AIM: To identify the proportions of hospital inpatients with recorded weights: among all patients, and among those receiving weight-dosed drug therapy. METHOD: Survey of clinical notes of hospital inpatients across a convenience sample of 11 secondary and tertiary referral hospitals in England and Wales in November 2011. RESULTS: 1068 patients were included, and 1061 patient clinical notes were available (99.3%). Nearly all paediatric patients had recorded weights (77/78; 98.7%). Half of adult inpatients had recorded weights (503/983, 51.2%). The proportion of adult inpatients with recorded weights varied by hospital, ranging from 13.5% to 92.5% (p<0.0001). In those receiving gentamicin or therapeutic-dose low molecular weight heparin (t-LMWH), only 64.5% (71/110) had a recorded weight. CONCLUSIONS: Half of adult inpatients, and two-thirds of those receiving gentamicin or t-LMWH, had recorded weights. There was significant variation in rates of weighing adult inpatients across hospitals. This may put patients at increased risk of side effects and problems resulting from malnutrition.