 2023 May 01.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-37126236


We report a precision realization of photonic thermometry using dual-comb spectroscopy to interrogate a π-phase-shifted fiber Bragg grating. We achieve readout stability of 7.5 mK at 1 s and resolve temperature changes of similar magnitude-sufficient for most industrial applications. Our dual-comb approach enables rapid sensing of dynamic temperature, and our scalable and reconfigurable electro-optic generation scheme enables a broad sensing range without laser tuning. Reproducibility on the International Temperature Scale of 1990 is tested, and ultimately limited by the frequency reference and check-thermometer stability. Our demonstration opens the door for a universal interrogator deployable to multiple photonic devices in parallel to potentially unravel complex multi-physical quantity measurements.

Faraday Discuss ; 245(0): 368-379, 2023 Sep 20.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-37306220


We report direct frequency comb spectroscopy of the 2ν1 band of H13CN in the short-wave infrared (λ = 1.56 µm) towards experimental validation of molecular line lists that support observatories like JWST. The laboratory measurements aim to test spectral reference data generated from an experimentally accurate potential energy surface (PES) and an ab initio dipole moment surface (DMS) calculated from quantum chemistry theory. Benchmarking theory with experiment will improve confidence in new astrophysics and astrochemistry inferred from spectroscopic observations of HCN and HNC. Here we describe our instrumentation and initial results using a cross-dispersed spectrometer with a virtually imaged phased array (VIPA).

Opt Express ; 29(17): 26831-26840, 2021 Aug 16.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-34615110


A simple and universal technique for performing optical feedback cavity enhanced absorption spectroscopy with a linear Fabry-Pérot cavity is presented. We demonstrate through both theoretical analysis and experiment that a diode laser can be sequentially stabilized to a series of cavity modes without any influence from the direct reflection if the feedback phase is appropriately controlled. With robust handling of the feedback phase and help from balanced detection, a detection limit of 1.3 × 10-9 cm-1 was achieved in an integration time of 30 s. The spectrometer performance enabled precision monitoring of atmospheric methane (CH4) concentrations over a time period of 72 h.

Opt Lett ; 46(13): 3057-3060, 2021 Jul 01.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-34197378


Frequency-stabilized mid-infrared lasers are valuable tools for precision molecular spectroscopy. However, their implementation remains limited by complicated stabilization schemes. Here we achieve optical self-locking of a quantum cascade laser to the resonant leak-out field of a highly mode-matched two-mirror cavity. The result is a simple approach to achieving stable frequencies from high-powered mid-infrared lasers. For short time scales (<0.1ms), we report a linewidth reduction factor of 3×10-6 to a linewidth of 12 Hz. Furthermore, we demonstrate two-photon cavity-enhanced absorption spectroscopy of an N2O overtone transition near a wavelength of 4.53 µm.

Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-36452911


Using frequency-agile rapid scanning cavity ring-down spectroscopy, we measured line intensities and line shape parameters of 14N2 16O in air in the (4200)←(0000) and (5000)←(0000) bands near 1.6 µm. The absorption spectra were modeled with multi-spectrum fits of Voigt and speed-dependent Voigt profiles. The measured line intensities and air-broadening parameters exhibit deviations of several percent relative to values provided in HITRAN 2016. Our measured intensities for these two bands have relative combined standard uncertainties of ∼1% which is approximately five times smaller than literature values. Comparison of the present air-broadening and speed-dependent broadening parameters to experimental literature values for other rotation-vibration bands of N2O indicates significant differences in magnitude and J-dependence. For applications requiring high spectral fidelity, these results suggest that the assumption of band-independent line shape parameters is not appropriate.

Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-37554518


This paper outlines the major updates of the line-shape parameters that were performed for the nitrous oxide (N2O) and carbon monoxide (CO) molecules listed in the HITRAN2020 database. We reviewed the collected measurements for the air- and self-broadened N2O and CO spectra to determine proper values for the spectroscopic parameters. Careful comparisons of broadening parameters using the Voigt and speed-dependent Voigt line-shape profiles were performed among various published results for both N2O and CO. Selected data allowed for developing semi-empirical models, which were used to extrapolate/interpolate existing data to update broadening parameters of all the lines of these molecules in the HITRAN database. In addition to the line broadening parameters (and their temperature dependences), the pressure shift values were revised for N2O and CO broadened by air and self for all the bands. The air and self speed-dependence of the broadening parameter for these two molecules were added for every transition as well. Furthermore, we determined the first-order line-mixing parameters using the Exponential Power Gap (EPG) scaling law. These new parameters are now available at HITRAN online.

