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Phys Rev Lett ; 123(19): 197203, 2019 Nov 08.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-31765191


By means of new muon spin relaxation experiments, we disentangle extrinsic and intrinsic sources of low-temperature bulk magnetism in the candidate topological Kondo insulator (TKI) SmB_{6}. Results on Al-flux-grown SmB_{6} single crystals are compared to those on a large floating-zone-grown ^{154}Sm ^{11}B_{6} single crystal in which a 14 meV bulk spin exciton has been detected by inelastic neutron scattering. Below ∼10 K, we detect the gradual development of quasistatic magnetism due to rare-earth impurities and Sm vacancies. Our measurements also reveal two additional forms of intrinsic magnetism: (1) underlying low-energy (∼100 meV) weak magnetic moment (∼10^{-2} µ_{B}) fluctuations similar to those detected in the related candidate TKI YbB_{12} that persist down to millikelvin temperatures, and (2) magnetic fluctuations consistent with a 2.6 meV bulk magnetic excitation at zero magnetic field that appears to hinder surface conductivity above ∼4.5 K. We discuss potential origins of the magnetism.

Nature ; 476(7358): 73-5, 2011 Aug 03.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-21814279


Although it is generally accepted that superconductivity is unconventional in the high-transition-temperature copper oxides, the relative importance of phenomena such as spin and charge (stripe) order, superconductivity fluctuations, proximity to a Mott insulator, a pseudogap phase and quantum criticality are still a matter of debate. In electron-doped copper oxides, the absence of an anomalous pseudogap phase in the underdoped region of the phase diagram and weaker electron correlations suggest that Mott physics and other unidentified competing orders are less relevant and that antiferromagnetic spin fluctuations are the dominant feature. Here we report a study of magnetotransport in thin films of the electron-doped copper oxide La(2 - x)Ce(x)CuO(4). We show that a scattering rate that is linearly dependent on temperature--a key feature of the anomalous normal state properties of the copper oxides--is correlated with the electron pairing. We also show that an envelope of such scattering surrounds the superconducting phase, surviving to zero temperature when superconductivity is suppressed by magnetic fields. Comparison with similar behaviour found in organic superconductors strongly suggests that the linear dependence on temperature of the resistivity in the electron-doped copper oxides is caused by spin-fluctuation scattering.

Phys Rev Lett ; 110(4): 047003, 2013 Jan 25.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-25166195


We report an Fe Kß x-ray emission spectroscopy study of local magnetic moments in the rare-earth doped iron pnictide Ca(1-x)RE(x)Fe(2)As(2) (RE = La, Pr, and Nd). In all samples studied the size of the Fe local moment is found to decrease significantly with temperature and goes from ∼ 0.9 µ(B) at T = 300 K to ∼ 0.45 µ(B) at T = 70 K. In the collapsed tetragonal phase of Nd- and Pr-doped samples (T<70 K) the local moment is quenched, while the moment remains unchanged for the La-doped sample, which does not show lattice collapse. Our results show that Ca(1-x)RE(x)Fe(2)As(2) (RE = Pr and Nd) exhibits a spin-state transition and provide direct evidence for a nonmagnetic Fe(2+) ion in the collapsed tetragonal phase; spin state as predicted by Yildirim. We argue that the gradual change of the spin state over a wide temperature range reveals the importance of multiorbital physics, in particular the competition between the crystal field split Fe 3d orbitals and the Hund's rule coupling.

Phys Rev Lett ; 111(21): 216402, 2013 Nov 22.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-24313508


By a combined angle-resolved photoemission spectroscopy and density functional theory study, we discover that the surface metallicity is polarity driven in SmB6. Two surface states, not accounted for by the bulk band structure, are reproduced by slab calculations for coexisting B6 and Sm surface terminations. Our analysis reveals that a metallic surface state stems from an unusual property, generic to the (001) termination of all hexaborides: the presence of boron 2p dangling bonds, on a polar surface. The discovery of polarity-driven surface metallicity sheds new light on the 40-year old conundrum of the low-temperature residual conductivity of SmB6, and raises a fundamental question in the field of topological Kondo insulators regarding the interplay between polarity and nontrivial topological properties.

Phys Rev Lett ; 111(8): 087001, 2013 Aug 23.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-24010465


Simultaneous low-temperature electrical resistivity and Hall effect measurements were performed on single-crystalline Bi2Se3 under applied pressures up to 50 GPa. As a function of pressure, superconductivity is observed to onset above 11 GPa with a transition temperature Tc and upper critical field Hc2 that both increase with pressure up to 30 GPa, where they reach maximum values of 7 K and 4 T, respectively. Upon further pressure increase, Tc remains anomalously constant up to the highest achieved pressure. Conversely, the carrier concentration increases continuously with pressure, including a tenfold increase over the pressure range where Tc remains constant. Together with a quasilinear temperature dependence of Hc2 that exceeds the orbital and Pauli limits, the anomalously stagnant pressure dependence of Tc points to an unconventional pressure-induced pairing state in Bi2Se3 that is unique among the superconducting topological insulators.

