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Infant Ment Health J ; 45(2): 217-233, 2024 Mar.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-38254263


The field of infant mental health (IMH) has offered valuable insights into the critical importance of social-emotional development, including the enduring influence of early experiences throughout life. Maternal and Child Health (MCH) nurses are ideally placed to facilitate knowledge sharing with parents. This Australian-based qualitative exploratory descriptive study explored how MCH nurses incorporate IMH in their clinical practice, and how they share this information with caregivers. Ten community-based MCH nurses participated in voluntary, semi-structured interviews which were transcribed verbatim and analyzed thematically. Findings identified five themes that characterized how MCH nurses incorporated IMH concepts into their practice. These themes were: prioritizing physical health promotion activities, highlighting infant communications, variations in knowledge and application of IMH concepts, workplace time schedules, and the relational nature of the work. Recommendations include encouraging IMH as a health promotion activity, facilitating IMH assessment, further education, reflective supervision, and extension of predetermined appointment times to enable knowledge and skill sharing. Further research is also recommended to provide additional insights into how nurses with IMH training promote and share IMH concepts with caregivers. Adoption of these recommendations would further enhance the care given to families and the role of the MCH nurses.

El campo de la salud mental infantil (IMH) ha ofrecido perspectivas valiosas sobre la suma importancia del desarrollo socioemocional en los primeros años para el desarrollo social y emocional posterior. Las enfermeras de la salud materno-infantil (MCH) se encuentran en posición ideal para facilitar el proceso de compartir conocimiento con los progenitores. Este estudio cualitativo, exploratorio y descriptivo, llevado a cabo en Australia, exploró cómo las enfermeras MCH incorporan IMH en sus prácticas clínicas y cómo ellas comparten esta información con los cuidadores. Un grupo de enfermeras MCH de base comunitaria participó en entrevistas voluntarias semiestructuradas. Las entrevistas se transcribieron palabra por palabra y se analizaron temáticamente. Los resultados identificaron cinco temas que caracterizaban cómo incorporaron los conceptos de IMH en su práctica. Estos temas fueron: actividades para promover el darle prioridad a la salud física, enfatizar las comunicaciones del infante, variaciones en el conocimiento y la aplicación de conceptos de IMH, tablas de horarios del lugar de trabajo y la naturaleza relacional del trabajo. Entre las recomendaciones se incluyen el fomentar IMH como una actividad de promoción de la salud, facilitar la evaluación de IMH, más educación, supervisión con reflexión, así como extensión del horario de citas predeterminado para permitir el proceso de compartir conocimiento y habilidades. También se recomienda más investigación para ofrecer perspectivas adicionales de cómo las enfermeras con entrenamiento de IMH promueven y comparten los conceptos de IMH con los cuidadores. La adopción de estas recomendaciones mejoraría más el cuidado que se ofrece a familias y el papel de las enfermeras MCH.

Le domaine de la santé mentale du nourrisson (IMH en anglais) a permis de mieux comprendre l'importance critique du développement socio-émotionnel dans les premières années pour le développement social et émotionnel ultérieur. Les infirmiers et infirmières de la Santé Maternelle et de l'Enfant (MCH en anglais) sont idéalement situées pour faciliter le partage des connaissances avec les parents. Cette étude Qualitative Exploratoire Descriptive, en Australie, a exploré comment les infirmier/infirmières MCH incorporent l'IMH dans leur pratique clinique et comment ils/elles partagent cette information avec les personnes prenant soin des enfants. Une cohorte de 10 infirmiers/infirmières MCH basées dans leur communauté ont participé à des entretiens volontaires semi-structurés. Les entretiens ont été transcrits verbatim et analysé de manière thématique. Les résultats ont identifié cinq thèmes qui ont caractérisé les concepts IMH dans leur pratique. Ces thèmes étaient: donner la priorité à la promotion d'activités de santé physique, la mise en évidence des communications du nourrisson, les variations dans les connaissances et l'application des concepts IMH, les emplois du temps du lieu de travail et la nature relationnelle du travail. Les recommandations incluent la nécessité d'encourager l'IMH en tant qu'activité de promotion de la santé, la facilitation de l'évaluation IMH, une formation supplémentaire, une supervision de réflexion et l'extension de rendez-vous pour développer les connaissances et partager les compétences. De plus amples recherches sont recommandées afin d'éclairer la manière dont les infirmiers/infirmières formées en IMH promeuvent et partagent les concepts IMH avec les personnes prenant soin des enfants. L'adoption de ces recommandations pour améliorer davantage le soin offert aux familles et les rôles des infirmiers/infirmières MCH.

