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Conserv Biol ; 38(3): e14231, 2024 Jun.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-38111980


Deserts are often highly biodiverse and provide important habitats for many threatened species. Fire is a dominant disturbance in deserts, and prescribed burning is increasingly being used by conservation managers and Indigenous peoples to mitigate the damaging effects of climate change, invasive plants, and land-use change. The size, severity, and patchiness of fires can affect how animals respond to fire. However, there are almost no studies examining such burn characteristics in desert environments, which precludes the use of such information in conservation planning. Using a before-after control-impact approach with 20 sampling sites, we studied the outcomes of 10 prescribed burns of varying size (5-267 ha), severity, and patchiness to identify which variables best predicted changes in small mammal and reptile species richness and abundance. Three of the 13 species showed a clear response to fire. Captures increased for 2 species (1 mammal, 1 reptile) and decreased for 1 species (a reptile) as the proportional area burned around traps increased. Two other mammal species showed weaker positive responses to fire. Total burn size and burn patchiness were not influential predictors for any species. Changes in capture rates occurred only at sites with the largest and most severe burns. No fire-related changes in capture rates were observed where fires were small and very patchy. Our results suggest that there may be thresholds of fire size or fire severity that trigger responses to fire, which has consequences for management programs underpinned by the patch mosaic burning paradigm. The prescribed burns we studied, which are typical in scale and intensity across many desert regions, facilitated the presence of some taxa and are unlikely to have widespread or persistent negative impacts on small mammal or reptile communities in this ecosystem provided that long unburned habitat harboring threatened species is protected.

Prueba experimental de la respuesta animal al tamaño y gravedad de los incendios controlados Resumen Los desiertos suelen contar con mucha biodiversidad y proporcionar hábitats importantes para una variedad de especies amenazadas. El fuego es una perturbación que domina en los desiertos, y los incendios controlados cada vez se usan más por los gestores de la conservación y los pueblos indígenas para mitigar los efectos dañinos del cambio climático, las plantas invasoras y el cambio de uso de suelo. El tamaño, gravedad y fragmentación de los incendios pueden afectar cómo los animales responden al fuego. Sin embargo, casi no existen estudios que analicen dichas características de la quema en los ambientes desérticos, lo que excluye a dicha información de la planeación de la conservación. Usamos una estrategia de antes­después del control­impacto en 20 sitios de muestreo para estudiar los resultados de diez incendios controlados de diferentes tamaños (5­267 ha), gravedad y fragmentación para identificar cuáles variables pronostican mejor los cambios en la riqueza de especies y abundancia de mamíferos pequeños y reptiles. Tres de las 13 especies mostraron una respuesta clara al incendio. Las capturas incrementaron en dos especies (una de mamífero y una de reptil) y disminuyeron en una especie (un reptil) conforme incrementó el área proporcional incendiada alrededor de las trampas. Otras dos especies de mamíferos mostraron respuestas positivas más débiles ante el fuego. El tamaño total y la fragmentación del incendio no fueron influyentes sobre los pronosticadores de cualquier especie. Los cambios en las tasas de captura ocurrieron solamente en los sitios con los incendios más graves y grandes. No observamos cambios relacionados al incendio en las tasas de captura en donde los incendios fueron pequeños y muy fragmentados. Nuestros resultados sugieren que podría haber umbrales del tamaño o gravedad del incendio que provocan las respuestas al fuego, lo que tiene consecuencias para los programas de manejo sustentados en el paradigma del mosaico de fragmentos del incendio. Los incendios controlados que estudiamos, que son típicos en escala e intensidad en muchas regiones desérticas, facilitaron la presencia de algunos taxones y no tuvieron probabilidad de tener un impacto negativo extenso o persistente sobre las comunidades de mamíferos pequeños y reptiles en este ecosistema, siempre y cuando se proteja el hábitat que lleva mucho tiempo sin incendios y en donde viven las especies amenazadas.

Conservação dos Recursos Naturais , Incêndios , Mamíferos , Répteis , Animais , Conservação dos Recursos Naturais/métodos , Mamíferos/fisiologia , Répteis/fisiologia , Clima Desértico , Biodiversidade , Ecossistema
Conserv Biol ; 37(4): e14062, 2023 08.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-36704894


Fire has shaped ecological communities worldwide for millennia, but impacts of fire on individual species are often poorly understood. We performed a meta-analysis to predict which traits, habitat, or study variables and fire characteristics affect how mammal species respond to fire. We modeled effect sizes of measures of population abundance or occupancy as a function of various combinations of these traits and variables with phylogenetic least squares regression. Nine of 115 modeled species (7.83%) returned statistically significant effect sizes, suggesting most mammals are resilient to fire. The top-ranked model predicted a negative impact of fire on species with lower reproductive rates, regardless of fire type (estimate = -0.68), a positive impact of burrowing in prescribed fires (estimate = 1.46) but not wildfires, and a positive impact of average fire return interval for wildfires (estimate = 0.93) but not prescribed fires. If a species' International Union for Conservation of Nature Red List assessment includes fire as a known or possible threat, the species was predicted to respond negatively to wildfire relative to prescribed fire (estimate = -2.84). These findings provide evidence of experts' abilities to predict whether fire is a threat to a mammal species and the ability of managers to meet the needs of fire-threatened species through prescribed fire. Where empirical data are lacking, our methods provide a basis for predicting mammal responses to fire and thus can guide conservation actions or interventions in species or communities.

