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Univ. salud ; 27(1): B1-B9, enero-abril 2025. tab
Artigo em Espanhol | LILACS | ID: biblio-1554700


Introducción: Las enfermedades cerebrovasculares son consideradas un problema de salud pública que afectan muchas capacidades en el individuo, entre ellas la comunicación; de esta manera el cuidador cumple un papel fundamental en su recuperación. Objetivo: Describir el rol comunicativo del cuidador en la atención a pacientes con secuelas de accidente cerebrovascular en la ciudad de Sincelejo, Colombia. Materiales y métodos: Paradigma positivista, enfoque cuantitativo y estudio descriptivo de corte transversal realizado con 40 cuidadores, seleccionados según muestreo por criterios y reclutamiento en cadena. Se utilizó una encuesta sociodemográfica, una sobre favorecimiento y bienestar comunicativo y Escala Likert, se realizó análisis de fiabilidad y consistencia interna del instrumento. Resultados: Predominaron cuidadores de sexo femenino, sobresale el cuidador informal, con estudios de secundaria y estrato socioeconómico bajo. Se encontró una actitud favorable en la competencia del ser y saber hacer, prima el buen trato, justicia y respeto. La competencia del saber evidenció actitud desfavorable, caracterizada por un conocimiento limitado frente a la patología, insuficientes destrezas, técnicas y habilidades para cumplir sus funciones y estrategias empleadas. Conclusión: Es necesario cualificar al cuidador en la atención del paciente con accidente cerebrovascular, mediante programas de que dinamicen la competencia del ser, saber y saber hacer

Introduction: Cerebrovascular diseases are a public health problem affecting the different capabilities of patients, including communication. Thus, caregivers play a fundamental role in their recovery. Objective: To describe the communicative role of caregivers in the support of patients with stroke sequelae in the city of Sincelejo, Colombia. Materials and methods: A positivist paradigm, quantitative approach, and descriptive cross-sectional study was carried out with 40 caregivers, who were selected according to criteria sampling and chain recruitment. A sociodemographic survey about favorability and communicative well-being as well as the Likert Scale were applied. A reliability and internal consistency analysis was conducted. Results: The majority of caregivers were women. Informal caregivers, with high school education, and belonging to low socioeconomic status were also predominant. A positive attitude regarding competences such as being and knowing what to do; appropriate treatment of patients, with justice and respect, were observed as common features. The knowledge competence was considered unfavorable, which was characterized by limited understanding regarding pathology, strategies used, and insufficient skills, techniques, and abilities to fulfill their functions. Conclusions: Caregivers of stroke patients should be qualified through programs that improve the being, knowing, and knowing how to do competencies.

Introdução: As doenças cerebrovasculares são consideradas um problema de saúde pública que afeta diversas capacidades do indivíduo, incluindo a comunicação; desta forma, o cuidador desempenha um papel fundamental na sua recuperação. Objetivo: Descrever o papel comunicativo do cuidador no cuidado de pacientes com sequelas de acidente vascular cerebral na cidade de Sincelejo, Colômbia. Materiais e métodos: Paradigma positivista, abordagem quantitativa e estudo transversal descritivo realizado com 40 cuidadores, selecionados segundo critérios de amostragem e recrutamento em cadeia. Foi utilizado um inquérito sociodemográfico, um de favorabilidade e bem-estar comunicativo e uma Escala Likert, foi realizada uma análise da fiabilidade e consistência interna do instrumento. Resultados: Predominaram cuidadores do sexo feminino, destacando-se os cuidadores informais, com escolaridade média e baixo nível socioeconômico. Encontrou-se na competição uma atitude favorável por ser e saber fazer, prevalecendo o bom tratamento, a justiça e o respeito. A competência conhecimento apresentou atitude desfavorável, caracterizada por conhecimento limitado sobre a patologia, habilidades, técnicas e habilidades insuficientes para cumprir suas funções e estratégias utilizadas. Conclusões: É necessário qualificar o cuidador no cuidado ao paciente com AVC, por meio de programas que potencializem a competência de ser, saber e saber fazer.

