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ACS EST Air ; 1(3): 139-149, 2024 Mar 08.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-39166537


Within and surrounding high-latitude cities, poor air quality disturbs Arctic ecosystems, influences the climate, and harms human health. The Fairbanks North Star Borough has wintertime particulate matter (PM) concentrations that exceed the Environmental Protection Agency's (EPA) threshold for public health. Particulate sulfate (SO4 2-) is the most abundant inorganic species and contributes approximately 20% of the total PM mass in Fairbanks, but air quality models underestimate observed sulfate concentrations. Here we quantify sulfate sources using size-resolved δ34S(SO4 2-), δ18O(SO4 2-), and Δ17O(SO4 2-) of particulate sulfate in Fairbanks from January 18th to February 25th, 2022 using a Bayesian isotope mixing model. Primary sulfate contributes 62 ± 12% of the total sulfate mass on average. Most primary sulfate is found in the size bin with a particle diameter < 0.7 µm, which contains 90 ±5% of total sulfate mass and poses the greatest risk to human health. Oxidation by all secondary formation pathways combined contributes 38 ± 12% of total sulfate mass on average, indicating that secondary sulfate formation is inefficient in this cold, dark environment. On average, the dominant secondary sulfate formation pathways are oxidation by H2O2 (13 ± 6%), O3 (8 ± 4%), and NO2 (8 ± 3%). These findings will inform mitigation strategies to improve air quality and public health in Fairbanks and possibly other high-latitude urban areas during winter.

ACS EST Air ; 1(3): 200-222, 2024 Mar 08.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-38482269


The Alaskan Layered Pollution And Chemical Analysis (ALPACA) field experiment was a collaborative study designed to improve understanding of pollution sources and chemical processes during winter (cold climate and low-photochemical activity), to investigate indoor pollution, and to study dispersion of pollution as affected by frequent temperature inversions. A number of the research goals were motivated by questions raised by residents of Fairbanks, Alaska, where the study was held. This paper describes the measurement strategies and the conditions encountered during the January and February 2022 field experiment, and reports early examples of how the measurements addressed research goals, particularly those of interest to the residents. Outdoor air measurements showed high concentrations of particulate matter and pollutant gases including volatile organic carbon species. During pollution events, low winds and extremely stable atmospheric conditions trapped pollution below 73 m, an extremely shallow vertical scale. Tethered-balloon-based measurements intercepted plumes aloft, which were associated with power plant point sources through transport modeling. Because cold climate residents spend much of their time indoors, the study included an indoor air quality component, where measurements were made inside and outside a house to study infiltration and indoor sources. In the absence of indoor activities such as cooking and/or heating with a pellet stove, indoor particulate matter concentrations were lower than outdoors; however, cooking and pellet stove burns often caused higher indoor particulate matter concentrations than outdoors. The mass-normalized particulate matter oxidative potential, a health-relevant property measured here by the reactivity with dithiothreiol, of indoor particles varied by source, with cooking particles having less oxidative potential per mass than pellet stove particles.

Sci Total Environ ; 633: 329-340, 2018 Aug 15.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-29574377


Nitrogen (N) emissions associated with urbanization exacerbate the atmospheric N influx to remote ecosystems - like mountains -, leading to well-documented detrimental effects on ecosystems (e.g., soil acidification, pollution of freshwaters). Here, the importance and fate of N deposition in a watershed was evaluated along a montane to urban gradient, using a multi-isotopic tracers approach (Δ17O, δ15N, δ18O of nitrate, δ2H and δ18O of water). In this setting, the montane streams had higher proportions of atmospheric nitrate compared to urban streams, and exported more atmospheric nitrate on a yearly basis (0.35 vs 0.10 kg-Nha-1yr-1). In urban areas, nitrate exports were driven by groundwater, whereas in the catchment head nitrate exports were dominated by surface runoff. The main sources of nitrate to the montane streams were microbial nitrification and atmospheric deposition, whereas microbial nitrification and sewage leakage contributed most to urban streams. Based on the measurement of δ15N and δ18O-NO3-, biological processes such as denitrification or N assimilation were not predominant in any streams in this study. The observed low δ15N and δ18O range of terrestrial nitrate (i.e., nitrate not coming from atmospheric deposition) in surface water compared to literature suggests that atmospheric deposition may be underestimated as a direct source of N.