Modelos de las respuestas de los mamíferos a los incendios basados en las características de la especie Resumen Durante milenios, los incendios han moldeado a las comunidades ecológicas en todo el mundo y aun así conocemos muy poco sobre el impacto que tienen sobre cada especie. Realizamos un metaanálisis para predecir cuáles características, hábitat o variable de estudio en conjunto con las características del incendio afectan la respuesta de los mamíferos ante este fenómeno. Usamos para modelar los tamaños del efecto de las medidas de la abundancia poblacional o la ocupación como función de varias combinaciones de estas características y variables mediante una regresión filogenética por mínimos cuadrados. Nueve de las 115 especies modeladas (7.83%) devolvieron tamaños del efecto con importancia estadística, lo que sugiere que la mayoría de los mamíferos son resilientes a los incendios. El modelo mejor clasificado pronosticó un impacto negativo de los incendios sobre las especies con tasas reproductivas más bajas, sin importar el tipo de incendio (estimado = -0.68); un impacto positivo de las madrigueras durante las quemas prescritas (estimado = 1.46) pero no durante los incendios forestales; y un impacto positivo del intervalo promedio de rendimiento del incendio para los incendios forestales (estimado = 0.93) pero no para las quemas prescritas. Si la valoración de una especie en la Lista Roja de la Unión Internacional para la Conservación de la Naturaleza incluye a los incendios como una amenaza conocida o posible, pronosticamos que la especie respondería negativamente a los incendios forestales con relación a la quema prescrita (estimado = -2.84). Estos hallazgos proporcionan evidencia de la habilidad que tienen los expertos para predecir si los incendios son una amenaza para los mamíferos y la habilidad de los gestores para cumplir con las necesidades de las especies amenazadas por incendios por medio de las quemas prescritas. En caso de que falte información empírica, nuestros métodos proporcionan una base para predecir las respuestas de los mamíferos a los incendios y así orientar a las acciones o intervenciones de conservación para una especie o comunidad.

Conservação dos Recursos Naturais , Incêndios , Animais , Filogenia , Conservação dos Recursos Naturais/métodos , Mamíferos/fisiologia , Ecossistema
Glob Chang Biol ; 28(6): 2053-2065, 2022 03.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-34989061


Earth's rapidly warming climate is propelling us towards an increasingly fire-prone future. Currently, knowledge of the extent and characteristics of animal mortality rates during fire remains rudimentary, hindering our ability to predict how animal populations may be impacted in the future. To address this knowledge gap, we conducted a global systematic review of the direct effects of fire on animal mortality rates, based on studies that unequivocally determined the fate of animals during fire. From 31 studies spanning 1984-2020, we extracted data on the direct impacts of fire on the mortality of 31 species from 23 families. From these studies, there were 43 instances where direct effects were measured by reporting animal survival from pre- to post-fire. Most studies were conducted in North America (52%) and Oceania (42%), focused largely on mammals (53%) and reptiles (30%), and reported mostly on animal survival in planned (82%) and/or low severity (70%) fires. We found no studies from Asia, Europe or South America. Although there were insufficient data to conduct a formal meta-analysis, we tested the effect of fire type, fire severity, fire regime, animal body mass, ecological attributes and class on survival. Only fire severity affected animal mortality, with a higher proportion of animals being killed by high than low severity fires. Recent catastrophic fires across the globe have drawn attention to the plight of animals exposed to wildfire. Yet, our systematic review suggests that a relatively low proportion of animals (mean predicted mortality [95% CI] = 3% [1%-9%]) are killed during fire. However, our review also underscores how little we currently know about the direct effects of fire on animal mortality, and highlights the critical need to understand the effects of high severity fire on animal populations.

Incêndios , Incêndios Florestais , Animais , Clima , Ecossistema , Europa (Continente) , Humanos , Mamíferos
Conserv Biol ; 31(1): 13-23, 2017 02.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-27704619


