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Stud Health Technol Inform ; 294: 164-168, 2022 May 25.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-35612049


One approach to verifying the quality of research data obtained from EHRs is auditing how complete and correct the data are in comparison with those collected by manual and controlled methods. This study analyzed data quality of an EHR-derived dataset for COVID-19 research, obtained during the pandemic at Hospital Universitario 12 de Octubre. Data were extracted from EHRs and a manually collected research database, and then transformed into the ISARIC-WHO COVID-19 CRF model. Subsequently, a data analysis was performed, comparing both sources through this convergence model. More concepts and records were obtained from EHRs, and PPV (95% CI) was above 85% in most sections. In future studies, a more detailed analysis of data quality will be carried out.

COVID-19 , Confiabilidade dos Dados , Bases de Dados Factuais , Registros Eletrônicos de Saúde , Humanos , Pandemias
Stud Health Technol Inform ; 294: 287-291, 2022 May 25.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-35612078


Reuse of Electronic Health Records (EHRs) for specific diseases such as COVID-19 requires data to be recorded and persisted according to international standards. Since the beginning of the COVID-19 pandemic, Hospital Universitario 12 de Octubre (H12O) evolved its EHRs: it identified, modeled and standardized the concepts related to this new disease in an agile, flexible and staged way. Thus, data from more than 200,000 COVID-19 cases were extracted, transformed, and loaded into an i2b2 repository. This effort allowed H12O to share data with worldwide networks such as the TriNetX platform and the 4CE Consortium.

COVID-19 , COVID-19/epidemiologia , Registros Eletrônicos de Saúde , Humanos , Pandemias
Stud Health Technol Inform ; 281: 28-32, 2021 May 27.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-34042699


This work aims to describe how EHRs have been used to meet the needs of healthcare providers and researchers in a 1,300-beds tertiary Hospital during COVID-19 pandemic. For this purpose, essential clinical concepts were identified and standardized with LOINC and SNOMED CT. After that, these concepts were implemented in EHR systems and based on them, data tools, such as clinical alerts, dynamic patient lists and a clinical follow-up dashboard, were developed for healthcare support. In addition, these data were incorporated into standardized repositories and COVID-19 databases to improve clinical research on this new disease. In conclusion, standardized EHRs allowed implementation of useful multi- purpose data resources in a major Hospital in the course of the pandemic.

COVID-19 , Pandemias , Registros Eletrônicos de Saúde , Humanos , SARS-CoV-2 , Centros de Atenção Terciária
Med. leg. Costa Rica ; 33(1): 79-84, ene.-mar. 2016.
Artigo em Espanhol | LILACS | ID: lil-782666


Resumen:El código penal costarricense admite la posibilidad de eximir de responsabilidad penal a los individuos que presentan algún trastorno mental en el momento del acto delictivo. La psiquiatría forense tiene como uno de usus fines determinar el grado de imputabilidad de todo sujeto a quien se le presuma afectado de enfermedad psíquica. La intervención es objetiva y esto se consigue a través de la entrevista y el examen del estado mental del sujeto. Durante el interrogatorio se evalúa la conciencia, la lucidez, el raciocinio, el jucio y la impulsividad. Se han determinado enfermedades que se excluyen de responsabilidad penal total o parcial como la esquizofrena, la paranoia en forma de delirio y la epilepsia en sus diferentes variables. Asimismo, se hace referencia al trastorno mental transitorio (TMT) que se da cuando el curso de la alteración implica un estado de recuperación de las facultades mentales superiores y el acusado puede retornar a una condición de normalidad psíquica.

Abstract:Costa Rica's penal code allows the possibility of exempting from criminal responsibility to individuals who have a mental disorder at the time of the criminal act. Forensic psychiatry aims to determine the degree of accountability of every person who is presumed will be affected by mental illness. The intervention is objective and this is achieved through the interview and mental exam. At the examination, the professional has to evaluate consciousness, lucidity, reasoning, judgment and impulsiveness. There are certain diseases that are excluded from total or partial criminal liability as different variables of schizophrenia, paranoia, delirium and epilepsy. In addition, referring to transient mental disorder (TMD), it occurs when the course of the alteration involves a recovery state of the mental faculties and the person can return to a normal mental condition.

