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Inorg Chem ; 63(17): 7541-7548, 2024 Apr 29.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-38623896


Thermodynamics and kinetics of hydroxide ion binding to iron tetraphenylporphyrin (TPPFe) at different redox states is investigated by electrochemistry and UV-vis spectroscopy. The reduction of initial TPPFe(III) drastically decreases the binding affinity of hydroxide ions. An activation-driving force correlation is revealed showing that the strongest the binding affinity, the largest the association rate constant and vice versa. Comparison with chloride ions shows that hydroxide ions are stronger ligands for iron tetraphenylporphyrin. However, kinetic data indicate that coordination and decoordination of chloride ions is intrinsically faster than coordination and decoordination of hydroxide ions. Finally, the consequence of hydroxide ion binding dynamics when TPPFe is used as a molecular catalyst for electrochemical reactions liberating hydroxides is discussed in the framework of self-modulation of catalytic processes.

Nat Commun ; 15(1): 2781, 2024 Mar 30.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-38555303


Electrochemical research often requires stringent combinations of experimental parameters that are demanding to manually locate. Recent advances in automated instrumentation and machine-learning algorithms unlock the possibility for accelerated studies of electrochemical fundamentals via high-throughput, online decision-making. Here we report an autonomous electrochemical platform that implements an adaptive, closed-loop workflow for mechanistic investigation of molecular electrochemistry. As a proof-of-concept, this platform autonomously identifies and investigates an EC mechanism, an interfacial electron transfer (E step) followed by a solution reaction (C step), for cobalt tetraphenylporphyrin exposed to a library of organohalide electrophiles. The generally applicable workflow accurately discerns the EC mechanism's presence amid negative controls and outliers, adaptively designs desired experimental conditions, and quantitatively extracts kinetic information of the C step spanning over 7 orders of magnitude, from which mechanistic insights into oxidative addition pathways are gained. This work opens opportunities for autonomous mechanistic discoveries in self-driving electrochemistry laboratories without manual intervention.

ChemSusChem ; 17(17): e202400205, 2024 Sep 09.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-38529822


Development of devices for production of H2 using light and a sustainable source of electrons may require the design of molecular systems combining a molecular catalyst and a photosensitizer. Evaluation of the efficiency of hydrogen production is commonly performed in homogeneous solution with a sacrificial electron donor and the report of the maximal turnover number vs catalyst ( T O N c a t lim ${TON_{cat}^{\lim } }$ ). This figure of merit is strongly dependent on deactivation pathways and does not by itself provide a benchmarking for catalysts. In particular, when the photosensitizer degradation is the primary source of limitation, a kinetic model, rationalizing literature data, shows that a decrease of the catalyst concentration leads to an increase of T O N c a t lim ${TON_{cat}^{\lim } }$ . It indicates that exceptionally high T O N c a t lim ${TON_{cat}^{\lim } }$ obtained at very low catalyst concentration shall not be considered as an indication of an exceptional catalytic system. We advocate for a systematic kinetic analysis in order to get a quantitative measure of the competitive pathways leading to T O N c a t lim ${TON_{cat}^{\lim } }$ values and to provide keys for performance improvement.

Chem Sci ; 14(25): 6876-6881, 2023 Jun 28.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-37389245


Disulfides are involved in a broad range of radical-based synthetic organic and biochemical transformations. In particular, the reduction of a disulfide to the corresponding radical anion, followed by S-S bond cleavage to yield a thiyl radical and a thiolate anion plays critical roles in radical-based photoredox transformations and the disulfide radical anion in conjunction with a proton donor, mediates the enzymatic synthesis of deoxynucleotides from nucleotides within the active site of the enzyme, ribonucleotide reductase (RNR). To gain fundamental thermodynamic insight into these reactions, we have performed experimental measurements to furnish the transfer coefficient from which the standard E0(RSSR/RSSR˙-) reduction potential has been determined for a homologous series of disulfides. The electrochemical potentials are found to be strongly dependent on the structures and electronic properties of the substituents of the disulfides. In the case of cysteine, a standard potential of E0(RSSR/RSSR˙-) = -1.38 V vs. NHE is determined, making the disulfide radical anion of cysteine one of the most reducing cofactors in biology.

