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Molecules ; 27(22)2022 Nov 14.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-36431946


The recent progress of Atom Probe Tomography (APT) has opened up atomic-scale elemental analysis including hydrogen species. For APT measurements, the use of deuterium is highly recommended, due to its low mobility compared to the fast and quantum mechanically tunneling isotope hydrogen. In addition, deuterium can be distinguished from hydrogen originating from the APT analysis chamber. To date, however, APT studies on materials with high D concentrations are scarce. In this study, the D concentration profile in a Fe/V multi-layered film sample was investigated, and spanned a wide concentration range. The mean hydrogen isotope concentration was alternatively quantified by electromotive force (EMF) measurements on a similar Fe/V film, thus verifying the APT results. The reduction found in the D concentration at the Fe/V interface results from local alloying at the Fe/V interfaces which accompanies a change in the available volume in the V lattice. Even at the same Fe concentration, the shape of the observed D depth profile was asymmetric at high D2 pressures. This indicates a stress impact caused by the deposition sequence.

Sci Rep ; 7(1): 3254, 2017 06 12.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-28607382


The precipitation mechanism of the δ' (Al3Li) phase in Al-Li alloys has been controversially discussed in recent decades, specifically with respect to a conjectured congruent ordering process. However, kinetics in the Al-Li system does not allow to resolve the intermediate stages of precipitation and hence to experimentally clarify this issue. In this paper, we are revisiting the subject in ternary Al-Cu-Li alloys with pronouncedly slower kinetics, employing Transmission Electron Microscopy, High-Angle Annular Dark-Field Scanning Transmission Electron Microscopy, Differential Scanning Calorimetry and Atom Probe Tomography. The results show clear evidence for congruent ordering in a selected compositional range, revealing an already strongly L12 ordered microstructure after natural aging with a chemically homogeneous Li distribution and a decomposition of the alloy upon annealing at elevated temperatures. The presented study of the δ' precipitation evaluates the reaction pathway of this process and compares it to the predictions of the Bragg-Williams-Gorsky model with respect to decomposition and ordering in this alloy system.

Microsc Res Tech ; 79(8): 727-37, 2016 Aug.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-27297621


The influence of tuning the laser pulse energy during the analyses on the resulting microstructure in a specimen utilizing an ultra-fast laser assisted atom probe was demonstrated by a case study of a binary Al-Li alloy. The decomposition parameters, such as the size, number density, volume fraction, and composition of δ' precipitates, were carefully monitored after each analysis. A simple model was employed to estimate the corresponding specimen temperature for each value of the laser energy. The results indicated that the corresponding temperatures for the laser pulse energy in the range of 10 to 80 pJ are located inside the miscibility gap of the binary Al-Li phase diagram and fall into the metastable equilibrium field. In addition, the corresponding temperature for a laser pulse energy of 100 pJ was in fairly good agreement with reported range of  Î´' solvus temperature, suggesting a result of reversion upon heating due to laser pulsing. Microsc. Res. Tech. 79:727-737, 2016. © 2016 Wiley Periodicals, Inc.

Microsc Microanal ; 18(5): 964-70, 2012 Oct.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-23095446


In this article the Cu-Au binding energy in Cu3Au is determined by comparing experimental atom probe tomography (APT) results to simulations. The resulting bonding energy is supported by density functional theory calculations. The APT simulations are based on the Müller-Schottky equation, which is modified to include different atomic neighborhoods and their characteristic bonds. The local environment is considered up to the fifth next nearest neighbors. To compare the experimental with simulated APT data, the AtomVicinity algorithm, which provides statistical information about the positions of the neighboring atoms, is applied. The quality of this information is influenced by the field evaporation behavior of the different species, which is connected to the bonding energies.

