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Proc Natl Acad Sci U S A ; 121(21): e2322270121, 2024 May 21.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-38753515


The kagome metal CsV[Formula: see text]Sb[Formula: see text] is an ideal platform to study the interplay between topology and electron correlation. To understand the fermiology of CsV[Formula: see text]Sb[Formula: see text], intensive quantum oscillation (QO) studies at ambient pressure have been conducted. However, due to the Fermi surface reconstruction by the complicated charge density wave (CDW) order, the QO spectrum is exceedingly complex, hindering a complete understanding of the fermiology. Here, we directly map the Fermi surface of the pristine CsV[Formula: see text]Sb[Formula: see text] by measuring Shubnikov-de Haas QOs up to 29 T under pressure, where the CDW order is completely suppressed. The QO spectrum of the pristine CsV[Formula: see text]Sb[Formula: see text] is significantly simpler than the one in the CDW phase, and the detected oscillation frequencies agree well with our density functional theory calculations. In particular, a frequency as large as 8,200 T is detected. Pressure-dependent QO studies further reveal a weak but noticeable enhancement of the quasiparticle effective masses on approaching the critical pressure where the CDW order disappears, hinting at the presence of quantum fluctuations. Our high-pressure QO results reveal the large, unreconstructed Fermi surface of CsV[Formula: see text]Sb[Formula: see text], paving the way to understanding the parent state of this intriguing metal in which the electrons can be organized into different ordered states.

Nano Lett ; 23(3): 872-879, 2023 Feb 08.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-36662599


The kagome metal CsV3Sb5 features an unusual competition between the charge-density-wave (CDW) order and superconductivity. Evidence for time reversal symmetry breaking (TRSB) inside the CDW phase has been accumulating. Hence, the superconductivity in CsV3Sb5 emerges from a TRSB normal state, potentially resulting in an exotic superconducting state. To reveal the pairing symmetry, we first investigate the effect of nonmagnetic impurity. Our results show that the superconducting critical temperature is insensitive to disorder, pointing to conventional s-wave superconductivity. Moreover, our measurements of the self-field critical current (Ic,sf), which is related to the London penetration depth, also confirm conventional s-wave superconductivity with strong coupling. Finally, we measure Ic,sf where the CDW order is removed by pressure and superconductivity emerges from the pristine normal state. Our results show that s-wave gap symmetry is retained, providing strong evidence for the presence of conventional s-wave superconductivity in CsV3Sb5 irrespective of the presence of the TRSB.

Proc Natl Acad Sci U S A ; 117(1): 238-242, 2020 Jan 07.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-31852824


With the recent discovery of the quantum anomalous Hall insulator (QAHI), which exhibits the conductive quantum Hall edge states without external magnetic field, it becomes possible to create a topological superconductor (SC) by introducing superconductivity into these edge states. In this case, 2 distinct topological superconducting phases with 1 or 2 chiral Majorana edge modes were theoretically predicted, characterized by Chern numbers (N) of 1 and 2, respectively. We present spectroscopic evidence from Andreev reflection experiments for the presence of chiral Majorana modes in an Nb/(Cr0.12Bi0.26Sb0.62)2Te3 heterostructure with distinct signatures attributed to 2 different topological superconducting phases. The results are in qualitatively good agreement with the theoretical predictions.

Nano Lett ; 21(21): 9310-9317, 2021 Nov 10.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-34714653


The emergence of high transition temperature (Tc) superconductivity in bulk FeSe under pressure is associated with the tuning of nematicity and magnetism. However, sorting out the relative contributions from magnetic and nematic fluctuations to the enhancement of Tc remains challenging. Here, we design and conduct a series of high-pressure experiments on FeSe thin flakes. We find that as the thickness decreases the nematic phase boundary on temperature-pressure phase diagrams remains robust while the magnetic order is significantly weakened. A local maximum of Tc is observed outside the nematic phase region, not far from the extrapolated nematic end point in all samples. However, the maximum Tc value is reduced associated with the weakening of magnetism. No high-Tc phase is observed in the thinnest sample. Our results strongly suggest that nematic fluctuations alone can only have a limited effect while magnetic fluctuations are pivotal on the enhancement of Tc in FeSe.