Humanos , Masculino , Feminino
Univ. salud ; 27(1): 1-10, enero-abril 2025.
Artigo em Espanhol | LILACS | ID: biblio-1555921


Introducción: La calidad de vida relacionada con la salud (CVRS) y los estados de ánimo son indicadores cruciales del bienestar en adolescentes, pero su relación con estudiantes de Antioquia, Colombia, no ha sido ampliamente estudiada. Objetivo: Determinar la CVRS y los estados de ánimo en escolares de Antioquia-Colombia. Materiales y métodos: Estudio transversal con 1957 escolares de 9 a 20 años. Se aplicaron mediciones de CVRS, ansiedad, depresión, hostilidad y alegría, actividad física, comportamiento sedentario, apoyo social de padres y nivel socioeconómico. Resultados: La calidad de vida alta (CVA) es más elevada en hombres, personas con alegría, estudiantes con apoyo de padres, activos físicamente y personas de nivel socioeconómico alto y medio. AL aumentar un año de edad, disminuye en un 15 % la CVA, y al aumentar la depresión, la ansiedad y el comportamiento sedentario disminuye la CVA. Además, los niveles de depresión y ansiedad son mayores en mujeres, estudiantes mayores, sin apoyo de los padres y personas sedentarias. Conclusiones: La CVRS se asocia con estados de ánimo, actividad física, comportamiento sedentario y apoyo de los padres; mientras que los estados de ánimo se asocian con el sexo, el apoyo de los padres, la CVS y el sedentarismo.

Introduction: Even though health-related quality of life (HRQL) and mood states are key indicators of the well-being of adolescents, their relationship has not been analyzed in students from Antioquia, Colombia. Objective: To determine HRQL and mood states in schoolchildren from Antioquia. Materials and methods: A cross-sectional study was conducted on 1,957 schoolchildren and adolescents aged between 9 and 20 years. Measurements of HRQL, anxiety, depression, hostility and happiness, physical activity, sedentary behavior, parental social support, and socioeconomic status were applied. Results: A high quality of life (HQL) was observed more frequently in male participants, students with parental support, physically active, and those belonging to medium and high socioeconomic status. HQL decreased 15% as their age increased by one year. Also, HQL was reduced when depression, anxiety, and sedentary behavior increased. Furthermore, depression and anxiety levels were higher in women, older students, as well as in those without parental control and with sedentary behavior. Conclusions: HRQL is associated with mood states, physical activity, sedentary behavior, and parental support. In contrast, mood states are related to gender, parental support, HQL, and sedentary lifestyle.

Introdução: A qualidade de vida relacionada à saúde (CVRS) e os estados de humor são indicadores cruciais de bem-estar em adolescentes, mas sua relação com estudantes de Antioquia, Colômbia, não foi amplamente estudada. Objetivo: Determinar a CVRS e os estados de humor em escolares de Antioquia-Colômbia. Materiais e métodos: Estudo transversal com 1.957 escolares de 9 a 20 anos. Foram aplicadas medidas de QVRS, ansiedade, depressão, hostilidade e felicidade, atividade física, comportamento sedentário, apoio social dos pais e nível socioeconômico. Resultados: A alta qualidade de vida (CVA) é maior em homens, pessoas com alegria, estudantes com apoio parental, fisicamente ativos e pessoas de nível socioeconômico alto e médio. À medida que a idade aumenta em um ano, diminui em 15% o CVA, e ao aumentar a depressão, a ansiedade e o comportamento sedentário aumentam, o CVA diminui. Além disso, os níveis de depressão e ansiedade são mais elevados nas mulheres, nos estudantes mais velhos, sem apoio dos pais e nas pessoas sedentárias. Conclusões: A QVRS está associada a estados de humor, atividade física, comportamento sedentário e apoio parental; enquanto os estados de humor estão associados ao sexo, apoio parental, CVS e estilo de vida sedentário.

