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J Mot Behav ; 56(5): 555-567, 2024.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-38989724


The benefits of allowing learners to control when to receive knowledge of results (KR) compared to a yoked group has been recently challenged and postulated to be mild at best. A potential explanation for such dissident findings is that individuals differentially utilize the autonomy provided by the self-controlled condition, which, in its turn, affects the outcomes. Therefore, the present study investigated the effects of self-controlled KR on motor learning focusing on the frequency of KR requests when performing an anticipatory timing task. Self-controlled groups were created based on participants' KR frequency of request (High, Medium, and Low referring to fifth, third, and first quintile) and, then, Yoked groups were created self-control condition pairing the KR request of the Self-controlled groups. We also measured self-efficacy and processing time as means to verify potential correlates. The results supported the expected interaction. While no difference between self-controlled and yoked groups were found for low frequencies of KR, a moderate amount of KR request was related to better results for the self-controlled group. Nonetheless, the opposite trend was observed for high frequencies of KR; the yoked group was superior to the self-controlled group. The results of this study allow us to conclude that the choices made, and not just the possibility of choosing, seem to define the benefits of KR self-control in motor learning.

Aprendizagem , Humanos , Masculino , Feminino , Adulto Jovem , Aprendizagem/fisiologia , Adulto , Conhecimento Psicológico de Resultados , Destreza Motora/fisiologia , Autocontrole , Autoeficácia , Desempenho Psicomotor/fisiologia , Retroalimentação Psicológica/fisiologia
J Phys Act Health ; 21(1): 51-58, 2024 Jan 01.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-37883628


AIM: This randomized controlled trial compared the effects of a Conventional Exercise Program (CEP) and Culturally Relevant Activities (CRA) on body mass, cardiovascular risk, functional fitness (strength, flexibility, cardiorespiratory fitness, and agility), self-efficacy, and self-esteem in older women dwelling in Mozambique. METHODS: Fifty-seven women (67 [7] y) underwent 60-minute sessions of CEP (n = 28) or CRA (n = 29) performed 3 days per week for 12 weeks. CRA included Mozambican traditional dances and games (intensity corresponding to scores 3-4 of BORG-CR10 scale), and CEP included 20-minute stationary cycling (65%-75% heart rate reserve) and a resistance training circuit (8 exercises, 15-repetition maximum). RESULTS: CEP and CRA (P < .05) showed increased percent fat (3.4% and 5.3%), waist circumference (3.3% and 5.8%), and cardiorespiratory fitness (14.4% and 9.4%), and decreased triglycerides (-20.0% and -77.8%). In CEP (P < .05), body mass (2.9%), body mass index (3.2%), and high-density lipoprotein (10.0%) increased, while glycemia (-4.8%) and total cholesterol (-9.8%) decreased. Blood pressure slightly increased in CEP (6.2%, P > .05) and CRA (4.3%, P < .05). Self-efficacy and self-esteem increased to similar levels in both groups (15%, P < .05). CONCLUSIONS: CEP and CRA were capable to improve biopsychosocial health-related variables in Mozambican older women. Culturally referenced PA interventions should be considered as an alternative in African countries.

Aptidão Cardiorrespiratória , Exercício Físico , Humanos , Feminino , Idoso , Exercício Físico/fisiologia , Aptidão Física/fisiologia , Moçambique , Pressão Sanguínea , Terapia por Exercício
J Mot Behav ; 55(3): 256-261, 2023.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-36693652


The objective of the present study was to examine the effects of gender stereotype on the performance and learning of a classical ballet pirouette in 11-year-old boys. Participants in the stereotype threat (ST) group were informed that, in general, boys tend to show worse results when completing the pirouette task in comparison to girls. Participants in the stereotype lift (SL) group were told that girls tend to show worse results in comparison to boys. The control group did not receive stereotype instructions. The results demonstrated worse performance during practice and retention (next day) for the ST group relative to the SL and control groups; the SL and control groups did not differ. The findings indicate that gender stereotype threat can undermine motor performance and learning in boys.

