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Rev. cir. (Impr.) ; 74(1): 22-29, feb. 2022. ilus, tab
Artigo em Espanhol | LILACS | ID: biblio-1388914


Resumen Introducción: La úlcera por presión más frecuente es la sacra. Si compromete el hueso puede provocar osteomielitis por lo que requiere aseo quirúrgico y colgajo miocutáneo de gluteus maximus por deslizamiento en V-Y. Materiales y Método: En el servicio de cirugía plástica del hospital del Salvador entre 2011 y 2020 se han operado 82 pacientes con ulceras sacras grado 4 que requirieron cobertura con colgajo miocutáneo de gluteus maximus en V-Y. De ellas se analizaron los últimos 37 pacientes. Resultados De los 37 pacientes, 12 fueron mujeres, 25 hombres, 17 parapléjicos, 12 tetrapléjicos y 8 deambulaban. 6 pacientes presentaron COVID-19. 24 fueron bilaterales y 13 unilaterales. Los colgajos cicatrizaron bien en 30 pacientes. Las complicaciones fueron de 16% consistente en 2 hematomas, 2 dehiscencias, 2 celulitis y 1 seroma, todas resueltas sin problemas. Seguimiento de entre 3 y 6 meses. Discusión El tratamiento quirúrgico con colgajo miocutáneo de gluteus maximus en V-Y, aparte de aportar volumen para ocluir la úlcera, aporta irrigación excelente con oxígeno, nutrientes y antibióticos que aseguran una óptima cicatrización. Dependiendo del diámetro de la úlcera el colgajo puede ser uni o bilateral. Dado lo complejo del tratamiento, en general, el porcentaje de complicaciones de 16% se considera bajo. Conclusión: El tratamiento quirúrgico de las úlceras por presión sacras con colgajos miocutáneos deslizantes de gluteus maximus ha sido exitoso con buenos resultados quirúrgicos con buen flujo sanguíneo y buena evolución.

Introduction: Pressure sores are the result of the compression of soft tissues in the prominent bones areas, mainly in patients without movement. If the depth of the ulcer compromises the sacral bone, the treatment will be the gluteus maximus myocutaneous flap in V-Y. Materials and Method: In the plastic surgery service of the hospital del Salvador 82 patients with sacral pressure sores grade 4 were operated on between 2011 and 2020 with gluteus maximus myocutaneous V-Y flap. The last 37 patients were analyzed. Results: With this treatment the flaps were doing well in all cases with good blood supply. Complications: dehiscence: 2 patients, cellulitis: 2 patients, hematoma: 2 patients and seroma: 1 patient. The overall complication was 16%. Follow up between three and six months. Discussion: The most important part in pressure sores is their prevention. When the ulcer is in prominent parts of the body, the sore, could be in different grades of depth. The classification of them is in grades 1: erythema, 2: subcutaneous tissue. These two grades are solved with conservative treatment. When the ulcers are in grade 3 or 4, and with little ulcer in the skin but with damage of the deep plane, the treatment will be with surgery. In our casuistic the most frequent pressure sore is in the sacrum treated with gluteus maximus sliding myocutaneous flap in V-Y. With this treatment the flaps were doing well in all cases with good blood supply. The complications of 16% were considered low. Conclusion: The sliding gluteus Maximus myocutaneous flap in V-Y for treatment for sacral pressures sores have been successful for our patients.

Humanos , Masculino , Feminino , Adulto , Pessoa de Meia-Idade , Idoso , Retalhos Cirúrgicos , Úlcera por Pressão/cirurgia , Complicações Pós-Operatórias , Sacro , Fatores Socioeconômicos , Causalidade , Procedimentos de Cirurgia Plástica , Retalho Miocutâneo/cirurgia
Rev. cir. (Impr.) ; 74(1): 30-35, feb. 2022. ilus, tab
Artigo em Espanhol | LILACS | ID: biblio-1388915


Resumen Introducción: La Ulcera con radionecrosis debe ser resecada ampliamente y reparada con colgajos miocutáneos y fasciocutáneos. Objetivo: Presentar el tratamiento quirúrgico de las úlceras por radionecrosis mediante colgajos Miocutáneos y Fasciocutáneos pediculados y microquirúrgicos. Materiales y Método: La casuística es de 31 pacientes portadores de úlceras por radionecrosis resueltas con colgajos miocutáneos y fasciocutáneos. Ellos han sido pediculados y microquirúrgicos. Las edades fluctuaron entre 30 y 75 años operados entre el 2000 y el 2019. Resultados: Se realizaron 19 colgajos musculares o miocutáneos y 12 fasciocutáneos en diferentes zonas del organismo. Los colgajos correspondieron a: temporal, latissimus dorsi de pedículo central y en reversa, latissimus dorsi microquirúrgicos, recto abdominal, escapular microquirúrgico, para escapular, gracilis, gastrocnemius, rectus femoris, cubital microquirúrgico, fasciocutaneos: cone flap y de rotación local. Las complicaciones fueron dehiscencia de herida operatoria suturada y celulitis tratada con antibióticos. No hubo necrosis completa de los colgajos. El seguimiento fue de 3 a 6 meses. Discusión: En esta serie hemos utilizados los colgajos músculo cutáneos de preferencia, los fasciocutáneos los hemos reservados para aquellos casos en los que por razones anatómicas, de localización de las úlceras, era más adecuado usar estos últimos, como en las lesiones planas o poco profundas. Generalmente los colgajos fueron pediculados y en determinados casos, cuando el tejido vecino de reparación no estaba disponible, realizamos colgajos con microcirugía. Conclusión: El tratamiento de las úlceras por radionecrosis es efectivo cuando se realiza desbridamiento exhaustivo con cobertura inmediata con colgajos musculares o músculocutáneos y fasciocutáneos. Fueron colgajos pediculados y microquirúrgicos.

