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Nat Commun ; 15(1): 4585, 2024 May 29.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-38811582


The so-called "extreme magnetoresistance" (XMR) found in few conductors poses interesting conceptual challenges which address needs in technology. In contrast to the more common XMR in semi-metals, PtSn4 stands out as a rare example of a high carrier density multi-band metal exhibiting XMR, sparking an active debate about its microscopic origin. Here we report a sharp sensitivity of its XMR upon the field angle, with an almost complete collapse only for one specific current and field direction (B//b, I//a). Corroborated by band-structure calculations, we identify a singular open orbit on one of its Fermi surface sheets as the origin of this collapse. This remarkably switchable XMR resolves the puzzle in PtSn4 as a semi-classical effect of an ultra-pure, compensated carrier metal. It further showcases the importance of Ockham's razor in uncommon magnetotransport phenomena and demonstrates the remarkable physical properties conventional metals can exhibit given they are superbly clean.

Rev Sci Instrum ; 95(4)2024 Apr 01.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-38568022


We present nuclear magnetic resonance data in BaFe2As2 in the presence of pulsed strain fields that are interleaved in time with the radio frequency excitation pulses. In this approach, the preceding nuclear magnetization acquires a phase shift that is proportional to the strain and pulse time. The sensitivity of this approach is limited by the homogeneous decoherence time, T2, rather than the inhomogeneous linewidth. We measure the nematic susceptibility as a function of temperature and demonstrate a three orders of magnitude improvement in sensitivity. This approach will enable studies of the strain response in a broad range of materials that previously were inaccessible due to inhomogeneous broadening.

Nat Commun ; 15(1): 1592, 2024 Feb 21.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-38383472


Magnetic kagome metals are a promising platform to develop unique quantum transport and optical phenomena caused by the interplay between topological electronic bands, strong correlations, and magnetic order. This interplay may result in exotic quasiparticles that describe the coupled electronic and spin excitations on the frustrated kagome lattice. Here, we observe novel elementary magnetic excitations within the ferromagnetic Mn kagome layers in TbMn6Sn6 using inelastic neutron scattering. We observe sharp, collective acoustic magnons and identify flat-band magnons that are localized to a hexagonal plaquette due to the special geometry of the kagome layer. Surprisingly, we observe another type of elementary magnetic excitation; a chiral magnetic quasiparticle that is also localized on a hexagonal plaquette. The short lifetime of localized flat-band and chiral quasiparticles suggest that they are hybrid excitations that decay into electronic states.

J Phys Condens Matter ; 35(39)2023 Jun 29.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-37343571


The magnetic order for several compositions of CaK(Fe1-xMnx)4As4has been studied by nuclear magnetic resonance (NMR), Mössbauer spectroscopy, and neutron diffraction. Our observations for the Mn-doped 1144 compound are consistent with the hedgehog spin vortex crystal (hSVC) order which has previously been found for Ni-dopedCaKFe4As4. The hSVC state is characterized by the stripe-type propagation vectors(π0)and(0π)just as in the doped 122 compounds. The hSVC state preserves tetragonal symmetry at the Fe site, and only this SVC motif with simple antiferromagnetic (AFM) stacking alongcis consistent with all our observations using NMR Mössbauer spectroscopy, and neutron diffraction. We find that the hSVC state in the Mn-doped 1144 compound coexists with superconductivity, and by combining the neutron scattering and Mössbauer spectroscopy data we can infer a quantum phase transition, hidden under the superconducting dome, associated with the suppression of the AFM transition temperature (TN) to zero forx ≈ 0.01. In addition, unlike several 122 compounds and Ni-doped 1144, the ordered magnetic moment is not observed to decrease at temperatures below the superconducting transition temperature (Tc).