Dança , Masculino , Feminino , Humanos , Criança , Aprendizagem , Estereotipagem
Fisioter. Pesqui. (Online) ; 29(1): 74-80, jan.-mar. 2022. tab
Artigo em Português | LILACS-Express | LILACS | ID: biblio-1375477


RESUMO O objetivo deste estudo foi analisar a prevalência de lesões em atletas brasileiros de pádel. Participaram 62 padelistas (40 homens), com idade média de 31,03±7,32 anos e com o treinamento periódico do esporte de pelo menos oito meses. Todos responderam ao Inquérito de Morbidade Referida (IMR), em uma etapa do circuito nacional da modalidade. O IMR continha questões que abrangiam desde a identificação dos atletas até o local anatômico, além de investigar o mecanismo, a natureza, o momento e a gravidade da lesão, assim como o retorno às atividades normais e recidivas. Os resultados revelaram uma taxa de lesão de 1,39 por atleta e 2,05 por atleta lesionado, sendo o mecanismo de lesão mais prevalente o sem contato e o momento de lesão mais frequente, o final das partidas. O local anatômico mais acometido foi o membro superior, com gravidade leve e retorno sintomático. Conclui-se que padelistas têm uma alta taxa de lesão por atleta, bem como uma alta taxa de lesão por atleta lesionado.

RESUMEN El objetivo de este estudio fue analizar la prevalencia de lesiones en atletas de pádel brasileños. Participaron 62 jugadores de pádel (40 varones), con una edad media de 31,03±7,32 años y al menos ocho meses de entrenamiento periódico en el deporte. Todos respondieron a la Encuesta de Morbilidad Referida (IMR) en una etapa del circuito nacional de este deporte. La IMR constaba de preguntas sobre los atletas, el local anatómico de la lesión, además de investigar el mecanismo, la naturaleza, el momento y la gravedad de la lesión, así como el regreso a las actividades normales y las reocurrencias. Los resultados indicaron una tasa de lesiones de 1,39 por atleta y de 2,05 por atleta lesionado; el mecanismo sin contacto fue el más prevalente; y el final de los partidos, el momento de lesión más frecuente. El miembro superior fue el local anatómico más afectado, con severidad leve y reocurrencia sintomática. Se concluye que los jugadores de pádel tienen una elevada tasa de lesiones por atleta y por atleta lesionado.

ABSTRACT This study aimed to analyze the prevalence of injuries in Brazilian padel athletes. In total, 62 padel players (40 men) participated, with an average age of 31.03±7.32 years who periodically trained for at least eight months. All individuals responded to the Referred Morbidity Survey in a stage of the national circuit of the sport, which contained questions on the athletes' identification, anatomical site, mechanism, nature, time, and severity of the injury and return to normal activities and injury recurrence. Results showed an injury rate of 1.39 per athlete and 2.05 per injured athlete, with the most prevalent injury mechanism being non-contact and the most frequent injury occurring at the end of the matches. The most affected anatomical site was the upper limb with mild severity and a symptomatic return to activities. We concluded that padel players show a high injury rate per athlete, as well as a high injury rate per injured athlete.

Conexões (Campinas, Online) ; 20: e022041, 2022.
Artigo em Português | LILACS | ID: biblio-1426171


