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Soft Matter ; 19(18): 3386-3397, 2023 May 10.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-37128824


From studies via molecular dynamics simulations, we report results on structure and dynamics in mixtures of active colloids and passive polymers that are confined inside a spherical container with a repulsive boundary. All interactions in the fully passive limit are chosen in such a way that in equilibrium coexistence between colloid-rich and polymer-rich phases occurs. For most part of the studies the chosen compositions give rise to Janus-like structure: nearly one side of the sphere is occupied by the colloids and the rest by the polymers. This partially wet situation mimics approximately a neutral wall in the fully passive scenario. Following the introduction of a velocity-aligning activity to the colloids, the shape of the polymer-rich domain changes to that of an ellipsoid, around the long axis of which the colloid-rich domain attains a macroscopic angular momentum. In the steady state, the orientation of this axis evolves via diffusion, magnitude of which depends upon the strength of activity, but only weakly.

Soft Matter ; 18(19): 3781-3792, 2022 May 18.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-35514321


A model for a mixture of two kinds of semiflexible polymers (A and B) with the same chain length (NA = NB = 32), but different persistence lengths, confined between parallel planar repulsive walls in a common good solvent is studied by molecular dynamics simulations. In the isotropic phase at low polymer concentrations, both polymers are repelled by the walls, and the system is anisotropic near the walls over a range controlled by the polymer linear dimensions. Close to the concentrations where in the bulk nematic order sets in, precursors of thick nematic layers at the walls are observed, strongly enriched by a stiffer component, which hence is depleted in the center of the slit pore. At larger concentrations, where in the bulk a uniformly mixed nematic phase occurs, the enrichment of B-chains at the walls is rather minor, extending over the scale of the transverse correlation length of concentration fluctuations, which is of the order of a few monomeric diameters only for the present model. In this ordered phase, both self-diffusion and interdiffusion of chains (in the direction perpendicular to the director) are found to be significantly slowed down in comparison to dilute solutions. Since equilibration times scale with the square of the slit thickness, incomplete equilibration is predicted when polymeric coatings on substrate containing polymers differing in stiffness are produced.

J Chem Phys ; 156(4): 044901, 2022 Jan 28.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-35105074


Wetting and drying phenomena are studied for flexible and semiflexible polymer solutions via coarse-grained molecular dynamics simulations and density functional theory calculations. This study is based on the use of Young's equation for the contact angle, determining all relevant surface tensions from the anisotropy of the pressure tensor. The solvent quality (or effective temperature, equivalently) is varied systematically, while all other interactions remain unaltered. For flexible polymers, the wetting transition temperature Tw increases monotonically with chain length N, while the contact angle at temperatures far below Tw is independent of N. For semiflexible polymer solutions, Tw varies non-monotonically with the persistence length: Initially, Tw increases with increasing chain stiffness and reaches a maximum, but then a sudden drop of Tw is observed, which is associated with the isotropic-nematic transition of the system.

Polymers (Basel) ; 13(14)2021 Jul 11.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-34301028


Mixtures of semiflexible polymers with a mismatch in either their persistence lengths or their contour lengths are studied by Density Functional Theory and Molecular Dynamics simulation. Considering lyotropic solutions under good solvent conditions, the mole fraction and pressure is systematically varied for several cases of bending stiffness κ (the normalized persistence length) and chain length N. For binary mixtures with different chain length (i.e., NA=16, NB=32 or 64) but the same stiffness, isotropic-nematic phase coexistence is studied. For mixtures with the same chain length (N=32) and large stiffness disparity (κB/κA=4.9 to 8), both isotropic-nematic and nematic-nematic unmixing occur. It is found that the phase diagrams may exhibit a triple point or a nematic-nematic critical point, and that coexisting phases differ appreciably in their monomer densities. The properties of the two types of chains (nematic order parameters, chain radii, etc.) in the various phases are studied in detail, and predictions on the (anisotropic) critical behavior near the critical point of nematic-nematic unmixing are made.