Introduction: The radionecrosis ulcer have to be widely resected and repaired trough flaps with good blood supply who contibute with oxigen, nutrients and antibiotics. Thinking on this the more suitable flaps are the myocutaneous ones and in special conditions the fasciocutaneous. Aim: The objetive of this paper is to show the surgical treatment of radionecrosis ulcers with myocutaneous and fasciocutaneous flaps. Materials and Method: Casuistic is 31 patients with radionecrosis ulcers treated with, mainly, myocutaneous flaps and in special areas with fasciocutaneous ones. The majority were pedicle flaps and in less number microsurgical flaps. The age of patients were betwee30 and 75 years old. Results: 19 muscle or myocutaneous flaps and 12 fasciocutaneous flaps were made. Flaps were latissimus dorsi, temporal, escapular, para escapular, rectus abdominis, rectus femoris, gracilis, gatrocnemius, cone flap and local fasciocutaneous flaps. Complications were sutured operative wound dehiscence and cellulitis treated with antibiotics. There were no complete necrosis of any flap. Discusion: In this serie we used muscle or myocutaneous flaps because they give good blood supply, oxigen, nutrients and arrival of antibiotic with filling of the deep ulcers. When the ulcers were shallow we use fasciocutaneous flaps. The majority of our flaps were pedicles and microsurgical flaps were used when there was no near avialable tissue. Conclusion: The treatment have to be wide debridement of the ulcer. The surgical treatment is with myocutaneous and fasciocutaneous flaps sometimes pediculates and in others conditions microsurgicals.

Humanos , Masculino , Feminino , Adulto , Pessoa de Meia-Idade , Idoso , Radioterapia/efeitos adversos , Úlcera Cutânea , Retalhos Cirúrgicos/cirurgia , Estudos Retrospectivos , Transplante de Pele/métodos , Procedimentos de Cirurgia Plástica/métodos , Retalho Miocutâneo
Rev. cir. (Impr.) ; 73(4): 483-487, ago. 2021. ilus, tab
Artigo em Espanhol | LILACS | ID: biblio-1388858


Resumen Introducción: Los pacientes diabéticos insulino requirientes con heridas del pie, producto de amputaciones con exposición de huesos, cartílagos o tendones, son de difícil manejo por el déficit de irrigación distal. Alternativa de tratamiento a los colgajos pediculados o microquirúrgicos es el cierre progresivo de las heridas. Objetivo: Reportar la técnica de cierre progresivo de heridas de pie en pacientes diabéticos insulino requirientes. Materiales y Método: Con esta técnica se operó a 15 pacientes diabéticos insulino requirientes que, después de amputación, presentaron heridas del pie con exposición de huesos, cartílagos y tendones. Lesiones de talón: 4, lesiones de antepie: 5 y lesiones plantares: 6. Las edades fluctuaron entre 45 y 70 años. Fueron 11 hombres y 4 mujeres operados entre 2014 y 2019. En ambos bordes de la herida se instaló dos placas de Ventrofil® unidas por sutura en U transversa y se tensó cada 3 días hasta obtener cicatrización. Resultados: 14 pacientes obtuvieron cicatrización en un plazo de entre 15 y 21 días y sólo uno presentó sufrimiento de los bordes de la herida por afrontamiento muy seguido. El seguimiento fue de tres meses sin recidiva de las heridas. Discusión: En pacientes diabéticos las heridas, producto de amputaciones y con exposición de huesos, cartílagos y tendones, son de muy difícil tratamiento debido el déficit de irrigación distal. En estas condiciones el uso de complejos colgajos locales o microquirúrgicos es de alto riesgo dada la posibilidad de necrosis. En esta situación, el cierre progresivo con sutura de Ventrofil® es una alternativa viable, segura, reproducible y con buenos resultados. Conclusión: Es un procedimiento rápido, seguro y reproducible.

Introduction: The closure of wounds in diabetic foot patients, after amputation with esposure of bones, is difficult because of lack of blood supply to this area. The progressive suture with Ventrofil® is a good alternative. Aim: Report the technique of progressive closure of foot wounds in insulin-requiring diabetic patients. Materials and Method: 15 patients with diabetic foot were operated on in the Hospital del Salvador, between 2014 and 2019.The ages were among 45 and 70 years. 11 men and 4 women. In those patients two plaques of Ventrofil® were positioned in both borders of the wound an tied through a horizontal suture.This suture was tensioned every 3 days until get the complete wound healing. Results: 14 patients healed very well and in just only one patient there was suffering of the edges of the wound. The follow up was of 3 months without relapse. Discussion: In patients with diabetic foot with wounds after amputation the closure is difficult because of lack of adecuate blood supply. In these case the progressive suture with plaques of Ventrofil® is a good alternative to a more complex flaps like microsurgicals ones. Conclusion: This technique is sure, easy to perfom and safe.