Objetivo:O presente estudo teve como objetivo analisar a produção científica sobre o goalball em língua portuguesa no cenário brasileiro. Método:Para tal, foram analisadas 38 revistas científicas da área da Educação Física e o banco de teses e dissertações da CAPES no mês de março de 2021. As buscas ocorreram com a utilização do termo "Goalball" e os critérios de inclusão para o estudo foram artigos, dissertações e teses que tiveram como objetivo analisar o goalball, sendo o período de publicação até a data de dezembro de 2020. Não foram incluídos estudos de revisão, resumos de congresso, editoriais e cartas, como também artigos ou dissertações/teses que não possuíssem o texto completodisponível ou não estivessem em língua portuguesa. Após selecionados os estudos, foram extraídos os dados referentes ao ano, periódico de publicação, instituição dos autores e categorizados conforme a temática investigada. Os dados foram analisados com base em estatística descritiva dos valores absolutos (N) e relativos (%). Resultados e discussão:No total, foram selecionados 31 estudos, sendo 15 artigos, 15 dissertações de mestrado e 1 tese de doutorado. O primeiro estudo publicado encontrado data o ano de 1999, com a maior quantidade depublicações (n = 6) verificada no ano de 2012. A análise também revelou que as temáticas mais frequentes analisadas nos estudos sobre goalball foram referentes ao treinamento, seguidas de saúde e pedagogia. Considerações Finais:Conclui-se que apesar de um leve crescimento na última década, ainda é baixo o número de estudos analisando o goalball em língua portuguesa no cenário brasileiro.

Objective:This study aimed to analysethe scientific production on goalball in Portuguese in the Brazilian scenario. Method: Thirty-eightscientific journals in the field of Physical Education and the CAPES theses and dissertations database were analysedin March 2021. The searches were carried out using the term "Goalball" and the inclusion criteria for the study were peer-reviewed articles, dissertations and theses that aimed to analysegoalball, with the publication period up to December 2020. Review studies, conference abstracts, editorials and letters were not included, as were articles or dissertations/theses that did not have the full text or were not in Portuguese. After selecting the studies, data referring to the year, journal of publication, affiliationof the authors were extracted and categorized according to the investigated theme. Data were analysedbased on descriptive statistics of absolute (N) and relative (%) values. Results and discussion: In total, 31 studies were selected, being 15 articles, 15 master's dissertations and 1 doctoral thesis. The first published study found dates to1999, with the largest number of publications (n = 6) verified in 2012. The analysis also revealed that the most frequent themes analysedin studies on goalball were related to training, followed by health and pedagogy. FinalConsiderations:Weconcluded that despite a slight growth in the last decade, the number of studies analysinggoalball in Portuguese in the Brazilian scenario is still small.

Objetivo:Este estudio tuvo como objetivo analizar la producción científica sobre goalballen portugués en el escenario brasileño. Método:Para ello, en marzo de 2021 se analizaron 38 revistas científicas del campo de la Educación Física, también comola base de datos de tesis y disertaciones CAPES. Las búsquedas se realizaron con el término "Goalball" y los criterios de inclusión para el estudio fueron artículos, disertaciones y tesis que analizaronel goalball, con el período de publicación hasta diciembre de 2020. No fueron incluidos estudios de revisión, resúmenes de congresos, editoriales y cartas, así como artículos o disertaciones / tesis que no tenían el texto completo ono estaban en portugués. Luego de seleccionar los estudios, se extrajeron los datos referentes al año, revista de publicación, institución de los autores y categorizadossegún el tema investigado. Los datos se analizaron con base en estadísticas descriptivas de valores absolutos (N) y relativos (%). Resultados y discusión:En total, fueron seleccionaron 31 estudios, siendo 15 artículos, 15 tesis de maestría y 1 tesis de doctorado. El primer estudio encontrado fue publicado den1999, con el mayor número de publicaciones (n = 6) verificadas en 2012. El análisis también reveló que los temas más frecuentes analizados en los estudios sobre goalball estaban relacionados con el entrenamiento, seguido de la salud y pedagogía. Consideraciones finales: Se concluye que,a pesar de un leve crecimiento en la última década, el número de estudios que analizan el goalball en portugués en el escenario brasileño es aún reducido.