Ultramicroscopy ; 111(6): 730-7, 2011 May.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-21664545


Being widely accessible as well as already utilised in many applications, Fe-Cu acts as an ideal binary model alloy to elaborate the enforced nonequilibrium enhanced solubility in such a solution system that shows a limited regime of miscibility and characterised by a large positive heat of mixing. In addition to the detailed analysis of ball milled Fe-Cu powders by means of Atom Probe Tomography (APT), site specific structural analysis has been performed in this study using Transmission Electron Microscopy (TEM). In this contribution results on powders with low Cu concentrations (2.5-10 at%) are presented. Combining a ductile element (Cu, fcc) and a brittle one (Fe, bcc), striking differences in morphology were expected and found on all length-scales, depending on the mixing ratio of the two elements. However, not only could the atomic mixing of Fe and Cu be evaluated, but also the distribution of impurities, mostly stemming from the fabrication procedure. The combination of APT and TEM enables a correlation between the structural evolution and the chemical mixing during the milling process. For the first time, a clear distinction can be drawn between the morphological evolution at the surface and in the interior of the powder particles. This became possible owing to the site specific sample preparation of TEM lamellae by Focussed Ion Beam (FIB). Surprisingly, the texture arising from the ball milling process can directly be related to the classical rolling texture of cold rolled Fe. In addition, full homogeneity can be achieved even on the nano-scale for this material as shown by APT, resulting in an extended miscibility region in comparison to the equilibrium phase diagram. Grain sizes were determined by means of XRD and TEM. The strain corrected XRD results are in very good agreement with the values derived by TEM, both confirming a truly nanocrystalline structure.

Ultramicroscopy ; 111(6): 719-24, 2011 May.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-21247699


Addition of ternary elements to the D0(3) ordered Fe(3)Al intermetallic phase is a general approach to optimise its mechanical properties. To understand the physical influences of such additions the determination of the probability of site occupancies of these additions on the lattice site and ordering parameters is of high interest. Some common experimental techniques such as X-ray diffraction or Atom Location by Channelling Enhanced Microanalysis (ALCHEMI) are usually applied to explore this interplay. Unfortunately, certain published results are partly inconsistent, imprecise or even contradictory. In this study, these aspects are evaluated systematically by atom probe tomography (APT) and a special data analysis method. Additionally, to account for possible field evaporation effects that can falsify the estimation of site occupancy and induce misinterpretations, APT evaporation sequences were also simulated. As a result, chromium occupies most frequently the next nearest neighbour sites of Al atoms and local ordering parameters could be achieved.

Ultramicroscopy ; 111(6): 571-5, 2011 May.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-21159439


In this paper the field evaporation properties of bulk MgO and sandwiched MgO layers in Fe are compared using laser assisted Atom Probe Tomography. The comparison of flight time spectra gives an estimate of the evaporation times as a function of the wavelength and the laser energy. It is shown that the evaporation takes place in two steps on two different time scales in MgO. It is also shown that as long as the MgO layer is buried in Fe, the evaporation is dominated by the photon absorption in Fe layer at the tip apex. Eventually the evaporation process of MgO is discussed based on the difference between the bulk materials and the multilayer samples.

Ultramicroscopy ; 109(5): 593-8, 2009 Apr.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-19243888


Copper alloys with titanium additions between 1 and 6at% Ti emerge currently as attractive conductive materials for electrical and electronic commercial products, since they exhibit superior mechanical and electrical properties. However, their electrical conductivity is reduced owing to the residual amount of Ti solutes in the Cu solid solution (Cu(ss)) phase. Since Cu shows only poor reactivity with hydrogen (H), while Ti exhibits high affinity to it, we were inspired by the idea that hydrogenation of Cu-Ti alloys would influence their microstructure, resulting in a significant change of their properties. In this contribution, the influence of aging under a deuterium (D(2)) atmosphere of Cu-1at% Ti alloys on their microstructure is investigated to explore the effects on the electrical conductivity. The specimens were investigated by means of transmission electron microscopy (TEM), field ion microscopy (FIM), computer-aided field ion image tomography (cFIIT), and atom probe tomography (APT). At an early aging stage at 623K in a D(2) atmosphere of 0.08MPa, ellipsoidal alpha-Cu(4)Ti precipitates are formed in the alloy, and during subsequent aging, delta-TiD(2) is competitively nucleated instead of growth of alpha-Cu(4)Ti particles. The co-precipitation of alpha-Cu(4)Ti and delta-TiD(2) efficiently reduces the Ti concentration of Cu(ss) matrix, particularly in the later aging stages in comparison to the aging in vacuum conditions. The electrical conductivity of the alloy aged in the D(2) atmosphere increases steeply up to 48% International Annealed Copper Standard (IACS) after 1030h, while it saturates to approximately 20% IACS in the alloy aged in vacuum. The outstanding increase of electrical conductivity during aging in D(2) atmosphere can be basically explained by the reduction of Ti solute concentration in Cu(ss) matrix.