Nat Commun ; 14(1): 2658, 2023 May 09.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-37160929


Ferromagnetic (FM) order in a two-dimensional kagome layer is predicted to generate a topological Chern insulator without an applied magnetic field. The Chern gap is largest when spin moments point perpendicular to the kagome layer, enabling the capability to switch topological transport properties, such as the quantum anomalous Hall effect, by controlling the spin orientation. In TbMn6Sn6, the uniaxial magnetic anisotropy of the Tb3+ ion is effective at generating the Chern state within the FM Mn kagome layers while a spin-reorientation (SR) transition to easy-plane order above TSR = 310 K provides a mechanism for switching. Here, we use inelastic neutron scattering to provide key insights into the fundamental nature of the SR transition. The observation of two Tb excitations, which are split by the magnetic anisotropy energy, indicates an effective two-state orbital character for the Tb ion, with a uniaxial ground state and an isotropic excited state. The simultaneous observation of both modes below TSR confirms that orbital fluctuations are slow on magnetic and electronic time scales < ps and act as a spatially-random orbital alloy. A thermally-driven critical concentration of isotropic Tb ions triggers the SR transition.

Nat Commun ; 12(1): 7169, 2021 Dec 09.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-34887396


Electrons navigate more easily in a background of ordered magnetic moments than around randomly oriented ones. This fundamental quantum mechanical principle is due to their Bloch wave nature and also underlies ballistic electronic motion in a perfect crystal. As a result, a paramagnetic metal that develops ferromagnetic order often experiences a sharp drop in the resistivity. Despite the universality of this phenomenon, a direct observation of the impact of ferromagnetic order on the electronic quasiparticles in a magnetic metal is still lacking. Here we demonstrate that quasiparticles experience a significant enhancement of their lifetime in the ferromagnetic state of the low-density magnetic semimetal EuCd2As2, but this occurs only in selected bands and specific energy ranges. This is a direct consequence of the magnetically induced band splitting and the multi-orbital nature of the material. Our detailed study allows to disentangle different electronic scattering mechanisms due to non-magnetic disorder and magnon exchange. Such high momentum and energy dependence quasiparticle lifetime enhancement can lead to spin selective transport and potential spintronic applications.

Nat Commun ; 12(1): 5332, 2021 Sep 09.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-34504077


In two-dimensional (2D) NbSe2 crystal, which lacks inversion symmetry, strong spin-orbit coupling aligns the spins of Cooper pairs to the orbital valleys, forming Ising Cooper pairs (ICPs). The unusual spin texture of ICPs can be further modulated by introducing magnetic exchange. Here, we report unconventional supercurrent phase in van der Waals heterostructure Josephson junctions (JJs) that couples NbSe2 ICPs across an atomically thin magnetic insulator (MI) Cr2Ge2Te6. By constructing a superconducting quantum interference device (SQUID), we measure the phase of the transferred Cooper pairs in the MI JJ. We demonstrate a doubly degenerate nontrivial JJ phase (ϕ), formed by momentum-conserving tunneling of ICPs across magnetic domains in the barrier. The doubly degenerate ground states in MI JJs provide a two-level quantum system that can be utilized as a new dissipationless component for superconducting quantum devices. Our work boosts the study of various superconducting states with spin-orbit coupling, opening up an avenue to designing new superconducting phase-controlled quantum electronic devices.

Nat Commun ; 12(1): 999, 2021 Feb 12.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-33579928


Knowledge of magnetic symmetry is vital for exploiting nontrivial surface states of magnetic topological materials. EuIn2As2 is an excellent example, as it is predicted to have collinear antiferromagnetic order where the magnetic moment direction determines either a topological-crystalline-insulator phase supporting axion electrodynamics or a higher-order-topological-insulator phase with chiral hinge states. Here, we use neutron diffraction, symmetry analysis, and density functional theory results to demonstrate that EuIn2As2 actually exhibits low-symmetry helical antiferromagnetic order which makes it a stoichiometric magnetic topological-crystalline axion insulator protected by the combination of a 180∘ rotation and time-reversal symmetries: [Formula: see text]. Surfaces protected by [Formula: see text] are expected to have an exotic gapless Dirac cone which is unpinned to specific crystal momenta. All other surfaces have gapped Dirac cones and exhibit half-integer quantum anomalous Hall conductivity. We predict that the direction of a modest applied magnetic field of µ0H ≈ 1 to 2 T can tune between gapless and gapped surface states.