Angew Chem Int Ed Engl ; 62(36): e202302779, 2023 Sep 04.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-37073946


Nickel bisdiphosphine complexes bearing pendant amines form a unique series of catalysts (so-called DuBois' catalysts) capable of bidirectional/reversible electrocatalytic oxidation and production of dihydrogen. This unique behaviour is directly linked to the presence of proton relays installed close to the metal center. We report here for the arginine derivative [Ni(P2 Cy N2 Arg )2 ]6+ on a mechanistic model and its kinetic treatment that may apply to all DuBois' catalysts and show that it allows for a good fit of experimental data measured at different pH values, catalyst concentrations and partial hydrogen pressures. The bidirectionality of catalysis results from balanced equilibria related to hydrogen uptake/evolution on one side and (metal)-hydride installation/capture on the other side, both controlled by concentration effects resulting from the presence of proton relays and connected by two square schemes corresponding to proton-coupled electron transfer processes. We show that the catalytic bias is controlled by the kinetic of the H2 uptake/evolution step. Reversibility does not require that the energy landscape be flat, with redox transitions occurring at potentials up to 250 mV away for the equilibrium potential, although such large deviations from a flat energy landscape can negatively impacts the rate of catalysis when coupled with slow interfacial electron transfer kinetics.

ACS Meas Sci Au ; 2(6): 595-604, 2022 Dec 21.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-36573074


For decades, employing cyclic voltammetry for mechanistic investigation has demanded manual inspection of voltammograms. Here, we report a deep-learning-based algorithm that automatically analyzes cyclic voltammograms and designates a probable electrochemical mechanism among five of the most common ones in homogeneous molecular electrochemistry. The reported algorithm will aid researchers' mechanistic analyses, utilize otherwise elusive features in voltammograms, and experimentally observe the gradual mechanism transitions encountered in electrochemistry. An automated voltammogram analysis will aid the analysis of complex electrochemical systems and promise autonomous high-throughput research in electrochemistry with minimal human interference.

Inorg Chem ; 61(40): 16072-16080, 2022 Oct 10.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-36166597


Heterogenization of molecular catalysts on (photo)electrode surfaces is required to design devices performing processes enabling to store renewable energy in chemical bonds. Among the various strategies to immobilize molecular catalysts, direct chemical bonding to conductive surfaces presents some advantages because of the robustness of the linkage. When the catalyst is, as it is often the case, a transition metal complex, the anchoring group has to be connected to the complex through the ligands, and an important question is thus raised on the influence of this function on the redox and on the catalytic properties of the complex. Herein, we analyze the effect of conjugated and non conjugated substituents, structurally close to anchoring functions previously used to immobilize a rhenium carbonyl bipyridyl molecular catalyst for supported CO2 electroreduction. We show that carboxylic ester groups, mimicking anchoring the catalyst via carboxylate binding to the surface, have a drastic effect on the catalytic activity of the complex toward CO2 electroreduction. The reasons for such an effect are revealed via a combined spectro-electrochemical analysis showing that the reducing equivalents are mainly accumulated on the electron-withdrawing ester on the bipyridine ligand preventing the formation of the rhenium(0) center and its interaction with CO2. Alternatively, alkyl-phosphonic ester substituents, not conjugated with the bpy ligand, mimicking anchoring the catalyst via phosphonate binding to the surface, allow preserving the catalytic activity of the complex.

Proc Natl Acad Sci U S A ; 119(20): e2122063119, 2022 05 17.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-35533271


SignificanceThe chemical reduction of unsaturated bonds occurs by hydrogenation with H2 as the reductant. Conversely, in biology, the unavailability of H2 engenders the typical reduction of unsaturated bonds with electrons and protons from different cofactors, requiring olefin hydrogenation to occur by proton-coupled electron transfer (PCET). Moreover, the redox noninnocence of tetrapyrrole macrocycles furnishes unusual PCET intermediates, including the phlorin, which is an intermediate in tetrapyrrole ring reductions. Whereas the phlorin of a porphyrin is well established, the phlorin of a chlorin is enigmatic. By controlling the PCET reactivity of a chlorin, including the use of a hangman functionality to manage the proton transfer, the formation of a chlorinphlorin by PCET is realized, and the mechanism for its formation is defined.