Saúde da Criança , Família , Lactente , Criança , Humanos , Austrália , Saúde Mental , Pais/psicologia
Pflege ; 2024 Feb 27.
Artigo em Alemão | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-38411152


The effectiveness of digital care applications in people with need of home care: A systematic review Abstract: Background: The growing need for long-term care poses challenges for healthcare systems. In June 2021, digital care applications (DiPA) were introduced as a new service in the statutory long-term care insurance in Germany. Their aim is to counteract the increased care need and/or support independence in the home. Aim: This project systematically identified and reported on national and international evidence on DiPA effectiveness, as described by the Federal Institute for Drugs and Medical Devices (BfArM). Methods: The systematic review was conducted in accordance with the PRISMA statement by means of systematic searches in the databases Medline and Cinahl, and supplemented by an extensive manual search (08/2022). Study quality was assessed using the Risk of Bias Tool (RoB2). The results were synthesized narratively. Results: Eight randomized controlled studies were included; improvements in cognition, activities of daily living, and mobility in home care patients, were reported. Study quality was low to moderate, due to mostly unblinded study designs and low case numbers. Conclusions: The currently available evidence fails to provide a reliable basis for assessing the benefits of DiPA, to neither DiPA manufacturers, nor to responsible parties in the healthcare system. Further research on DiPA effectiveness, particularly with high-quality studies, are necessary to assess its potential in the German care sector.

Pflege ; 2024 Jul 18.
Artigo em Alemão | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-39023317


Collaboration between care teams and care experts in home care nursing: A qualitative case study Abstract: Background: As a result of demographic change and the associated ageing population, the number of people affected by multimorbidity is increasing, and with it the complexity of home care nursing. In a home care nursing service (Spitex), care teams work with employees of different levels of competence. For support in complex situations, they can seek help from nursing experts (PEX). Aim: The aim was to investigate the collaboration between the care teams and the PEX of a regional Spitex organization and to work out measures for optimization. The research question was: "How do the care teams of a regional Spitex organization experience the collaboration with the nursing experts?" Methods: A qualitative case study design with four sub-cases was used to describe in detail how collaboration with PEX is experienced. Four Focus group interviews were evaluated using content analysis and cross-case analysis. Results: The Cross-Case analysis reveals the categories for optimal collaboration: present, professionally versatile, relieving in coordination tasks, supportive in complex situations. The following categories are categorized as disruptive factors in collaboration: varying levels of commitment, collaboration low priority and confusing. Conclusions: The PEX are to be made better known through targeted information dissemination. Implications for practice include the importance of presence and mutual understanding of roles so that collaboration is experienced as added value.

Pflege ; 2024 Aug 28.
Artigo em Alemão | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-39192811


Psychosocial stress and working conditions of nursing home staff in Covid-19 pandemic: A cross-sectional study Abstract: Background: With the onset of the Covid-19 pandemic in March 2020 there were numerous changes in the daily professional lives of healthcare professionals. Aim: Since the focus has been mainly on hospital staff so far, it is also important to watch the care situation in old people's and nursing homes. This study aimed to investigate the impact of the Covid-19 pandemic on the daily professional life, the psychosocial situation and the interpersonal relationships of nursing staff in old people's and nursing homes in Brandenburg. Methods: Cross-sectional survey of nursing staff from old people's and nursing homes in Brandenburg in the period from August to December 2020. The questionnaires were analysed using descriptive statistics and qualitative thematic analysis. Results: On the one hand, the increased workload with more difficult working conditions due to Covid-19 hygiene measures or increased working hours led to physical and psychosocial stress. In private life, increased social isolation was evident and changes in interpersonal relationships were stressful. On the other hand, the participants reported recognition and increased professional political interest. Conclusions: The Covid 19 pandemic highlighted pre-existing pressures on caregivers. In the future, it is important to improve the known workloads for nursing staff in old people's and nursing homes and to work out measures to counteract an increase of stress in situations like the pandemic.