Humanos , Masculino , Feminino , Pessoa de Meia-Idade , Idoso , Pé Diabético/complicações , Pé Diabético/terapia , Extremidade Inferior/lesões , Técnicas de Sutura , Pé Diabético/prevenção & controle , Diabetes Mellitus/terapia
Rev. cir. (Impr.) ; 73(2): 150-157, abr. 2021. ilus, graf
Artigo em Espanhol | LILACS | ID: biblio-1388808


Resumen Objetivo: Describir el manejo quirúrgico realizado para la reconstrucción genitoperineal (RGP) en pacientes con secuelas de Gangrena de Fournier (GF). Materiales y Método: Corresponde a una serie de casos retrospectiva de pacientes con secuelas de GF a los que se les realizó RGP entre los años 2011 y 2019. Se realizó un análisis descriptivo con las variables de técnica quirúrgica, edad, sexo, comorbilidades, subunidades anatómicas afectadas, origen anatómico de la gangrena de Fournier, número de procedimientos quirúrgicos, procedimiento de colostomía, terapia de presión negativa, Flexi-Seal®, bacterias aisladas, duración de estancia hospitalaria, tipo de procedimientos reconstructivos y complicaciones. Resultados: Se realizó RGP a 43 pacientes (81,1% hombres), con un promedio de edad de 59,1 (17-86 años), 72,7% eran diabéticos. El número de subunidades involucradas se asocia directamente y significativamente en relación al número de intervenciones quirúrgicas. Las técnicas utilizadas para la reconstrucción en orden de frecuencia fueron: colgajos (23%), cierre parcial más injerto dermoepidérmico de grosor parcial (IPP) (20%), cierre parcial (16%) e IPP (16%), cierre por segunda intención (10%), colgajo más IPP (7%) y cierre parcial para cierre por segunda intención de zona restante (5%). Discusión: La elección de reconstrucción se basa en las características del defecto, es decir, el tamaño, la ubicación y profundidad, así como la disponibilidad de tejido local. De preferencia optar por cierres primarios sin tensión, seguido de colgajos y de IPP. Conclusión: La RGP es un desafío para el cirujano plástico. Las técnicas descritas han demostrado ser seguras y reproducibles para el tratamiento quirúrgico de la gangrena de Fournier.

Aim: To describe the surgical management performed for genital-perineal reconstruction (GPR) in patients with sequelae of Fournier gangrene (FG). Materials and Method: It is based on a retroactive series of cases of patients with effects of FG who were given GPR between 2011 and 2019. We performed a descriptive analysis using the variables surgical technique, age, sex, comorbidities, anatomical subunits affected, anatomic origin of the Fournier's gangrene, number of surgical procedures, colostomy procedure, negative pressure therapy, Flexi-Seal®, bacteria isolated, hospital stay, type of reconstructive procedures and complications. We performed GPR on 43 patients (81.1% male), with a mean age of 59.1 (17-86 years); 72% were diabetic. The number of subunits involved was directly and significantly associated with the number of surgical interventions. Results: The reconstruction techniques most used were, in descending order: flaps (23.2%), wound closure and split-thickness skin graft (STSG) (23.2%), primary closure (16.2%), STSG (16.2%), secondary closure (9.3%), flap and STSG (6.9%) and partial wound closure for healing of the remaining area for a second intention (4.6%). Discussion: The reconstruction choice is based on the characteristics of the defect, that is, the size, location and depth, as well as the availability of local tissue. Preferably opt for primary closures without tension, followed by flaps and IPP. Conclusion: The RGP is a challenge for the plastic surgeon. The techniques described have proven safe and reproducible for the surgical treatment of Fournier Gangrene.

Humanos , Masculino , Feminino , Adolescente , Adulto , Pessoa de Meia-Idade , Idoso , Idoso de 80 Anos ou mais , Retalhos Cirúrgicos/transplante , Gangrena de Fournier/cirurgia , Procedimentos de Cirurgia Plástica/métodos , Terapia Combinada , Gangrena de Fournier/epidemiologia
Rev. cir. (Impr.) ; 72(6): 542-550, dic. 2020. ilus
Artigo em Espanhol | LILACS | ID: biblio-1388765


Resumen Objetivo: Demostrar la anatomía y aplicación de la vaina anterior de los rectos para la reparación de defectos herniarios gigantes de la línea media abdominal mediante la cirugía de separación de componentes más la aplicación de un colgajo aponeurótico tipo turn over. Materiales y Método: Disección anatómica con descripción vascular y dinámica de la vaina anterior de los rectos. Posterior aplicación de la técnica en pacientes con hernias gigantes de la línea media. Seguimiento clínico de recidiva y complicaciones locales como sistémicas. Resultados: 8 pacientes fueron seleccionados. La edad promedio fue de 58,6 años y el tamaño del defecto hemiario 19,6 cm. En todos los pacientes se pudo aplicar la técnica sin inconvenientes. Sólo 1 paciente presentó una complicación local (dehiscencia y necrosis parcial del colgajo cutáneo) que se manejó con resección y reavance sin incidentes. No se describen complicaciones sistémicas ni mortalidad. Discusión: Las hernias abdominales gigantes y con pérdida a derecho de domicilio son un desafío quirúrgico. Se han desarrollado importantes avances con abordajes quirúrgicos innovadores. Nuevos materiales biológicos y sintéticos se han convertido en una parte integral del arsenal quirúrgico, sin embargo, involucran muchas veces asumir grandes costos y complicaciones propias a los materiales utilizados, además, de no cumplir con la adaptación dinámica adecuada de la pared requerida. Conclusión: Esta modificación técnica es segura, útil y accesible para los pacientes con eventraciones gigantes. La tasa de complicaciones es baja y está dada principalmente por problemas relacionados al sufrimiento de los colgajos cutáneos.

