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Ann Bot ; 2023 Nov 16.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-37968940


BACKGROUND AND AIM: Plant disjunctions have fascinated biogeographers and ecologists for a long time. We use tribe Bocageeae (Annonaceae), a predominantly Neotropical plant group distributed across several present-day Neotropical biomes and with an African-American disjunction, to investigate long-distance dispersal mediated by frugivorous animals at both intercontinental and intracontinental scales. METHODS: We reconstructed a species-level phylogeny of tribe Bocageeae with a dataset composed of 116 nuclear markers. We sampled 70% of Bocageeae species, covering its geographic range and representing all eight genera. We estimated divergence times using BEAST, inferred ancestral range distributions and reconstructed ancestral states for fruit traits related to long-distance dispersal in a Bayesian framework. KEY RESULTS: The ancestral Bocageeae date to the Early Eocene and were inferred to occur in Africa and proto-Amazonia. Its ancestral fruits were large and dehiscent. The first lineage split gave rise to an exclusively Neotropical clade during the Middle Eocene, in proto-Amazonia. Range exchange between the Amazon and the Atlantic Forest occurred at least once during the Miocene, and from Amazonia to Central America and Mexico, during the Early Miocene. Transitions in different sets of fruit morphologies were inferred to be related to dispersal events across South American regions/biomes. CONCLUSIONS: In Bocageeae mammals may have been responsible for long-distance dispersal through the Boreotropics. In the Neotropics, proto-Amazonia is proposed to be the source for dispersal to other tropical American biomes. Long-distance dispersal may have happened via a wide range of dispersal guilds, depending on frugivore radiations, diversity, and abundance at particular time periods and places. Hence, inter- and intracontinental dispersal may not rely on a single dispersal syndrome or guild, but more on the availability of frugivorous lineages for seed dispersal.

PhytoKeys ; 233: 1-200, 2023.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-37811332


Monodoreae (Annonaceae) is a tribe composed of 11 genera and 90 species restricted to the tropical African rain forests. All the genera are taxonomically well circumscribed except the species rich genera Uvariodendron and Uvariopsis which lack a recent taxonomic revision. Here, we used a robust phylogenomic approach, including all the 90 currently accepted species, with several specimens per species, and based on more than 300 Annonaceae-specific nuclear genes, to infer the phylogenetic tree of the Monodoreae and test the limits between the genera and species. We recover all the genera as monophyletic, except the genus Uvariopsis for which the species Uvariopsistripetala falls outside this clade. We thus reinstate the monotypic genus Dennettia for its single species Dennettiatripetala. We also erect a new tribe, Ophrypetaleae trib. nov., to accommodate the genera Ophrypetalum and Sanrafaelia, as we recover them excluded from the Monodoreae tribe with good support. Below the genus level, the genera Isolona, Monodora, Uvariastrum, Uvariodendron and Uvariopsis show weakly supported nodes and phylogenetic conflicts, suggesting that population level processes of evolution might occur in these clades. Our results also support, at the molecular level, the description of several new species of Uvariodendron and Uvariopsis, as well as several new synonymies. Finally, we present a taxonomic revision of the genera Dennettia, Uvariodendron and Uvariopsis, which contain one, 18 and 17 species respectively. We provide a key to the 11 genera of the Monodoraeae and describe four new species to science: Uvariodendronkimbozaense Dagallier & Couvreur, sp. nov., Uvariodendronmossambicense Robson ex Dagallier & Couvreur, sp. nov., Uvariodendronpilosicarpum Dagallier & Couvreur, sp. nov. and Uvariopsisoligocarpa Dagallier & Couvreur, sp. nov., and provide provisional descriptions of three putatively new species. We also present lectotypifications and nomenclatural changes implying synonymies and new combinations (Uvariodendroncitriodorum (Le Thomas) Dagallier & Couvreur, comb. et stat. nov., Uvariodendronfuscumvar.magnificum (Verdc.) Dagallier & Couvreur, comb. et stat. nov., Uvariopsiscongensisvar.angustifolia Dagallier & Couvreur, var. nov., Uvariopsisguineensisvar.globiflora (Keay) Dagallier & Couvreur, comb. et stat. nov., and Uvariopsissolheidiivar.letestui (Pellegr.) Dagallier & Couvreur, comb. et stat. nov.).