Chem Sci ; 12(38): 12726-12732, 2021 Oct 06.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-34703559


Homogeneous electrochemical catalysis of N2O reduction to N2 is investigated with a series of organic catalysts and rhenium and manganese bipyridyl carbonyl complexes. An activation-driving force correlation is revealed with the organic species characteristic of a redox catalysis involving an outer-sphere electron transfer from the radical anions or dianions of the reduced catalyst to N2O. Taking into account the previously estimated reorganization energy required to form the N2O radical anions leads to an estimation of the N2O/N2O˙- standard potential in acetonitrile electrolyte. The direct reduction of N2O at a glassy carbon electrode follows the same quadratic activation driving force relationship. Our analysis reveals that the catalytic effect of the mediators is due to a smaller reorganization energy of the homogeneous electron transfer than that of the heterogeneous one. The physical effect of "spreading" electrons in the electrolyte is shown to be unfavorable for the homogeneous reduction. Importantly, we show that the reduction of N2O by low valent rhenium and manganese bipyridyl carbonyl complexes is of a chemical nature, with an initial one-electron reduction process associated with a chemical reaction more efficient than the simple outer-sphere electron transfer process. This points to an inner-sphere mechanism possibly involving partial charge transfer from the low valent metal to the binding N2O and emphasizes the differences between chemical and redox catalytic processes.

J Phys Chem Lett ; 11(22): 9846-9849, 2020 Nov 19.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-33207883


The v/v1/2 scan rate diagnosis in electrochemical energy storage devices is based on application of the relationship i = k1v + k2v1/2 (where k1 and k2 are two constants independent of the scan rate v) to the variation of the cyclic voltammetric responses with v. Several examples show that application of this scan rate diagnosis procedure leads to absurd results because the procedure is inappropriate under these conditions. It follows that the best approach is to simply forget about this v/v1/2 scan rate diagnosis, concentrate on the maximum number of experimental observations of the scan rate dependency, and build models able to reproduce these data in each case.

J Chem Phys ; 153(9): 094701, 2020 Sep 07.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-32891100


The kinetics of the inner-sphere electron transfer reaction between a gold electrode and CO2 was measured as a function of the applied potential in an aqueous environment. Extraction of the electron transfer rate constant requires deconvolution of the current associated with CO2 reduction from the competing hydrogen evolution reaction and mass transport. Analysis of the inner-sphere electron transfer reaction reveals a driving force dependence of the rate constant that has similar characteristics to that of a Marcus-Hush-Levich outer-sphere electron transfer model. Consideration of simple assumptions for CO2 adsorption on the electrode surface allows for the evaluation of a CO2,ads/CO2 •- ads standard potential of ∼-0.75 ± 0.05 V vs Standard Hydrogen Electrode (SHE) and a reorganization energy on the order of 0.75 ± 0.10 eV. This standard potential is considerably lower than that observed for CO2 reduction on planar metal electrodes (∼>-1.4 V vs SHE for >10 mA/cm2), thus indicating that CO2 reduction occurs at a significant overpotential and thus provides an imperative for the design of better CO2 reduction electrocatalysts.

J Phys Chem Lett ; 11(15): 6097-6104, 2020 Aug 06.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-32635738


Electrophotocatalysis (e-PC) is currently experiencing a renewed interest. By taking advantage of the highly oxidizing or reducing power of excited state of electrogenerated ion radicals, it allows thermodynamically difficult redox reactions to be performed. However, e-PC is facing various specific issues, such as its fundamentally heterogeneous nature, implying that mass transport is coupled to chemical reactions and light absorption; back electron transfer of the ion radical excited state with the electrode; and local heating near the electrode surface modifying mass transport conditions. Herein, we address these issues in the context of cyclic voltammetry as an analytical tool and we provide a rational framework for kinetic studies of electrophotocatalytic reactions under realistic conditions and hypothesis based on literature data. This approach may be beneficial to rationalize the design and the efficiency of present and future e-PC systems.