Anal Chem ; 92(20): 13759-13766, 2020 Oct 20.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-32942855


As a potent greenhouse gas and an ozone-depleting agent, nitrous oxide (N2O) plays a critical role in the global climate. Effective mitigation relies on understanding global sources and sinks, which can be supported through isotopic analysis. We present a cross-dispersed spectrometer, coupled with a mid-infrared frequency comb, capable of simultaneously monitoring all singly substituted, stable isotopic variants of N2O. Rigorous evaluation of the instrument lineshape function and data treatment using a Doppler-broadened, low-pressure gas sample are discussed. Laboratory characterization of the spectrometer demonstrates sub-GHz spectral resolution and an average precision of 6.7 × 10-6 for fractional isotopic abundance retrievals in 1 s.

Opt Express ; 28(13): 19571-19573, 2020 Jun 22.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-32672231


This joint feature issue of Optics Express and Applied Optics highlights contributions from authors who presented their latest research at the OSA Optical Sensors and Sensing Congress, held in San Jose, California, USA from 25-27 June 2019. The joint feature issue comprises 6 contributed papers, which expand upon their respective conference proceedings. The published papers introduced here cover a range of timely research topics in optics and photonics for active open-path sensing, radiometry, and adaptive optics and fiber devices.

Appl Opt ; 59(7): OSS1-OSS2, 2020 Mar 01.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-32225749


This joint feature issue of Optics Express and Applied Optics highlights contributions from authors who presented their latest research at the OSA Optical Sensors and Sensing Congress, held in San Jose, California, USA, from 25-27 June 2019. The joint feature issue comprises six contributed papers, which expand upon their respective conference proceedings. The published papers introduced here cover a range of timely research topics in optics and photonics for active open-path sensing, radiometry, and adaptive optics and fiber devices.

Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-33100382


The λ = 2.06 µm absorption band of CO2 is widely used for the remote sensing of atmospheric carbon dioxide, making it relevant to many important top-down measurements of carbon flux. The forward models used in the retrieval algorithms employed in these measurements require increasingly accurate line intensity and line shape data from which absorption cross-sections can be computed. To overcome accuracy limitations of existing line lists, we used frequency-stabilized cavity ring-down spectroscopy to measure 39 transitions in the 12C16O2 absorption band. The line intensities were measured with an estimated relative combined standard uncertainty of u r = 0.08 %. We predicted the J-dependence of the measured intensities using two theoretical models: a one-dimensional spectroscopic model with Herman-Wallis rotation-vibration corrections, and a line-by-line ab initio dipole moment surface model [Zak et al. JQSRT 2016;177:31-42]. For the second approach, we fit only a single factor to rescale the theoretical integrated band intensity to be consistent with the measured intensities. We find that the latter approach yields an equally adequate representation of the fitted J-dependent intensity data and provides the most physically general representation of the results. Our recommended value for the integrated band intensity equal to 7.183 × 10-21 cm molecule-1 ± 6 × 10-24 cm molecule-1 is based on the rescaled ab initio model and corresponds to a fitted scale factor of 1.0069 ± 0.0002. Comparisons of literature intensity values to our results reveal systematic deviations ranging from -1.16 % to +0.33 %.

Opt Express ; 27(12): A856-A859, 2019 Jun 10.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-31252859


This joint feature issue of Optics Express and Applied Optics highlights contributions from authors who presented their latest research at the OSA Light, Energy and the Environment Congress, held in Sentosa Island, Singapore from 5 to 8 November 2018. The joint feature issue comprises 11 contributed papers, which expand upon their respective conference proceedings. The published papers introduced here cover a broad range of timely research topics in optics and photonics for lighting and illumination, solar energy, hyperspectral imaging, and environmental sensing.

Opt Lett ; 44(17): 4415-4418, 2019 Sep 01.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-31465415


An approach for dual-comb spectroscopy using electro-optic (EO) phase modulation is reported. Maximum-length pseudo-random binary sequences allow for energy-efficient and flexible comb generation. Self-correction of interferograms is shown to remove relative comb drifts and improve mutual coherence, even for EO combs derived from the same laser source. Methane spectroscopy is reported over a ∼10 GHz spectral range, limited by the modulators' bandwidth. The potential of a simple EO comb instrument is demonstrated to rapidly quantify atmospheric methane emissions with ppb precision over 1 km.

Phys Rev Lett ; 123(4): 043001, 2019 Jul 26.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-31491247


To accurately attribute sources and sinks of molecules like CO_{2}, remote sensing missions require line intensities (S) with relative uncertainties u_{r}(S)<0.1%. However, discrepancies in S of ≈1% are common when comparing different experiments, thus limiting their potential impact. Here we report a cavity ring-down spectroscopy multi-instrument comparison which revealed that the hardware used to digitize analog ring-down signals caused variability in spectral integrals which yield S. Our refined approach improved measurement accuracy 25-fold, resulting in u_{r}(S)=0.06%.