Phys Rev Lett ; 124(7): 076402, 2020 Feb 21.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-32142308


The bulk electronic structure of T_{d}-MoTe_{2} features large hole Fermi pockets at the Brillouin zone center (Γ) and two electron Fermi surfaces along the Γ-X direction. However, the large hole pockets, whose existence has important implications for the Weyl physics of T_{d}-MoTe_{2}, has never been conclusively detected in quantum oscillations. This raises doubt about the realizability of Majorana states in T_{d}-MoTe_{2}, because these exotic states rely on the existence of Weyl points, which originated from the same band structure predicted by density functional theory (DFT). Here, we report an unambiguous detection of these elusive hole pockets via Shubnikov-de Haas (SdH) quantum oscillations. At ambient pressure, the quantum oscillation frequencies for these pockets are 988 and 1513 T, when the magnetic field is applied along the c axis. The quasiparticle effective masses m^{*} associated with these frequencies are 1.50 and 2.77 m_{e}, respectively, indicating the importance of Coulomb interactions in this system. We further measure the SdH oscillations under pressure. At 13 kbar, we detected a peak at 1798 T with m^{*}=2.86m_{e}. Relative to the oscillation data at a lower pressure, the amplitude of this peak experienced an enhancement, which can be attributed to the reduced curvature of the hole pockets under pressure. Combining our experimental data with DFT+U calculations, where U is the Hubbard parameter, our results shed light on why these important hole pockets have not been detected until now.

Rep Prog Phys ; 79(7): 074503, 2016 07.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-27275757


The realization of new classes of ground states in strongly correlated electron systems continues to be a major issue in condensed matter physics. Heavy fermion materials, whose electronic structure is essentially three-dimensional, are one of the most suitable systems for obtaining novel electronic states because of their intriguing properties associated with many-body effects. Recently, a state-of-the-art molecular beam epitaxy technique was developed to reduce the dimensionality of heavy electron systems by fabricating artificial superlattices that include heavy fermion compounds; this approach can produce a new type of electronic state in two-dimensional (2D) heavy fermion systems. In artificial superlattices of the antiferromagnetic heavy fermion compound CeIn3 and the conventional metal LaIn3, the magnetic order is suppressed by a reduction in the thickness of the CeIn3 layers. In addition, the 2D confinement of heavy fermions leads to enhancement of the effective electron mass and deviation from the standard Fermi liquid electronic properties, which are both associated with the dimensional tuning of quantum criticality. In the superconducting superlattices of the heavy fermion superconductor CeCoIn5 and nonmagnetic metal YbCoIn5, signatures of superconductivity are observed even at the thickness of one unit-cell layer of CeCoIn5. The most remarkable feature of this 2D heavy fermion superconductor is that the thickness reduction of the CeCoIn5 layers changes the temperature and angular dependencies of the upper critical field significantly. This result is attributed to a substantial suppression of the Pauli pair-breaking effect through the local inversion symmetry breaking at the interfaces of CeCoIn5 block layers. The importance of the inversion symmetry breaking in this system has also been supported by site-selective nuclear magnetic resonance spectroscopy, which can resolve spectroscopic information from each layer separately, even within the same CeCoIn5 block layer. In addition, recent experiments involving CeCoIn5/YbCoIn5 superlattices have shown that the degree of the inversion symmetry breaking and, in turn, the Rashba splitting are controllable, offering the prospect of achieving even more fascinating superconducting states. Thus, these Kondo superlattices pave the way for the exploration of unconventional metallic and superconducting states.

