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Nat Commun ; 15(1): 6414, 2024 Aug 13.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-39138156


Deployment of ultracold atom interferometers (AI) into space will capitalize on quantum advantages and the extended freefall of persistent microgravity to provide high-precision measurement capabilities for gravitational, Earth, and planetary sciences, and to enable searches for subtle forces signifying physics beyond General Relativity and the Standard Model. NASA's Cold Atom Lab (CAL) operates onboard the International Space Station as a multi-user facility for fundamental studies of ultracold atoms and to mature space-based quantum technologies. We report on pathfinding experiments utilizing ultracold 87Rb atoms in the CAL AI. A three-pulse Mach-Zehnder interferometer was studied to understand the influence of ISS vibrations. Additionally, Ramsey shear-wave interferometry was used to manifest interference patterns in a single run that were observable for over 150 ms free-expansion time. Finally, the CAL AI was used to remotely measure the Bragg laser photon recoil as a demonstration of the first quantum sensor using matter-wave interferometry in space.

Nature ; 623(7987): 502-508, 2023 Nov.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-37968524


The capability to reach ultracold atomic temperatures in compact instruments has recently been extended into space1,2. Ultracold temperatures amplify quantum effects, whereas free fall allows further cooling and longer interactions time with gravity-the final force without a quantum description. On Earth, these devices have produced macroscopic quantum phenomena such as Bose-Einstein condensates (BECs), superfluidity, and strongly interacting quantum gases3. Terrestrial quantum sensors interfering the superposition of two ultracold atomic isotopes have tested the universality of free fall (UFF), a core tenet of Einstein's classical gravitational theory, at the 10-12 level4. In space, cooling the elements needed to explore the rich physics of strong interactions or perform quantum tests of the UFF has remained elusive. Here, using upgraded hardware of the multiuser Cold Atom Lab (CAL) instrument aboard the International Space Station (ISS), we report, to our knowledge, the first simultaneous production of a dual-species BEC in space (formed from 87Rb and 41K), observation of interspecies interactions, as well as the production of 39K ultracold gases. Operating a single laser at a 'magic wavelength' at which Rabi rates of simultaneously applied Bragg pulses are equal, we have further achieved the first spaceborne demonstration of simultaneous atom interferometry with two atomic species (87Rb and 41K). These results are an important step towards quantum tests of UFF in space and will allow scientists to investigate aspects of few-body physics, quantum chemistry and fundamental physics in new regimes without the perturbing asymmetry of gravity.

Phys Chem Chem Phys ; 24(6): 3933-3940, 2022 Feb 09.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-35094033


We report on a high-resolution spectroscopic survey of 6Li40K molecules near the 2S + 4P dissociation threshold and produce a fully empirical representation for the B1Π potential by connecting available short- and long-range data. The purpose is to identify a suitable intermediate state for a coherent Raman transfer to the absolute ground state, and the creation of a molecular gas with dipolar interactions. Starting from weakly bound ultracold Feshbach molecules, the transition frequencies to twenty-six vibrational states are determined. Our data are combined with long-range measurements [Ridinger et al., EPL, 2011, 96, 33001], and near-dissociation expansions for the spin-orbit coupled potentials are fitted to extract the van der Waals C6 dispersion coefficients. A suitable vibrational level is identified by resolving its Zeeman structure and by comparing the experimentally attained g-factor to our theoretical prediction. Using mass-scaling of the short-range data for the B1Π [Pashov et al., Chem. Phys. Lett., 1998, 292, 615620] and an updated value for its depth, we model the short- and the long-range data simultaneously and produce a Rydberg-Klein-Rees curve covering the entire range.