RésuméLa tribu des Monodoreae (Annonaceae) est composée de 11 genres et 90 espèces des forêts tropicales humides d'Afrique. Tout les genres sont taxonomiquement bien résolus, à part les genres Uvariodendron et Uvariopsis qui manquent d'une révision taxonomique récente. Ici, nous avons utilisé une approche phylogénomique robuste pour estimer l'arbre phylogénétique des Monodoreae, et tester les limites de genres et d'espèces. Pour cela, nous avons inclut les 90 espèces acceptées, et avons séquencé plus de 300 gènes. Tous les genres sont retrouvés monophylétiques, à part le genre Uvariopsis pour lequel l'espèce Uvariopsistripetala se retrouve exclue. Nous rétablissons donc le genre monotypique Dennettia et son unique espèce Dennettiatripetala. Nous érigeons une nouvelle tribu, les Ophrypetaleae trib. nov., pour accueillir les genres Ophrypetalum et Sanrafaelia, car nous les retrouvons exclus de la tribu des Monodoreae avec un bon support. Au niveau infra-générique, les genres Isolona, Monodora, Uvariastrum, Uvariodendron et Uvariopsis montrent de faibles supports de noeuds et des conflits phylogénétiques, ce qui suggère que des processus d'évolution se déroulent au niveau des populations. Nos résultats soutiennent également, sur un plan moléculaire, la description de plusieurs nouvelles espèces d'Uvariodendron et d'Uvariopsis, de même que plusieurs synonymies. Enfin, nous présentons une révision taxonomique des genres Dennettia, Uvariodendron et Uvariopsis, qui contiennent respectivement un, 18 et 17 espèces. Nous fournissons une clé des 11 genres de Monodoreae, et décrivons quatre nouvelles espèces pour la science: Uvariodendronkimbozaense Dagallier & Couvreur, sp. nov., Uvariodendronmossambicense Robson ex Dagallier & Couvreur, sp. nov., Uvariodendronpilosicarpum Dagallier & Couvreur, sp. nov. et Uvariopsisoligocarpa Dagallier & Couvreur, sp. nov., et fournissons une description provisoire de trois autres potentielles. Nous effectuons des lectotypifications et des changements nomenclaturaux tels que des synonymies et des nouvelles combinaisons (Uvariodendroncitriodorum (Le Thomas) Dagallier & Couvreur, comb. et stat. nov., Uvariodendronfuscumvar.magnificum (Verdc.) Dagallier & Couvreur, comb. et stat. nov., Uvariopsiscongensisvar.angustifolia Dagallier & Couvreur, var. nov., Uvariopsisguineensisvar.globiflora (Keay) Dagallier & Couvreur, comb. stat. nov., et Uvariopsissolheidiivar.letestui (Pellegr.) Dagallier & Couvreur, comb. stat. nov.).

Ann Bot ; 2023 Sep 02.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-37659091


BACKGROUND AND AIMS: Throughout the Cenozoic, Africa underwent several climatic and geological changes impacting the evolution of tropical rain forests (TRF). African TRF are thought to have extended from East to West in a 'pan-African' TRF, followed by several events of fragmentation during drier climate periods. During the Miocene, climate cooling and mountain uplift led to the aridification of tropical Africa and open habitats expanded at the expense of TRF, which likely experienced local extinctions. However, in plants, these drivers were previously inferred using limited taxonomic and molecular data. Here, we tested the impact of climate and geological changes on diversification within the diverse clade Monodoreae (Annonaceae) composed of 90 tree species restricted to African TRF. METHODS: We reconstructed a near complete phylogenetic tree, based on 32 nuclear genes, and dated using relaxed clocks and fossil calibrations in a Bayesian framework. We inferred the biogeographic history and the diversification dynamics of the clade using multiple birth-death models. KEY RESULTS: Monodoreae originated in East African TRF ca. 25 million years ago (Ma) and expanded toward Central Africa during the Miocene. We inferred range contractions during the middle Miocene and document important connections between East and West African TRF after 15-13 Ma. Our results indicated a sudden extinction event during the late Miocene, followed by an increase in speciation rates. Birth-death models suggested that African elevation change (orogeny) is positively linked to speciation in this clade. CONCLUSION: East Africa is inferred as an important source of Monodoreae species, and possibly for African plant diversity in general. Our results support a "sequential scenario of diversification" where increased aridification triggered extinction of TRF species in Monodoreae. This was quickly followed by rain forests fragmentation, subsequently enhancing lagged speciation resulting from vicariance and improved climate conditions. In contrast to previous ideas, the uplift of East Africa is shown to have played a positive role in Monodoreae diversification.