Esportes , Brasil , Bibliografia
Exp Brain Res ; 239(2): 351-361, 2021 Feb.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-33386875


Obesity has been associated with poorer sensorimotor performance. However, it remains unclear whether these obesity-related impairments can be mitigated by practice. In the present study, we sought to investigate the effects of practice on performing and learning a temporal estimation task, in women with and without obesity. The experimental task consisted of synchronizing the arrival of two rectangles at a target point. Limited to the pressing of a switch, the task was intended to minimize possible muscular fatigue, self-generated perturbations to balance and the need to accelerate/decelerate body segments. Participants were allowed to choose the displacement velocity of the rectangle they controlled and were informed that they would not be offered any choice over it during a test to come. To control for the effect of different body positions on sensorimotor performance and learning, the 19 women with obesity (BMI = 40.0 + 7.33, age = 44.2 + 6.6) and 20 without obesity (BMI = 22.3 + 1.95, age = 43 + 6.9) were assigned into 4 groups, according to their BMI and body position assumed during practice (standing upright with feet together or sitting). As no significant differences concerning body position were found, the data were reanalysed disregarding this factor. Results revealed that while both groups reduced errors during the Acquisition, participants with obesity showed poorer performance (Acquisition) and sensorimotor learning (Transfer). Given the experimental task and adopted procedures, our results tend to support the hypothesis that hindered perception and/or integration of sensory information is associated with obesity.

Aprendizagem , Postura , Feminino , Humanos , Obesidade/complicações , Percepção , Postura Sentada
J Mot Behav ; 53(3): 275-286, 2021.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-32496890


The literature provides that self-efficacy increases if individuals receive more information of their success during practice with a consequent increase in learning outcomes. The objective of this study was to test the effects of different knowledge of results (KR) frequencies on self-efficacy and motor learning. Two groups with different KR frequencies performed an anticipatory timing task on two consecutive days. To measure self-efficacy, a questionnaire on participant's efficacy was applied at different times. Both groups increased self-efficacy during practice, but we found no evidence of the effect of performance on self-efficacy and no group and self-efficacy effect on retention. These findings demonstrate that different KR frequencies do not affect the self-efficacy and learning of an anticipatory timing task.

Destreza Motora , Autoeficácia , Humanos , Aprendizagem
Movimento (Porto Alegre) ; 27: e27052, 2021. tab, graf
Artigo em Português | LILACS | ID: biblio-1351144


Resumo O objetivo do estudo foi analisar a produção de livros e capítulos de livro dos bolsistas de produtividade do Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Científico e Tecnológico (CNPq) da área da Educação Física (PQ-EF), procurando entender a sua trajetória e verificar tendências das publicações e eventuais alterações nas suas características no período de 1991 a 2016. Foram analisados os currículos dos 91 bolsistas PQ-EF em curso no ano de 2017, no que diz respeito aos livros e capítulos de livro publicados, número de coautores e posição autoral dos bolsistas, por períodos definidos e por categoria de bolsistas. Os resultados mostraram um crescente aumento da produção de livros e capítulos de livro per capita e também um aumento na quantidade de autores por livro e capítulo de livro, sugerindo estratégias de publicação visando ao aumento de produtividade visualizadas na produção de artigos.

Abstract The study analyzes production of books and book chapters by Physical Education (PQ-EF) researchers who held productivity grants from Brazil's National Council for Scientific and Technological Development (CNPq), seeking to understand their trajectory and check trends regarding publications and possible changes in their characteristics in 1991-2016. The curricula of the 91 PQ-EF researchers holding productivity grants in 2017 were analyzed, with regard to books and book chapters, number of co-authors, and position among authors, for defined periods and by grant holder category. The results showed increase in the production of books and book chapters per capita and also in the number of authors per book and book chapter, suggesting publication strategies aimed at increasing productivity seen in production of articles.