Soft Matter ; 17(12): 3443-3454, 2021 Mar 28.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-33646224


Solutions of semiflexible polymers confined in cylindrical pores with repulsive walls are studied by Molecular Dynamics simulations for a wide range of polymer concentrations. Both the case where both lengths are of the same order and the case when the persistence length by far exceeds the contour length are considered, and the enhancement of nematic order along the cylinder axis is characterized. With increasing density the character of the surface effect changes from depletion to the formation of a layered structure. For binary 50 : 50 mixtures of the two types of polymers an interplay between surface enrichment of the stiffer component and the isotropic-nematic transition is found, and a phase separated structure with cylindrical symmetry occurs, with the isotropic phase located around the cylinder axis. For melt densities the mixed nematic phase forms at the wall a layer with a screw-like structure of a tilted smectic phase. The observed behavior is tentatively interpreted in terms of the competition of the chain orientational entropy with entropy of mixing and excluded volume due to the wall.

J Phys Chem B ; 125(3): 956-969, 2021 01 28.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-33440121


The interplay of the isotropic-nematic transition and phase separation in lyotropic solutions of two types of semiflexible macromolecules with pronounced difference in chain stiffness is studied by Density Functional Theory and Molecular Dynamics simulations. While the width of the isotropic-nematic two-phase coexistence region is narrow for solutions with a single type of semiflexible chain, the two-phase coexistence region widens for solutions containing two types of chains with rather disparate stiffness. In the nematic phase, both types of chains contribute to the nematic order, with intermediate values of the order parameter compared to the corresponding single component solutions. As the difference in bending stiffness is increased, the two chain types separate into two coexisting nematic phases. The phase behavior is rationalized by considering the chemical potentials of the two components and the Gibbs excess free energy. The geometric properties of the chain conformations under the various conditions are also discussed.

Polymers (Basel) ; 12(2)2020 Jan 22.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-31978981


Semiflexible polymers bound to planar substrates by a short-range surface potential are studied by Molecular Dynamics simulations to clarify the extent to which these chain molecules can be considered as strictly two-dimensional. Applying a coarse-grained bead-spring model, the chain length N and stiffness κ as well as the strength of the adsorption potential ϵ w a l l are varied over a wide range. The excluded-volume (EV) interactions inherent in this model can also be "switched off" to provide a discretized version of the Kratky-Porod wormlike chain model. We study both local order parameters (fraction f of monomers within the range of the potential, bond-orientational order parameter η ) and the mean square gyration radius parallel, 〈 R g 2 〉 | | , and perpendicular, 〈 R g 2 〉 ⟂ , to the wall. While for strongly adsorbed chains EV has negligible effect on f and η , we find that 〈 R g 2 〉 | | is strongly affected when the chain contour length exceeds the persistence length. Monomer coordinates in perpendicular (⟂) direction are correlated over the scale of the deflection length which is estimated. It is found that f , η , and 〈 R g 2 〉 ⟂ converge to their asymptotic values with 1 / N corrections. For both weakly and strongly adsorbed chains, the distribution functions of "loops", "trains", and "tails" are analyzed. Some consequences pertaining to the analysis of experiments on adsorbed semiflexible polymers are pointed out.

J Chem Phys ; 152(19): 194707, 2020 May 21.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-33687230


The contact angle of a liquid droplet on a surface under partial wetting conditions differs for a nanoscopically rough or periodically corrugated surface from its value for a perfectly flat surface. Wenzel's relation attributes this difference simply to the geometric magnification of the surface area (by a factor rw), but the validity of this idea is controversial. We elucidate this problem by model calculations for a sinusoidal corrugation of the form zwall(y) = Δ cos(2πy/λ), for a potential of short range σw acting from the wall on the fluid particles. When the vapor phase is an ideal gas, the change in the wall-vapor surface tension can be computed exactly, and corrections to Wenzel's equation are typically of the order σwΔ/λ2. For fixed rw and fixed σw, the approach to Wenzel's result with increasing λ may be nonmonotonic and this limit often is only reached for λ/σw > 30. For a non-additive binary mixture, density functional theory is used to work out the density profiles of both coexisting phases for planar and corrugated walls as well as the corresponding surface tensions. Again, deviations from Wenzel's results of similar magnitude as in the above ideal gas case are predicted. Finally, a crudely simplified description based on the interface Hamiltonian concept is used to interpret the corresponding simulation results along similar lines. Wenzel's approach is found to generally hold when λ/σw ≫ 1 and Δ/λ < 1 and under conditions avoiding proximity of wetting or filling transitions.