Humanos , Masculino , Feminino , Criança , Adolescente , Adulto Jovem , Saúde , Emoções , Felicidade , Hostilidade
Rev. Flum. Odontol. (Online) ; 1(66): 1-11, jan-abr.2025. tab, ilus
Artigo em Inglês | LILACS-Express | LILACS | ID: biblio-1570439


Introduction: This case report presents the intentional periodontal maintenance of two periodontal hopeless lower central incisors with a multidisciplinary approach and 20-year follow-up. Case presentation: A 36-year-old male, in 2001, was diagnosed with aggressive periodontitis, gingival swelling, bleeding, and mandibular central incisors with mobility and poor prognosis. Following periodontal therapy (phase I), root canal treatment, and occlusal adjustment, #31 and #41 were gently extracted to remove the granulation tissues, calculus, and infected cementum from the root surface. Then, tetracycline-HCl was applied for 5 minutes on the root surfaces. The teeth were repositioned into the sockets and splinted with a lingual bar. At 3 months, the bar was removed, and a free gingival autogenous graft was done to improve the local keratinized tissue width. Mobility scores, pocket depths, and clinical attachment levels were recorded, and radiographs were taken at 1, 5, and 20 years. The 5-year follow-up showed that the teeth were clinically and radiographically in function. There was a reduction in probing depth and a gain in clinical attachment and radiographic alveolar bone levels. After 20 years, #41 was stable, but #31 had external root resorption, leading to a new treatment plan (dental implants) and extraction. Conclusion: The clinical result of this case was satisfactory for 20 years. Intentional periodontal maintenance of the teeth may be an alternative treatment, even considering the high level of complexity.

Rev. Flum. Odontol. (Online) ; 1(66): 12-25, jan-abr.2025. ilus
Artigo em Inglês | LILACS-Express | LILACS | ID: biblio-1570470


A hiperplasia hemimandibular é responsável por prejuízos estéticos, funcionais, motores e psicossociais. Com etiologia incerta, ocorre frente ao desequilíbrio de fatores regulatórios de crescimento presentes na camada cartilaginosa do côndilo. O relato objetiva descrever a tomada de decisões baseada em exames complementares específicos aliados à adequada intervenção cirúrgica da lesão. Paciente gênero feminino, 33 anos de idade, compareceu à clínica particular com queixa principal de "face assimétrica", foi requerido uma avaliação cintilográfica objetivando e confirmando a interrupção do crescimento condilar, descartando a hipótese de Osteocondroma e condilectomia. Após preparo ortodôntico prévio, os exames tomográficos foram utilizados na criação de um protótipo que foi impresso após a realização dos movimentos ósseos planejados. Mediante à reconstrução, foi concluído que a assimetria presente não seria totalmente corrigida somente através da intervenção ortognática, sendo necessária também uma osteotomia removendo parte da base do corpo e ângulo mandibular, através da confecção de um guia de corte, promovendo à reanatomização sem a necessidade de acesso extra oral submandibular, evitando uma cicatriz em face feminina. Paciente encontra-se em pós-operatório de 60 meses, sem queixas e satisfeita. Portanto, é evidenciado cada vez mais a influência positiva que o planejamento virtual pode trazer aos profissionais na otimização dos resultados cirúrgicos.

Hemimandibular hyperplasia is responsible for aesthetic, functional, motor, and psychosocial impairments. With an uncertain etiology, it occurs due to the imbalance of regulatory growth factors present in the cartilaginous layer of the condyle. The report aims to describe decision-making based on specific complementary exams combined with the appropriate surgical intervention for the condition. A 33-year-old female patient presented at a private clinic with the main complaint of "asymmetric face." A scintigraphic evaluation was requested to objectively confirm the interruption of condylar growth, ruling out the hypothesis of Osteochondroma and condylectomy. After prior orthodontic preparation, tomographic exams were used to create a prototype that was printed after planned bone movements. Through the reconstruction, it was concluded that the existing asymmetry would not be entirely corrected through orthognathic intervention alone, necessitating also an osteotomy to remove part of the base of the body and mandibular angle. This was done through the creation of a cutting guide, allowing for reanatomization without the need for submandibular extraoral access, thus avoiding a scar on the female face. The patient is 60 months postoperative, with no complaints and satisfied. Therefore, the increasingly positive influence of virtual planning on optimizing surgical outcomes for professionals is evident.