PhytoKeys ; 227: 181-198, 2023.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-37396012


Flagelliflory refers to the production of inflorescences exclusively on long, whip-like branches which emerge from the main trunk and extend along the ground or below it. It is the rarest type of cauliflory and only a few cases have been reported in the world. Here, a new species of Annonaceae with flagelliflory is described and illustrated. The phylogenetic relationships of the new species were inferred using a hybrid-capture phylogenomic approach and we present some notes on its reproductive ecology and pollen characteristics. The new species, namely Desmopsisterriflorasp. nov., is part of a clade composed of Mexican species of Stenanona with long, awned petals. Desmopsisterriflora is distinguished by its flageliflorous inflorescences, basely fused sepals, thick red petals, reduced number of ovules per carpel, pollen grains with a weakly rugulate to fossulate exine ornamentation, and its globose, apiculate fruits with a woody testa. The morphological characteristics of the flagella suggest that these are specialized branches rather than inflorescences, and the absence of ramiflory implies an exclusively reproductive function. The flowers are infrequently visited by insects, their potential pollinators being flies and ants.

Sci Data ; 10(1): 327, 2023 05 26.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-37236921


The Checklist of the Vascular Plants of the Republic of Guinea (CVPRG) is a specimen-based, expert-validated knowledge product, which provides a concise synthesis and overview of current knowledge on 3901 vascular plant species documented from Guinea (Conakry), West Africa, including their accepted names and synonyms, as well as their distribution and status within Guinea (indigenous or introduced, endemic or not). The CVPRG is generated automatically from the Guinea Collections Database and the Guinea Names Backbone Database, both developed and maintained at the Royal Botanic Gardens, Kew, in collaboration with the staff of the National Herbarium of Guinea. A total of 3505 indigenous vascular plant species are reported of which 3328 are flowering plants (angiosperms); this represents a 26% increase in known indigenous angiosperms since the last floristic overview. Intended as a reference for scientists documenting the diversity and distribution of the Guinea flora, the CVPRG will also inform those seeking to safeguard the rich plant diversity of Guinea and the societal, ecological and economic benefits accruing from these biological resources.

Magnoliopsida , Traqueófitas , Guiné , Plantas
Mitochondrial DNA B Resour ; 7(8): 1540-1544, 2022.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-36046105


Bactris gasipaes var. gasipaes (Arecaceae, Palmae) is an economically and socially important plant species for populations across tropical South and Central America. It has been domesticated from its wild variety, B. gasipaes var. chichagui, since pre-Columbian times. In this study, we sequenced the plastome of the cultivated variety, B. gasipaes Kunth var. gasipaes and compared it with the published plastome of the wild variety. The chloroplast sequence obtained was 156,580 bp. The cultivated chloroplast sequence was conserved compared to the wild type sequence with 99.8% of nucleotide identity. We did, however, identify multiple Single Nucleotide Variants (SNVs), insertions, microsatellites and a resolved region of missing nucleotides. A SNV in one of the core barcode markers (matK) was detected between the wild and cultivated accessions. Phylogenetic analysis was carried out across the Arecaceae family and compared to previous reports, resulting in an identical topology. This study is a step forward in understanding the genome evolution of this species.

PhytoKeys ; 194: 33-46, 2022.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-35586327


We report the rediscovery of the Critically Endangered cloud forest herb Gasteranthusextinctus, not seen since 1985. In 2019 and 2021, G.extinctus was recorded at five sites in the western foothills of the Ecuadorian Andes, 4-25 km from the type locality at the celebrated Centinela ridge. We describe the species' distribution, abundance, habitat and conservation status and offer recommendations for further research and conservation efforts focused on G.extinctus and the small, disjunct forest remnants it occupies.