Resumen El objetivo del estudio fue analizar la producción de libros y capítulos de libro de los becarios de productividad del Consejo Nacional de Desarrollo Científico y Tecnológico (CNPq) del área de Educación Física (PQ-EF), buscando comprender su trayectoria y verificar las tendencias de las publicaciones y posibles cambios en sus características en el período de 1991 a 2016. Se analizaron los currículos de los 91 becarios PQ-EF en curso en 2017, en lo que se refiere a los libros y capítulos de libro publicados, número de coautores y posición autoral de los becarios, por periodos definidos y por categoría de becarios. Los resultados mostraron un incremento creciente en la producción de libros y capítulos de libro per cápita y también un incremento en la cantidad de autores por libro y capítulo de libro, sugiriendo estrategias de publicación orientadas al aumento de productividad observada en la producción de artículos.

Educação Física e Treinamento , Publicações , Livros , Educação de Pós-Graduação , Indicadores de Produção Científica , Bolsas de Estudo
Movimento (Porto Alegre) ; 26: e26088, 2020. tab, graf
Artigo em Português | LILACS | ID: biblio-1154918


Este estudo buscou analisar a produção científica dos bolsistas de produtividade do Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Científico e Tecnológico (CNPq) da área da Educação Física (PQ-EF), procurando entender a sua trajetória e verificar tendências quanto a publicações de artigos e às eventuais alterações nas suas características no período de 1991 a 2016. Foram analisados os currículos dos 91 bolsistas PQ-EF em curso no ano de 2017, no que diz respeito aos artigos publicados em periódicos, número de coautores e posição na autoria dos artigos, como também a relação entre esses fatores por níveis de bolsa e tempo de término do doutorado. Os resultados revelaram um aumento expressivo da produção científica per capita e também um aumento de publicações multiautorais com número cada vez maior de coautores, sugerindo estratégias de publicação visando ao aumento de produtividade.

This study analyzes the scientific production by Physical Education (PQ-EF) PhD student researchers holding productivity grants from Brazil's National Council of Technological and Scientific Development (CNPq), in order to understand their trajectory and look into publication trends and possible changes in their characteristics in 1991-2016. The curricula of the 91 PQ-EF researchers holding grants in 2017 were analyzed in terms of articles published in journals, number of co-authors, and authors' positions in the articles, as well as how these factors relate according to productivity grant levels and time taken for completing their PhD studies. The results revealed a significant increase in per capita scientific production and also an increase in multi-author publications as well as the number of co-authors, suggesting publication strategies aimed at higher productivity.

Este estudio se propuso analizar la producción científica de los becarios de productividad del Consejo Nacional para el Desarrollo Científico y Tecnológico (CNPq) en el área de Educación Física (PQ-EF), tratando de comprender su trayectoria y verificar las tendencias con respecto a la publicación de artículos y los posibles cambios en sus características en el período de 1991 a 2016. Se analizaron los currículos de los 91 becarios PQ-EF en curso en 2017, en lo que se refiere a los artículos publicados en revistas, el número de coautores y la ubicación en la autoría de los artículos, así como la relación entre estos factores según los niveles de beca y el tiempo de finalización del doctorado. Los resultados revelaron un aumento significativo en la producción científica per cápita y también un aumento en las publicaciones de varios autores, con un número creciente de coautores, lo que sugiere estrategias de publicación destinadas a aumentar la productividad.

Humanos , Educação Física e Treinamento , Educação de Pós-Graduação , Indicadores de Produção Científica , Publicações Periódicas como Assunto , Bolsas de Estudo
J Exp Psychol Hum Percept Perform ; 44(8): 1294-1302, 2018 Aug.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-29708381


