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J Phys Chem A ; 120(5): 747-53, 2016 Feb 11.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-26783874


The ground and many excited states of the Mg(+)He van der Waals molecular system have been explored using a one-electron pseudopotential approach. In this approach, effective potentials are used to consider the Mg(2+) core and the electron-He effects. Furthermore, a core-core interaction is included. This has reduced the number of active electrons of the Mg(+)He, to be considered in the calculation, to a single valence electron. This has permitted to use extended Gaussian basis sets for Mg and He. Therefore, the potentianl energy and dipole moments calculations are carried out at the Hartree-Fock level of theory, and the spin-orbit effect is included using a semiclassical approach. The core-core interaction for the Mg(2+)He ground state is included using accurate CCSD(T) calculations. The spectroscopic constants of the Mg(+)He electronic states are extracted and compared with the existing theoretical works, where very good agreement is observed. Moreover, the transition dipole function has been determined for a large and dense grid of internuclear distances including the spin-orbit effect.

J Phys Chem A ; 120(3): 452-65, 2016 Jan 28.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-26716886


Using an ab initio approach based on nonempirical pseudopotentials for the Mg(2+) and Li(+) cores, Gaussian basis sets, effective core polarization potentials and full configuration interaction calculations, the adiabatic potential energy curves, the spectroscopic constants, the permanent and transition electric dipole moments of the several lowest electronic states of the alkali-alkaline earth ion MgLi(+) have been performed. These states dissociate into Mg(+)(3s and 3p) + Li (2s, 2p, 3s, 3p, 3d, 4s, 4p, and 4d) and Mg (3s(2), 3s3p, 3s4s, 3s3d, 3s4p, 3s5s, and 3s4d) + Li(+). The spectroscopic constants (Re, De, Te, ωe, ωexe, and Be) of the ground state and nearly 53 excited states of (1,3)Σ(+), (1,3)Π, and (1,3)Δ symmetries are derived. Most of them are computed for the first time. Moreover, several avoided crossings between the electronic states of (1,3)Σ(+), (1,3)Π symmetries are localized and analyzed. Their existence is related to the interaction between the potential energy curves and to the charge transfer process between the two ionic systems Mg(+)Li and MgLi(+). Furthermore, accurate adiabatic permanent and transition dipole moments for several transitions have been calculated for a large and dense grid of internuclear distances for the first 15 (1)Σ(+) electronic states. A linear behavior is observed in the permanent dipole moments for several electronic states. Additionally, the transition electric dipole moments between neighbor states have shown many peaks situated around the avoided crossing positions.

J Phys Chem A ; 118(38): 8828-41, 2014 Sep 25.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-25058020


The adiabatic and diabatic potential energy curves of the low-lying electronic states of the NaCs molecule dissociating into Na (3s, 3p) + Cs (6s, 6p, 5d, 7s, 7p, 6d, 8s, 4f) have been investigated. The molecular calculations are performed using an ab initio approach based on nonempirical pseudopotential, parametrized l-dependent polarization potentials and full configuration interaction calculations through the CIPCI quantum chemistry package. The derived spectroscopic constants (Re, De, Te, ωe, ωexe, and Be) of the ground state and lower excited states are compared with the available theoretical and experimental works. Moreover, accurate permanent and transition dipole moment have been determined as a function of the internuclear distance. The adiabatic permanent dipole moment for the first nine (1)Σ(+) electronic states have shown both ionic characters associated with electron transfer related to Cs(+)Na(-) and Cs(-)Na(+) arrangements. By a simple rotation, the diabatic permanent dipole moment is determined and has revealed a linear behavior, particularly at intermediate and large distances. Many peaks around the avoided crossing locations have been observed for the transition dipole moment between neighbor electronic states.

J Phys Chem A ; 116(43): 10589-96, 2012 Nov 01.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-22998459


The potential energy curves and spectroscopic constants of the ground and excited states of the RbAr van der Waals system have been determined using a one-electron pseudopotential approach. This technique is used to replace the effect of the Rb(+) core and the electron-Ar interactions by effective potentials. The core-core interaction for Rb(+)Ar was incorporated using the accurate CCSD(T) potential of Hickling et al. [Hickling, H. L.; Viehland, L. A.; Shepherd, D. T.; Soldán, P.; Lee, E. P. F.; Wright, T. G. Phys. Chem. Chem. Phys. 2004, 6, 4233-4239]. This model reduces the number of active electrons of the RbAr van der Waals systems to just the single valence electron, permitting the use of very large basis sets for the Rb and Ar atoms. Using this approach, the potential energy curves of the ground and excited states dissociating into Rb(5s, 5p, 4d, 6s, 6p, 6d, and 7s) + Ar are calculated at the SCF level. Spin-orbit interaction was also considered within a semiempirical scheme for the states dissociating into Rb(5p) and Rb(6p). Spectroscopic constants are derived and compared with the available theoretical and experimental data. Such comparisons for RbAr show very good agreement for the ground and the first excited states. Furthermore, we have predicted the B(2)Σ(+)(1/2) ← X(2)Σ(+), A(2)Π(1/2) ← X(2)Σ(+), A(2)Π(3/2) ← X(2)Σ(+), A(2)Π(3/2) ← X(2)Σ(+), 5(2)Σ(+) ← X(2)Σ(+), 3(2)Π(1/2) ← X(2)Σ(+), and 3(2)Π(3/2) ← X(2)Σ(+) absorption spectra.