Phys Rev Lett ; 110(21): 216401, 2013 May 24.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-23745898


We study Bi(2)Se(3) by polarization-dependent angle-resolved photoemission spectroscopy and density-functional theory slab calculations. We find that the surface state Dirac fermions are characterized by a layer-dependent entangled spin-orbital texture, which becomes apparent through quantum interference effects. This explains the discrepancy between the spin polarization obtained in spin and angle-resolved photoemission spectroscopy-ranging from 20% to 85%-and the 100% value assumed in phenomenological models. It also suggests a way to probe the intrinsic spin texture of topological insulators, and to continuously manipulate the spin polarization of photoelectrons and photocurrents all the way from 0 to ±100% by an appropriate choice of photon energy, linear polarization, and angle of incidence.

Phys Rev Lett ; 106(15): 156403, 2011 Apr 15.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-21568584


X-ray diffraction, electrical resistivity, magnetic susceptibility, and specific heat measurements on Ce(1-x)Yb(x)CoIn5 (0≤x≤1) reveal that many of the characteristic features of the x=0 correlated electron state are stable for x≤0.775 and that phase separation occurs for x>0.775. The stability of the correlated electron state is apparently due to cooperative behavior of the Ce and Yb ions, involving their unstable valences. Low-temperature non-Fermi liquid behavior is observed and varies with x, even though there is no readily identifiable quantum critical point. The superconducting critical temperature T(c) decreases linearly with x towards 0 K as x→1, in contrast with other HF superconductors where T(c) scales with T(coh).

Phys Rev Lett ; 107(18): 186405, 2011 Oct 28.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-22107654


The electronic structure of Bi(2)Se(3) is studied by angle-resolved photoemission and density functional theory. We show that the instability of the surface electronic properties, observed even in ultrahigh-vacuum conditions, can be overcome via in situ potassium deposition. In addition to accurately setting the carrier concentration, new Rashba-like spin-polarized states are induced, with a tunable, reversible, and highly stable spin splitting. Ab initio slab calculations reveal that these Rashba states are derived from 5-quintuple-layer quantum-well states. While the K-induced potential gradient enhances the spin splitting, this may be present on pristine surfaces due to the symmetry breaking of the vacuum-solid interface.

Science ; 373(6556): 797-801, 2021 08 13.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-34385397


An unconventional superconducting state was recently discovered in uranium ditelluride (UTe2), in which spin-triplet superconductivity emerges from the paramagnetic normal state of a heavy-fermion material. The coexistence of magnetic fluctuations and superconductivity, together with the crystal structure of this material, suggests that a distinctive set of symmetries, magnetic properties, and topology underlie the superconducting state. Here, we report observations of a nonzero polar Kerr effect and of two transitions in the specific heat upon entering the superconducting state, which together suggest that the superconductivity in UTe2 is characterized by a two-component order parameter that breaks time-reversal symmetry. These data place constraints on the symmetries of the order parameter and inform the discussion on the presence of topological superconductivity in UTe2.

npj Quantum Inf ; 6(1)2021.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-37731847


The helimagnet FeP is part of a family of binary pnictide materials with the MnP-type structure, which share a nonsymmorphic crystal symmetry that preserves generic band structure characteristics through changes in elemental composition. It shows many similarities, including in its magnetic order, to isostructural CrAs and MnP, two compounds that are driven to superconductivity under applied pressure. Here we present a series of high magnetic field experiments on high-quality single crystals of FeP, showing that the resistance not only increases without saturation by up to several hundred times its zero-field value by 35 T, but that it also exhibits an anomalously linear field dependence over the entire range when the field is aligned precisely along the crystallographic c-axis. A close comparison of quantum oscillation frequencies to electronic structure calculations links this orientation to a semi-Dirac point in the band structure, which disperses linearly in a single direction in the plane perpendicular to field, a symmetry-protected feature of this entire material family. We show that the two striking features of magnetoresistance-large amplitude and linear field dependence-arise separately in this system, with the latter likely due to a combination of ordered magnetism and topological band structure.