Pflege ; 2024 Feb 14.
Artigo em Alemão | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-38353001


"Take a break - Time-out for me": A practice project to promote a healthy rest break Abstract. Background: Breaks are essential for physical and mental health. In health care professions breaks are often cancelled or interrupted. Nursing staff should be enabled to take breaks regularly and without any interruptions. They should be given alternative options to organize their breaks. Methods: A pre-post survey was carried out with one group by means of questionnaires. The two break models "Feel good manager" and "I'm away" were tested by the nursing staff, followed by a debriefing meeting. Results: Before this project none of the nurses had rated his/her satisfaction regarding the breaks as "very good" or "good". This changed during the project to 45,5% (t1) and 22,2% (t2). None of the nurses felt "very well" or "well" recovered before the project. An increase to 54,6% (t1) respectively 33,3% could be asserted. Only 7,1% (t0) indicated to take their breaks "always" or "usually" in "full-length". With the break model "Feel good manager" it changed to 100% and with the model "I am away" to 33,3%. The amount of interruptions could be reduced from 4 (t0) to 2 (t1) and 0 (t2). Discussion: These break models are not applicable arbitrarily by other wards at will. Instead, individual situation analysis should be carried out with according adjustments. These models cannot be tested in case of lack of break areas or absence of personnel. Conclusion: The described project procedure can be transferred to other wards.

Pflege ; 2024 May 02.
Artigo em Alemão | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-38695187


Factors in the implementation of expert standards in nursing: A qualitative study Abstract: Background: Many German health and long-term care facilities face the challenge of implementing expert standards in practice. Implementation models, such as the Consolidated Framework for Implementation Research (CFIR), support the implementation process by identifying the relevant influencing factors that can determine the success of an implementation. Aim: The aim was to identify the factors influencing the implementation of expert standards in nursing care and their interactions. Method: The data were collected by means of guided interviews with ten facilitators of the model implementation units for the implementation of the expert standard on promotion of oral health in nursing and from the project progress records. The data were evaluated by content analysis. Results: In addition to the influencing factors according to the CFIR, two other factors were identified that can determine the success of the implementation of expert standards - local presence and knowledge of implementation theories and models. The various and complex interrelationships between the factors in the implementation of expert standards became particularly clear. Conclusion: Knowledge of the fundamentals of implementation science is helpful for the successful and sustainable implementation of expert standards and for general knowledge transfer in nursing.

Pflege ; 2024 Feb 29.
Artigo em Alemão | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-38420928


Professional health literacy among nurses in Germany: Results of a quantitative, cross-sectional survey Abstract. Background: Little is known about the professional health literacy (HL) of nurses, i.e., how well they are able to promote patients' HL. Existing studies have focused on personal HL, which does not entirely align with professional HL. Therefore, a new concept and questionnaire for professional HL have been developed and implemented for the first time. The results obtained for nurses in Germany are analysed with this article. Research question: It is asked how professional health literacy (HL) is distributed among nurses and which factors are associated with it. Methods: Data were collected through an online survey where nurses were asked about the difficulties they encounter in managing tasks in four dimensions: (1) information and knowledge management, (2) explaining and conveying information, (3) patient-centered communication, and (4) professional digital health literacy. Descriptive and multivariate, linear regression methods were used for analysis. Results: The 624 respondents rated the fourth dimension as the most difficult. The first and second dimensions were rated as similarly difficult, while the third dimension was considered least difficult. Higher professional HL is linked to better self-assessed training and framework conditions. Conclusion: Despite a relatively positive self-assessment, the results indicate areas that require improvement and should be addressed urgently.

Pflege ; 2024 May 29.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-38809228


Background: Proximal femoral fracture is common in older people. Beyond a long recovery process and significant permanent functional limitations, older people often experience subsequent Fear of Falling. The phenomenon of Fear of Falling is not fully understood; qualitative research is underrepresented but can provide insights into the experience of those affected. Objectives: We aimed to explore the experiences of Fear of Falling development and to what extent it affects peoples' life after proximal femoral fracture. Methods: We conducted semi-structured, in-depth interviews with nine older people, aged between 61 and 88, who participated in a prospective observational study. Interview data were analysed through inductive content analysis. Results: Six major themes emerged: The development of Fear of Falling; the effect of FoF and hope for recovery; alternating between moments of fear and security; fear of helplessness and of losing independence; strategies for dealing with Fear of Falling and maintaining independence; need of support by health care professionals. Conclusion: To identify and support older people in coping with Fear of Falling (after proximal femoral fracture), strategies for dealing with Fear of Falling across occupational groups and all healthcare settings should be implemented. Nurses have a key role in this process.