ACS Macro Lett ; 9(12): 1779-1784, 2020 Dec 15.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-35653682


Binary mixtures of semiflexible polymers with the same chain length, but different persistence lengths, separate into two coexisting different nematic phases when the osmotic pressure of the lyotropic solution is varied. Molecular Dynamics simulations and Density Functional Theory predict phase diagrams either with a triple point, where the isotropic phase coexists with two nematic phases or a critical point of unmixing within the nematic mixture. The difference in locally preferred bond angles between the constituents drives this unmixing without any attractive interactions between monomers.

Phys Rev Lett ; 123(12): 128003, 2019 Sep 20.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-31633956


Conformations of partially or fully adsorbed semiflexible polymer chains are studied varying both contour length L, chain stiffness, κ, and the strength of the adsorption potential over a wide range. Molecular dynamics simulations show that partially adsorbed chains (with "tails," surface attached "trains," and "loops") are not described by the Kratky-Porod wormlike chain model. The crossover of the persistence length from its three-dimensional value (ℓ_{p}) to the enhanced value in two dimensions (2ℓ_{p}) is analyzed, and excluded volume effects are identified for L≫ℓ_{p}. Consequences for the interpretation of experiments are suggested. We verify the prediction that the adsorption threshold scales as ℓ_{p}^{-1/3}.

J Chem Phys ; 151(3): 034902, 2019 Jul 21.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-31325931


The interplay of nematic order and phase separation in solutions of semiflexible polymers in solvents of variable quality is investigated by density functional theory (DFT) and molecular dynamics (MD) simulations. We studied coarse-grained models, with a bond-angle potential to control chain stiffness, for chain lengths comparable to the persistence length of the chains. We varied both the density of the monomeric units and the effective temperature that controls the quality of the implicit solvent. For very stiff chains, only a single transition from an isotropic fluid to a nematic is found, with a phase diagram of "swan-neck" topology. For less stiff chains, however, also unmixing between isotropic fluids of different concentration, ending in a critical point, occurs for temperatures above a triple point. The associated critical behavior is examined in the MD simulations and found compatible with Ising universality. Apart from this critical behavior, DFT calculations agree qualitatively with the MD simulations.

ACS Nano ; 13(3): 3466-3473, 2019 Mar 26.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-30835993


The backbone conformations of individual, unperturbed synthetic macromolecules have so far not been observed directly in spite of their fundamental importance to polymer physics. Here we report the dilute solution conformations of two types of linear dendronized polymers, obtained by cryogenic transmission electron stereography and tomography. The three-dimensional trajectories show that the wormlike chain model fails to adequately describe the scaling of these thick macromolecules already beyond a few nanometers in chain length, in spite of large apparent persistence lengths and long before a signature of self-avoidance appears. This insight is essential for understanding the limitations of polymer physical models, and it motivated us to discuss the advantages and disadvantages of this approach in comparison to the commonly applied scattering techniques.

Phys Chem Chem Phys ; 21(6): 3360-3369, 2019 Feb 06.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-30693356


The surface tension of supercooled water is of fundamental importance in physical chemistry and materials and atmospheric sciences. Controversy, however, exists over its temperature dependence in the supercooled regime, especially on the existence of the "second inflection point (SIP)". Here, we use molecular dynamics simulations of the SPC/E water model to study the surface tension of water (σw) as a function of temperature down to 198.15 K, and find a minimum point of surface excess entropy per unit area around ∼240-250 K. Additional simulations with the TIP4P/2005 water model also show consistent results. Hence, we predict an SIP of σw roughly in this region, at the boundary where the "no man's land" happens. The increase of surface entropy with decreasing temperature in the region below the inflection point is clearly an anomalous behavior, unknown for simple liquids. Furthermore, we find that σw has a near-linear correlation with the interfacial width, which can be well explained by the capillary wave theory. Deep in the supercooled regime, a compact water layer at the interface is detected in our simulations, which may be a key component that contributes to the deviation of surface tension from the International Association for the Properties of Water and Steam relationship. Our findings may advance the understanding of the origin of the anomalous properties of liquid water in the supercooled regime.