Aim: To demonstrate the anatomy and application of the anterior rectus sheet in the repair of giant abdominal wall hernias through a classic component surgery plus a turn over flap. Materials and Method: Anatomic dissection with vascular and dynamic description of the anterior rectus sheet. Posterior application of the technique in patients with giant abdominal wall hernias. Clinical follow up of recurrence, local and systemic complications. Results: 8 patients were selected. The average age was 58.6 years old and the abdominal wall defect 19.6 cm wide. The technique could be applied in every patient without inconveniences. Only 1 patient had a complication (dehiscence and partial skin flap necrosis) that was successfully treated with resection and readvancement. No systemic complications nor mortality was described. Discussion: Giant abdominal wall hernias are a surgical challenge. Great and innovative advances have been made. New biological and synthetic materials have been developed, nevertheless they frequently involve great costs and complications related to them. Also, they do not adapt adequately to the dynamic required for the abdominal wall. Conclusion: This technical modification is useful, safe and accessible for the patients who present giant wall hernias. The complication rate is low and it's principally given from problems related to skin flap blood flow.

Humanos , Masculino , Feminino , Adulto , Pessoa de Meia-Idade , Idoso , Hérnia Abdominal/cirurgia , Herniorrafia/métodos , Retalho Perfurante/transplante , Resultado do Tratamento , Procedimentos de Cirurgia Plástica/métodos , Hérnia Abdominal/patologia , Retalho Perfurante/cirurgia
Rev Gastroenterol Mex (Engl Ed) ; 84(4): 427-433, 2019.
Artigo em Inglês, Espanhol | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-30292584


INTRODUCTION AND OBJECTIVE: Eosinophilic esophagitis is a chronic, immune-mediated disease described in case series and publications worldwide. Over the past twenty years, the authors of different studies have attempted to evaluate its incidence and prevalence. The objetive of the present study was to estimate the prevalence of eosinophilic esophagitis in a group of children seen at 36 pediatric gastroenterology centers in ten Latin American countries. MATERIALS AND METHODS: A multicenter, observational, and cross-sectional study was conducted that estimated the period prevalence of eosinophilic esophagitis in children seen at outpatient consultation and that underwent diagnostic upper gastrointestinal endoscopy for any indication at 36 centers in 10 Latin American countries, within a 3-month time frame. RESULTS: Between April and June 2016, 108 cases of eosinophilic esophagitis were evaluated. Likewise, an average of 29,253 outpatient consultations and 4,152 diagnostic upper gastrointestinal endoscopies were carried out at the 36 participating centers. The period prevalence of eosinophilic esophagitis in the population studied (n=29,253) was 3.69 cases×1,000 (95% CI: 3.04 to 4.44), and among the children that underwent routine upper gastrointestinal endoscopy (n=4,152), it was 26x1,000 (95% CI: 22.6 to 29.4). CONCLUSIONS: The general period prevalence of eosinophilic esophagitis in a group of children evaluated at 36 Latin American pediatric gastroenterology centers was 3.69×1,000, and in the children that underwent endoscopy, it was 26×1,000. There was important prevalence variability between the participating countries and centers. The present analysis is the first study conducted on the prevalence of pediatric eosinophilic esophagitis in Latin America.

Esofagite Eosinofílica/epidemiologia , Adolescente , Criança , Pré-Escolar , Estudos Transversais , Feminino , Gastroenterologia , Hospitais Especializados , Humanos , Lactente , América Latina/epidemiologia , Masculino , Prevalência
Clin Exp Allergy ; 48(3): 325-333, 2018 03.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-29265576


BACKGROUND: Drug reaction with eosinophilia and systemic symptoms (DRESS) is a severe delayed hypersensitivity reaction. The determination of drug causality is complex. The lymphocyte transformation test (LTT) has been reported positive in more than 50% of DRESS cases. Nevertheless, the sensitivity and specificity of LTT specifically in DRESS have not yet been established. Rechallenge with the culprit drug is contraindicated and cannot be used as gold standard for sensitivity and specificity determination. OBJECTIVE: To estimate the sensitivity and specificity of LTT in a clinically defined series of patients with DRESS. METHODS: Some 41 patients diagnosed with DRESS were included in the study. The results of the algorithm of the Spanish Pharmacovigilance System were used as the standard for a correct diagnosis of drug causality. A standard LTT was performed with involved drugs in acute or recovery samples. A stimulation index (SI) ≥2 in at least one concentration except for beta-lactams (SI ≥3) and contrast media (SI ≥4) was considered positive. Contingency tables and ROC curves were used for analysis. RESULTS: Sensitivity and specificity of LTT in the recovery phase of DRESS were 73% and 82%, respectively, whereas in the acute phase, they were only 40% and 30%, respectively. Comparison of skin tests and LTT confirmed a higher sensitivity and specificity of LTT in DRESS. LTT showed high sensitivity (S) and specificity (Sp) for anticonvulsants (S 100%, Sp 100%; P = .008), anti-TB drugs (S 87.5%, Sp 100%; P = .004), and beta-lactams (S 73%, Sp 100%; P = .001). ROC curves revealed that the best criteria for LTT positivity for all drugs are SI ≥2 in at least one concentration, increasing overall sensitivity to 80%, and for beta-lactams from 73% to 92%. CONCLUSIONS AND CLINICAL RELEVANCE: LTT is a good diagnostic tool for drug causality in DRESS, mainly when performed in the recovery phase.