Pflege ; 37(4): 197-203, 2024 08.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-38294181


Background: Topical corticosteroids (TCS) are the mainstay of therapy for paediatric atopic dermatitis (AD). The use of TCS is often met with fear by parents. Assessing this parental TCS fear in clinical practice is still lacking. Aim: The aim was to assess parental fear and beliefs about TCS. Furthermore, we evaluated the quality of life (QoL) of the family and the disease severity of affected children. Methods: We conducted an observational study with a cross-sectional design. Inclusion criteria were children aged 0 to 5 years with a diagnosis of AD and outpatient treatment. The outcome measures were parental fears and beliefs about TCS, assessed with the "Topical Corticosteroid Phobia Score" (TOPICOP), parental QoL evaluated with the "Family Dermatology Life Quality Index", and disease severity, assessed with the "Scoring atopic dermatitis" (SCORAD). Descriptive statistic was used to analyse the data. Results: The current study found that in 40 affected children, 25 (62.5%), suffered from mild AD, 12 (30%) children had moderate AD, and 3 (7.5%) children had severe AD. TCS fear among parents was notable (mean TOPICOP score 18.1, standard deviation (SD) 7.1). The QoL was moderately affected (mean FDLQI score 6.5, SD 2.8). Conclusions: Our study indicates that fear of TCS is prevalent. Furthermore, our data indicate that severity of TCS fear varies markedly between parents, ranging from parents with almost no fear to parents with high levels of fear. For effective education in clinical practice, the individual level of fear must be recognized and taken into account.

Dermatite Atópica , Medo , Pais , Qualidade de Vida , Humanos , Dermatite Atópica/psicologia , Dermatite Atópica/enfermagem , Dermatite Atópica/tratamento farmacológico , Masculino , Feminino , Pré-Escolar , Estudos Transversais , Qualidade de Vida/psicologia , Pais/psicologia , Medo/psicologia , Lactente , Corticosteroides/administração & dosagem , Corticosteroides/uso terapêutico , Recém-Nascido , Inquéritos e Questionários
Pflege ; 2024 May 23.
Artigo em Alemão | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-38778756


The implementation of clinical assessment by nurses in Switzerland: A cross-sectional study from the nursing perspective Abstract: Background: Clinical assessment is a core competency of BSc and MSc prepared nurses in Switzerland. However, influencing factors of its implementation and the experience in the interprofessional team has been studied little so far. Objective: The aim of this study was to explore how often clinical assessment skills are used by BSc and MSc graduated nurses in Switzerland, to identify facilitating and hindering factors for implementation and to investigate the nurses experience of the implementation in the interprofessional team. Method: We used an exploratory, descriptive research design employing a cross-sectional study of the convenience sample of BScN and MScN graduates in Switzerland. 264 questionnaires were analysed quantitatively and 149 written statements as part of the survey qualitatively. Results: Respondents indicated that they routinely only use 18.9% of the 53 assessment skills they were trained in. The "respiratory system", "abdomen", "skin" and "mental status" were used most frequently. MScN graduates use respiratory assessments and BScN graduates use abdominal assessments more frequently. Lack of time and interruptions, lack of influence on patient care and specialty specific skills are hindering factors for the implementation. Better conditions at the institutional level and appreciation within the interprofessional team can make an encouraging contribution in future. Conclusion: This study illustrates, that the theory-practice transfer of clinical assessment in Switzerland needs to be further promoted.

Pflege ; 37(4): 215-222, 2024 08.
Artigo em Alemão | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-38130154


Live-ins: A mapping of relevant actors and moral norms at the public health level Abstract: Background: Live-ins are embedded in a network of multiple actors that shape their current working and living situation. The causes and effects of live-in arrangements go far beyond the actual care relationship and include structures and stakeholders that are interconnected at the Public Health level. Besides a legal responsibility, these actors also have a moral responsibility, which the article focuses on. Aim: The article provides an overview of relevant actors and moral norms in the context of live-ins at the public health level. Methods: The method followed the "Context and Actor Analysis". Actors at the public health level that are relevant for the live-ins' situation were identified, and the responsibilities and tasks presented in their websites as well as their respective target groups were collected. The ethical dimension was extracted from these self-descriptions. Results: The 23 actors address the live-ins directly or indirectly in their various social roles. The self-given tasks and the moral norms deduced from them, for which the actors are particularly responsible, illustrate the importance of justice and respect. Conclusions: The work provides the basis for an urgently needed empirical-ethical analysis on the current state of responsibility-taking. Not only the variety of the live-ins' roles, but also the multitude of actors involved and shared norms illustrate the necessity of close cooperation to be able to fulfil their responsibility.