Phys Rev Lett ; 125(24): 247203, 2020 Dec 11.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-33412048


The plateau at 1/3 of the saturation magnetization M_{s} in the metamagnet CeSb is accompanied by a state of ferromagnetic layers of spins in an up-up-down sequence. We measured M and the specific heat C in the plateau, spin wave analyses of which reveal two distinct branches of excitations. Those with ΔS_{z}=1 as measured by M, coexist with a much larger population of ΔS_{z}=0 excitations measured by C but invisible to M. The large density of ΔS_{z}=0 excitations, their energy gap, and their seeming lack of interaction with ΔS_{z}=1 excitations suggest an analogy with astrophysical dark matter. Additionally, in the middle of the plateau three sharp jumps in M(H) are seen, the size of which, 0.15%M_{s}, is consistent with fractional quantization of magnetization per site in the down-spin layers.

Phys Rev B ; 99(18)2019 May.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-38846064


We present neutron-diffraction data for the cubic-heavy-fermion YbBiPt that show broad magnetic diffraction peaks due to the fragile short-range antiferromagnetic (AFM) order persist under an applied magnetic-field H . Our results for H ⊥ [ 1 ¯ 1 0 ] and a temperature of T = 0.14 1 K show that 1 2 , 1 2 , 3 2 ) magnetic diffraction peak can be described by the same two-peak line shape found for µ 0 H = 0 T below the Néel temperature of T N = 0.4 K . Both components of the peak exist for µ 0 H ≲ 1.4 T , which is well past the AFM phase boundary determined from our new resistivity data. Using neutron-diffraction data taken at T = 0.13 ( 2 ) K for H ∥ 0 0 1 taken at or 1 1 0 , we show that domains of short-range AFM order change size throughout the previously determined AFM and non-Fermi liquid regions of the phase diagram, and that the appearance of a magnetic diffraction peak at 1 2 , 1 2 , 1 2 at µ 0 H ≈ 0.4 T signals canting of the ordered magnetic moment away from 1 1 1 . The continued broadness of the magnetic diffraction peaks under a magnetic field and their persistence across the AFM phase boundary established by detailed transport and thermodynamic experiments present an interesting quandary concerning the nature of YbBiPt's electronic ground state.

Phys Rev Lett ; 121(13): 137204, 2018 Sep 28.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-30312082


Two ordering states, antiferromagnetism and nematicity, have been observed in most iron-based superconductors (SCs). In contrast to those SCs, the newly discovered SC CaK(Fe_{1-x}Ni_{x})_{4}As_{4} exhibits an antiferromagnetic (AFM) state, called hedgehog spin-vortex crystal (SVC) structure, without nematic order, providing the opportunity for the investigation into the relationship between spin fluctuations and SC without any effects of nematic fluctuations. Our ^{75}As nuclear magnetic resonance studies on CaK(Fe_{1-x}Ni_{x})_{4}As_{4} (0≤x≤0.049) revealed that CaKFe_{4}As_{4} is located close to a hidden hedgehog SVC AFM quantum-critical point (QCP). The magnetic QCP without nematicity in CaK(Fe_{1-x}Ni_{x})_{4}As_{4} highlights the close connection of spin fluctuations and superconductivity in iron-based SCs. The advantage of stoichiometric composition also makes CaKFe_{4}As_{4} an ideal platform for further detailed investigation of the relationship between magnetic QCP and superconductivity in iron-based SCs without disorder effects.

Nat Mater ; 17(10): 869-874, 2018 10.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-30177690


Strong electronic correlations, emerging from the parent Mott insulator phase, are key to copper-based high-temperature superconductivity. By contrast, the parent phase of an iron-based high-temperature superconductor is never a correlated insulator. However, this distinction may be deceptive because Fe has five actived d orbitals while Cu has only one. In theory, such orbital multiplicity can generate a Hund's metal state, in which alignment of the Fe spins suppresses inter-orbital fluctuations, producing orbitally selective strong correlations. The spectral weights Zm of quasiparticles associated with different Fe orbitals m should then be radically different. Here we use quasiparticle scattering interference resolved by orbital content to explore these predictions in FeSe. Signatures of strong, orbitally selective differences of quasiparticle Zm appear on all detectable bands over a wide energy range. Further, the quasiparticle interference amplitudes reveal that [Formula: see text], consistent with earlier orbital-selective Cooper pairing studies. Thus, orbital-selective strong correlations dominate the parent state of iron-based high-temperature superconductivity in FeSe.