J Chem Phys ; 149(17): 174909, 2018 Nov 07.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-30408984


Coarse-grained models of lyotropic solutions of semiflexible polymers are studied by both molecular dynamics simulations and density functional theory calculations, using an implicit solvent bead-spring model with a bond-angle potential. We systematically vary the monomer density, persistence length, and contour length over a wide range and explore the full range from the isotropic-nematic transition to the nematic-smectic transition. In the nematic regime, we span the entire regime from rigid-rod like polymers to thin wormlike chains, confined in effective straight tubes caused by the collective nematic effective ordering field. We show that the distribution of bond angles relative to the director is well described by a Gaussian, irrespective of whether the chains are rod-like or rather flexible. However, the related concept of "deflection length" is shown to make sense only in the latter case for rather dilute solutions since otherwise the deflection length is of the order of about two bond lengths only. When the solution is semi-dilute, a substantial renormalization of the persistence length occurs, while this effect is absent in the isotropic phase even at rather high monomer densities. The effective radii of the "tubes" confining the chains in the related description of orientational ordering are significantly larger than the distances between neighboring chains, providing evidence for a pronounced collective character of orientational fluctuations. Hairpins can be identified close to the isotropic-nematic transition, and their probability of occurrence agrees qualitatively with the Vroege-Odijk theory. The corresponding theoretical predictions for the elastic constants, however, are not in good agreement with the simulations. We attribute the shortcomings of the theories to their neglect of the coupling between local density and orientational fluctuations. Finally, we detected for this model a transition to a smectic phase for reduced monomer densities near 0.7.

J Phys Condens Matter ; 30(25): 255001, 2018 Jun 27.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-29741496


Results from Monte Carlo simulations of wall-attached droplets in the three-dimensional Ising lattice gas model and in a symmetric binary Lennard-Jones fluid, confined by antisymmetric walls, are analyzed, with the aim to estimate the dependence of the contact angle [Formula: see text] on the droplet radius [Formula: see text] of curvature. Sphere-cap shape of the wall-attached droplets is assumed throughout. An approach, based purely on 'thermodynamic' observables, e.g. chemical potential, excess density due to the droplet, etc, is used, to avoid ambiguities in the decision which particles belong (or do not belong, respectively) to the droplet. It is found that the results are compatible with a variation [Formula: see text], [Formula: see text] being the contact angle in the thermodynamic limit ([Formula: see text]). The possibility to use such results to estimate the excess free energy related to the contact line of the droplet, namely the line tension, at the wall, is discussed. Various problems that hamper this approach and were not fully recognized in previous attempts to extract the line tension are identified. It is also found that the dependence of wall tensions on the difference of chemical potential of the droplet from that at the bulk coexistence provides effectively a change of the contact angle of similar magnitude. The simulation approach yields precise estimates for the excess density due to wall-attached droplets and the corresponding free energy excess, relative to a system without a droplet at the same chemical potential. It is shown that this information suffices to estimate nucleation barriers, not affected by ambiguities on droplet shape, contact angle and line tension.

J Chem Phys ; 148(11): 114701, 2018 Mar 21.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-29566529


Heterogeneous nucleation is studied by Monte Carlo simulations and phenomenological theory, using the two-dimensional lattice gas model with suitable boundary fields. A chemical inhomogeneity of length b at one boundary favors the liquid phase, while elsewhere the vapor is favored. Switching on the bulk field Hb favoring the liquid, nucleation and growth of the liquid phase starting from the region of the chemical inhomogeneity are analyzed. Three regimes occur: for small fields, HbHb*), the droplets nucleated at the chemical inhomogeneity grow to the full system size. While the relaxation time for the growth scales as τG∝Hb-1, the nucleation time τN scales as lnτN∝Hb-1. However, the prefactor in the latter relation, as evaluated for our simulations results, is not in accord with an extension of the Volmer-Turnbull theory to two-dimensions, when the theoretical contact angle θc is used.