ACS Cent Sci ; 5(6): 1097-1105, 2019 Jun 26.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-31263769


Gold electrocatalysts have been a research focus due to their ability to reduce CO2 into CO, a feedstock for further conversion. Many methods have been employed to modulate CO2 reduction (CDR) vs hydrogen evolution reaction (HER) selectivity on gold electrodes such as nano-/mesostructuring and crystal faceting control. Herein we show that gold surfaces with very different morphologies (planar, leaves, and wires) lead to similar bell-shaped CO faradaic efficiency as a function of applied potential. At low overpotential (E > -0.85 V vs standard hydrogen electrode (SHE)), HER is dominant via a potential quasi-independent rate that we attribute to a rate limiting process of surface dissociation of competent proton donors. As overpotential is increased, CO faradaic efficiency reaches a maximal value (near 90%) because CO production is controlled by an electron transfer rate that increases with potential, whereas HER remains almost potential independent. At high overpotential (E < -1.2 V vs SHE), CO faradaic efficiency decreases due to the concurrent rise of HER via bicarbonate direct reduction and leveling off of CDR as CO2 replenishment at the catalyst surface is limited by mass transport and homogeneous coupled reactions. Importantly, the analysis shows that recent attempts to overcome mass transport limitations with gas diffusion electrodes confront low carbon mass balance owing to the prominence of homogeneous reactions coupled to CDR. The comprehensive kinetics analysis of the factors defining CDR vs HER on gold electrodes developed here provides an activation-driving force relationship over a large potential window and informs on the design of conditions to achieve desirable high current densities for CO2 to CO conversion while maintaining high selectivity.

Chem Sci ; 10(22): 5656-5666, 2019 Jun 14.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-31293750


The two main types of charge storage devices - batteries and double layer charging capacitors - can be unambiguously distinguished from one another by the shape and scan rate dependence of their cyclic voltammetric current-potential (CV) responses. This is not the case with "pseudocapacitors" and with the notion of "pseudocapacitance", as originally put forward by Conway et al. After insisting on the necessity of precisely defining "pseudocapacitance" as involving faradaic processes and having, at the same time, a capacitive signature, we discuss the modelling of "pseudocapacitive" responses, revisiting Conway's derivations and analysing critically the other contributions to the subject, leading unmistakably to the conclusion that "pseudocapacitors" are actually true capacitors and that "pseudocapacitance" is a basically incorrect notion. Taking cobalt oxide films as a tutorial example, we describe the way in which a (true) electrical double layer is built upon oxidation of the film in its insulating state up to an ohmic conducting state. The lessons drawn at this occasion are used to re-examine the classical oxides, RuO2, MnO2, TiO2, Nb2O5 and other examples of putative "pseudocapacitive" materials. Addressing the dynamics of charge storage-a key issue in the practice of power of the energy storage device-it is shown that ohmic potential drop in the pores is the governing factor rather than counter-ion diffusion as often asserted, based on incorrect diagnosis by means of scan rate variations in CV studies.

ACS Appl Mater Interfaces ; 11(32): 28769-28773, 2019 Aug 14.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-31311266


The transition between the insulator state and the band-conducting state is investigated by means of cyclic voltammetry in cobalt oxide porous film electrodes in phosphate-buffered solutions. It is shown that a proton-coupled faradaic oxidative process starting in the insulator region eventually builds an ohmic conduction mode upon anodic polarization. This model allows one to understand the origin of the authentic capacitive behavior of conductive metal oxide films rather than the so-called "pseudocapacitive" behavior. The particular example of cobalt oxide serves to illustrate the way in which, more generally, the behavior of "pseudocapacitors", long ascribed to the superposition of faradaic reactions, is in fact that of true capacitors, once band-conduction has been established upon oxidation of the material.

