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Phys Rev Lett ; 133(3): 037101, 2024 Jul 19.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-39094168


Strong, scale-free disorder disrupts typical transport properties like the Stokes-Einstein relation and linear response, leading to anomalous diffusion observed in amorphous materials, glasses, living cells, and other systems. Our study reveals that the combination of scale-free quenched disorder and geometrical constraints induces unconventional single-particle mobility behavior. Specifically, in a two-dimensional channel with width w, under external drive, tighter geometrical constraints (smaller w) enhance mobility. We derive an explicit form of the response to an external force by utilizing the double-subordination approach for the quenched trap model. The observed mobility enhancement occurs in the low-temperature regime where the distribution of localization times is scale-free.

Phys Rev E ; 108(5): L052102, 2023 Nov.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-38115504


Through numerous experiments that analyzed rare event statistics in heterogeneous media, it was discovered that in many cases the probability density function for particle position, P(X,t), exhibits a slower decay rate than the Gaussian function. Typically, the decay behavior is exponential, referred to as Laplace tails. However, many systems exhibit an even slower decay rate, such as power-law, log-normal, or stretched exponential. In this study, we utilize the continuous-time random walk method to investigate the rare events in particle hopping dynamics and find that the properties of the hop size distribution induce a critical transition between the Laplace universality of rare events and a more specific, slower decay of P(X,t). Specifically, when the hop size distribution decays slower than exponential, such as e^{-|x|^{ß}} (ß>1), the Laplace universality no longer applies, and the decay is specific, influenced by a few large events, rather than by the accumulation of many smaller events that give rise to Laplace tails.

ACS Nano ; 17(21): 21708-21718, 2023 Nov 14.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-37879044


In many disordered systems, the diffusion of classical particles is described by a displacement distribution P(x, t) that displays exponential tails instead of Gaussian statistics expected for Brownian motion. However, the experimental demonstration of control of this behavior by increasing the disorder strength has remained challenging. In this work, we explore the Gaussian-to-exponential transition by using diffusion of poly(ethylene glycol) (PEG) in attractive nanoparticle-polymer mixtures and controlling the volume fraction of the nanoparticles. In this work, we find "knobs", namely nanoparticle concentration and interaction, which enable the change in the shape of P(x,t) in a well-defined way. The Gaussian-to-exponential transition is consistent with a modified large deviation approach for a continuous time random walk and also with Monte Carlo simulations involving a microscopic model of polymer trapping via reversible adsorption to the nanoparticle surface. Our work bears significance in unraveling the fundamental physics behind the exponential decay of the displacement distribution at the tails, which is commonly observed in soft materials and nanomaterials.

Phys Rev E ; 105(2): L022601, 2022 Feb.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-35291111


Recent experimental utilization of liquid substrate in the production of two-dimensional crystals, such as graphene, together with a general interest in amorphous materials, raises the following question: is it beneficial to use a liquid substrate to optimize amorphous material production? Inspired by epitaxial growth, we use a two-dimensional coarse-grained model of interacting particles to show that introducing a motion for the substrate atoms improves the self-assembly process of particles that move on top of the substrate. We find that a specific amount of substrate liquidity (for a given sample temperature) is needed to achieve optimal self-assembly. Our results illustrate the opportunities that the combination of different degrees of freedom provides to the self-assembly processes.

Sci Rep ; 11(1): 5101, 2021 03 03.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-33658556


In this work we establish a link between two different phenomena that were studied in a large and growing number of biological, composite and soft media: the diffusion in compartmentalized environment and the non-Gaussian diffusion that exhibits linear or power-law growth of the mean square displacement joined by the exponential shape of the positional probability density. We explore a microscopic model that gives rise to transient confinement, similar to the one observed for hop-diffusion on top of a cellular membrane. The compartmentalization of the media is achieved by introducing randomly placed, identical barriers. Using this model of a heterogeneous medium we derive a general class of random walks with simple jump rules that are dictated by the geometry of the compartments. Exponential decay of positional probability density is observed and we also quantify the significant decrease of the long time diffusion constant. Our results suggest that the observed exponential decay is a general feature of the transient regime in compartmentalized media.