Extinctions typically have ecological drivers, such as habitat loss. However, extinction events are also influenced by policy and management settings that may be antithetical to biodiversity conservation, inadequate to prevent extinction, insufficiently resourced, or poorly implemented. Three endemic Australian vertebrate species-the Christmas Island pipistrelle (Pipistrellus murrayi), Bramble Cay melomys (Melomys rubicola), and Christmas Island forest skink (Emoia nativitatis)-became extinct from 2009 to 2014. All 3 extinctions were predictable and probably preventable. We sought to identify the policy, management, research, and other shortcomings that contributed to their extinctions or failed to prevent them. These included a lack within national environmental legislation and policy of explicit commitment to the prevention of avoidable extinctions, lack of explicit accountability, inadequate resources for conservation (particularly for species not considered charismatic or not of high taxonomic distinctiveness), inadequate biosecurity, a slow and inadequate process for listing species as threatened, recovery planning that failed to consider the need for emergency response, inability of researchers to identify major threatening factors, lack of public engagement and involvement in conservation decisions, and limited advocacy. From these 3 cases, we recommend: environmental policy explicitly seeks to prevent extinction of any species and provides a clear chain of accountability and an explicit requirement for public inquiry following any extinction; implementation of a timely and comprehensive process for listing species as threatened and for recovery planning; reservation alone not be assumed sufficient to maintain species; enhancement of biosecurity measures; allocation of sufficient resources to undertake actions necessary to prevent extinction; monitoring be considered a pivotal component of the conservation response; research provides timely identification of factors responsible for decline and of the risk of extinction; effective dissemination of research results; advocacy by an informed public for the recovery of threatened species; and public involvement in governance of the recovery process. These recommendations should be applicable broadly to reduce the likelihood and incidence of extinctions.

Conservação dos Recursos Naturais , Espécies em Perigo de Extinção , Vertebrados , Animais , Austrália , Biodiversidade , Extinção Biológica
Biol Rev Camb Philos Soc ; 97(4): 1539-1558, 2022 08.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-35320881


Both fire and predators have strong influences on the population dynamics and behaviour of animals, and the effects of predators may either be strengthened or weakened by fire. However, knowledge of how fire drives or mediates predator-prey interactions is fragmented and has not been synthesised. Here, we review and synthesise knowledge of how fire influences predator and prey behaviour and interactions. We develop a conceptual model based on predator-prey theory and empirical examples to address four key questions: (i) how and why do predators respond to fire; (ii) how and why does prey vulnerability change post-fire; (iii) what mechanisms do prey use to reduce predation risk post-fire; and (iv) what are the outcomes of predator-fire interactions for prey populations? We then discuss these findings in the context of wildlife conservation and ecosystem management before outlining priorities for future research. Fire-induced changes in vegetation structure, resource availability, and animal behaviour influence predator-prey encounter rates, the amount of time prey are vulnerable during an encounter, and the conditional probability of prey death given an encounter. How a predator responds to fire depends on fire characteristics (e.g. season, severity), their hunting behaviour (ambush or pursuit predator), movement behaviour, territoriality, and intra-guild dynamics. Prey species that rely on habitat structure for avoiding predation often experience increased predation rates and lower survival in recently burnt areas. By contrast, some prey species benefit from the opening up of habitat after fire because it makes it easier to detect predators and to modify their behaviour appropriately. Reduced prey body condition after fire can increase predation risk either through impaired ability to escape predators, or increased need to forage in risky areas due to being energetically stressed. To reduce risk of predation in the post-fire environment, prey may change their habitat use, increase sheltering behaviour, change their movement behaviour, or use camouflage through cryptic colouring and background matching. Field experiments and population viability modelling show instances where fire either amplifies or does not amplify the impacts of predators on prey populations, and vice versa. In some instances, intense and sustained post-fire predation may lead to local extinctions of prey populations. Human disruption of fire regimes is impacting faunal communities, with consequences for predator and prey behaviour and population dynamics. Key areas for future research include: capturing data continuously before, during and after fires; teasing out the relative importance of changes in visibility and shelter availability in different contexts; documenting changes in acoustic and olfactory cues for both predators and prey; addressing taxonomic and geographic biases in the literature; and predicting and testing how changes in fire-regime characteristics reshape predator-prey interactions. Understanding and managing the consequences for predator-prey communities will be critical for effective ecosystem management and species conservation in this era of global change.

Ecossistema , Cadeia Alimentar , Animais , Comportamento Animal , Dinâmica Populacional , Comportamento Predatório
Animals (Basel) ; 9(10)2019 Oct 14.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-31615026


Hybrid cats-created by crossing different species within the family Felidae-are popular pets, but they could potentially threaten native species if they escape and establish free-roaming populations. To forestall this possibility, the Australian government imposed a specific ban on importation of the savannah cat, a hybrid created by crossing the domestic cat Felis catus and serval Leptailurus serval, in 2008. We develop a decision-framework that identifies those species of non-volant native mammals in Australia that would likely have been susceptible to predation by savannah cats if importation and establishment had occurred. We assumed that savannah cats would hunt ecologically similar prey to those that are depredated by both the domestic cat and the serval, and categorised native mammals as having different levels of susceptibility to predation by savannah cats based on their size, habitat range, and behaviour. Using this framework, we assessed savannah cats as likely to add at least 28 extant native mammal species to the 168 that are known already to be susceptible to predation by the domestic cat, posing a risk to 91% of Australia's extant non-volant terrestrial mammal species (n = 216) and to 93% of threatened mammal species. The framework could be generalised to assess risks from any other hybrid taxa.

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