Proc Natl Acad Sci U S A ; 116(23): 11147-11152, 2019 06 04.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-31101717


As an accompaniment to the current renaissance of synthetic organic electrochemistry, the heterogeneous and space-dependent nature of electrochemical reactions is analyzed in detail. The reactions that follow the initial electron transfer step and yield the products are intimately coupled with reactant transport. Depiction of the ensuing reactions profiles is the key to the mechanism and selectivity parameters. Analysis is eased by the steady state resulting from coupling of diffusion with convection forced by solution stirring or circulation. Homogeneous molecular catalysis of organic electrochemical reactions of the redox or chemical type may be treated in the same manner. The same benchmarking procedures recently developed for the activation of small molecules in the context of modern energy challenges lead to the establishment and comparison of the catalytic Tafel plots. At the very opposite, redox-neutral chemical reactions may be catalyzed by injection (or removal) of an electron from the electrode. This class of reactions has currently few, but very thoroughly analyzed, examples. It is likely that new cases will emerge in the near future.

Chem Sci ; 11(4): 1006-1010, 2019 Nov 29.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-34084355


A recent remarkable study of the C-H oxidation of substituted fluorenyl-benzoates together with the transfer of a proton to an internal receiving group by means of electron transfer outer-sphere oxidants, in the noteworthy absence of hydrogen-bonding interactions, is taken as an example to uncover the existence of a mechanism crossover, making the reaction pass from a CPET pathway to a PTET pathway as the driving force of the global reaction decreases. This was also the occasion to stress that considerations based on "imbalanced" or "asynchronous" transition states cannot replace activation/driving force models based on the quantum mechanical treatment of both electrons and transferring protons.

J Am Chem Soc ; 141(1): 89-93, 2019 01 09.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-30563318


A reaction cycle for redox-mediated, Ni-catalyzed aryl etherification is proposed under both photoredox and electrochemically mediated conditions. We demonstrate that a self-sustained Ni(I/III) cycle is operative in both cases by chemically synthesizing and characterizing a common paramagnetic Ni intermediate and establishing its catalytic activity. Furthermore, deleterious pathways leading to off-cycle Ni(II) species have been identified, allowing us to discover optimized conditions for achieving self-sustained reactivity at a ∼15-fold increase in the quantum yield and a ∼3-fold increase in the faradaic yield. These results highlight the importance of leveraging insight of complete reaction cycles for increasing the efficiency of redox-mediated reactions.

J Am Chem Soc ; 140(48): 16669-16675, 2018 12 05.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-30392356


Benchmarking and optimization of molecular catalysts for electrochemical reactions have become central issues in the efforts to match contemporary renewable energy challenges. In view of some confusion in the field, we precisely define the notions and parameters (potentials, overpotentials, turnover frequencies) involved in the accomplishment of these objectives and examine the correlations that may link them, thermodynamically and/or kinetically to each other (catalytic Tafel plots, scaling relationships, "iron laws"). To develop this tutorial section, we have picked as the model catalytic reaction scheme a moderately complex mechanism, general enough to illustrate the essential issues to be encountered and sufficiently simple to avoid the algebraic nightmare that a systematic study of all possible pathways would entail. The notion of scaling relations will be the object of particular attention, having notably in mind the delimitation of their domain of applicability. At this occasion, emphasis will be put on the necessity of clearly separating what is relevant to intrinsic characteristics (through standard quantities) to what deals with the effect of varying the reactant concentrations. It will be also stressed that the occurrence of such scaling relations, otherwise named "iron laws", is not a general phenomenon but rather concerns families of catalysts. Likewise, the search of a general correlation between the maximal turnover frequency and the equilibrium free energy of the electrochemical reaction appears as irrelevant and misleading. This general analysis will then be illustrated by experimental data previously obtained with the O2-to-H2O conversion catalyzed by ironIII/II porphyrins in N, N'-dimethylformamide in the presence of Brönsted acids.