Entropy (Basel) ; 22(6)2020 Jun 22.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-33286470


Recently observation of random walks in complex environments like the cell and other glassy systems revealed that the spreading of particles, at its tails, follows a spatial exponential decay instead of the canonical Gaussian. We use the widely applicable continuous time random walk model and obtain the large deviation description of the propagator. Under mild conditions that the microscopic jump lengths distribution is decaying exponentially or faster i.e., Lévy like power law distributed jump lengths are excluded, and that the distribution of the waiting times is analytical for short waiting times, the spreading of particles follows an exponential decay at large distances, with a logarithmic correction. Here we show how anti-bunching of jump events reduces the effect, while bunching and intermittency enhances it. We employ exact solutions of the continuous time random walk model to test the large deviation theory.

Phys Rev Lett ; 124(6): 060603, 2020 Feb 14.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-32109131


Brownian motion is a Gaussian process described by the central limit theorem. However, exponential decays of the positional probability density function P(X,t) of packets of spreading random walkers, were observed in numerous situations that include glasses, live cells, and bacteria suspensions. We show that such exponential behavior is generally valid in a large class of problems of transport in random media. By extending the large deviations approach for a continuous time random walk, we uncover a general universal behavior for the decay of the density. It is found that fluctuations in the number of steps of the random walker, performed at finite time, lead to exponential decay (with logarithmic corrections) of P(X,t). This universal behavior also holds for short times, a fact that makes experimental observations readily achievable.

J Phys Condens Matter ; 31(44): 445401, 2019 Nov 06.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-31195377


In this work, the effect of amorphous substrate on crystallization is addressed. By performing Monte-Carlo simulations of solid on solid models, we explore the effect of the disorder on crystal growth. The disorder is introduced via local geometry of the lattice, where local connectivity and transition rates are varied from site to site. A comparison to an ordered lattice is accomplished and for both, ordered and disordered substrates, an optimal growth temperature is observed. Moreover, we find that under specific conditions the disordered substrate may have a beneficial effect on crystal growth, i.e. better crystallization as a direct consequence of the presence of disorder.

Phys Rev E ; 95(2-1): 022604, 2017 Feb.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-28298004


To date investigations of the dynamics of driven colloidal systems have focused on hydrodynamic interactions and often employ optical (laser) tweezers for manipulation. However, the optical fields that provide confinement and drive also result in electrodynamic interactions that are generally neglected. We address this issue with a detailed study of interparticle dynamics in an optical ring vortex trap using 150-nm diameter Ag nanoparticles. We term the resultant electrodynamically interacting nanoparticles a driven optical matter system. We also show that a superior trap is created by using a Au nanoplate mirror in a retroreflection geometry, which increases the electric field intensity, the optical drive force, and spatial confinement. Using nanoparticles versus micron sized colloids significantly reduces the surface hydrodynamic friction allowing us to access small values of optical topological charge and drive force. We quantify a further 50% reduction of hydrodynamic friction when the nanoparticles are driven over the Au nanoplate mirrors versus over a mildly electrostatically repulsive glass surface. Further, we demonstrate through experiments and electrodynamics-Langevin dynamics simulations that the optical drive force and the interparticle interactions are not constant around the ring for linearly polarized light, resulting in a strong position-dependent variation in the nanoparticle velocity. The nonuniformity in the optical drive force is also manifest as an increase in fluctuations of interparticle separation, or effective temperature, as the optical driving force is increased. Finally, we resolve an open issue in the literature on periodic modulation of interparticle separation with comparative measurements of driven 300-nm-diameter polystyrene beads that also clearly reveal the significance of electrodynamic forces and interactions in optically driven colloidal systems. Therefore, the modulations in the optical forces and electrodynamic interactions that we demonstrate should not be neglected for dielectric particles and might give rise to some structural and dynamic features that have previously been attributed exclusively to hydrodynamic interactions.

Phys Rev E ; 96(4-1): 042139, 2017 Oct.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-29347550


A continuous approximation framework for general nonlinear stochastic as well as deterministic discrete maps is developed. For the stochastic map with uncorelated Gaussian noise, by successively applying the Itô lemma, we obtain a Langevin type of equation. Specifically, we show how nonlinear maps give rise to a Langevin description that involves multiplicative noise. The multiplicative nature of the noise induces an additional effective force, not present in the absence of noise. We further exploit the continuum description and provide an explicit formula for the stable distribution of the stochastic map and conditions for its existence. Our results are in good agreement with numerical simulations of several maps.