Nat Commun ; 12(1): 154, 2021 Jan 08.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-33420054


The absence of mirror symmetry, or chirality, is behind striking natural phenomena found in systems as diverse as DNA and crystalline solids. A remarkable example occurs when chiral semimetals with topologically protected band degeneracies are illuminated with circularly polarized light. Under the right conditions, the part of the generated photocurrent that switches sign upon reversal of the light's polarization, known as the circular photo-galvanic effect, is predicted to depend only on fundamental constants. The conditions to observe quantization are non-universal, and depend on material parameters and the incident frequency. In this work, we perform terahertz emission spectroscopy with tunable photon energy from 0.2 -1.1 eV in the chiral topological semimetal CoSi. We identify a large longitudinal photocurrent peaked at 0.4 eV reaching  ~550 µ A/V2, which is much larger than the photocurrent in any chiral crystal reported in the literature. Using first-principles calculations we establish that the peak originates only from topological band crossings, reaching 3.3 ± 0.3 in units of the quantization constant. Our calculations indicate that the quantized circular photo-galvanic effect is within reach in CoSi upon doping and increase of the hot-carrier lifetime. The large photo-conductivity suggests that topological semimetals could potentially be used as novel mid-infrared detectors.

Phys Rev B ; 100(14)2019 Oct.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-34131607


We report low-temperature muon spin relaxation/rotation (µSR) measurements on single crystals of the actinide superconductor UTe2. Below 5 K we observe a continuous slowing down of magnetic fluctuations that persists through the superconducting transition temperature (T c = 1.6 K), but we find no evidence of long-range or local magnetic order down to 0.025 K. The temperature dependence of the dynamic relaxation rate down to 0.4 K agrees with the self-consistent renormalization theory of spin fluctuations for a three-dimensional weak itinerant ferromagnetic metal. Our µSR measurements also indicate that the superconductivity coexists with the magnetic fluctuations.

J Phys Condens Matter ; 28(48): 485702, 2016 12 07.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-27705951


Electrical and thermal transport measurements were performed on thin films of the electron-doped superconductor Sm2-x Ce x CuO4-y (x = 0.13 - 0.19) in order to study the evolving nature of the charge carriers from the under-doped to over-doped regime. A temperature versus cerium content (T - x) phase diagram has been constructed from the electrical transport measurements, yielding a superconducting region similar to that found for other electron-doped superconductors. Thermopower measurements show a dramatic change from the underdoped region (x < 0.15) to the overdoped region (x > 0.15). Application of the Fisher-Fisher-Huse (FFH) vortex glass scaling model to the magnetoresistance data was found to be insufficient to describe the data in the region of the vortex-solid to vortex-liquid transition. It was found instead that the modified vortex glass scaling model of Rydh, Rapp, and Anderson provided a good description of the data, indicating the importance of the applied field on the pinning landscape. A magnetic field versus temperature (H - T) phase diagram has also been constructed for the films with [Formula: see text], displaying the evolution of the vortex glass melting lines H g (T) across the superconducting regime.

J Phys Condens Matter ; 24(3): 035602, 2012 Jan 25.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-22183616


We report x-ray diffraction, electrical resistivity, and magnetoresistance measurements on Bi2Se3 under high pressure and low temperature conditions. Pressure induces profound changes in both the room temperature value of the electrical resistivity as well as the temperature dependence of the resistivity. Initially, pressure drives Bi2Se3 toward increasingly insulating behavior and then, at higher pressures, the sample appears to enter a fully metallic state coincident with a change in the crystal structure. Within the low pressure phase, Bi2Se3 exhibits an unusual field dependence of the transverse magnetoresistance Δρ(xx) that is positive at low fields and becomes negative at higher fields. Our results demonstrate that pressures below 8 GPa provide a non-chemical means to controllably reduce the bulk conductivity of Bi2Se3.

Phys Rev Lett ; 97(6): 067005, 2006 Aug 11.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-17026193


Thermal conductivity of Sr3Ru2O7 was measured down to 40 mK and at magnetic fields through the quantum critical end point at Hc=7.85 T. A peak in the electrical resistivity as a function of the field was mimicked by the thermal resistivity. In the limit as T-->0 K, we find that the Wiedemann-Franz law is satisfied to within 5% at all fields, implying that there is no breakdown of the electron despite the destruction of the Fermi liquid state at quantum criticality. A significant change in disorder [from rho0(H=0 T)=2.1 to 0.5 microOmega cm] does not influence our conclusions. At finite temperatures, the temperature dependence of the Lorenz number is consistent with ferromagnetic fluctuations causing the non-Fermi liquid behavior as one would expect at a metamagnetic quantum critical end point.

Phys Rev Lett ; 94(14): 147004, 2005 Apr 15.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-15904097


Low-temperature heat transport was used to investigate the ground state of high-purity single crystals of the lightly doped cuprate YBa2Cu3O6.33. Samples were measured with doping concentrations on either side of the superconducting phase boundary. We report the observation of delocalized fermionic excitations at zero energy in the nonsuperconducting state, which shows that the ground state of underdoped cuprates is a thermal metal. Its low-energy spectrum appears to be similar to that of the d-wave superconductor, i.e., nodal. The insulating ground state observed in underdoped La2-xSrxCuO4 is attributed to the competing spin-density-wave order.

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