Syst Biol ; 71(3): 758-773, 2022 04 19.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-34613395


Estimating time-dependent rates of speciation and extinction from dated phylogenetic trees of extant species (timetrees), and determining how and why they vary, is key to understanding how ecological and evolutionary processes shape biodiversity. Due to an increasing availability of phylogenetic trees, a growing number of process-based methods relying on the birth-death model have been developed in the last decade to address a variety of questions in macroevolution. However, this methodological progress has regularly been criticized such that one may wonder how reliable the estimations of speciation and extinction rates are. In particular, using lineages-through-time (LTT) plots, a recent study has shown that there are an infinite number of equally likely diversification scenarios that can generate any timetree. This has led to questioning whether or not diversification rates should be estimated at all. Here, we summarize, clarify, and highlight technical considerations on recent findings regarding the capacity of models to disentangle diversification histories. Using simulations, we illustrate the characteristics of newly proposed "pulled rates" and their utility. We recognize that the recent findings are a step forward in understanding the behavior of macroevolutionary modeling, but they in no way suggest we should abandon diversification modeling altogether. On the contrary, the study of macroevolution using phylogenetic trees has never been more exciting and promising than today. We still face important limitations in regard to data availability and methods, but by acknowledging them we can better target our joint efforts as a scientific community. [Birth-death models; extinction; phylogenetics; speciation.].

Biodiversidade , Especiação Genética , Evolução Biológica , Filogenia , Tempo
Mol Phylogenet Evol ; 166: 107314, 2022 01.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-34592464


The palm tribe Phytelepheae form a clade of three genera and eight species whose phylogenetic relationships and historical biogeography are not fully understood. Based on morphological similarities and phylogenetic relatedness, it has been suggested that Phytelephas seemannii and Phytelephas schottii are synonyms of Phytelephas macrocarpa, implying the existence of only six species within the Phytelepheae. In addition, uncertainty in their phylogenetic relationships in turn results in blurred biogeographic history. We inferred the phylogenomic relationships in the Phytelepheae by target-capturing 176 nuclear genes and estimated divergence times by using four fossils for time calibration. We lastly explored the biogeographic history of the tribe by inferring its ancestral range evolution. Our phylogenomic trees showed that P. seemannii and P. schottii are not closely related with P. macrocarpa, and therefore, support the existence of eight species in the Phytelepheae. The ancestor of the tribe was widely-distributed in the Chocó, Magdalena, and Amazonia during the Miocene at 19.25 Ma. Early diversification in Phytelephas at 5.27 Ma could have occurred by trans-Andean vicariance after the western Andes uplifted rapidly at âˆ¼ 10 Ma. Our results show the utility of phylogenomic approaches to shed light on species relationships and their biogeographic history.

Arecaceae , Verduras , Arecaceae/genética , Brasil , Filogenia , Filogeografia
PhytoKeys ; 207: 1-532, 2022.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-36760862


Annonaceae is a major pantropical family with 113 genera and about 2550 species. Cameroon is one of the most biodiverse countries in Africa but its flora remains incompletely known. In this volume of the Flora of Cameroon, we describe 166 native taxa representing 163 species in 28 native genera within the family Annonaceae. A total of 22 species (about 13%) are endemic to the country. We provide keys to all native genera, species, and infraspecific taxa. For each species a detailed morphological description and a map of its distribution in Cameroon are provided. Distribution maps and diversity analyses are based on a taxonomically verified database of 2073 collections. Across Africa, Cameroon is a center of diversity for Annonaceae harboring one of the highest numbers of species and genera. For example, Cameroon harbors the highest number of African species for the only pantropical genus of Annonaceae, Xylopia. Annonaceae are found across all 10 administrative regions of Cameroon but diversity is concentrated within the tropical rain forest areas situated in the south and South-West. The areas around Bipindi and Mount Cameroon show the highest levels of diversity, but this is correlated with collection effort. Line drawings and/or photographs accompany most species. One species new to science Uvariopsisetugeana Dagallier & Couvreur sp. nov. is described. We also undertake a number of nomenclatural changes such as lectotypifications, six new synonymies and two new combinations (Uvariaanisotricha (Le Thomas) Couvreur, comb. nov.; Uvariodendronfuscumvar.giganteum (Engl.) Dagallier & Couvreur, comb. nov.).