Comunicação Interdisciplinar , Humanos , Alemanha , Responsabilidade Social , Obrigações Morais , Colaboração Intersetorial
Pflege ; 36(4): 220-227, 2023 Aug.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-35904486


Background: Occupational stress, dissatisfaction, higher risk for chronical and psychological disorders impairs the well-being of care nurses staff and maintaining the quality of elderly and disabled care. However, few studies have compared the psychological and physical stress in nurses working in inpatient and outpatient care settings. Aim: The aim of the present study was to compare perceived stress, workload and psychosomatic complaints in nurses working in inpatient and outpatient care settings. Methods: 158 care nurses working in geriatric and disabled care participated in the quantitative cross-sectional survey study. Comparisons of stress, workload and psychosomatic complaints were made between the inpatient and outpatient care group. Results: Nurses working in the outpatient care reported more subjective experience of stress and more workload compared to nurses working in inpatient care. Additionally, nurses working in outpatient care reported more psychosomatic complaints compared to nurses in inpatient care. Conclusions: Our results suggest that inpatient and outpatient nurses experience their nursing activities differently stressful. In future research the differential stress factors need to be explored to provide adequate job training and develop stress prevention programs.

Recursos Humanos de Enfermagem Hospitalar , Estresse Ocupacional , Humanos , Idoso , Carga de Trabalho , Estudos Transversais , Pacientes Internados , Satisfação no Emprego , Assistência Ambulatorial , Inquéritos e Questionários , Recursos Humanos de Enfermagem Hospitalar/psicologia
Pflege ; 2023 Dec 13.
Artigo em Alemão | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-38088250


Registered nurses' experience of necessary performed and missed nursing care: a qualitative study Abstract: Background: Providing high quality care based on their caring attitude is essential for nurses. Missed Care can cause feelings of guilt and dissatisfaction among them. Studies on their experiential transition between fully performed and missed care are lacking. They may contribute to a more comprehensive understanding of influencing factors and the impact on nurses' experience. Aim: The aim was to explore how nurses at a centre hospital in German-speaking Switzerland describe performance of nursing interventions in terms of the different expressions between performed and missed care. Methods: Between September 2020 and March 2021 the first author conducted eleven qualitative guide-based individual interviews with registered nurses which were analysed using Mayring's qualitative content analysis and knowledge maps. Results: The analysis resulted in five main categories: Optimal care, satisfaction in mediocrity, a huge lack, patients' reactions and influencing factors. Nurses described, in addition to personal experience and expertise, different coping strategies to prevent missed care and maintain patients' and their own satisfaction. Conclusions: In addition to interventions that can prevent missed care, nurses' experience of performed care should be explored further. This can deepen the understanding of its relationship with professional caring attitudes as well as with patient-related and professional satisfaction.

Pflege ; 36(6): 309-317, 2023.
Artigo em Alemão | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-37563945


Types of action orientation of primary nurses in building relationships with their patients in forensic psychiatric hospitals Abstract: Background: Building interpersonal relationships with patients is one of the most elementary tasks of mental health nurses in forensic psychiatric hospitals and should be considered as the core of their professional identity. The attitude of forensic psychiatric nurses has a substantial impact on building relationships even though this is often not immediately obvious as an implicit concept. Research question: Which types of action orientation of primary nurses characterize the building of relationships with their patients in forensic psychiatric hospitals? Methodology: To record the collective orientations of nurses, two group discussions were held with eight participants. The evaluation was carried out based on the documentary method. Results: Four types of orientations could be grouped into a generalizable basic typology. The focus is set on the relationship as a necessary precondition for successful cooperation with the patient. Honesty and mutual trust are significant features. Conversations about everyday topics facilitate relationship building. Openness and a genuine interest in the patient are equally as important as the definition and maintenance of personal boundaries. Conclusion: Implicit, action-oriented attitudes of forensic psychiatric nurses should be reflectively accessed in order to define professional relationships and maintain their boundaries. To achieve this, nurses need to have a structured framework to facilitate self-reflection and self-awareness. The goal is the systematic development of personal and interactional competences.

