Metamaterials are artificial media which can provide optical properties not available from natural materials. These properties often result from the resonant excitation of plasmonic modes in the metallic building blocks ("metaatoms") of the metamaterial. Electromagnetic interactions between the metaatoms significantly modify the resonances of the individual metaatoms and influence the optical properties of the whole metamaterial. To better understand these interactions, we study in this Letter the evolution of the plasmonic near-field in the course of the transition from an isolated metaatom, in our case a split-ring resonator (SRR), to a photonic metamaterial via electron energy-loss spectroscopy. For small SRR ensembles, we observe the formation of discrete optical bright and dark modes due to coupling of the metaatoms. Large SRR arrays reveal a quasi-continuum of modes in the interior and distinct edge modes at the boundaries of the array. Our experimental results are in excellent agreement with numerical calculations.
Antennas convert propagating radiation to localized electromagnetic energy and to heat. To unambiguously separate between these two aspects, one needs to quantitatively determine the antenna scattering and absorption cross-section spectra. By using a spatial modulation technique combined with a common-path interferometer and lithographically fabricated individual gold nanoantennas, we experimentally determine the scattering and absorption cross-section spectra of different optical antennas simultaneously and quantitatively for the first time.
A block with a hitherto unknown system of writing has been found in the Olmec heartland of Veracruz, Mexico. Stylistic and other dating of the block places it in the early first millennium before the common era, the oldest writing in the New World, with features that firmly assign this pivotal development to the Olmec civilization of Mesoamerica.