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Phys Rev E ; 108(4-2): 045004, 2023 Oct.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-37978662


The local elastic properties of strongly disordered material are investigated using the theory of correlated random matrices. A significant increase in stiffness is shown in the interfacial region, the thickness of which depends on the strength of disorder. It is shown that this effect plays a crucial role in nanocomposites, in which interfacial regions are formed around each nanoparticle. The studied interfacial effect can significantly increase the influence of nanoparticles on the macroscopic stiffness of nanocomposites. The obtained thickness of the interfacial region is determined by the heterogeneity lengthscale and is of the same order as the lengthscale of the boson peak.

Phys Rev E ; 103(4-1): 042608, 2021 Apr.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-34005859


We show that viscoelastic effects play a crucial role in the damping of vibrational modes in harmonic amorphous solids. The relaxation of a given plane elastic wave is described by a memory function of a semi-infinite one-dimensional mass-spring chain. The initial vibrational energy spreads from the first site of the chain to infinity. In the beginning of the chain, there is a barrier, which significantly reduces the decay of vibrational energy below the Ioffe-Regel frequency. To obtain the parameters of the chain, we present a numerically stable method, based on the Chebyshev expansion of the local vibrational density of states.

J Phys Condens Matter ; 33(10): 105303, 2021 Mar 10.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-33271527


We study the tunneling magnetoresistance in the ensembles of ferromagnetic granules with random easy axes of magnetic anisotropy taking into account the exchange interaction between granules. It is shown that due to the exchange interaction magnetoresistance is effectively decoupled from magnetization, i.e. the strongest negative magnetoresistance can be observed at the field where magnetization is almost saturated. Under some conditions, the sign of magnetoresistance can be reversed and tunneling magnetoresistance can become positive at certain magnetic fields. Our theory agrees with measurements of magnetoresistance in ensembles of Fe granules in SiC x N y matrix.

Nanoscale ; 11(44): 21502-21512, 2019 Nov 28.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-31686081


Nanocomposites made of crystalline nanoinclusions embedded in an amorphous matrix are at the forefront of current research for energy harvesting applications. However, the microscopic mechanisms leading alternatively to an effectively reduced or enhanced thermal transport still escape understanding. In this work, we present a molecular dynamics simulation study of model systems, where for the first time we combine a microscopic investigation of phonon dynamics with the macroscopic thermal conductivity calculation, to shed light on thermal transport in these materials. We clearly show that crystalline nanoinclusions represent a novel scattering source for vibrational waves, modifying the nature of low energy vibrations and significantly anticipating the propagative-to-diffusive crossover (Ioffe-Regel), usually located at energies of few THz in amorphous materials. Moreover, this crossover position can be tuned by changing the elastic contrast between nanoinclusions and the matrix, and anticipated by a factor as large as 10 for a harder inclusion. While the propagative contribution to thermal transport is drastically reduced, the calculated thermal conductivity is not significantly affected in the chosen system, as the diffusive contribution dominates heat transport when all phonons are thermally populated. These findings allow finally to understand the panoply of contradictory results reported on thermal transport in nanocomposites and give clear indications to the characteristics that the parent phases should have for efficiently reducing heat transport in a nanocomposite.

Phys Rev E ; 98(2-1): 023005, 2018 Aug.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-30253567


In amorphous solids, a non-negligible part of thermal conductivity results from phonon scattering on the structural disorder. The conversion of acoustic energy into thermal energy is often measured by the dynamical dtructure factor (DSF) thanks to inelastic neutron or x-ray scattering. The DSF is used to quantify the dispersion relation of phonons, together with their damping. However, the connection of the dynamical structure factor with dynamical attenuation of wave packets in glasses is still a matter of debate. We focus here on the analysis of wave-packet propagation in numerical models of amorphous silicon. We show that the damped harmonic oscillator model fits of the dynamical structure factors give a good estimate of the wave packets mean free path, only below the Ioffe-Regel frequency. Above the Ioffe-Regel frequency and below the mobility edge, a pure diffusive regime without a definite mean free path is observed. The high-frequency mobility edge is characteristic of a transition to localized vibrations. Below the Ioffe-Regel frequency, a mixed regime is evidenced at intermediate frequencies, with a coexistence of propagative and diffusive wave fronts. The transition between these different regimes is analyzed in detail and reveals a complex dynamics for energy transport, thus raising the question of the correct modeling of thermal transport in amorphous materials.

Phys Rev E ; 97(5-1): 050101, 2018 May.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-29906883


Random impedance networks are widely used as a model to describe plasmon resonances in disordered metal-dielectric and other two-component nanocomposites. In the present work, the spectral properties of resonances in random networks are studied within the framework of the random matrix theory. We have shown that the appropriate ensemble of random matrices for the considered problem is the Jacobi ensemble (the MANOVA ensemble). The obtained analytical expressions for the density of states in such resonant networks show a good agreement with the results of numerical simulations in a wide range of metal filling fractions 0

Phys Rev Lett ; 116(17): 176801, 2016 Apr 29.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-27176530


By numerical simulations and analytical studies, we show that the phenomenon of microwave-induced resistance oscillations can be understood as a classical memory effect caused by recollisions of electrons with scattering centers after a cyclotron period. We develop a Drude-like approach to magnetotransport in the presence of a microwave field, taking into account memory effects, and find an excellent agreement between numerical and analytical results, as well as a qualitative agreement with experiment.

Phys Rev E ; 93(2): 023006, 2016 Feb.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-26986404


The vibrational properties of model amorphous materials are studied by combining complete analysis of the vibration modes, dynamical structure factor, and energy diffusivity with exact diagonalization of the dynamical matrix and the kernel polynomial method, which allows a study of very large system sizes. Different materials are studied that differ only by the bending rigidity of the interactions in a Stillinger-Weber modelization used to describe amorphous silicon. The local bending rigidity can thus be used as a control parameter, to tune the sound velocity together with local bonds directionality. It is shown that for all the systems studied, the upper limit of the Boson peak corresponds to the Ioffe-Regel criterion for transverse waves, as well as to a minimum of the diffusivity. The Boson peak is followed by a diffusivity's increase supported by longitudinal phonons. The Ioffe-Regel criterion for transverse waves corresponds to a common characteristic mean-free path of 5-7 Å (which is slightly bigger for longitudinal phonons), while the fine structure of the vibrational density of states is shown to be sensitive to the local bending rigidity.