Algoritmos , Síndrome de Hipersensibilidade a Medicamentos/diagnóstico , Síndrome de Hipersensibilidade a Medicamentos/etiologia , Ativação Linfocitária/imunologia , Adolescente , Adulto , Idoso , Idoso de 80 Anos ou mais , Criança , Síndrome de Hipersensibilidade a Medicamentos/imunologia , Feminino , Humanos , Ativação Linfocitária/efeitos dos fármacos , Masculino , Pessoa de Meia-Idade , Estudos Retrospectivos , Sensibilidade e Especificidade , Adulto Jovem
Opt Lett ; 41(11): 2569-72, 2016 Jun 01.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-27244416


We study the slow-light performance in the presence of exciton-exciton interaction in films of linear molecular aggregates at the nanometer scale. In particular, we consider a four-level model to describe the creation/annihilation of two-exciton states that are relevant for high-intensity fields. Numerical simulations show delays comparable to those obtained for longer propagation distances in other media. Two-exciton dynamics could lead to larger fractional delays, even in presence of disorder, in comparison to the two-level approximation. We conclude that slow-light performance is a robust phenomenon in these systems under the increasing complexity of the two-exciton dynamics.

J Investig Allergol Clin Immunol ; 24(6): 425-30, 2014.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-25668894


BACKGROUND: DRESS (drug reaction with eosinophilia and systemic symptoms) syndrome is characterized by fever, rash, eosinophilia, and multiorgan failure. Previous reports have described differences in clinical and laboratory findings of DRESS syndrome depending on the inducing drug. Piperacillin has been reported as the drug responsible for this syndrome in 3 patients. OBJECTIVE: To analyze and describe the clinical, laboratory, and allergy study findings of piperacillin-induced DRESS. PATIENTS AND METHODS: Retrospective case series of patients diagnosed with DRESS associated with piperacillin-tazobactam (Pip/Taz) according to the Kardaun diagnostic score criteria. Assessment of causality was established using the Spanish Pharmacovigilance System and the lymphocyte transformation test (LTT). The allergy study included skin and epicutaneous tests. RESULTS: Eight patients were diagnosed with DRESS due to Pip/Taz (3 probable and 5 definite cases). Skin rash was observed in all cases and facial edema in 50%; the mean latency period was 18 days. Fever was present in 7 patients. Liver and kidney injuries were detected in 6 and 3 patients, respectively. All patients had eosinophilia and a full recovery. The LTT to Pip/Taz was strongly positive in all patients, with a stimulation index of over 6. Three of 3 patients had a positive intradermal test to Pip/Taz, and 1 of 4 had a positive patch test. All patients had a negative LTT to carbapenems. CONCLUSIONS: We have reported on the first case series of piperacillin-induced DRESS. A latency period of 18 days, skin rash, eosinophilia, fever, liver injury, and good prognosis were the most common features. The allergy study, and the LTT in particular, was highly useful for identifying Pip/Taz as the culprit drug and piperacillin as the responsible active ingredient.

Antibacterianos/efeitos adversos , Hipersensibilidade a Drogas/diagnóstico , Ácido Penicilânico/análogos & derivados , Adulto , Idoso , Hipersensibilidade a Drogas/tratamento farmacológico , Feminino , Humanos , Ativação Linfocitária , Masculino , Pessoa de Meia-Idade , Ácido Penicilânico/efeitos adversos , Piperacilina/efeitos adversos , Combinação Piperacilina e Tazobactam , Estudos Retrospectivos , Síndrome
Rev. chil. cir ; 65(6): 541-548, dic. 2013. ilus
Artigo em Espanhol | LILACS | ID: lil-698651


Background: Pyoderma gangrenosum (PG) is an uncommon inflammatory and ulcerative disorder of the skin. It may be associated with immune deficiencies. It is usually located in the extremities and its appearance after reduction mammoplasty is exceptional. We report three patients with the disease. A 54 years old female subjected to a bilateral reduction mammoplasty with an inferior pedicle. She developed a pyoderma gangrenosum and was treated with systemic steroids and local application of Dapsone with remission of lesions and healing after one month of evolution. A 23 years old women subjected to the same surgical procedure, which developed a wound dehiscence with ulcerative lesions, was treated with steroids and Azathioprine, reducing the local inflammation but leaving a severe esthetic sequel. A 21 years old woman subjected to the same surgical procedure, develop bilateral wound dehiscence and ulcerative lesions, she was treated with steroids and antimicrobials achieving a secondary healing...

Introducción: El Pioderma Gangrenoso es una enfermedad poco frecuente, de difícil diagnóstico y manejo. Puede estar asociado a otras enfermedades, en donde la alteración de la respuesta inmune es común. Su presentación por lo general corresponde a lesiones ulceradas de la piel ubicadas con frecuencia en las extremidades, siendo su presentación en las mamas excepcional; y mucho más rara su relación post mamoplastía de reducción. Métodos: Se realizó una revisión de pacientes sometidas a mamoplastía de reducción con pedículo inferior, asociadas al desarrollo de pioderma gangrenoso post-quirúrgico, durante un período comprendido entre los años 2000 y 2011. Resultados: Se recolectaron 3 pacientes, se describen sus casos clínicos con respecto a esta ubicación, analizando su presentación, evolución y manejo de la enfermedad. Discusión: La presentación del pioderma gangrenoso post-quirúrgico en relación a la mamoplastía de reducción comparte ciertas similitudes, las cuales deben orientar al diagnóstico precoz y de esta forma evitar manejos erróneos que pueden ser deletéreos, secuelantes e incluso potencialmente mortales...