Phys Rev Lett ; 121(10): 107001, 2018 Sep 07.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-30240265


Microwave measurements of the London penetration depth and critical temperature T_{c} were used to show evidence of a disordered-driven transition from s_{±} to s_{++} order parameter symmetry in optimally doped Ba(Fe_{1-x}Rh_{x})_{2}As_{2} single crystals, where disorder was induced by means of 3.5 MeV proton irradiation. Signatures of such a transition, as theoretically predicted [V. D. Efremov et al., Phys. Rev. B 84, 180512(R) (2011)PRBMDO1098-012110.1103/PhysRevB.84.180512], are found as a drop in the low-temperature values of the London penetration depth and a virtually disorder-independent superconducting T_{c}. We show how these experimental observations can be described by multiband Eliashberg calculations in which the effect of disorder is accounted for in a suitable way. To this aim, an effective two-band approach is adopted, allowing us to treat disorder in a range between the Born approximation and the unitary limit.

Sci Rep ; 8(1): 11480, 2018 Jul 31.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-30065247


Enhanced microwave absorption, larger than that in the normal state, is observed in fine grains of type-II superconductors (MgB2 and K3C60) for magnetic fields as small as a few % of the upper critical field. The effect is predicted by the theory of vortex motion in type-II superconductors, however its direct observation has been elusive due to skin-depth limitations; conventional microwave absorption studies employ larger samples where the microwave magnetic field exclusion significantly lowers the absorption. We show that the enhancement is observable in grains smaller than the penetration depth. A quantitative analysis on K3C60 in the framework of the Coffey-Clem (CC) theory explains well the temperature dependence of the microwave absorption and also allows to determine the vortex pinning force constant.

J Phys Condens Matter ; 30(31): 315601, 2018 Aug 08.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-29992907


In-plane resistivity anisotropy was measured in strain-detwinned as-grown and partially annealed samples of isovalently-substituted [Formula: see text] ([Formula: see text]) and the results were contrasted with previous reports on anneal samples with low residual resistivity. In samples with high residual resistivity, detwinned with application of strain, the difference of the two components of in-plane resistivity in the orthorhombic phase, [Formula: see text], was found to obey Matthiessen rule irrespective of sample composition, which is in stark contrast with observations on annealed samples. Our findings are consistent with two-band transport model in which contribution from high mobility carriers of small pockets of the Fermi surface has negligible anisotropy of residual resistivity and is eliminated by disorder. Our finding suggests that magnetic/nematic order has dramatically different effect on different parts of the Fermi surface. It predominantly affects inelastic scattering for small pocket high mobility carriers and elastic impurity scattering for larger sheets of the Fermi surface.

Science ; 360(6394): 1218-1222, 2018 06 15.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-29724904


Magnetic insulators are a key resource for next-generation spintronic and topological devices. The family of layered metal halides promises varied magnetic states, including ultrathin insulating multiferroics, spin liquids, and ferromagnets, but device-oriented characterization methods are needed to unlock their potential. Here, we report tunneling through the layered magnetic insulator CrI3 as a function of temperature and applied magnetic field. We electrically detect the magnetic ground state and interlayer coupling and observe a field-induced metamagnetic transition. The metamagnetic transition results in magnetoresistances of 95, 300, and 550% for bilayer, trilayer, and tetralayer CrI3 barriers, respectively. We further measure inelastic tunneling spectra for our junctions, unveiling a rich spectrum consistent with collective magnetic excitations (magnons) in CrI3.

