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Ann Bot ; 130(3): 367-382, 2022 09 19.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-35468194


BACKGROUND AND AIMS: Deep roots (i.e. >1 m depth) are important for crops to access water when the topsoil is dry. Root anatomy and hydraulic conductance play important roles in the uptake of soil water, particularly water located deep in the soil. We investigated whether root and xylem anatomy vary as a function of root type, order and length, or with soil depth in roots of two deep-rooted perennial crops: intermediate wheatgrass [Thinopyrum intermedium (Kernza®)] and alfalfa (Medicago sativa). We linked the expression of these anatomical traits to the plants' capacity to take up water from deep soil layers. METHODS: Using laser ablation tomography, we compared the roots of the two crops for cortical area, number and size of metaxylem vessels, and their estimated root axial hydraulic conductance (ERAHCe). The deepest roots investigated were located at soil depths of 2.25 and at 3.5 m in the field and in rhizoboxes, respectively. Anatomical differences were characterized along 1-m-long individual roots, among root types and orders, as well as between environmental conditions. KEY RESULTS: For both crops, a decrease in the number and diameter, or both, of metaxylem vessels along individual root segments and with soil depth in the field resulted in a decrease in ERAHCe. Alfalfa, with a greater number of metaxylem vessels per root throughout the soil profile and, on average, a 4-fold greater ERAHCe, took up more water from the deep soil layers than intermediate wheatgrass. Root anatomical traits were significantly different across root types, classes and growth conditions. CONCLUSIONS: Root anatomical traits are important tools for the selection of crops with enhanced exploitation of deep soil water. The development and breeding of perennial crops for improved subsoil exploitation will be aided by greater understanding of root phenotypes linked to deep root growth and activity.

Medicago sativa , Solo , Produtos Agrícolas/metabolismo , Medicago sativa/metabolismo , Raízes de Plantas , Água/metabolismo , Xilema/metabolismo
Ann Bot ; 118(4): 621-635, 2016 Oct 01.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-27390351


Background Deep roots are a common trait among a wide range of plant species and biomes, and are pivotal to the very existence of ecosystem services such as pedogenesis, groundwater and streamflow regulation, soil carbon sequestration and moisture content in the lower troposphere. Notwithstanding the growing realization of the functional significance of deep roots across disciplines such as soil science, agronomy, hydrology, ecophysiology or climatology, research efforts allocated to the study of deep roots remain incommensurate with those devoted to shallow roots. This is due in part to the fact that, despite technological advances, observing and measuring deep roots remains challenging. Scope Here, other reasons that explain why there are still so many fundamental unresolved questions related to deep roots are discussed. These include the fact that a number of hypotheses and models that are widely considered as verified and sufficiently robust are only partly supported by data. Evidence has accumulated that deep rooting could be a more widespread and important trait among plants than usually considered based on the share of biomass that it represents. Examples that indicate that plant roots have different structures and play different roles with respect to major biochemical cycles depending on their position within the soil profile are also examined and discussed. Conclusions Current knowledge gaps are identified and new lines of research for improving our understanding of the processes that drive deep root growth and functioning are proposed. This ultimately leads to a reflection on an alternative paradigm that could be used in the future as a unifying framework to describe and analyse deep rooting. Despite the many hurdles that pave the way to a practical understanding of deep rooting functions, it is anticipated that, in the relatively near future, increased knowledge about the deep rooting traits of a variety of plants and crops will have direct and tangible influence on how we manage natural and cultivated ecosystems.

Front Plant Sci ; 6: 1022, 2015.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-26640467


Fine root dynamics is a main driver of soil carbon stocks, particularly in tropical forests, yet major uncertainties still surround estimates of fine root production and turnover. This lack of knowledge is largely due to the fact that studying root dynamics in situ, particularly deep in the soil, remains highly challenging. We explored the interactions between fine root dynamics, soil depth, and rainfall in mature rubber trees (Hevea brasiliensis Müll. Arg.) exposed to sub-optimal edaphic and climatic conditions. A root observation access well was installed in northern Thailand to monitor root dynamics along a 4.5 m deep soil profile. Image-based measurements of root elongation and lifespan of individual roots were carried out at monthly intervals over 3 years. Soil depth was found to have a significant effect on root turnover. Surprisingly, root turnover increased with soil depth and root half-life was 16, 6-8, and only 4 months at 0.5, 1.0, 2.5, and 3.0 m deep, respectively (with the exception of roots at 4.5 m which had a half-life similar to that found between depths of 1.0 and 2.5 m). Within the first two meters of the soil profile, the highest rates of root emergence occurred about 3 months after the onset of the rainy season, while deeper in the soil, root emergence was not linked to the rainfall pattern. Root emergence was limited during leaf flushing (between March and May), particularly within the first two meters of the profile. Between soil depths of 0.5 and 2.0 m, root mortality appeared independent of variations in root emergence, but below 2.0 m, peaks in root emergence and death were synchronized. Shallow parts of the root system were more responsive to rainfall than their deeper counterparts. Increased root emergence in deep soil toward the onset of the dry season could correspond to a drought acclimation mechanism, with the relative importance of deep water capture increasing once rainfall ceased. The considerable soil depth regularly explored by fine roots, even though significantly less than in surface layers in terms of root length density and biomass, will impact strongly the evaluation of soil carbon stocks.