Rev. Flum. Odontol. (Online) ; 1(66): 26-39, jan-abr.2025. graf
Artigo em Português | LILACS-Express | LILACS | ID: biblio-1570471


Na odontologia a decisão do tratamento é exclusiva dos cirurgiões dentistas e suas percepções, incluindo filosofia de tratamento, fazendo com que a prática de novos conceitos, tratamentos ou técnicas dependam não apenas de sua lógica ou eficácia biológica. Sendo assim, este estudo teve como objetivo avaliar os parâmetros envolvidos na tomada de decisão de cirurgiões dentistas clínicos e especialistas para a realização do tratamento endodôntico em sessão única ou múltiplas sessões. Para tanto, este estudo contou com uma coleta de dados através de um questionário online, aplicado cirurgiões dentistas clínicos gerais e especialistas em endodontia. As respostas foram tabuladas e analisadas por meio de estatística descritiva. Os resultados revelaram que a maioria dos endodontistas e dos clínicos gerais prefere realizar tratamento endodôntico em sessão única, devido ao menor desperdício de material, além do melhor domínio da anatomia e tratamento em um único momento. O motivo mais comum para os endodontistas e clínicos gerais escolherem o tratamento com múltiplas visitas é para dentes com prognóstico duvidoso e os casos em que o profissional aguarda a remissão dos sintomas antes da obturação. Em conclusão, a maioria dos endodontistas e dos clínicos gerais preferiu realizar tratamento endodôntico em sessão única.

In dentistry, treatment decisions are made exclusively by dental surgeons and their perceptions, including treatment philosophy, which means that the practice of new concepts, treatments or techniques depends not only on their logic or biological efficacy. Therefore, the aim of this study was to evaluate the parameters involved in clinical and specialist dental surgeons' decision to carry out endodontic treatment in single or multiple sessions. To this end, data was collected using an online questionnaire administered to general dental surgeons and endodontic specialists. The answers were tabulated and analyzed using descriptive statistics. The results revealed that the majority of endodontists and general practitioners prefer to carry out endodontic treatment in a single session, due to less wastage of material, as well as better mastery of the anatomy and treatment at a single time. The most common reason for endodontists and general practitioners to choose treatment with multiple visits is for teeth with a doubtful prognosis and cases in which the professional is waiting for symptoms to remit before filling. In conclusion, the majority of endodontists and general practitioners preferred to carry out endodontic treatment in a single session.

Rev. Flum. Odontol. (Online) ; 1(66): 40-52, jan-abr.2025. ilus, tab
Artigo em Português | LILACS-Express | LILACS | ID: biblio-1570475


A atenção primária em saúde (APS) é o primeiro nível de atenção em saúde, sendo um elo entre a população e o setor de saúde. Tem-se buscado a humanização dos atendimentos, e essa mudança, refletida pelas mudanças da sociedade, trouxe a implementação da Política Nacional de Práticas Integrativas e Complementares (PNPIC) no SUS. O objetivo deste trabalho foi realizar uma análise da tendência da quantidade das práticas integrativas e complementares realizadas nas regionais de saúde de Sergipe de 2017 a 2023, associando com a cobertura da atenção primária. Foi realizada análise de dados secundários através do Departamento de Informática do Sistema Único de Saúde (DATASUS), como forma de organização no período de junho/2015 a junho/2023 por regional de saúde de Sergipe. As análises dos dados foram descritivas e de correlação e por meio de análise de série temporal. A regional de saúde de Lagarto foi a que mais executou as práticas integrativas e complementares no período analisado e algumas regionais não tiveram continuidade na realização destas práticas. A regional de saúde com maior cobertura de APS foi Itabaiana. Não foi possível observar associação entre o número de práticas e a cobertura de atenção primária. Com o intuito de que o atendimento aos indivíduos seja cada vez mais humanizado, e em virtude da realização das práticas integrativas ter baixo índice ou descontinuidade em algumas regiões de Saúde de Sergipe, é relevante que os profissionais de saúde busquem conhecimentos sobre essas práticas, como também, os gestores em saúde incentivem esta ação.