J Chem Phys ; 151(23): 234202, 2019 Dec 21.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-31864246


Reported here are portions of the infrared absorption cross section for methanol (CH3OH), as measured by frequency-stabilized cavity ring-down spectroscopy (FS-CRDS) at wavelengths near λ = 2.0 µm. High-resolution spectra of two gravimetric mixtures of CH3OH-in-air with nominal mole fractions of 202.2 µmol/mol and 45.89 µmol/mol, respectively, were recorded at pressures between 0.8 kPa and 102 kPa and at a temperature of 298 K. Covering the experimental wavenumber range of 4990 cm-1 to 5010 cm-1 in increments of 0.0067 cm-1 and with an instrument linewidth of 30 kHz, we observed an evolution in the CH3OH spectrum from resolved absorption lines at a low pressure (0.833 kPa) to a pseudocontinuum of absorption at a near-atmospheric pressure (101.575 kPa). An analysis of resolvable features at the lowest recorded pressure yielded a minimum intramolecular vibrational energy redistribution (IVR) lifetime for the OH-stretch (ν1) plus OH-bend (ν6) combination of τIVR ≥ 232 ps-long compared to other methanol overtones and combinations. Consequently, we show that high-resolution FS-CRDS of this relatively weak CH3OH combination band provided an additional avenue by which to study the intramolecular dynamics of this simplest organic molecule with hindered internal rotation.

Appl Opt ; 58(15): LEE1-LEE3, 2019 May 20.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-31158145


This joint feature issue of Optics Express and Applied Optics highlights contributions from authors who presented their latest research at the OSA Light, Energy and the Environment Congress, held in Sentosa Island, Singapore from 5-8 November 2018. The joint feature issue comprises 11 contributed papers, which expand upon their respective conference proceedings. The published papers introduced here cover a broad range of timely research topics in optics and photonics for lighting and illumination, solar energy, hyperspectral imaging, and environmental sensing.

Opt Lett ; 43(6): 1407-1410, 2018 Mar 15.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-29543247


We demonstrate the precision molecular spectroscopy of H13CN using a free-running, all-fiber dual electro-optic frequency comb system. Successive interferograms, acquired at a rate of Δfrep=1 MHz, were phase-corrected in post-processing, averaged, and normalized to yield the complex transmission spectrum of several transitions within the 2ν1H13CN band centered near λ=1545 nm. With spectral signal-to-noise ratios as high as 326:1 achieved in 2 ms of integration time, we report accurate measurements of H13CN transition intensities which will aid in the study of extreme astrophysical environments.

J Quant Spectrosc Radiat Transf ; 206: 367-377, 2018 Feb.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-29731521


Reported here are highly accurate, experimentally measured ro-vibrational transition intensities for the R-branch of the (20012) - (00001) 12C16O2 band near λ = 2 µm. Measurements were performed by a frequency-stabilized cavity ring-down spectroscopy (FS-CRDS) instrument designed to achieve precision molecular spectroscopy in this important region of the infrared. Through careful control and traceable characterization of CO2 sample conditions, and through high-fidelity measurements spanning several months in time, we achieve relative standard uncertainties for the reported transition intensities between 0.15 % and 0.46 %. Such high accuracy spectroscopy is shown to provide a stringent test of calculated potential energy and ab initio dipole moment surfaces, and therefore transition intensities calculated from first principles.

Opt Express ; 24(10): 10424-34, 2016 May 16.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-27409866


Dual-comb spectroscopy allows for the rapid, multiplexed acquisition of high-resolution spectra without the need for moving parts or low-resolution dispersive optics. This method of broadband spectroscopy is most often accomplished via tight phase locking of two mode-locked lasers or via sophisticated signal processing algorithms, and therefore, long integration times of phase coherent signals are difficult to achieve. Here we demonstrate an alternative approach to dual-comb spectroscopy using two phase modulator combs originating from a single continuous-wave laser capable of > 2 hours of coherent real-time averaging. The dual combs were generated by driving the phase modulators with step-recovery diodes where each comb consisted of > 250 teeth with 203 MHz spacing and spanned > 50 GHz region in the near-infrared. The step-recovery diodes are passive devices that provide low-phase-noise harmonics for efficient coupling into an enhancement cavity at picowatt optical powers. With this approach, we demonstrate the sensitivity to simultaneously monitor ambient levels of CO2, CO, HDO, and H2O in a single spectral region at a maximum acquisition rate of 150 kHz. Robust, compact, low-cost and widely tunable dual-comb systems could enable a network of distributed multiplexed optical sensors.

Commun Chem ; 7(1): 110, 2024 May 13.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-38741005


Plasma-activated chemical transformations promise the efficient synthesis of salient chemical products. However, the reaction pathways that lead to desirable products are often unknown, and key quantum-state-resolved information regarding the involved molecular species is lacking. Here we use quantum cascade laser dual-comb spectroscopy (QCL-DCS) to probe plasma-activated NH3 generation with rotational and vibrational state resolution, quantifying state-specific number densities via broadband spectral analysis. The measurements reveal unique translational, rotational and vibrational temperatures for NH3 products, indicative of a highly reactive, non-thermal environment. Ultimately, we postulate on the energy transfer mechanisms that explain trends in temperatures and number densities observed for NH3 generated in low-pressure nitrogen-hydrogen (N2-H2) plasmas.

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