Humanos , Adulto , Feminino , Pessoa de Meia-Idade , Doenças Mamárias/diagnóstico , Doenças Mamárias/tratamento farmacológico , Mamoplastia/efeitos adversos , Pioderma Gangrenoso/diagnóstico , Pioderma Gangrenoso/tratamento farmacológico , Anti-Infecciosos , Doenças Mamárias/etiologia , Pioderma Gangrenoso/etiologia
Clin Exp Allergy ; 43(3): 344-52, 2013 Mar.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-23414543


BACKGROUND: Previous research has shown that gastric acid suppression by antacid drugs can promote allergic reactions to acid-labile food proteins. No data are available about whether antacid drugs can promote drug hypersensitivity reactions. The most potent and longer lasting inhibition of gastric secretion is provided by proton pump inhibitors (PPIs). We hypothesized that gastric acid suppression by proton pump inhibitors could be causative of drug hypersensitivity reactions during hospitalization. OBJECTIVE: To estimate the risk of developing drug hypersensitivity reactions during the hospitalization of patients treated with proton pump inhibitors, and other associated factors. METHODS: A nested case-control in a retrospective cohort study of hospitalized patients from September 2008 to December 2010 (70 771 admissions) was conducted using the registry of cases of interconsultations to the Allergy Department (161 confirmed cases of drug hypersensitivity reactions). A total of 318 controls were matched by first drug suspected in the hypersensitivity reaction, time of admission, age, gender and hospitalization wards. RESULTS: The relative risk of drug hypersensitivity reaction occurrence during hospitalization of patients treated with PPIs compared with those not treated in the period of study was significant (RR: 3.97; 95% CI: 1.97-8.29). After controlling for confounders in the nested case-control cohort, the use of PPIs persists as a predisposing factor (OR: 4.35; 95% CI: 2-9.45). Personal history of drug allergy and a long hospitalization time were other predisposing factors of drug hypersensitivity reactions (DHRs). The hazard that a DHR has occurred during PPI treatment was 3.7% per day. The hazard for immediate or accelerated reactions was 1.706 (P = 0.003) times that of delayed reactions. CONCLUSION AND CLINICAL RELEVANCE: In hospitalized patients, the use of proton pump inhibitors was associated with a significant increase risk of drug hypersensitivity reactions along with a personal history of drug allergies and long hospitalization time.

Hipersensibilidade a Drogas/epidemiologia , Hipersensibilidade a Drogas/etiologia , Pacientes Internados , Inibidores da Bomba de Prótons/efeitos adversos , Adulto , Idoso , Idoso de 80 Anos ou mais , Feminino , Humanos , Incidência , Masculino , Pessoa de Meia-Idade , Modelos de Riscos Proporcionais , Estudos Retrospectivos , Fatores de Risco
Rev. chil. cir ; 64(2): 161-168, abr. 2012. ilus, tab
Artigo em Espanhol | LILACS | ID: lil-627093


Background: The scalp is the most external and important barrier of the skull and brain. Its burns are often caused by high voltage injuries, fire, liquid or other heat sources. Aim: To report a series of cases of scalp burns seen during the last 10 years. Material and Methods: Retrospective review of medical records of patients that required hospital admission with a main diagnosis of scalp burn. Results: There were 2.266 consultations for head burns. Of these, 34 patients consulted with scalp burns and 11 were hospitalized. Four were due to electrical burns and four due to fire. As treatment in one case, a free flap was used but failed and required local advancement flaps. For the management of sequelae, expanders and then local advancement flaps were used. Conclusions: Only a small proportion of patients presenting with head burns, had scalp burns. Most were treated as outpatients and did not require further action. The four patients with electrical burns required more aggressive treatments. For the management the sequelae, expanders and local advancement flaps were used.

El cuero cabelludo es la barrera más externa e importante del cráneo y cerebro. Si bien, las quemaduras de éste son raras, son causadas frecuentemente por lesiones por alta tensión eléctrica, fuego, líquido u otras fuentes de calor. Objetivos: Presentar una serie de casos de quemaduras de cuero cabelludo de los últimos 10 años en el Hospital del Trabajador de Santiago y revisar la literatura de las alternativas terapéuticas. Material y Método: Estudio descriptivo retrospectivo. Se analizó la información demográfica y terapéutica de los pacientes que requirieron hospitalización y se revisó la literatura. Resultados: Hubo 2.266 consultas por quemaduras de cabeza, de las cuales 34 pacientes consultaron con quemaduras del cuero cabelludo, 11 de ellos se hospitalizaron. La mayoría se debió a quemaduras eléctricas (4) y por fuego (4). En el tratamiento, destacó el uso en un caso de colgajo libre y colgajos locales de avance. En el tratamiento de secuelas, se utilizaron expansores y posteriormente colgajos locales de avance. Discusión y Conclusiones: Sólo una pequeña parte de los pacientes que consultan por quemaduras de cabeza, corresponden a quemaduras del cuero cabelludo. La mayoría fueron tratadas de manera ambulatoria y no requirieron mayores acciones. El grupo de pacientes con quemaduras eléctricas (4) requirieron tratamientos más agresivos. En el manejo de las secuelas, preferimos la utilización de expansores y colgajos de avance. Se presenta una revisión respecto a las alternativas terapéuticas para el enfrentamiento inicial del manejo de quemaduras de cuero cabelludo y manejo de sus secuelas.

Humanos , Masculino , Adulto , Pessoa de Meia-Idade , Couro Cabeludo/cirurgia , Couro Cabeludo/lesões , Queimaduras/cirurgia , Queimaduras por Corrente Elétrica/cirurgia , Transplante de Pele , Retalhos Cirúrgicos , Expansão de Tecido , Resultado do Tratamento
Rev. chil. cir ; 63(4): 368-372, ago. 2011. ilus, tab
Artigo em Espanhol | LILACS | ID: lil-597534


Background: The plastic surgeon is frequently faced with need of choosing from a variety of local and distant flaps for the coverage of difficult wounds. In 1981, Thatte described a local flap consisting in a random pattern de epithelialized flap adjacent to the lesion rotated in 180° with a dermoepidermal graft to cover the flap and donating zone. Objective: To present the experience of the Plastic Surgery and Burns Unit of the Hospital del Trabajador de Santiago with the use of this flap. Material: Retrospective study of 16 Turn Over flaps in 15 patients. Results: The complications recorded were 1 case of graft loss and 2 partial lost of the flap. We didn't observe complications directly related to the flap. Conclusions: This type of flap is another therapeutic alternative in certain cases. Rate Base: Length = 1:2 is appropriate to ensure irrigation.