Primary health care (PHC) is the first level of health care, being a link between the population and the health sector. The aim has been to humanize care, and this change, reflected by changes in society, has led to the implementation of the National Policy on Integrative and Complementary Practices (PNPIC) in the SUS. The objective of this work was to carry out an analysis of the trend in the number of integrative and complementary practices carried out in the health regions of Sergipe from 2017 to 2023, associating it with primary care coverage. Secondary data analysis was carried out through the Department of Informatics of the Unified Health System (DATASUS), as a form of organization from June/2015 to June/2023 by health region in Sergipe. Data analyzes were descriptive and correlational and through time series analysis. The Lagarto health region was the one that carried out the most integrative and complementary practices in the period analyzed and some regions did not continue to carry out these practices. The health region with the highest PHC coverage was Itabaiana. Observing an association between the number of practices and primary care coverage was impossible. With the aim that care for individuals is increasingly humanized, and because the implementation of integrative practices has a low rate or discontinuity in some Health regions of Sergipe, health professionals must seek knowledge about these practices as well as health managers encourage this action.

Rev. Flum. Odontol. (Online) ; 1(66): 53-73, jan-abr.2025. ilius, tab
Artigo em Português | LILACS-Express | LILACS | ID: biblio-1570477


Introdução: A parestesia é uma neuropatia que afeta a função sensorial. O Laser de Baixa Potência (LBP), por sua vez, apresenta propriedades analgésicas, bioestimuladoras e reparadoras. Objetivo: Realizar um levantamento na literatura científica sobre os aspectos gerais e benefícios do LBP no manejo terapêutico da parestesia, além de identificar a classificação e métodos de obtenção do diagnóstico desta condição. Materiais e Métodos: Tratou-se de uma revisão narrativa da literatura através da busca nas plataformas PubMed, SciELO, LILACS e Google Schoolar. Após o cruzamento dos descritores com os operadores booleanos e aplicação dos critérios de inclusão/exclusão, 26 estudos foram incluídos. Resultados: A parestesia pode ser classificada em neuropraxia, axonotmese e neurotmese, subdivididas em Grau I ao V. Seu diagnóstico pode ser executado através de testes subjetivos e objetivos. O LBP compreende em um dispositivo tecnológico com efeitos analgésico, anti-inflamatório e fotobiomodulador, que estimula o reparo neural. Os estudos mostram que a dosimetria nos comprimentos de onda vermelho e infravermelho, aplicação intra e extra oral, e com mais de uma sessão semanal exerce efeito modulatório positivo do reparo neural, com retorno progressivo da atividade sensitiva. Além disso, os estudos trazem uma ampla variação no número de pontos de aplicação, bem como no tempo de irradiação e quantidade de sessões, em virtude da extensão e tempo de diagnóstico da parestesia. Considerações finais: Apesar da alta complexidade da parestesia, o LBP exerce efeitos benéficos através do retorno da sensibilidade parcial ou total, além de ser um dispositivo bem tolerado pelo organismo e minimamente invasivo.

Introduction: Paresthesia is a neuropathy that affects sensory function. The Low-Level Laser (LLL), in turn, has analgesic, biostimulating and reparative properties. Purpose: Carry out a survey at the scientific literature on the general aspects and benefits of LLL in the therapeutic management of paresthesia in addition to identifying the classification and methods for obtaining a diagnosis of this condition. Materials and Methods: It was a narrative literature review through search in platforms PubMed, SciELO, LILACS and Google Schoolar. After crossing the descriptors with boolean operators and applying the inclusion/exclusion criteria, 26 articles were included in this study. Results: Paresthesia can be classified into neuropraxia, axonotmesis and neurotmesis, subdivided into Grades I to V. Its diagnostic can be carried out through subjective and objective tests. The LLL consists in a technological device with analgesic, anti-inflammatory and photobiomodulatory effects, which stimulates neural repair. Studies show that LLL in dosimetry at red and infrared wavelengths with intra and extra oral application and with more than one-week use exerts a positive modulatory effect on neural repair, with a progressive return of sensory activity. Furthermore, the studies show a wide variation in the number of application points, as well as the irradiation time and number of sessions, due to the extent and time of diagnosis of paresthesia. Final Considerations: Despite the high complexity of paresthesia, the LLL has beneficial effects through the return of partial or total sensitivity in addition being a device well tolerated by the body and minimally invasive.