J Phys Chem A ; 116(11): 2945-60, 2012 Mar 22.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-22360282


Adiabatic and diabatic potential energy curves and the permanent and transition dipole moments of the low-lying electronic states of the LiRb molecule dissociating into Rb(5s, 5p, 4d, 6s, 6p, 5d, 7s, 6d) + Li(2s, 2p) have been investigated. The molecular calculations are performed with an ab initio approach based on nonempirical pseudopotentials for Rb(+) and Li(+) cores, parametrized l-dependent core polarization potentials and full configuration interaction calculations. The derived spectroscopic constants (R(e), D(e), T(e), ω(e), ω(e)x(e), and B(e)) of the ground state and lower excited states are in good agreement with the available theoretical works. However, the 8-10(1)Σ(+), 8-10(3)Σ(+), 6(1,3)Π, and 3(1,3)Δ excited states are studied for the first time. In addition, to the potential energy, accurate permanent and transition dipole moments have been determined for a wide interval of internuclear distances. The permanent dipole moment of LiRb has revealed ionic characters both relating to electron transfer and yielding Li(-)Rb(+) and Li(+)Rb(-) arrangements. The diabatic potential energy for the (1,3)Σ(+), (1,3)Π, and (1,3)Δ symmetries has been performed for this molecule for the first time. The diabatization method is based on variational effective Hamiltonian theory and effective metric, where the adiabatic and diabatic states are connected by an appropriate unitary transformation.

J Phys Chem A ; 114(26): 7139-45, 2010 Jul 08.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-20540512


The potential energy curves of the ground state and many excited states of the CsAr van der Waals system have been determined using [Cs(+)] and [Ar] core pseudopotentials and by considering core polarization operators on both atoms. This has permitted to reduce the number of active electrons of the CsAr system to only one electron, i.e., the valence electron, which led to use of large basis sets for Cs and Ar atoms. In this context, the potential energy curves of the ground state and many excited states are performed at the self consistent field (SCF) level. Spin-orbit interaction is also considered within a semiempirical scheme for the states dissociating into Cs(6p) and Cs(5d). The core-core interactions for Cs(+)Ar is included using the coupled cluster simple and double excitation (CCSD) accurate potential of Hickling et al. (Hickling, H.; Viehland, L.; Shepherd, D.; Soldan, P.; Lee, E.; Wright, T. Phys. Chem. Chem. Phys. 2004, 6, 4233). In addition, the spectroscopic constants of these states are derived and compared with the available theoretical and experimental works. Such comparison has shown a very good agreement for the ground and the first excited states. However, the spectroscopic data for the higher excited states are presented for the first time.

J Phys Chem A ; 114(24): 6657-68, 2010 Jun 24.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-20518475


For nearly all the states dissociating into Cs (6s, 6p, 5d, 7s, 7p, 6d, 8s) and Li (2s, 2p, 3s), we present an extensive adiabatic study for (1,3)Sigma(+), (1,3)Pi, and (1,3)Delta symmetries of the LiCs molecule. We have used an ab initio approach based on nonempirical pseudopotentials, parametrized l-dependent polarization potentials, and full configuration interaction calculations. A diabatisation procedure based on the effective Hamiltonian theory and an effective metric is used to produce the quasi-diabatic potential energy for all studied states. The spectroscopic constants (R(e), D(e), T(e), omega(e), omega(e)x(e), and B(e)) of these states are derived and compared with the available theoretical and experimental works. In addition to the potential energies, accurate permanent and transition dipole moment have been determined for a wide range of internuclear distances. The adiabatic permanent dipole moment for the first 10 (1)Sigma(+) electronic states has revealed ionic characters relating to electron transfer and yielding both Li(-)Cs(+) and Li(+)Cs(-) arrangements. The quasi-diabatic permanent moments show linear behaviors, especially at intermediate and large distance. The transition dipole moment between neighbor states has revealed many peaks located around the avoided crossing positions.

J Chem Phys ; 125(8): 084315, 2006 Aug 28.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-16965020


The 4s and 5s Rydberg excited states of NaAr(n)* clusters are investigated using a pseudopotential quantum-classical method. While NaAr(n) clusters in their ground state are known to be weakly bound van der Waals complexes with Na lying at the surface of the argon cluster, isomers in 4s or 5s electronically excited states of small NaAr(n)* clusters (n< or =10) are found to be stable versus dissociation. The relationship between electronic excitation and cluster geometry is analyzed as a function of cluster size. For both 4s and 5s states, the stable exciplex isomers essentially appear as sodium-centered structures with similar topologies, converging towards those of the related NaAr(n)+ positive ions when the excitation level is increased. This is consistent with a Rydberg-type picture for the electronically excited cluster, described by a central sodium ion solvated by an argon shell, and an outer diffuse electron orbiting around this NaAr(n)+ cluster core.