Ultramicroscopy ; 109(5): 599-605, 2009 Apr.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-19064309


In this contribution the homogeneity of mechanically alloyed Fe-Cu powders for two different compositions (Fe-10 and Fe-2.5at%Cu) has been systematically characterised by atom probe tomography. Since Fe-Cu exhibits the Invar effect, it is among the most attractive systems for technical application. Furthermore, this system is immiscible and characterised by a large positive heat of mixing. In combination with the widespread application and accessibility, this predestines Fe-Cu as a binary model alloy to elaborate the enforced nonequilibrium enhanced solubility for immiscible systems. Depending on the parameters composition and milling time, results on the extension of the solubility limit and on the homogeneity of the alloy are presented, discussed and compared to earlier works. Only for the alloy with lower Cu content and for the prolonged milling time of 50h, chemical homogeneity of the sample as measured by the atom probe was fully reached on the nano-scale. For all other parameter combinations homogeneity could not be achieved, even for long milling times and for those samples that appear to be homogeneous via X-ray analysis. Moreover, impurities were determined, mostly stemming from the fabrication procedure. The arrangement and homogeneity of the most common impurity, oxygen, was evaluated from atom probe data for different samples. Thus, the local concentration, segregation effects and the distribution of impurities could be quantified on the nano-scale, depending on the different nominal compositions and processing parameters. Additionally, structural information could be gained employing transmission electron microscopy and diffraction measurements.

Ultramicroscopy ; 109(5): 524-9, 2009 Apr.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-19019540


The initial stage of decomposition of homogenized Cu-1.7at% Fe at 722K was investigated by means of field ion microscopy (FIM), atom probe tomography (APT) and computer-assisted field ion image tomography (cFIIT). The agglomeration of atoms depending on time could be investigated and the growth of precipitates with a diameter of few nanometers was observed during ongoing nucleation. For the cFIIT measurements, an improved reconstruction algorithm was developed. Employing cFIIT in combination with FIM images, alignments of precipitates mainly in 100 directions were found. Besides, a general experimental concept to evaluate strain-related effects on the position of the proximate precipitate will be introduced. These analyses of the APT and cFIIT data show tendencies of a preferred 100 directed configuration as well. This effect can be associated with the elastic anisotropy of the Cu matrix (f.c.c.) to accommodate the volume misfit of precipitates. In accordance with previous model calculations, a preferred nucleation in 100 directions with respect to existing clusters can be concluded. For such cluster arrangements strain energy reduction is largest for precipitates adapting their sizes. Thus, additional stabilization against coarsening can be inferred for 100 alignments which result in the observed effects.

Micron ; 39(1): 45-52, 2008.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-17331735


Needle-shaped atom probe specimens containing a single grain boundary were produced using the focused ion beam (FIB) of a two-beam FIB/SEM (scanning electron microscope) system. The presented specimen preparation approach allows the unprecedented study of a grain boundary which is well characterised in its crystallographic orientation by means of the field ion microscope (FIM) and the tomographic atom probe (TAP). The analysis of such specimens allows in particular the determination of solute excess atoms at this specific grain boundary and hence the investigation of the segregation behaviour. The crucial preparation steps are discussed in detail in the present study for the Sigma 19 a {331} 110 grain boundary of a 40 at.ppm-Bi doped Cu bi-crystal. Transmission electron microscope (TEM) images and TAP analyses of the atom probe tips demonstrate unambiguously the presence of the selectively prepared grain boundary in the apex region of some of the specimens.