J Phys Chem B ; 122(13): 3407-3417, 2018 04 05.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-29220178


In a theoretical description of homogeneous nucleation one frequently assumes an "equilibrium" coexistence of a liquid droplet with surrounding vapor of a density exceeding that of a saturated vapor at bulk vapor-liquid two-phase coexistence. Thereby one ignores the caveat that in the thermodynamic limit, for which the vapor would be called supersaturated, such states will at best be metastable with finite lifetime, and thus not be well-defined within equilibrium statistical mechanics. In contrast, in a system of finite volume stable equilibrium coexistence of droplet and supersaturated vapor at constant total density is perfectly possible, and numerical analysis of equilibrium free energies of finite systems allows to obtain physically relevant results. In particular, such an analysis can be used to derive the dependence of the droplet surface tension γ( R) on the droplet radius R by computer simulations. Unfortunately, however, the precision of the results produced by this approach turns out to be seriously affected by a hitherto unexplained spurious dependence of γ( R) on the total volume V of the simulation box. These finite size effects are studied here for the standard Ising/lattice gas model in d = 2 dimensions and an Ising model on the face-centered cubic lattice with 3-spin interaction, lacking symmetry between vapor and liquid phases. There also the analogous case of bubbles surrounded by undersaturated liquid is treated. It is argued that (at least a large part of) the finite size effects result from the translation entropy of the droplet or bubble in the system. This effect has been shown earlier to occur also for planar interfaces for simulations in the slab geometry. Consequences for the estimation of the Tolman length are briefly discussed. In particular, we find clear evidence that in d = 2 the leading correction of the curvature-dependent interface tension is a logarithmic term, compatible with theoretical expectations, and we show that then the standard Tolman-style analysis is inapplicable.

Nano Lett ; 17(8): 4924-4928, 2017 08 09.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-28679053


Molecular dynamics simulations of semiflexible polymers in a good solvent reveal a dense adsorbed layer when the solution is exposed to an attractive planar wall. This layer exhibits both a nematic and a smectic phase (smA for short and smC for longer chains) with bond vectors aligned strictly parallel to the wall. The tilt angle of the smC phase increases strongly with the contour length of the polymers. The isotropic-nematic transition is a Kosterlitz-Thouless transition and also the nematic-smectic transition is continuous. Our finding demonstrates thus a two-dimensional realization of different liquid crystalline phases, ubiquitous in three dimensions, that occurs in a single monomolecular layer ordered at least over mesoscopic scales.

Phys Rev Lett ; 118(21): 217803, 2017 May 26.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-28598646


Densely packed semiflexible polymers with contour length L confined in spheres with radius R of the same order as L cannot exhibit uniform nematic order. Depending on the chain stiffness (which we vary over a wide range), highly distorted structures form with topological defects on the sphere surface. These structures are completely different from previously observed ones of very long chains winding around the inner surface of spheres and from nematic droplets. At high densities, a thin shell of polymers close to the sphere surface exhibits a tennis ball texture due to the confinement-induced gradual bending of polymer bonds. In contrast, when the contour length of the chains is significantly smaller than the radius of the confining sphere, a few bent smectic layers form in the sphere. Molecular dynamics simulations demonstrate these complex structures, and suitable order parameters characterizing them are proposed.

J Chem Phys ; 146(19): 194907, 2017 May 21.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-28527445


Semiflexible polymers in lyotropic solution confined inside spherical nanoscopic "containers" with repulsive walls are studied by molecular dynamics simulations and density functional theory, as a first step to model confinement effects on stiff polymers inside of miniemulsions, vesicles, and cells. It is shown that the depletion effects caused by the monomer-wall repulsion depend distinctly on the radius R of the sphere. Further, nontrivial orientational effects occur when R, the persistence length ℓp, and the contour length L of the polymers are of similar magnitude. At intermediate densities, a "shell" of wall-attached chains is forming, such that the monomers belonging to those chains are in a layer at about the distance of one monomer from the container wall. At the same time, the density of the centers of mass of these chains is peaked somewhat further inside, but still near the wall. However, the arrangement of chains is such that the total monomer density is almost uniform in the sphere, apart from a small layering peak at the wall. It is shown that excluded volume effects among the monomers are crucial to account for this behavior, although they are negligible for comparable isolated single semiflexible chains of the same length.