Cs2AgBiBr6 is an emerging double perovskite semiconductor with robust stability. However, its potential for photovoltaics is limited by its indirect band gap and localized electronic structure featuring a resonant exciton with a large binding energy. Cs2AgBi(I x Br1-x )6 nanocrystals with iodide concentrations of up to 100% were recently demonstrated, but an atomistic understanding of how halide mixing affects the electronic and excited-state structure is missing. Here, we use first-principles GW and Bethe-Salpeter Equation calculations to show that halide mixing leads to a pronounced change in the band gap and character of optical excitations. Exciton binding energies are reduced by up to a factor of 5, with significantly more delocalized excitons in I-rich compounds. We further show that phase-pure bulk alloys with x ≤ 0.11 can be fabricated using mechanosynthesis and measure a red-shifted absorption in line with our calculations. Our study highlights that halide mixing in double perovskites can not only lead to significant band gap changes but may also be used for tuning excitonic properties.
Halide double perovskites comprise an emerging class of semiconductors with tremendous chemical and electronic diversity. While their band structure features can be understood from frontier-orbital models, chemical intuition for optical excitations remains incomplete. Here, we use ab initio many-body perturbation theory within the GW and the Bethe-Salpeter equation approach to calculate excited-state properties of a representative range of Cs2BB'Cl6 double perovskites. Our calculations reveal that double perovskites with different combinations of B and B' cations display a broad variety of electronic band structures and dielectric properties and form excitons with binding energies ranging over several orders of magnitude. We correlate these properties with the orbital-induced anisotropy of charge-carrier effective masses and the long-range behavior of the dielectric function by comparing them with the canonical conditions of the Wannier-Mott model. Furthermore, we derive chemically intuitive rules for predicting the nature of excitons in halide double perovskites using computationally inexpensive density functional theory calculations.
Ruddlesden-Popper halide perovskites are highly versatile quasi-two-dimensional energy materials with a wide range of tunable optoelectronic properties. Here we use the all-inorganic Csn+1PbnX3n+1Ruddlesden-Popper perovskites with X = I, Br, and Cl to systematically model the effect of octahedral tilting distortions on the energy landscape, band gaps, macroscopic polarization, and the emergence of Rashba-/Dresselhaus splitting in these materials. We construct all uniquen = 1 andn = 2 structures following from octahedral tilts and use first-principles density functional theory to calculate total energies, polarizations and band structures, backed up by band gap calculations using theGWapproach. Our results provide design rules for tailoring structural distortions and band-structure properties in all-inorganic Ruddlesden-Popper perovskites through the interplay of the amplitude, direction, and chemical character of the antiferrodistortive distortion modes contributing to each octahedral tilt pattern. Our work emphasizes that, in contrast to three-dimensional perovskites, polar structures may arise from a combination of octahedral tilts, and Rashba-/Dresselhaus splitting in this class of materials is determined by the direction and Pb-I orbital contribution of the polar distortion mode.
Halide double perovskites with alternating silver and pnictogen cations are an emerging family of photoabsorber materials with robust stability and band gaps in the visible range. However, the nature of optical excitations in these systems is not yet well understood, limiting their utility. Here, we use ab initio many-body perturbation theory within the GW approximation and the Bethe-Salpeter equation approach to calculate the electronic structure and optical excitations of the double perovskite series Cs2AgBX6, with B = Bi3+, Sb3+ and X = Br-, Cl-. We find that these materials exhibit strongly localized resonant excitons with energies from 170 to 434 meV below the direct band gap. In contrast to lead-based perovskites, the Cs2AgBX6 excitons are computed to be non-hydrogenic with anisotropic effective masses and sensitive to local field effects, a consequence of their chemical heterogeneity. Our calculations demonstrate the limitations of the Wannier-Mott and Elliott models for this class of double perovskites and contribute to a detailed atomistic understanding of their light-matter interactions.
Quantum confinement effects in lower-dimensional derivatives of the ABX3 (A = monocation, X = halide) single perovskites afford striking optical and electronic changes, enabling applications ranging from solar absorbers to phosphors and light-emitting diodes. Halide double perovskites form a larger materials family, known since the late 1800s, but lower-dimensional derivatives remain rare and prior work has revealed a minimal effect of quantum confinement on their optical properties. Here, we synthesize three new lower-dimensional derivatives of the 3D double perovskite Cs2AgTlBr6: 2D derivatives with mono- (1-Tl) and bi-layer thick (2-Tl) inorganic sheets and a quasi-1D derivative (1'-Tl). Single-crystal ellipsometry studies of these materials show the first clear demonstration that dimensional reduction can significantly alter the optical properties of 2D halide double perovskites. This large quantum confinement effect is attributed to the substantial electronic delocalization of the parent 3D Ag-Tl perovskite. Calculations track the evolution of the electronic bands with dimensional reduction and the accompanying structural distortions and show a direct-to-indirect bandgap transition as the 3D perovskite lattice is thinned to a monolayer in 1-Tl. This bandgap transition at the monolayer limit is also evident in the calculations for 1-In, an isostructural, isoelectronic analogue to 1-Tl in which In3+ replaces Tl3+, underscoring the orbital basis for the direct/indirect nature of the bandgap. Thus, in complement to the massive compositional diversity of halide double perovskites, dimensional reduction may be used as a systematic route for harnessing electronic confinement effects and obtaining new electronic structures.