RésuméLes Annonacées sont une grande famille pantropicale avec 113 genres et 2550 espèces. Le Cameroun est l'un des pays les plus riches en biodiversité d'Afrique mais sa flore reste incomplètement connue. Dans ce volume de la Flore du Cameroun, nous décrivons 166 taxons représentant 163 espèces dans 28 genres au sein de la famille des Annonaceae. Au total, 22 espèces (environ 13%) sont endémiques du pays. Nous fournissons une clé de tous les genres et espèces et des infra-espèces au sein des genres. Pour chaque espèce une description morphologique détaillée et une carte de sa répartition au Cameroun sont fournies. Les cartes de distribution et les analyses de diversité sont basées sur une base de données taxonomiquement vérifiée de 2073 collections. À travers l'Afrique, le Cameroun est un centre de diversité pour les Annonacées abritant l'un des plus grands nombres d'espèces et de genres. Par exemple, le Cameroun abrite le plus grand nombre d'espèces africaines pour le seul genre pantropical d'Annonaceae, Xylopia. Les Annonaceae sont présentent dans les 10 régions du Cameroun, mais la plus grande diversité est concentrée dans les régions abritant la forêt tropicale humide située au sud et au sud-ouest. Les zones autour de Bipindi et du Mont Cameroun présentent les niveaux de diversité les plus élevés, mais cela est corrélé à l'effort de collecte. Des dessins et/ou des photographies accompagnent la plupart des espèces. Une espèce nouvelle pour la science Uvariopsisetugeana Dagalier & Couvreur sp. nov. est décrite. Nous entreprenons également un certain nombre de changements nomenclaturaux tels que des lectotypifications, six nouvelles synonymies et deux nouvelles combinaisons (Uvariaanisotricha (Le Thomas) Couvreur, comb. nov.; Uvariodendronfuscumvar.giganteum (Engl.) Dagalier & Couvreur, comb. nov.).

PhytoKeys ; 174: 107-126, 2021.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-33776526


East Africa is a hotspot of biodiversity with many endemic plant species. We describe three new species of the genus Uvariodendron (Annonaceae) from the coastal forests of Kenya and Tanzania. Uvariodendron mbagoi Dagallier & Couvreur, sp. nov. is endemic to Tanzania and unique within the genus by its strong bergamot scent and its tomentose fruits having regular tufts of higher hair density. Uvariodendron dzomboense Dagallier, W.R.Q. Luke & Couvreur, sp. nov. is endemic to Dzombo Hill in Kenya and is rendered distinct by its small leaves and very densely pubescent carpels. Uvariodendron schmidtii W.R.Q. Luke, Dagallier & Couvreur, sp. nov. is endemic to Shimba Hills in Kenya and differs by its small flowers and fused sepals forming a ring. Following IUCN criteria we assessed U. mbagoi and U. dzomboense as endangered (EN) while U. schmidtii is assessed as Vulnerable (VU). We also propose a new combination: Polyceratocarpus oligocarpus (Verdc.) Dagallier, comb. nov. The description of these three new species underlines the richness in endemics in East Africa and that new discoveries might arise from further botanical exploration of this region.

Mol Ecol Resour ; 21(5): 1608-1619, 2021 Jul.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-33569882


The flowering plant family Annonaceae includes important commercially grown tropical crops, but development of promising species is hindered by a lack of genomic resources to build breeding programs. Annonaceae are part of the magnoliids, an ancient lineage of angiosperms for which evolutionary relationships with other major clades remain unclear. To provide resources to breeders and evolutionary researchers, we report a chromosome-level genome assembly of the soursop (Annona muricata). We assembled the genome using 444.32 Gb of DNA sequences (676× sequencing depth) from PacBio and Illumina short-reads, in combination with 10× Genomics and Bionano data (v1). A total of 949 scaffolds were assembled to a final size of 656.77 Mb, with a scaffold N50 of 3.43 Mb (v1), and then further improved to seven pseudo-chromosomes using Hi-C sequencing data (v2; scaffold N50: 93.2 Mb, total size in chromosomes: 639.6 Mb). Heterozygosity was very low (0.06%), while repeat sequences accounted for 54.87% of the genome, and 23,375 protein-coding genes with an average of 4.79 exons per gene were annotated using de novo, RNA-seq and homology-based approaches. Reconstruction of the historical population size showed a slow continuous contraction, probably related to Cenozoic climate changes. The soursop is the first genome assembled in Annonaceae, supporting further studies of floral evolution in magnoliids, providing an essential resource for delineating relationships of ancient angiosperm lineages. Both genome-assisted improvement and conservation efforts will be strengthened by the availability of the soursop genome. As a community resource, this assembly will further strengthen the role of Annonaceae as model species for research on the ecology, evolution and domestication potential of tropical species in pomology and agroforestry.