Phys Rev E ; 96(5-1): 050103, 2017 Nov.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-29347712


This work focuses on quantitative representation of transport in systems with quenched disorder. Explicit mapping of the quenched trap model to continuous time random walk is presented. Linear temporal transformation, t→t/Λ^{1/α}, for a transient process in the subdiffusive regime is sufficient for asymptotic mapping. An exact form of the constant Λ^{1/α} is established. A disorder averaged position probability density function for a quenched trap model is obtained, and analytic expressions for the diffusion coefficient and drift are provided.

Proc Natl Acad Sci U S A ; 114(2): 221-226, 2017 01 10.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-28028226


We present a general method for detecting and correcting biases in the outputs of particle-tracking experiments. Our approach is based on the histogram of estimated positions within pixels, which we term the single-pixel interior filling function (SPIFF). We use the deviation of the SPIFF from a uniform distribution to test the veracity of tracking analyses from different algorithms. Unbiased SPIFFs correspond to uniform pixel filling, whereas biased ones exhibit pixel locking, in which the estimated particle positions concentrate toward the centers of pixels. Although pixel locking is a well-known phenomenon, we go beyond existing methods to show how the SPIFF can be used to correct errors. The key is that the SPIFF aggregates statistical information from many single-particle images and localizations that are gathered over time or across an ensemble, and this information augments the single-particle data. We explicitly consider two cases that give rise to significant errors in estimated particle locations: undersampling the point spread function due to small emitter size and intensity overlap of proximal objects. In these situations, we show how errors in positions can be corrected essentially completely with little added computational cost. Additional situations and applications to experimental data are explored in SI Appendix In the presence of experimental-like shot noise, the precision of the SPIFF-based correction achieves (and can even exceed) the unbiased Cramér-Rao lower bound. We expect the SPIFF approach to be useful in a wide range of localization applications, including single-molecule imaging and particle tracking, in fields ranging from biology to materials science to astronomy.

Phys Rev E ; 94(5-1): 052144, 2016 Nov.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-27967077


The problem of a linear damped noisy oscillator is treated in the presence of two multiplicative sources of noise which imply a random mass and random damping. The additive noise and the noise in the damping are responsible for an influx of energy to the oscillator and its dissipation to the surrounding environment. A random mass implies that the surrounding molecules not only collide with the oscillator but may also adhere to it, thereby changing its mass. We present general formulas for the first two moments and address the question of mean and energetic stabilities. The phenomenon of stochastic resonance, i.e., the expansion due to the noise of a system response to an external periodic signal, is considered for separate and joint action of two sources of noise and their characteristics.

Proc Natl Acad Sci U S A ; 111(45): 15912-7, 2014 Nov 11.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-25349411


Uncovering the quantitative laws that govern the growth and division of single cells remains a major challenge. Using a unique combination of technologies that yields unprecedented statistical precision, we find that the sizes of individual Caulobacter crescentus cells increase exponentially in time. We also establish that they divide upon reaching a critical multiple (≈ 1.8) of their initial sizes, rather than an absolute size. We show that when the temperature is varied, the growth and division timescales scale proportionally with each other over the physiological temperature range. Strikingly, the cell-size and division-time distributions can both be rescaled by their mean values such that the condition-specific distributions collapse to universal curves. We account for these observations with a minimal stochastic model that is based on an autocatalytic cycle. It predicts the scalings, as well as specific functional forms for the universal curves. Our experimental and theoretical analysis reveals a simple physical principle governing these complex biological processes: a single temperature-dependent scale of cellular time governs the stochastic dynamics of growth and division in balanced growth conditions.