Phys Rev Lett ; 120(14): 147202, 2018 Apr 06.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-29694147


The magnetic properties of dilute Li_{2}(Li_{1-x}Fe_{x})N with x∼0.001 are dominated by the spin of single, isolated Fe atoms. Below T=10 K the spin-relaxation times become temperature independent indicating a crossover from thermal excitations to the quantum tunneling regime. We report on a strong increase of the spin-flip probability in transverse magnetic fields that proves the resonant character of this tunneling process. Longitudinal fields, on the other hand, lift the ground-state degeneracy and destroy the tunneling condition. An increase of the relaxation time by 4 orders of magnitude in applied fields of only a few milliTesla reveals exceptionally sharp tunneling resonances. Li_{2}(Li_{1-x}Fe_{x})N represents a comparatively simple and clean model system that opens the possibility to study quantum tunneling of the magnetization at liquid helium temperatures.

J Phys Condens Matter ; 30(22): 225602, 2018 Jun 06.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-29667604


Doping evolution of the superconducting gap anisotropy was studied in single crystals of 4d-electron doped Ba(Fe1-x Rh x )2As2 using tunnel diode resonator measurements of the temperature variation of the London penetration depth [Formula: see text]. Single crystals with doping levels representative of an underdoped regime x = 0.039 ([Formula: see text] K), close to optimal doping x = 0.057 ([Formula: see text] K) and overdoped x = 0.079 ([Formula: see text] K) and x = 0.131([Formula: see text] K) were studied. Superconducting energy gap anisotropy was characterized by the exponent, n, by fitting the data to the power-law, [Formula: see text]. The exponent n varies non-monotonically with x, increasing to a maximum n = 2.5 for x = 0.079 and rapidly decreasing towards overdoped compositions to 1.6 for x = 0.131. This behavior is qualitatively similar to the doping evolution of the superconducting gap anisotropy in other iron pnictides, including hole-doped (Ba,K)Fe2As2 and 3d-electron-doped Ba(Fe,Co)2As2 superconductors, finding a full gap near optimal doping and strong anisotropy toward the ends of the superconducting dome in the T-x phase diagram. The normalized superfluid density in an optimally Rh-doped sample is almost identical to the temperature-dependence in the optimally doped Ba(Fe,Co)2As2 samples. Our study supports the universal superconducting gap variation with doping and [Formula: see text] pairing at least in iron based superconductors of the BaFe2As2 family.

Nat Commun ; 9(1): 1058, 2018 03 13.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-29535323


The iron-based high temperature superconductors exhibit a rich phase diagram reflecting a complex interplay between spin, lattice, and orbital degrees of freedom. The nematic state observed in these compounds epitomizes this complexity, by entangling a real-space anisotropy in the spin fluctuation spectrum with ferro-orbital order and an orthorhombic lattice distortion. A subtle and less-explored facet of the interplay between these degrees of freedom arises from the sizable spin-orbit coupling present in these systems, which translates anisotropies in real space into anisotropies in spin space. We present nuclear magnetic resonance studies, which reveal that the magnetic fluctuation spectrum in the paramagnetic phase of BaFe2As2 acquires an anisotropic response in spin-space upon application of a tetragonal symmetry-breaking strain field. Our results unveil an internal spin structure of the nematic order parameter, indicating that electronic nematic materials may offer a route to magneto-mechanical control.

Phys Rev Lett ; 121(26): 267001, 2018 Dec 28.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-30636131


Ultrafast terahertz (THz) pump-probe spectroscopy reveals an unusual out-of-equilibrium Cooper pair nonlinear dynamics and a nonequilibrium state driven by femtosecond (fs) photoexcitation of superconductivity (SC) in iron pnictides. Following fast SC quench via hot-phonon scattering, a second, abnormally slow (many hundreds of picoseconds), SC quench regime is observed prior to any recovery. Importantly, a nonlinear pump fluence dependence is identified for this remarkably long prebottleneck dynamics that are sensitive to both doping and temperature. Using quantum kinetic modeling we argue that the buildup of excitonic interpocket correlation between electron-hole (e-h) quasiparticles (QP) quenches SC after fs photoexcitation leading to a long-lived, many-QP excitonic state.