Frecuentemente el cirujano plástico se enfrenta a la necesidad de utilizar colgajos para lograr cubrir una serie de defectos de cobertura cutánea. En 1981, Thatte describió una nueva técnica de colgajo, la que consistía en el levantamiento de un colgajo random desepitelizado, anexo a la lesión, y posteriormente doblarlo sobre su base, para finalmente ser injertado junto con la zona dadora. Nuestro objetivo es presentar la experiencia del Servicio de Cirugía Plástica y Quemados del Hospital del Trabajador de Santiago con el uso de este colgajo. Se revisó en forma retrospectiva el resultado de 16 colgajos en 15 pacientes realizados con esta técnica. Se observó en 1 caso pérdida del injerto y en 2 casos pérdida parcial del colgajo en voltereta. Durante el seguimiento no se observaron complicaciones directamente relacionadas con el colgajo. Nos parece que este tipo de colgajo es una alternativa válida en determinados casos. La proporción base: longitud = 1: 2 es adecuada para asegurar su irrigación.

Humanos , Masculino , Feminino , Adulto , Pessoa de Meia-Idade , Procedimentos de Cirurgia Plástica/métodos , Retalhos Cirúrgicos , Seguimentos , Complicações Pós-Operatórias , Estudos Retrospectivos
Rev. chil. cir ; 62(6): 649-652, dic. 2010. ilus
Artigo em Espanhol | LILACS | ID: lil-577316


Se presentan en este artículo 2 colgajos de amplio uso en el campo de la cirugía plástica con el objetivo de darlos a conocer como técnicas quirúrgicas para ampliar su uso a nivel de los cirujanos generales; éstos son los colgajos romboidales de Limberg y Dufourmentel, usados también en otras especialidades. El autor presenta su casuística en el uso de estos colgajos, correspondiendo a 98 casos, con un bajo índice de complicaciones. Esperamos que esta descripción sirva para que los cirujanos que no estaban familiarizados con estos colgajos los consideren en aquellos pacientes que podrían resultar beneficiados con su uso, ya que se trata de colgajos fáciles de diseñar y ejecutar.

Humanos , Adolescente , Adulto , Pessoa de Meia-Idade , Cirurgia Geral/métodos , Retalhos Cirúrgicos , Estudos Retrospectivos , Técnicas de Sutura
Rev. chil. cir ; 62(4): 387-390, ago. 2010. ilus
Artigo em Espanhol | LILACS | ID: lil-565365


Introduction: Electric burns are complex lesions with multiple complications. Cataracts are an infrequent complication. There are several case reports, but very few information of its phisiopatology and clinical characteristics in the surgical literature. Objectives: To report the incidence and characteristics of patients admitted to Hospital del Trabajador de Santiago (HTS) with electric burns and secondary cataracts. And review the literature. Patients and Methods: All patients admitted to the HTS with electric burns between 01/01/1999 and 01/01/2009 were included. Their electronic files were reviewed, and their data were tabulated in an Excel sheet. The literature about electric burns and cataracts was reviewed. Results: There were 977 patients admitted with electric burns in the last 10 years, 3 (0.3 percent) of them developed secondary cataracts. All were male, 33, 36 and 64 years old. Two of them had facial burns, only one had the description of the voltage (13.500 v). The time between the burn and the diagnostic of cataract was 6 month, 2 and 4 years. In two cases the cataracts were bilateral and in one case it was unilateral and right sided. All patients received surgical treatment with satisfactory outcomes. Conclusions: Cataracts secondary to electric burns are infrequent. We need more numerous series, with accurate registers to establish some prognostic factors. It is important to have in mind this complication and actively look for it in patients that present with electric burns.

Introducción: Las quemaduras eléctricas producen lesiones complejas con múltiples complicaciones. Las cataratas son una complicación infrecuente. Existen varios reportes de casos, pero escasa difusión en el ámbito quirúrgico de sus características y fisiopatología. Objetivo: Reportar la incidencia y características de la población atendida en el Hospital del Trabajador de Santiago (HTS) con diagnóstico de catarata secundaria a quemadura eléctrica, y presentar una revisión de la literatura sobre el tema. Pacientes y Métodos: Se incluyeron todos los pacientes admitidos al HTS con diagnóstico de quemadura eléctrica, entre el 01/01/1999 y el 01/01/2009. Se revisaron sus archivos electrónicos y se tabularon en una base de datos Excel. Se realizó una revisión sobre el tema. Resultados: En los últimos 10 años ingresaron 977 pacientes con diagnóstico de quemadura eléctrica, de ellos, 3 (0,3 por ciento) tenían cataratas secundarias. Todos de sexo masculino, de 33, 36 y 64 años. En dos de ellos se reportan quemaduras faciales al ingreso y sólo en uno se describe el voltaje de la quemadura (13.500 v). El tiempo transcurrido entre la quemadura eléctrica y el diagnóstico de catarata fue de 6 meses, 2 y 4 años. En dos casos la catarata desarrollada fue bilateral y en un caso fue unilateral derecha. Todos los pacientes recibieron tratamiento quirúrgico con resultados satisfactorios. Conclusiones: Las cataratas secundarias a quemadura eléctrica son poco frecuentes. Hacen falta series más numerosas, con un buen registro, para poder establecer factores pronósticos. Es importante tener presente esta complicación y buscarla dirigidamente en los pacientes con quemadura eléctrica.