Caulobacter crescentus/crescimento & desenvolvimento , Divisão Celular/fisiologia , Modelos Biológicos , Processos Estocásticos
Proc Natl Acad Sci U S A ; 110(49): 19689-94, 2013 Dec 03.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-24248363


Analyses of random walks traditionally use the mean square displacement (MSD) as an order parameter characterizing dynamics. We show that the distribution of relative angles of motion between successive time intervals of random walks in two or more dimensions provides information about stochastic processes beyond the MSD. We illustrate the behavior of this measure for common models and apply it to experimental particle tracking data. For a colloidal system, the distribution of relative angles reports sensitively on caging as the density varies. For transport mediated by molecular motors on filament networks in vitro and in vivo, we discover self-similar properties that cannot be described by existing models and discuss possible scenarios that can lead to the elucidated statistical features.

Interpretação Estatística de Dados , Modelos Teóricos , Movimento (Física) , Processos Estocásticos , Citoesqueleto de Actina/química , Coloides/química
Elife ; 2: e00782, 2013 Jul 02.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-23840929


Despite their simplicity, longitudinal studies of invertebrate models are rare. We thus sought to characterize behavioral trends of Caenorhabditis elegans, from the mid fourth larval stage through the mid young adult stage. We found that, outside of lethargus, animals exhibited abrupt switching between two distinct behavioral states: active wakefulness and quiet wakefulness. The durations of epochs of active wakefulness exhibited non-Poisson statistics. Increased Gαs signaling stabilized the active wakefulness state before, during and after lethargus. In contrast, decreased Gαs signaling, decreased neuropeptide release, or decreased CREB activity destabilized active wakefulness outside of, but not during, lethargus. Taken together, our findings support a model in which protein kinase A (PKA) stabilizes active wakefulness, at least in part through two of its downstream targets: neuropeptide release and CREB. However, during lethargus, when active wakefulness is strongly suppressed, the native role of PKA signaling in modulating locomotion and quiescence may be minor. DOI:

Caenorhabditis elegans/fisiologia , Proteínas de Ligação ao GTP/metabolismo , Larva/fisiologia , Locomoção , Transdução de Sinais , Animais , Comportamento Animal , Padronização Corporal , Caenorhabditis elegans/crescimento & desenvolvimento , Caenorhabditis elegans/metabolismo , Proteína de Ligação ao Elemento de Resposta ao AMP Cíclico/metabolismo , Larva/metabolismo , Estudos Longitudinais
Proc Natl Acad Sci U S A ; 110(13): 4911-6, 2013 Mar 26.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-23479621


We quantitatively analyzed particle tracking data on insulin granules expressing fluorescent fusion proteins in MIN6 cells to better understand the motions contributing to intracellular transport and, more generally, the means for characterizing systems far from equilibrium. Care was taken to ensure that the statistics reflected intrinsic features of the individual granules rather than details of the measurement and overall cell state. We find anomalous diffusion. Interpreting such data conventionally requires assuming that a process is either ergodic with particles working against fluctuating obstacles (fractional brownian motion) or nonergodic with a broad distribution of dwell times for traps (continuous-time random walk). However, we find that statistical tests based on these two models give conflicting results. We resolve this issue by introducing a subordinated scheme in which particles in cages with random dwell times undergo correlated motions owing to interactions with a fluctuating environment. We relate this picture to the underlying microtubule structure by imaging in the presence of vinblastine. Our results provide a simple physical picture for how diverse pools of insulin granules and, in turn, biphasic secretion could arise.

Insulina/metabolismo , Microtúbulos/metabolismo , Modelos Biológicos , Vesículas Secretórias/metabolismo , Animais , Transporte Biológico Ativo/efeitos dos fármacos , Transporte Biológico Ativo/fisiologia , Linhagem Celular , Camundongos , Moduladores de Tubulina/farmacologia , Vimblastina/farmacologia
J Phys Chem B ; 113(31): 10715-20, 2009 Aug 06.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-19591445


The validity of the assumption on the predominant contribution of the stepwise processes to the ionic micelle formation/destruction in the vicinity of critical micelle concentration was investigated by molecular dynamics simulation. A coarse-grained model was used to describe the surfactant/water mixture. The cluster size distribution was estimated directly from molecular dynamics simulations or obtained from a reduced set of kinetic equations. The good agreement between two approaches shows that the neglect of the terms responsible for cluster fusion/fission is fully justified and that such processes are less important than stepwise aggregation.