Phys Rev Lett ; 115(20): 207003, 2015 Nov 13.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-26613465


The family of the superconducting quasiskutterudites (Ca(x)Sr(1-x))(3)Rh(4)Sn(13) features a structural quantum critical point at x(c)=0.9, around which a dome-shaped variation of the superconducting transition temperature T(c) is found. Using specific heat, we probe the normal and the superconducting states of the entire series straddling the quantum critical point. Our analysis indicates a significant lowering of the effective Debye temperature on approaching x(c), which we interpret as a result of phonon softening accompanying the structural instability. Furthermore, a remarkably large enhancement of 2Δ/k(B)T(c) and ΔC/γT(c) beyond the Bardeen-Cooper-Schrieffer values is found in the vicinity of the structural quantum critical point. The phase diagram of (Ca(x)Sr(1-x))(3)Rh(4)Sn(13) thus provides a model system to study the interplay between structural quantum criticality and strong electron-phonon coupling superconductivity.

Phys Rev Lett ; 109(23): 237008, 2012 Dec 07.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-23368250


We show that the quasi-skutterudite superconductor Sr(3)Ir(4)Sn(13) undergoes a structural transition from a simple cubic parent structure, the I phase, to a superlattice variant, the I' phase, which has a lattice parameter twice that of the high temperature phase. We argue that the superlattice distortion is associated with a charge density wave transition of the conduction electron system and demonstrate that the superlattice transition temperature T(*) can be suppressed to zero by combining chemical and physical pressure. This enables the first comprehensive investigation of a superlattice quantum phase transition and its interplay with superconductivity in a cubic charge density wave system.

Rev Sci Instrum ; 93(8): 083912, 2022 Aug 01.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-36050123


Quantum materials exhibit intriguing properties with important scientific values and huge technological potential. Electrical transport measurements under hydrostatic pressure have been influential in unraveling the underlying physics of many quantum materials in bulk form. However, such measurements have not been applied widely to samples in the form of thin flakes, in which new phenomena can emerge, due to the difficulty in attaching fine wires to a thin sample suitable for high-pressure devices. Here, we utilize a home-built direct laser writing system to functionalize a diamond anvil to directly integrate the capability of conducting electrical transport measurements of thin flakes with a pressure cell. With our methodology, the culet of a diamond anvil is equipped with a set of custom-designed conducting tracks. We demonstrate the superiority of these tracks as electrodes for the studies of thin flakes by presenting the measurement of pressure-enhanced superconductivity and quantum oscillations in a flake of MoTe2.

J Phys Condens Matter ; 34(6)2021 Nov 15.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-34715684


Charge density wave (CDW) instability is often found in phase diagrams of superconductors such as cuprates and certain transition-metal dichalcogenides. This proximity to superconductivity triggers the question on whether CDW instability is responsible for the pairing of electrons in these superconductors. However, this issue remains unclear and new systems are desired to provide a better picture. Here, we report the temperature-pressure phase diagram of a recently discovered BiS2superconductor La2O2Bi3AgS6, which shows a possible CDW transition atT* ∼ 155 K and a superconducting transition atTc∼ 1.0 K at ambient pressure, via electrical resistivity measurements. Upon applying pressure,T* decreases linearly and extrapolates to 0 K at 3.9 GPa. Meanwhile,Tcis enhanced and reaches maximum value of 4.1 K at 3.1 GPa, forming a superconducting dome in the temperature-pressure phase diagram.

Science ; 366(6471): 1355-1359, 2019 12 13.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-31831663


Pressure is a clean, continuous, and systematic tuning parameter among the competing ground states in strongly correlated electron systems such as superconductivity and magnetism. However, owing to the restricted access to samples enclosed in high-pressure devices, compatible magnetic field sensors with sufficient sensitivity are rare. We used nitrogen vacancy centers in diamond as a spatially resolved vector field sensor for material research under pressure at cryogenic temperatures. Using a single crystal of BaFe2(As0.59P0.41)2 as a benchmark, we extracted the superconducting transition temperature, the local magnetic field profile in the Meissner state, and the critical fields. The method developed in this work offers a distinct tool for probing and understanding a range of quantum many-body systems.