Synth Syst Biotechnol ; 10(1): 58-67, 2025.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-39247801


Vitamin A is a micronutrient critical for versatile biological functions and has been widely used in the food, cosmetics, pharmaceutical, and nutraceutical industries. Synthetic biology and metabolic engineering enable microbes, especially the model organism Saccharomyces cerevisiae (generally recognised as safe) to possess great potential for the production of vitamin A. Herein, we first generated a vitamin A-producing strain by mining ß-carotene 15,15'-mono(di)oxygenase from different sources and identified two isoenzymes Mbblh and Ssbco with comparable catalytic properties but different catalytic mechanisms. Combinational expression of isoenzymes increased the flux from ß-carotene to vitamin A metabolism. To modulate the vitamin A components, retinol dehydrogenase 12 from Homo sapiens was introduced to achieve more than 90 % retinol purity using shake flask fermentation. Overexpressing POS5Δ17 enhanced the reduced nicotinamide adenine dinucleotide phosphate pool, and the titer of vitamin A was elevated by almost 46 %. Multi-copy integration of the key rate-limiting step gene Mbblh further improved the synthesis of vitamin A. Consequently, the titer of vitamin A in the strain harbouring the Ura3 marker was increased to 588 mg/L at the shake-flask level. Eventually, the highest reported titer of 5.21 g/L vitamin A in S. cerevisiae was achieved in a 1-L bioreactor. This study unlocked the potential of S. cerevisiae for synthesising vitamin A in a sustainable and economical way, laying the foundation for the commercial-scale production of bio-based vitamin A.

Neural Regen Res ; 20(7): 1883-1899, 2025 Jul 01.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-39254548


Various nanoparticle-based drug delivery systems for the treatment of neurological disorders have been widely studied. However, their inability to cross the blood-brain barrier hampers the clinical translation of these therapeutic strategies. Liposomes are nanoparticles composed of lipid bilayers, which can effectively encapsulate drugs and improve drug delivery across the blood-brain barrier and into brain tissue through their targeting and permeability. Therefore, they can potentially treat traumatic and nontraumatic central nervous system diseases. In this review, we outlined the common properties and preparation methods of liposomes, including thin-film hydration, reverse-phase evaporation, solvent injection techniques, detergent removal methods, and microfluidics techniques. Afterwards, we comprehensively discussed the current applications of liposomes in central nervous system diseases, such as Alzheimer's disease, Parkinson's disease, Huntington's disease, amyotrophic lateral sclerosis, traumatic brain injury, spinal cord injury, and brain tumors. Most studies related to liposomes are still in the laboratory stage and have not yet entered clinical trials. Additionally, their application as drug delivery systems in clinical practice faces challenges such as drug stability, targeting efficiency, and safety. Therefore, we proposed development strategies related to liposomes to further promote their development in neurological disease research.

Neural Regen Res ; 20(7): 1919-1929, 2025 Jul 01.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-39254549


Every day walking consists of frequent voluntary modifications in the gait pattern to negotiate obstacles. After spinal cord injury, stepping over an obstacle becomes challenging. Stepping over an obstacle requires sensorimotor transformations in several structures of the brain, including the parietal cortex, premotor cortex, and motor cortex. Sensory information and planning are transformed into motor commands, which are sent from the motor cortex to spinal neuronal circuits to alter limb trajectory, coordinate the limbs, and maintain balance. After spinal cord injury, bidirectional communication between the brain and spinal cord is disrupted and animals, including humans, fail to voluntarily modify limb trajectory to step over an obstacle. Therefore, in this review, we discuss the neuromechanical control of stepping over an obstacle, why it fails after spinal cord injury, and how it recovers to a certain extent.

Neural Regen Res ; 20(7): 1971-1980, 2025 Jul 01.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-39254551