Annona , Genoma de Planta , Annona/genética , Cromossomos de Plantas , Anotação de Sequência Molecular , Melhoramento Vegetal
Mol Phylogenet Evol ; 157: 107067, 2021 04.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-33412273


Well-supported phylogenies are a prerequisite for the study of the evolution and diversity of life on earth. The subfamily Calamoideae accounts for more than one fifth of the palm family (Arecaceae), occurs in tropical rainforests across the world, and supports a billion-dollar industry in rattan products. It contains ca. 550 species in 17 genera, 10 subtribes and three tribes, but their phylogenetic relationships remain insufficiently understood. Here, we sequenced almost one thousand nuclear genomic regions for 75 systematically selected Calamoideae, representing the taxonomic diversity within all calamoid genera. Our phylogenomic analyses resolved a maximally supported phylogenetic backbone for the Calamoideae, including several higher-level relationships not previously inferred. In-depth analysis revealed low gene tree conflict for the backbone but complex deep evolutionary histories within several subtribes. Overall, our phylogenomic framework sheds new light on the evolution of palms and provides a robust foundation for future comparative studies, such as taxonomy, systematics, biogeography, and macroevolutionary research.

Arecaceae/classificação , Arecaceae/genética , Filogenia , Sequência de Bases , Biodiversidade , Núcleo Celular/genética , Éxons/genética , Marcadores Genéticos , Genômica
Biol Rev Camb Philos Soc ; 96(1): 16-51, 2021 02.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-32924323


Tropical Africa is home to an astonishing biodiversity occurring in a variety of ecosystems. Past climatic change and geological events have impacted the evolution and diversification of this biodiversity. During the last two decades, around 90 dated molecular phylogenies of different clades across animals and plants have been published leading to an increased understanding of the diversification and speciation processes generating tropical African biodiversity. In parallel, extended geological and palaeoclimatic records together with detailed numerical simulations have refined our understanding of past geological and climatic changes in Africa. To date, these important advances have not been reviewed within a common framework. Here, we critically review and synthesize African climate, tectonics and terrestrial biodiversity evolution throughout the Cenozoic to the mid-Pleistocene, drawing on recent advances in Earth and life sciences. We first review six major geo-climatic periods defining tropical African biodiversity diversification by synthesizing 89 dated molecular phylogeny studies. Two major geo-climatic factors impacting the diversification of the sub-Saharan biota are highlighted. First, Africa underwent numerous climatic fluctuations at ancient and more recent timescales, with tectonic, greenhouse gas, and orbital forcing stimulating diversification. Second, increased aridification since the Late Eocene led to important extinction events, but also provided unique diversification opportunities shaping the current tropical African biodiversity landscape. We then review diversification studies of tropical terrestrial animal and plant clades and discuss three major models of speciation: (i) geographic speciation via vicariance (allopatry); (ii) ecological speciation impacted by climate and geological changes, and (iii) genomic speciation via genome duplication. Geographic speciation has been the most widely documented to date and is a common speciation model across tropical Africa. We conclude with four important challenges faced by tropical African biodiversity research: (i) to increase knowledge by gathering basic and fundamental biodiversity information; (ii) to improve modelling of African geophysical evolution throughout the Cenozoic via better constraints and downscaling approaches; (iii) to increase the precision of phylogenetic reconstruction and molecular dating of tropical African clades by using next generation sequencing approaches together with better fossil calibrations; (iv) finally, as done here, to integrate data better from Earth and life sciences by focusing on the interdisciplinary study of the evolution of tropical African biodiversity in a wider geodiversity context.

