A phase-type distribution is the distribution of the time until absorption in a finite state-space time-homogeneous Markov jump process, with one absorbing state and the rest being transient. These distributions are mathematically tractable and conceptually attractive to model physical phenomena due to their interpretation in terms of a hidden Markov structure. Three recent extensions of regular phase-type distributions give rise to models which allow for heavy tails: discrete- or continuous-scaling; fractional-time semi-Markov extensions; and inhomogeneous time-change of the underlying Markov process. In this paper, we present a unifying theory for heavy-tailed phase-type distributions for which all three approaches are particular cases. Our main objective is to provide useful models for heavy-tailed phase-type distributions, but any other tail behavior is also captured by our specification. We provide relevant new examples and also show how existing approaches are naturally embedded. Subsequently, two multivariate extensions are presented, inspired by the univariate construction which can be considered as a matrix version of a frailty model. We provide fully explicit EM-algorithms for all models and illustrate them using synthetic and real-life data.
We consider removing lower order statistics from the classical Hill estimator in extreme value statistics, and compensating for it by rescaling the remaining terms. Trajectories of these trimmed statistics as a function of the extent of trimming turn out to be quite flat near the optimal threshold value. For the regularly varying case, the classical threshold selection problem in tail estimation is then revisited, both visually via trimmed Hill plots and, for the Hall class, also mathematically via minimizing the expected empirical variance. This leads to a simple threshold selection procedure for the classical Hill estimator which circumvents the estimation of some of the tail characteristics, a problem which is usually the bottleneck in threshold selection. As a by-product, we derive an alternative estimator of the tail index, which assigns more weight to large observations, and works particularly well for relatively lighter tails. A simple ratio statistic routine is suggested to evaluate the goodness of the implied selection of the threshold. We illustrate the favourable performance and the potential of the proposed method with simulation studies and real insurance data.