J Electron Microsc (Tokyo) ; 56(2): 43-9, 2007 Apr.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-17928320


The preparation of transmission electron microscopy (TEM) and atom probe-field ion microscopy (AP-FIM) specimens from mechanically alloyed Ti-Cu-Ni-Sn powder has been explored. Applying the focused ion beam (FIB) based in situ lift-out technique, it has been demonstrated that specimen preparation can be carried on single micrometre-sized powder particles without the use of any embedding media. Since the particles did not incorporate any micropores, as revealed by cross-sectioning, the standard procedure known for bulk samples could be simply implemented to the powder material. A sequence of rectangular cuts and annular milling was found to be a highly efficient way of forming a tip-shaped AP-FIM specimen from a square cross-section blank. A Ga level < or =1 at.% was detected if a low beam current of 10 pA was chosen for the final ion-milling stages. Implanted Ga ions were mostly confined to a zone of about 2 nm in thickness and indicated that ion-induced structural transformations were negligible.

Microsc Microanal ; 13(5): 347-53, 2007 Oct.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-17900385


Focused ion-beam milling has been applied to prepare needle-shaped atom probe tomography specimens from mechanically alloyed powders without the use of embedding media. The lift-out technique known from transmission electron microscopy specimen preparation was modified to cut micron-sized square cross-sectional blanks out of single powder particles. A sequence of rectangular cuts and annular milling showed the highest efficiency for sharpening the blanks to tips. First atom probe results on a Fe95Cu5 powder mechanically alloyed in a high-energy planetary ball mill for 20 h have been obtained. Concentration profiles taken from this powder sample showed that the Cu distribution is inhomogeneous on a nanoscale and that the mechanical alloying process has not been completed yet. In addition, small clusters of oxygen, stemming from the ball milling process, have been detected. Annular milling with 30 keV Ga ions and beam currents >or=50 pA was found to cause the formation of an amorphous surface layer, whereas no structural changes could be observed for beam currents

Ultramicroscopy ; 107(9): 773-80, 2007 Sep.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-17433547


A new algorithm is developed to explore the next neighbourhood atomic vicinity from the analysed data obtained using the tomographic atom probe (TAP) technique. The presented algorithm allows to calculate the atomic distances among different next neighbours of different elements as applied to bulk amorphous alloys. The results obtained for Pd55 Cu23 P22 bulk amorphous alloys show reasonable consistency to already available data from different diffraction techniques. The Pd-Pd atoms have highest probability to be a next neighbour than others. The established view that P is not a direct next neighbour to each other is also manifested from these results. Normalizing the distances of the next neighbours to the first neighbour distance in this particular amorphous system possesses a definite order for all elemental correlations. Furthermore, the algorithm was processed for different critical reconstruction parameters to explore the corresponding effect on the distance distribution of next neighbouring atoms. The minor changes in the product of the geometric factor and the evaporation field of the sample does not make any egregious difference on the next neighbourhood evaluation (NNE).

Ultramicroscopy ; 107(9): 802-7, 2007 Sep.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-17391847


Al/Cu/Al and Cu/Al/Cu triple layers with approximately 10 nm single layer thickness deposited on tungsten substrates were analyzed in the early stages of reactive interdiffusion by means of atom probe tomography. The first reaction product is found after 5 min thermal treatment at 110 degrees C and identified by direct chemical analysis to be Al2Cu. Surprisingly, we found a significant asymmetry in the reaction rate of the new phase with the stacking sequence: the thickness of the product grown at the interfaces, at which Cu is deposited on top of the Al layer, is approximately 1.5-2 times thicker than the other one at the interfaces at which Al is deposited onto a Cu layer. On the other hand, at both interfaces the thickness of the product layer depends parabolically on time. No precursory interdiffusion and no distinct nucleation process of the product are observed.