Humanos , Masculino , Adulto , Pessoa de Meia-Idade , Catarata/etiologia , Queimaduras por Corrente Elétrica/complicações , Extração de Catarata , Catarata/epidemiologia , Incidência , Queimaduras por Corrente Elétrica/epidemiologia
Rev. chil. cir ; 61(6): 526-532, dic. 2009. ilus, tab
Artigo em Espanhol | LILACS | ID: lil-556685


Background: A new type of fasciocutaneous flap with the shape of an ice cream cone that is formed by locally rotated and V-Y advance flaps joined together, that can be used to cover complex defects, was developed. Previously, the irrigation of these flaps was ascertained in the legs of ten corpses. Aim: To report the results with the use of this type of ice cream cone shaped flap. Material and Methods: Retrospective analysis of 108 patients aged 20 to 52 years (99 males) in whom an ice cream cone shaped flap was used. Results: The defects covered were located in the leg in 27 percent, in the ankle in 10 percent, in the sole in 9 percent, in the heel in 8 percent and in other locations in the rest of patients. Eighty flaps (74 percent) had a good evolution, 11 (10 percent) had a major dehiscence, 13 (12 percent) had a minor dehiscence and 4 flaps (4 percent) had necrosis. Conclusions: This ice cream cone shaped flap is easy to use, safe and devoid of complications in most cases.

Se presenta un colgajo no descrito previamente en la literatura internacional ni nacional. El colgajo se denomina "en cono" por la forma final que se obtiene un barquillo de helado con su bocado. Consta de 2 colgajos acoplados: uno de rotación local y otro un avance en V-Y, ambos fasciocutáneos. Para comprobar su irrigación se practicó disección anatómica de las piernas de 10 cadáveres frescos inyectando azul de metileno y bario en la arteria poplítea. El resultado demostró un rico y amplio plexo tanto infra como supra fascial que irriga muy bien la piel de ambos colgajos a nivel de 1/3 distal de la pierna. Se realizó también un análisis geométrico del avance en V-Y para demostrar como los tejidos pueden avanzar y para determinar las dimensiones que debe tener este colgajo. Se operó 108 pacientes con lesiones en diferentes partes del organismo con complicaciones de un 3,7 por ciento. Los resultados permitieron determinar que el colgajo en cono es versátil, reproducible, sencillo y seguro de realizar. Es un colgajo que servirá para que los cirujanos plásticos resuelvan complejos problemas quirúrgicos en forma muy segura y a bajo costo.

Humanos , Masculino , Adulto , Feminino , Pessoa de Meia-Idade , Pele/cirurgia , Procedimentos de Cirurgia Plástica/métodos , Transplante de Pele , Retalhos Cirúrgicos , Pele/lesões , Estudos Retrospectivos , Resultado do Tratamento
Rev. chil. cir ; 61(5): 429-432, oct. 2009. tab, ilus
Artigo em Espanhol | LILACS | ID: lil-582099


Background: Trochanter pressure sores can be treated with random, myocutaneous, fasciocutaneous or free flaps. Aim: To report the use of V-Y and tensor fasciae latae flaps for the treatment of trochanteric pressure sores. Material and Methods: Prospective study of 14 males and two females aged 24 to 64 years, with 17 sores. The surgical technique consisted in the design of a V shaped flap with irrigation in its superior base and lower vertex with one of its extremes in contact with the sore. A resection is made until a vital base is obtained, excising the prominent bone until a plane in which healthy tissue is seen. The flap is raised and rotated, covering the defect. A V-Y primary closure without tensión is performed, leaving drainages that are withdrawn ten days later. Results: The complications recorded were three serranas, which were treated using a closed system with external and internal negative pressure. Two wound dehiscence episodes and two hematomas required a surgical correction. Conclusions: This type of flap is other therapeutic alternative for pressure trochanteric sores.

Las úlceras por presión trocantéricas representan un problema importante a nivel extra e intrahospitalario. Existen múltiples opciones terapéuticas, ya sean colgajos random, musculocutáneos, fasciocutáneos o libres. El objetivo de este estudio es presentar la técnica quirúrgica del Colgajo en V-Y de Tensor de Fascia Lata. Técnica Quirúrgica: Se diseña un colgajo en V con irrigación por su base superior y vértice inferior, contactando uno de sus extremos con la úlcera. La forma del colgajo es de una V-Y. Se reseca esta hasta obtener un lecho vital, resecando además el hueso prominente hasta un plano en que se visualiza tejido sano. Se levanta y rota el colgajo, cubriendo el defecto. Finalmente, se realiza el cierre primario en VY sin tensión, con drenajes que se retiran a los 10 días. Tratamos 17 úlceras en 16 pacientes. Hubo 3 seromas, los que fueron resueltos con sistema de cierre con presión negativa externa e interna. Además hubo 2 casos de dehiscencia de sutura y 2 hematomas resueltos en quirófano. Este colgajo debe estar presente dentro de las posibilidades terapéuticas que se ofrezcan a pacientes con úlceras trocantéricas por decúbito.

Humanos , Masculino , Adulto , Feminino , Pessoa de Meia-Idade , Fascia Lata/transplante , Retalhos Cirúrgicos , Úlcera por Pressão/cirurgia , Resultado do Tratamento