Nat Commun ; 8: 15358, 2017 06 05.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-28580936


In conventional metals, modification of electron trajectories under magnetic field gives rise to a magnetoresistance that varies quadratically at low field, followed by a saturation at high field for closed orbits on the Fermi surface. Deviations from the conventional behaviour, for example, the observation of a linear magnetoresistance, or a non-saturating magnetoresistance, have been attributed to exotic electron scattering mechanisms. Recently, linear magnetoresistance has been observed in many Dirac materials, in which the electron-electron correlation is relatively weak. The strongly correlated helimagnet CrAs undergoes a quantum phase transition to a nonmagnetic superconductor under pressure. Here we observe, near the magnetic instability, a large and non-saturating quasilinear magnetoresistance from the upper critical field to 14 T at low temperatures. We show that the quasilinear magnetoresistance may arise from an intricate interplay between a nontrivial band crossing protected by nonsymmorphic crystal symmetry and strong magnetic fluctuations.

Sci Rep ; 6: 26168, 2016 05 17.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-27185305


The discovery of two-dimensional superconductivity in Bi2Te3/FeTe heterostructures provides a new platform for the search of Majorana fermions in condensed matter systems. Since Majorana fermions are expected to reside at the core of the vortices, a close examination of the vortex dynamics in superconducting interface is of paramount importance. Here, we report the robustness of the interfacial superconductivity and 2D vortex dynamics in four as-grown and aged Bi2Te3/FeTe heterostructure with different Bi2Te3 epilayer thickness (3, 5, 7, 14 nm). After two years' air exposure, superconductivity remains robust even when the thickness of Bi2Te3 epilayer is down to 3 nm. Meanwhile, a new feature at ~13 K is induced in the aged samples, and the high field studies reveal its relevance to superconductivity. The resistance of all as-grown and aged heterostructures, just below the superconducting transition temperature follows the Arrhenius relation, indicating the thermally activated flux flow behavior at the interface of Bi2Te3 and FeTe. Moreover, the activation energy exhibits a logarithmic dependence on the magnetic field, providing a compelling evidence for the 2D vortex dynamics in this novel system. The weak disorder associated with aging-induced Te vacancies is possibly responsible for these observed phenomena.

J Phys Condens Matter ; 26(1): 015501, 2014 Jan 08.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-24292279


High-sensitivity (27)Al nuclear magnetic resonance (NMR) measurements of aluminum metal under hydrostatic pressure of up to 10.1 GPa reveal an unexpected negative curvature in the pressure dependence of the electronic density of states measured through shift and relaxation, which violates free electron behavior. A careful analysis of the Fermiology of aluminum shows that pressure induces an electronic topological transition (Lifshitz transition) that is responsible for the measured change in the density of states. The experiments also reveal a sudden increase in the NMR linewidth above 4.2 GPa from quadrupole interaction, which is not in agreement with the metal's cubic symmetry.

Alumínio/química , Eletrônica , Elétrons , Espectroscopia de Ressonância Magnética , Transição de Fase , Transporte de Elétrons , Modelos Moleculares , Pressão
Rev Sci Instrum ; 80(7): 073905, 2009 Jul.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-19655963


While the highest pressures can be achieved with diamond anvil cells, limited sample size and anvil geometry have hampered their application in nuclear magnetic resonance (NMR) experiments due to weak signal-to-noise. Here we report a new probe design that is based on having the resonant radio frequency coil that encloses the sample within the anvil cell inside the gasket hole. This increases the filling factor tremendously and results in greatly enhanced NMR sensitivity. The setup is described together with room temperature Na and Al NMR experiments.

Phys Rev Lett ; 101(5): 056402, 2008 Aug 01.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-18764411


The evolution of the Fermi surface of CeRh(1-x)CoxIn5 was studied as a function of Co concentration x via measurements of the de Haas-van Alphen effect. By measuring the angular dependence of quantum oscillation frequencies, we identify a Fermi-surface sheet with f-electron character which undergoes an abrupt change in topology as x is varied. Surprisingly, this reconstruction does not occur at the quantum critical concentration x(c), where antiferromagnetism is suppressed to T=0. Instead we establish that this sudden change occurs well below x(c), at the concentration x approximately 0.4, where long-range magnetic order alters its character and superconductivity appears. Across all concentrations, the cyclotron effective mass of this sheet does not diverge, suggesting that critical behavior is not exhibited equally on all parts of the Fermi surface.

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