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BioSCIENCE ; 81(2): 62-67, 2023.
Artigo em Português | LILACS-Express | LILACS | ID: biblio-1524134


Introdução: A síndrome da artéria mesentérica superior (SMAS) resulta da compressão extrínseca dela e obstrução sintomática da terceira porção do duodeno anteriormente, e pela aorta posteriormente. Esse estreitamento leva à compressão extrínseca e à obstrução do duodeno, impedindo a passagem do conteúdo intestinal. Objetivo: Por meio de revisão integrativa, sintetizar evidências sobre o tratamento dessa síndrome. Métodos: Revisão integrativa da literatura com síntese de evidências. A base de dados escolhida para seleção dos trabalhos foi o PUBMED, utilizando a seguinte estratégia de busca: "superior mesenteric artery syndrome"[title] AND (treatment[title] OR surgical[title]). Foram considerados para revisão os trabalhos publicados entre os anos de 2018 e 2023. Resultados: Inicialmente foram identificados 13 trabalhos que atenderam à estratégia de busca previamente estabelecida. Após a leitura dos títulos e resumos, 4 textos foram excluídos por não discutirem o tema proposto, restando 9 trabalhos para revisão. Conclusão: As modalidades cirúrgicas disponíveis para o tratamento da SMA foram consideradas seguras, com baixos índices de recidiva, além de eficazes no controle de sintomas e no manejo da síndrome.

Introduction: Superior mesenteric artery syndrome (SMAS) results from extrinsic compression and symptomatic obstruction of the third portion of the duodenum by it anteriorly, and by the aorta posteriorly. This narrowing leads to extrinsic compression and obstruction of the duodenum, preventing the passage of intestinal contents. Objective: Through an integrative review, to synthesize evidence on the treatment of SMAS. Methods: Integrative literature review with evidence synthesis. The database chosen for the selection of papers was PUBMED, using the following search strategy: "superior mesenteric artery syndrome"[title] AND (treatment[title] OR surgical[title]). Papers published between the years 2018 and 2023 were considered for review. Results: Initially, 13 papers were identified that met the previously established search strategy. After reading the titles and abstracts, 4 were excluded for not discussing the proposed theme, leaving 9 papers for review. Conclusion: The surgical modalities available for SMA treatment were considered safe, with low recurrence rates, and effective in symptom control and management of the syndrome.

Int J Surg Case Rep ; 3(10): 504-6, 2012.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-22858791


INTRODUCTION: Spigelian hernias represent 0.12-2.4% of all abdominal wall hernias. Its diagnosis is elusive and requires a high level of conjecture given the disease rarity, vague associated abdominal complaints and frequent lack of consistent physical findings. PRESENTATION OF CASE: A 60-year-old woman presented with a history of chronic pain in the left lower side of the abdomen. The patient was treated for several diseases with no relief of symptoms. Abdominal ultrasound showed a Spigelian hernia in the lower left abdomen and surgery was scheduled for treatment. DISCUSSION: A SH is generally an inter-parietal hernia, meaning that the pre-peritoneal fat and the hernia sac penetrate the trasnversus abdominis and internal oblique muscles but remain behind the external oblique aponeurosis. In most of the patients the lack of clinical signs demands radiological investigation. That's the importance of the high grade of suspicious of the disease during the physical exam. The surgical repair is necessary due to the high risk of incarceration-related complications which can occur in up to 21% of cases. CONCLUSION: It's important to think in the Spigelian hernia as cause of lower abdominal pain to prompt indicate surgical repair and provide the patient's symptom relief. Also the type of repair is dependent on the surgeon's choice and also the means available in each center.