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J Environ Manage ; 286: 112114, 2021 May 15.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-33618323


The biological treatment of mine drainage (MD) using sulfate-reducing bacteria (SRB) is a technology in growing exploitation. The use of by-products as sources of electrons can make this treatment more environmentally and economically advantageous. However, the high chemical oxygen demand (COD) and the presence of recalcitrant molecules can lead to the accumulation of metabolic intermediates that acidify the system, thus interrupting the treatment. Besides, the adaptation of the inoculum to the establishment of sulfidogenesis with MD and by-product may be slow. This study aimed to investigate prompt adaptation and operation strategies that do not require additives to enable the sulfidogenic process to occur while maintaining a pH close to neutrality. The sources of electrons tested were trub (brewery residue) and crude glycerol - CG (residue from the biodiesel production). The inoculum from a methanogenic reactor was stored with a real MD for a month. The adapted inoculum was applied in a batch reactor for 168 h of hydraulic detention time, and promoted 75.8 ± 4.3% of sulfate removal from an MD with 3756.4 ± 258 mg.L-1 of sulfate using CG in a COD/SO42- ratio of 3 ratio. With higher initial substrate concentrations, acidification occurred and the treatment was interrupted. Using trub instead of CG, the acidification occurred at a COD/SO42- ratio of 3. Acidification was prevented and the best efficiencies in sulfate removal were obtained when the amount of substrate corresponding to COD/SO42- ratio of 3 was fractioned into equal parts and added over six days in the CG reactor. It was achieved 94.15 ± 1.76% of sulfate removal. With trub, the same procedure in which this COD was divided into seven parts, and resulted in a sulfate removal of 88.49 ± 1.02%. The removal of metals and metalloids were greater than 94.5% in all the systems in which the substrate supply was made fractionally, and the effluent generated presented alkalinity between 3370 and 4242 mg CaCO3.L-1, and pH between 6.8 and 7. The method of adaptation and operation applied allowed the realization of a MD treatment with quick establishment of sulfidogenesis and without the use of neutralizing additives. Finally, the effluent presented characteristics considered favorable for a later stage of post-treatment of the effluent with methane generation.

Reatores Biológicos , Sulfatos , Análise da Demanda Biológica de Oxigênio , Metais , Metano , Eliminação de Resíduos Líquidos
Eng. sanit. ambient ; 26(1): 69-76, jan.-fev. 2021. tab
Artigo em Português | LILACS-Express | LILACS | ID: biblio-1154126


RESUMO Rochas contendo sulfetos metálicos podem ser oxidadas em um processo catalisado por procariotos quimiolitoautotróficos ou Fe3+. A atividade mineradora acelera esse processo ao gerar resíduos contendo sulfetos metálicos com grande superfície de contato. O lixiviado resultante, conhecido como drenagem de mina (DM), é rico em sulfato, íons hidrogênio e contaminantes químicos inorgânicos como ferro (Fe), zinco (Zn), cádmio (Cd), manganês (Mn), níquel (Ni), arsênio (As) e alumínio (Al). Para remover tais poluentes, atualmente, o principal tratamento utilizado é a adição de reagentes alcalinos. Entretanto, esse método tem limitada eficiência, alto custo e gera grandes volumes de resíduos sólidos tóxicos de relativa solubilidade. Bactérias redutoras de sulfato (BRS) podem oxidar matéria orgânica com geração de sulfeto. Algumas vias metabólicas do processo consomem H+neutralizando o pH. O sulfeto produzido pode reagir com contaminantes inorgânicos e precipitá-los, permitindo sua recuperação da fase líquida. O uso de subprodutos industriais e urbanos contendo diferentes fontes de carbono como doadores de elétrons no tratamento de DM tem sido investigado. Este artigo sumariza dados sobre as variáveis relevantes para a atividade microbiana durante o tratamento biológico de DM, analisando o atual cenário de pesquisas com fontes alternativas de carbono. Discute-se ainda novas fontes de matéria orgânica ainda não aplicadas para tratamento biológico de efluentes e que, sob aspectos de sustentabilidade, dos pontos de vista sustentável e econômico, podem ser usadas no tratamento de resíduos.

ABSTRACT Rocks containing metal sulfides be can oxidized biologically or chemically. Chemolithoautotrophics prokaryotes and Fe3+ catalyze this process. The mining activities also accelerate the process for creates metal sulphides tailings with a big contact surface. The leached formed is called Mine Drainage (MD) whose composition is rich in sulphate, hydrogen ions and inorganic chemical contaminants such as Fe, Zn, Mn, Cd, Ni, As e Al. Currently, in order to remove these pollutants, the main treatment used is the addition of alkaline reagents. However, the method has limited efficiency, high cost with input reagents and generates wide amounts of toxic solid residues with high solubility. The sulphide reducing bacterias (RSB) can oxidize organic matter generating sulphide. Some metabolic pathways consume H+ neutralizing the pH. The sulphide formed can react and precipitate inorganic pollutants, allowing their recuperation from the liquid phase. The use of industrial and urban by-products containing different carbon sources have been investigated as an electron donor in the MD treatment. The diverse microbial consortia synergic acting can present bigger efficiency in the presence of mixed carbon sources, besides lower cost in relation to the pure matter. Here will be detailed the biological treatment about which and how the variables of the system can influence the microbial activity and relevant molecules to the treatment. After is described the current situation of the research about alternative carbon sources. New carbon sources whose are a by-product of the expanding industry presenting good feature to anaerobic degrading are suggested. The by-product potential is described from the point of view of sustainability, and waste management.

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