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Proc Natl Acad Sci U S A ; 120(42): e2303964120, 2023 Oct 17.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-37812707


We present stable hydrogen-isotope analyses of volcanic glass ([Formula: see text]Dg) and radiometric ages (U-Pb zircon, U-Th calcite, AMS14C) from deformed sedimentary deposits in the vicinity of the intermontane Pocitos Basin in the central Puna of the Andean Plateau at about 24.5°S. Our results demonstrate 2-km surface uplift since the middle to late Miocene and protracted shortening that persists until the present day, while other sectors of the Puna show evidence for tectonically neutral and/or extensional settings. These findings are at odds with previous studies suggesting near-modern elevations (4 km) of the Puna Plateau since the late Eocene and formation of the intermontane Miocene Arizaro-Pocitos Basin associated with gravitational foundering of a dense lithosphere. Geophysical and geochemical data support the removal of continental lithosphere beneath the Puna, but the timing and mechanisms by which this removal occurs have remained controversial. We hypothesize that intermontane basin formation in the central Puna is the result of crustal shortening since about 20 Ma, followed by rapid surface uplift, likely related to lithospheric delamination.

Nat Commun ; 13(1): 5209, 2022 Sep 07.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-36071035


The Early Jurassic Butcher Ridge Igneous Complex (BRIC) in the Transantarctic Mountains contains abundant and variably hydrated silicic glass which has the potential to preserve a rich paleoclimate record. Here we present Fourier Transform Infrared Spectroscopic data that indicates BRIC glasses contain up to ~8 wt.% molecular water (H2Om), and low (<0.8 wt.%) hydroxyl (OH) component, interpreted as evidence for secondary hydration by meteoric water. BRIC glasses contain the most depleted hydrogen isotopes yet measured in terrestrial rocks, down to δD = -325 ‰. In situ 40Ar/39Ar geochronology of hydrated glasses with ultra-depleted δD values yield ages from 105 Ma to 72 Ma with a peak at c. 91.4 Ma. Combined, these data suggest hydration of BRIC glasses by polar glacial ice and melt water during the Late Cretaceous, contradicting paleoclimate reconstructions of this period that suggest Antarctica was ice-free and part of a global hot greenhouse.

Sci Adv ; 7(21)2021 May.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-34138741


Rhyolitic melt that fuels explosive eruptions often originates in the upper crust via extraction from crystal-rich sources, implying an evolutionary link between volcanism and residual plutonism. However, the time scales over which these systems evolve are mainly understood through erupted deposits, limiting confirmation of this connection. Exhumed plutons that preserve a record of high-silica melt segregation provide a critical subvolcanic perspective on rhyolite generation, permitting comparison between time scales of long-term assembly and transient melt extraction events. Here, U-Pb zircon petrochronology and 40Ar/39Ar thermochronology constrain silicic melt segregation and residual cumulate formation in a ~7 to 6 Ma, shallow (3 to 7 km depth) Andean pluton. Thermo-petrological simulations linked to a zircon saturation model map spatiotemporal melt flux distributions. Our findings suggest that ~50 km3 of rhyolitic melt was extracted in ~130 ka, transient pluton assembly that indicates the thermal viability of advanced magma differentiation in the upper crust.

Nat Commun ; 12(1): 1234, 2021 Feb 23.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-33623014


Lavas erupted at hotspot volcanoes provide evidence of mantle heterogeneity. Samoan Island lavas with high 87Sr/86Sr (>0.706) typify a mantle source incorporating ancient subducted sediments. To further characterize this source, we target a single high 87Sr/86Sr lava from Savai'i Island, Samoa for detailed analyses of 87Sr/86Sr and 143Nd/144Nd isotopes and major and trace elements on individual magmatic clinopyroxenes. We show the clinopyroxenes exhibit a remarkable range of 87Sr/86Sr-including the highest observed in an oceanic hotspot lava-encompassing ~30% of the oceanic mantle's total variability. These new isotopic data, data from other Samoan lavas, and magma mixing calculations are consistent with clinopyroxene 87Sr/86Sr variability resulting from magma mixing between a high silica, high 87Sr/86Sr (up to 0.7316) magma, and a low silica, low 87Sr/86Sr magma. Results provide insight into the composition of magmas derived from a sediment-infiltrated mantle source and document the fate of sediment recycled into Earth's mantle.