Hospitais Psiquiátricos , Enfermagem Psiquiátrica , Humanos , Atitude do Pessoal de Saúde , Confiança , Relações Enfermeiro-Paciente
Pflege ; 36(6): 319-325, 2023.
Artigo em Alemão | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-37594227


"If certain tensions are present, it affects everyone": Multiple case study on processes of coercive measures. Abstract: Background: There is an urgent need to reduce coercive measures in psychiatric care. The interaction between patients, nursing staff and medical professionals influences the course of a coercive measure. Aim: The interaction before, during and after coercive measures will be described and compared from the perspectives of the parties involved in order to identify a potential for prevention and quality improvement. Methods: A multiple case study of three coercive measures was conducted, each consisting of interviews with three participants, case documentation, photos, and observation. The data material was analysed thematically with subsequent single-case and cross-case analysis. Results: The thematic analysis revealed three areas of tension: tension and relaxation, humaneness and dehumanisation, as well as safety and autonomy. The stage before coercion was characterised by interacting tensions and the influence of emotions and stress. In all cases, a verbal communication gap was present. During the coercive measure, the quality of interactions between patients and nurses determined their experience. After coercion, the impacts of the measure on the persons and their relationships as well as reflections were the focus. Conclusions: De-escalation techniques turn out to be a key issue, whereby special attention should be paid to emotional and nonverbal aspects in the future. The results underline the relevance of empathy and respect throughout the process for prevention as well as for quality of care. Debriefings of coercive measures should be conducted routinely.

Transtornos Mentais , Cuidados de Enfermagem , Humanos , Coerção , Empatia , Comunicação , Transtornos Mentais/psicologia , Hospitais Psiquiátricos , Restrição Física/psicologia
Pflege ; 36(2): 105-114, 2023 Apr.
Artigo em Alemão | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-35801318


How do nurses describe timeliness in the delivery of nursing interventions? A qualitative study Abstract: Background: Timeliness of nursing interventions is fundamental to professional medical care. Although nurses have developed strategies to manage time resources, nursing interventions are often carried out too early or too late. Both can have a negative impact on the quality of care and safety. However, no publications are available describing nurses' views on the appropriateness of time to perform nursing interventions. Aim: The aim was to describe what registered nurses in the hospital understand by the timeliness to deliver care. Methods: For this qualitative study, eight registered nurses were interviewed individually. Data analysis was performed using content analysis according to Mayring. Results: For the participants, timeliness in performing care interventions can be described as relational and dynamically changing over time. For them it is not limited to a defined point in time and they explain it as a time frame. From their point of view, timely action can prevent harm and suffering and ensure patients safety and well-being. Environmental factors, nursing goals and the urgency of actions influence them whether they act in a timely manner. Conclusion: Among the participating nurses, there exists a shared, often implicit, understanding of timeliness. Results of this study may help to understand the implicit understanding and the related processes and contribute to quality assurance in nursing.

Hospitais , Enfermeiras e Enfermeiros , Humanos , Pesquisa Qualitativa , Segurança do Paciente
Pflege ; 2023 Jul 11.
Artigo em Alemão | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-37431560


Intervention-related demands: Criteria for an operating room-specific patient classification. A qualitative focus group study Abstract: Background: Optimal workforce deployment in the operating room-setting has gained high priority in the context of an economized health care system and the development of skill-grade mix. Therefore, mapping intervention-related demands on perioperative nurses as precisely as possible is a frequently discussed need. A surgery-specific patient classification might be helpful. Aim: This paper aims to present core elements of perioperative nursing care in the Swiss-German context and to establish a link to the Perioperative Nursing Data Set (PNDS). Methods: Three focus group interviews with perioperative nurses took place at a university hospital in the German-speaking part of Switzerland. Data analysis was performed in analogy to qualitative content analysis according to Mayring. The content structuring of the categories was based on the relevant PNDS taxonomies. Results: Intervention-related requirements can be divided into three areas: "patient safety", "nursing and caring", and "environmental factors". The conjunction with the PNDS taxonomy serves as a theoretical foundation. Conclusions: Elements of the PNDS taxonomies can describe the demands on perioperative nurses in the Swiss-German context. The identified definition of intervention-related demands can contribute to the visibility of perioperative nursing and promote professionalization as well as practice development in the operating room-setting.