Biodiversidade , Ecossistema , Animais , Fósseis , Filogenia , Plantas/genética
Proc Natl Acad Sci U S A ; 117(51): 32509-32518, 2020 12 22.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-33277432


Understanding the evolutionary dynamics of genetic diversity is fundamental for species conservation in the face of climate change, particularly in hyper-diverse biomes. Species in a region may respond similarly to climate change, leading to comparable evolutionary dynamics, or individualistically, resulting in dissimilar patterns. The second-largest expanse of continuous tropical rain forest (TRF) in the world is found in Central Africa. Here, present-day patterns of genetic structure are thought to be dictated by repeated expansion and contraction of TRFs into and out of refugia during Pleistocene climatic fluctuations. This refugia model implies a common response to past climate change. However, given the unrivalled diversity of TRFs, species could respond differently because of distinct environmental requirements or ecological characteristics. To test this, we generated genome-wide sequence data for >700 individuals of seven codistributed plants from Lower Guinea in Central Africa. We inferred species' evolutionary and demographic histories within a comparative phylogeographic framework. Levels of genetic structure varied among species and emerged primarily during the Pleistocene, but divergence events were rarely concordant. Demographic trends ranged from repeated contraction and expansion to continuous growth. Furthermore, patterns in genetic variation were linked to disparate environmental factors, including climate, soil, and habitat stability. Using a strict refugia model to explain past TRF dynamics is too simplistic. Instead, individualistic evolutionary responses to Pleistocene climatic fluctuations have shaped patterns in genetic diversity. Predicting the future dynamics of TRFs under climate change will be challenging, and more emphasis is needed on species ecology to better conserve TRFs worldwide.

Fenômenos Fisiológicos Vegetais , Floresta Úmida , África Central , Evolução Biológica , Mudança Climática , Ecossistema , Variação Genética , Genética Populacional , Filogeografia , Polimorfismo de Nucleotídeo Único , Árvores/fisiologia
Mol Ecol ; 29(18): 3560-3573, 2020 09.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-32743910


The world's second largest expanse of tropical rainforest is in Central Africa, and it harbours enormous species diversity. Population genetic studies have consistently revealed significant structure across Central African rainforest plants. In particular, previous studies have repeatedly demonstrated a north-south genetic discontinuity around the equatorial line, in a continuous expanse of rainforest where a climatic inversion is documented. Here, we took a phylogeographic approach by sequencing 351 nuclear markers in 112 individuals across the distribution of the African rainforest tree species Annickia affinis (Annonaceae). We showed for the first time that the north-south divide is the result of a single, major colonization event across the climatic inversion from an ancestral population located in Gabon. We suggested that differences in ecological niche of populations located on either side of this inversion may have contributed to this phylogenetic discontinuity. We found evidence for inland dispersal, predominantly in northern areas, and variable demographic histories among genetic clusters, indicating that populations responded differently to past climate change. We show how newly developed genomic tools can provide invaluable insights into our understanding of tropical rainforest evolutionary dynamics.

Variação Genética , Floresta Úmida , África Central , Gabão , Humanos , Filogenia , Filogeografia
New Phytol ; 228(3): 1134-1148, 2020 11.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-32544251


Seed size shapes plant evolution and ecosystems, and may be driven by plant size and architecture, dispersers, habitat and insularity. How these factors influence the evolution of giant seeds is unclear, as are the rate of evolution and the biogeographical consequences of giant seeds. We generated DNA and seed size data for the palm tribe Borasseae (Arecaceae) and its relatives, which show a wide diversity in seed size and include the double coconut (Lodoicea maldivica), the largest seed in the world. We inferred their phylogeny, dispersal history and rates of change in seed size, and evaluated the possible influence of plant size, inflorescence branching, habitat and insularity on these changes. Large seeds were involved in 10 oceanic dispersals. Following theoretical predictions, we found that: taller plants with fewer-branched inflorescences produced larger seeds; seed size tended to evolve faster on islands (except Madagascar); and seeds of shade-loving Borasseae tended to be larger. Plant size and inflorescence branching may constrain seed size in Borasseae and their relatives. The possible roles of insularity, habitat and dispersers are difficult to disentangle. Evolutionary contingencies better explain the gigantism of the double coconut than unusually high rates of seed size increase.