Psiquiatria Legal , Imputabilidade , Transtornos Mentais
Med. leg. Costa Rica ; 33(1): 85-95, ene.-mar. 2016. tab
Artigo em Espanhol | LILACS | ID: lil-782667


Existe un interés creciente en prevenir la enfermedad y mejorar la salud, por lo que se han desarrolladosuplementos nutricionales percibidos por la población como inofensivos, sin embargo, las plantas son productorasde sustancias químicas que pueden inducir a daño hepático. Los suplementos usados para fisicoculturismo yreducción de peso son los productos naturales que más han reportado hepatotoxicidad en los últimos tiempos.El diagnóstico de la lesión hepática asociado a productos naturales debe hacerse de forma sistematizada ydebe incluir información sobre el inicio del consumo del producto natural, el periodo de tratamiento y el periodode latencia. Comúnmente, el cuadro clínico es agudo y los síntomas en su mayoría son inespecíficos. Se handefinido criterios de hepatotoxicidad a través de la medición de los niveles de la alanina aminotransferasa (ALT)y la fosfatasa alcalina (FA) y la relación entre estas dos variables. Con la cesación del agente implicado, lossignos clínicos generalmente ceden y se da una marcada disminución de los niveles de las enzimas hepáticas. Lapositividad de la reexposición no intencionada del producto es el gold standard para confirmar la hepatotoxicidadpor sustancias naturales. No existen hallazgos histológicos específicos de lesión hepática, por lo que la biopsiano forma parte de los algoritmos para diagnósitico. Con el fin de objetivizar la valoración de efectos adversos seutiliza la escala de CIOMS/RUCAM (Council for International Organizations of Medical Sciences/Roussel UclafCausality Assesment Method) que permite determinar la probabilidad de lesión hepática secundaria al producto.Además de la hepatotoxicidad directa producida por sustancias de origen botánico, se han descrito interaccionesentre medicamentos convencionales y los productos herbales, por lo que el médico tratante debe indagar sobreel uso de estos productos...

here is a growing interest in prevention of diseases and improvement of health. That is why nutritional supplementshave been developed and perceived by people as harmless, but plants produce chemical substances that can leadto liver damage. The supplements used for bodybuilding and weight reduction constituted the most common naturalproducts accounting for hepatotoxicity in last times. The diagnosis of liver injury associated to natural productsshould be done in a systematic way and should include information about the first use of the substance, the treatmentperiod and latency. Commonly, the clinic is an acute condition with nonspecific symptoms. The measurement oflevels of alanine aminotransferase (ALT), alkaline phosphatase (PA) and relationship between these variables serveas criteria of liver injury. With cessation of the agent involved, clinical signs usually yield and there is a markeddecrease in the liver biomarkers levels. Positive results for no intentional reexposure is the gold standard to confirmhepatotoxicity to natural substances. There are no specific histologic findings for liver damage, so biopsy cannotbe used for diagnosis. In order to objectify the adverse effects we use the CIOMS/RUCAM Scale (Council forInternational Organizations of Medical Sciences/ Roussel Uclaf Causality Assesment Method). In addition to thepotential for direct hepatotoxicity, some of the herbs may have interactions with certain prescription medications, sophysicians should ask for using natural products and prevention of concomitant use...

Humanos , Produtos Biológicos , Suplementos Nutricionais , Fígado
Med. leg. Costa Rica ; 33(1): 116-125, ene.-mar. 2016. tab
Artigo em Espanhol | LILACS | ID: lil-782671


Cuando el médico tiene poca experiencia o no suele enfrentarse a este tipo situaciones, el diagnóstico de abuso sexual es difícil y cuando es un niño o una niña es aún más complicado. En la dinámica de estos eventos intervienen diversos factores. Al evaluar al niño o niña afectada es indispensable evitar la revictimización, que al tomar lugar se convierte en una nueva agresión, para lograr lo anterior se requiere que sea un equipo interdisciplinario y con experiencia, el que lleve a cabo la evolución. Se debe evitar la duplicación de interrogatorios, entrevistas y exploración física. En los casos de abuso crónico, se puede prescindir del examen físico. La relación predominante en los casos de abuso es la de padre e hija y el tipo de agresión más frecuente es el tocamiento en casi el 90% de los casos. Premisa que nos lleva a considerar que es frecuente encontrar el área genito-anal totalmente indemne durante la exploración física. Las consecuencias de sucesos como estos dependerán del apoyo familiar, el grado de culpabilidad que se genere en el niño y del abordaje y las estrategias que se pongan en marcha para enfrentar la agresión.

When the doctor has little experience, the diagnosis of sexual abuse is difficult and when the victim is a child, is even more complicated. The dynamic of these events involved several factors. When assessing the affected youth it is essential to avoid re-victimization, which becomes a new aggression. In order to achieve this is required an interdisciplinary and experienced team to develop the analysis. Avoid duplication of interrogations, interviews and physical examination. In cases of chronic abuse, the physicians can dispense physical examination. The predominant relationship in cases of abuse is father and daughter and the most frequent type of aggression is touching, almost in 90% of cases. Reason why is not uncommon to get no abnormal findings in physical examination. The consequences of these kinds of events will depend on family support, the degree of culpability that is generated on the child and the approach and the implemented strategies to deal with aggression.

Humanos , Masculino , Feminino , Criança , Abuso Sexual na Infância , Incesto
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