In eukaryotic cells, organelles in the secretory, lysosomal, and endocytic pathways actively exchange biological materials with each other through intracellular membrane trafficking, which is the process of transporting the cargo of proteins, lipids, and other molecules to appropriate compartments via transport vesicles or intermediates. These processes are strictly regulated by various small GTPases such as the RAS-like in rat brain (RAB) protein family, which is the largest subfamily of the RAS superfamily. Dysfunction of membrane trafficking affects tissue homeostasis and leads to a wide range of diseases, including neurological disorders and neurodegenerative diseases. Therefore, it is important to understand the physiological and pathological roles of RAB proteins in brain function. RAB35, a member of the RAB family, is an evolutionarily conserved protein in metazoans. A wide range of studies using cultured mammalian cells and model organisms have revealed that RAB35 mediates various processes such as cytokinesis, endocytic recycling, actin bundling, and cell migration. RAB35 is also involved in neurite outgrowth and turnover of synaptic vesicles. We generated brain-specific Rab35 knockout mice to study the physiological roles of RAB35 in brain development and function. These mice exhibited defects in anxiety-related behaviors and spatial memory. Strikingly, RAB35 is required for the precise positioning of pyramidal neurons during hippocampal development, and thereby for normal hippocampal lamination. In contrast, layer formation in the cerebral cortex occurred superficially, even in the absence of RAB35, suggesting a predominant role for RAB35 in hippocampal development rather than in cerebral cortex development. Recent studies have suggested an association between RAB35 and neurodegenerative diseases, including Parkinson's disease and Alzheimer's disease. In this review, we provide an overview of the current understanding of subcellular functions of RAB35. We also provide insights into the physiological role of RAB35 in mammalian brain development and function, and discuss the involvement of RAB35 dysfunction in neurodegenerative diseases.

Neural Regen Res ; 20(7): 1989-1990, 2025 Jul 01.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-39254552
Neural Regen Res ; 20(7): 1864-1882, 2025 Jul 01.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-39254547


Nerve regeneration following traumatic peripheral nerve injuries and neuropathies is a complex process modulated by diverse factors and intricate molecular mechanisms. Past studies have focused on factors that stimulate axonal outgrowth and myelin regeneration. However, recent studies have highlighted the pivotal role of autophagy in peripheral nerve regeneration, particularly in the context of traumatic injuries. Consequently, autophagy-targeting modulation has emerged as a promising therapeutic approach to enhancing peripheral nerve regeneration. Our current understanding suggests that activating autophagy facilitates the rapid clearance of damaged axons and myelin sheaths, thereby enhancing neuronal survival and mitigating injury-induced oxidative stress and inflammation. These actions collectively contribute to creating a favorable microenvironment for structural and functional nerve regeneration. A range of autophagy-inducing drugs and interventions have demonstrated beneficial effects in alleviating peripheral neuropathy and promoting nerve regeneration in preclinical models of traumatic peripheral nerve injuries. This review delves into the regulation of autophagy in cell types involved in peripheral nerve regeneration, summarizing the potential drugs and interventions that can be harnessed to promote this process. We hope that our review will offer novel insights and perspectives on the exploitation of autophagy pathways in the treatment of peripheral nerve injuries and neuropathies.

Neural Regen Res ; 20(7): 1944-1956, 2025 Jul 01.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-39254550


The blood-brain barrier constitutes a dynamic and interactive boundary separating the central nervous system and the peripheral circulation. It tightly modulates the ion transport and nutrient influx, while restricting the entry of harmful factors, and selectively limiting the migration of immune cells, thereby maintaining brain homeostasis. Despite the well-established association between blood-brain barrier disruption and most neurodegenerative/neuroinflammatory diseases, much remains unknown about the factors influencing its physiology and the mechanisms underlying its breakdown. Moreover, the role of blood-brain barrier breakdown in the translational failure underlying therapies for brain disorders is just starting to be understood. This review aims to revisit this concept of "blood-brain barrier breakdown," delving into the most controversial aspects, prevalent challenges, and knowledge gaps concerning the lack of blood-brain barrier integrity. By moving beyond the oversimplistic dichotomy of an "open"/"bad" or a "closed"/"good" barrier, our objective is to provide a more comprehensive insight into blood-brain barrier dynamics, to identify novel targets and/or therapeutic approaches aimed at mitigating blood-brain barrier dysfunction. Furthermore, in this review, we advocate for considering the diverse time- and location-dependent alterations in the blood-brain barrier, which go beyond tight-junction disruption or brain endothelial cell breakdown, illustrated through the dynamics of ischemic stroke as a case study. Through this exploration, we seek to underscore the complexity of blood-brain barrier dysfunction and its implications for the pathogenesis and therapy of brain diseases.

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