Arecaceae , Dispersão de Sementes , Cocos , Ecossistema , Madagáscar , Sementes/genética
Plants (Basel) ; 9(4)2020 Apr 23.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-32340211


Palms are conspicuous floristic elements across the tropics. In continental Africa, even though there are less than 70 documented species, they are omnipresent across the tropical landscape. The genus Raphia has 20 accepted species in Africa and one species endemic to the Neotropics. It is the most economically important genus of African palms with most of its species producing food and construction material. Raphia is divided into five sections based on inflorescence morphology. Nevertheless, the taxonomy of Raphia is problematic with no intra-generic phylogenetic study available. We present a phylogenetic study of the genus using a targeted exon capture approach sequencing of 56 individuals representing 18 out of the 21 species. Our results recovered five well supported clades within the genus. Three sections correspond to those based on inflorescence morphology. R. regalis is strongly supported as sister to all other Raphia species and is placed into a newly described section: Erectae. Overall, morphological based identifications agreed well with our phylogenetic analyses, with 12 species recovered as monophyletic based on our sampling. Species delimitation analyses recovered 17 or 23 species depending on the confidence level used. Species delimitation is especially problematic in the Raphiate and Temulentae sections. In addition, our clustering analysis using SNP data suggested that individual clusters matched geographic distribution. The Neotropical species R. taedigera is supported as a distinct species, rejecting the hypothesis of a recent introduction into South America. Our analyses support the hypothesis that the Raphia individuals from Madagascar are potentially a distinct species different from the widely distributed R. farinifera. In conclusion, our results support the infra generic classification of Raphia based on inflorescence morphology, which is shown to be phylogenetically useful. Classification and species delimitation within sections remains problematic even with our phylogenomic approach. Certain widely distributed species could potentially contain cryptic species. More in-depth studies should be undertaken using morphometrics, increased sampling, and more variable markers. Our study provides a robust phylogenomic framework that enables further investigation on the biogeographic history, morphological evolution, and other eco-evolutionary aspects of this charismatic, socially, and economically important palm genus.

Biodivers Data J ; 8: e39677, 2020.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-32015666


Phylogenies are a central and indispensable tool for evolutionary and ecological research. Even though most angiosperm families are well investigated from a phylogenetic point of view, there are far less possibilities to carry out large-scale meta-analyses at order level or higher. Here, we reconstructed a large-scale dated phylogeny including nearly 1/8th of all angiosperm species, based on two plastid barcoding genes, matK (incl. trnK) and rbcL. Novel sequences were generated for several species, while the rest of the data were mined from GenBank. The resulting tree was dated using 56 angiosperm fossils as calibration points. The resulting megaphylogeny is one of the largest dated phylogenetic tree of angiosperms yet, consisting of 36,101 sampled species, representing 8,399 genera, 426 families and all orders. This novel framework will be useful for investigating different broad scale research questions in ecological and evolutionary biology.

New Phytol ; 225(5): 2196-2213, 2020 03.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-31665816


Determining where species diversify (cradles) and persist (museums) over evolutionary time is fundamental to understanding the distribution of biodiversity and for conservation prioritization. Here, we identify cradles and museums of angiosperm generic diversity across tropical Africa, one of the most biodiverse regions on Earth. Regions containing nonrandom concentrations of young (neo-) and old (paleo-) endemic taxa were identified using distribution data of 1719 genera combined with a newly generated time-calibrated mega-phylogenetic tree. We then compared the identified regions with the current network of African protected areas (PAs). At the generic level, phylogenetic diversity and endemism are mainly concentrated in the biogeographically complex region of Eastern Africa. We show that mountainous areas are centres of both neo- and paleo-endemism. By contrast, the Guineo-Congolian lowland rain forest region is characterized by widespread and old lineages. We found that the overlap between centres of phylogenetic endemism and PAs is high (> 85%). We show the vital role played by mountains acting simultaneously as cradles and museums of tropical African plant biodiversity. By contrast, lowland rainforests act mainly as museums for generic diversity. Our study shows that incorporating large-scale taxonomically verified distribution datasets and mega-phylogenies lead to an improved understanding of tropical plant biodiversity evolution.

Biodiversidade , Museus , África , Filogenia , Plantas