Pflege ; 2023 Jul 17.
Artigo em Alemão | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-37458072


Stress experience by information and communication technologies among nurses in outpatient care - A qualitative interview study Abstract: Background: "Work 4.0" is also becoming increasingly prevalent in outpatient care through information and communication technologies (ICT). In addition to a variety of options that ICT offers nursing staff, its use leads to additional stresses. Aims: The aim of the study is to identify relevant stress categories that are caused using ICT and provide an additional influence on the stress experience of employees in outpatient care. Methods: Problem-centred interviews were conducted with eight nurses from three outpatient care organizations as part of a qualitative study. Subsequently, these interviews were transcribed and evaluated using qualitative content analysis according to Mayring. Results: Ten factors were identified that were perceived as stress by ambulatory care employees: for example, insufficient participation and usability, increased documentation effort, information overload. Regarding the employees' ability to work and their health, no relevant impairments could be derived that could be attributed to the identified additional strains. Conclusions: Further analysis of the potential stress situations that could result from ICT use is needed to include this knowledge in primary prevention. It makes sense to establish demand-, participation-, and process-oriented structures in outpatient care organizations. The use of ICT can also be an advantage because, for example, information can be obtained more quickly.

Pflege ; 36(3): 147-155, 2023 Jun.
Artigo em Alemão | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-36416114


Advanced Nursing Practice (ANP) in the practice of mental health nursing in Germany: A phenomenological study Abstract. Background: The wide variety and constantly changing selection of offered psychiatric care services, in combination with the demand for high quality nursing practice supports the integration of Advanced Practice Nurses (APN). The literature presents a multifaceted picture of APNs working in psychiatric services. Individually chosen emphasis was especially prevalent in the field of care. Gaps in research persist concerning the clinical scope of responsibility. Aim: How does the ANP phenomenon find expression in German clinical psychiatric practice? Method: The dataset comprises problem-focused interviews with three expert APNs from different hospitals. The interviews took place between April and October 2019. Applied phenomenology was used to analyze and interpret the dataset. Results: Soft skills and clinical leadership are pivotal competencies for APNs to perform efficiently in clinical practice. Profound life and work experience are key factors in terms of impact. Conclusions: To perform efficiently, APNs require professional and methodological knowledge at a master's level, profound soft skills as well as clinical leadership expertise. Higher education and further curricular training are required. Establishing APNs in clinical psychiatric practice depends primarily on the decisions of managers in nursing. The management of nursing needs to adopt new care structures that allow APNs to implement their qualifications in the psychiatric care system.

Prática Avançada de Enfermagem , Enfermagem Psiquiátrica , Humanos , Liderança , Alemanha , Hospitais , Competência Clínica
Pflege ; 36(5): 277-285, 2023.
Artigo em Alemão | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-36715654


If dependency makes vulnerable: Nursing home residents' claims for dignity-conserving nursing care - A narrative literature review Abstract. Introduction: Due to an increase in the very old population, it is important to know what is needed in order to support older people's needs regarding dignity-conserving nursing care when living in a nursing home. Aim: The aim of this article is to gather information on how nursing home residents feel respected and protected in regards of their dignity. Methods: A narrative literature review was conducted in the databases CINAHL Complete and PubMed. Six qualitative studies met the inclusion criteria and were compared regarding similarities. Results: The protection of dignity is jeopardized not only by the residents' dependency, but also by nurses, social environment, and society. To protect their own dignity, residents wanted to be perceived as individuals and be treated with respect. Additionally, they wanted to be as independent as possible and take part in meaningful activities. Discussion: Facilitation of staff members as well as flat, peripheral leadership structures are important in order to protect the residents' dignity. The residents' needs regarding social and societal participation has been additionally challenged due to the Covid-19 pandemic. At the same time, the pandemic enforced innovations that may help protect nursing home residents' dignity. Conclusions: These findings can help nurses to protect the dignity of nursing home residents in their daily lives and in the implementation of care measures.

COVID-19 , Cuidados de Enfermagem , Humanos , Idoso , Respeito , Pandemias , Casas de Saúde
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