Previous research on skill acquisition has shown that learners seem to prefer receiving knowledge of results (KR) about those trials in which they have performed more accurately. In the present study, we assessed whether this preference leads to an advantage in terms of skill acquisition, transfer, and retention of their capacity to extrapolate the motion of decelerating objects during periods of visual occlusion. Instead of questionnaires, we adopted a more direct approach to investigate learners' preferences for KR. Participants performed 90 trials of a motion extrapolation task (acquisition phase) in which, every three trials, they could decide between receiving KR about their best or worst performance. Retention and transfer tests were carried out 24 hr after the acquisition phase, without KR, to examine the effects of the self-selected KR on sensorimotor learning. Consistent with the current literature, a preference for receiving KR about the most accurate performance was observed. However, participants' preferences were not consistent throughout the experiment as less than 10% (N = 40) selected the same type of KR in all their choices. Importantly, although preferred by most participants, KR about accurate performances had detrimental effects on skill acquisition, suggesting that learners may not always choose the KR that will maximize their learning experiences and skill retention. (PsycINFO Database Record

Comportamento de Escolha/fisiologia , Retroalimentação Psicológica/fisiologia , Aprendizagem/fisiologia , Percepção de Movimento/fisiologia , Desempenho Psicomotor/fisiologia , Adolescente , Adulto , Feminino , Humanos , Conhecimento Psicológico de Resultados , Masculino , Adulto Jovem
Psychon Bull Rev ; 22(5): 1383-8, 2015 Oct.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-25732095


Numerous studies in the motor learning domain have demonstrated learning advantages of self-controlled practice relative to yoked conditions. In separate lines of evidence in the social-psychological literature, findings show that providing participants with task-relevant autonomy support or minor incidental choices can result in superior outcomes when compared with conditions that thwart autonomy or do not offer choice. We hypothesized that motor learning could be enhanced by providing learners with choices - even if those choices are unrelated to task performance. In Experiment 1, two groups of participants practiced a golf putting task. While one group (the choice group) was able to select the color of golf balls (white, yellow, or orange) to be used in each upcoming block of 10 trials, participants in the second group (the yoked group) were provided with the same colored golf balls their choice-group counterparts had chosen. The results of a 24-h delayed retention test indicated significantly greater putting accuracy for the choice compared with the yoked group. Experiment 2 went one step further by asking choice group participants for their preferences regarding two issues unrelated to the practice task (balancing on a stabilometer): (1) which of two subsequent tasks (coincident timing or hand dynamometry) they wanted to perform and (2) which of two prints of paintings by Renoir they thought the investigator should hang on the laboratory wall. Yoked group participants were simply informed about which task they would perform afterwards and of which painting the experimenter would put on the wall. Balance learning was significantly more effective in the choice group on a retention test. Thus, self-controlled practice conditions can influence motor learning without providing task-relevant information, content, or strategic learning advantages. Self-controlled effects in motor learning may be motivational in nature, attributable to satisfaction of fundamental autonomy needs.

Comportamento de Escolha , Golfe/psicologia , Motivação , Autonomia Pessoal , Prática Psicológica , Adolescente , Percepção de Cores , Feminino , Humanos , Masculino , Destreza Motora , Equilíbrio Postural , Retenção Psicológica , Adulto Jovem
Hum Mov Sci ; 40: 176-84, 2015 Apr.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-25589021


We examined whether the combination of two factors that have consistently been found to enhance motor learning - an external focus (EF) of attention and autonomy support (AS) - would produce additive benefits. Participants practiced throwing with their non-dominant arm. In a 2×2 design, they were or were not asked to focus externally (i.e., on the target), and were or were not given a choice (autonomy support). The latter involved choosing 2 5-trials blocks during practice on which they used their dominant arm. All four groups - EF/AS, EF, AS, and C (control) - completed a practice phase consisting of 60 trials. The distance to the target (bull's eye) was 7.5m. One day later, participants performed retention (same target distance) and transfer tests (8.5m). Both external focus instructions and autonomy support enhanced retention and transfer performance. Importantly, the combination of these factors resulted in additive learning advantages. The EF/AS group showed the greatest throwing accuracy, and the EF and AS groups outperformed the C group. In addition, self-efficacy measured after practice and before retention and transfer was increased by both factors. Thus, promoting an external focus of attention and supporting learners' need for autonomy seem to independently influence learning.

Aprendizagem , Destreza Motora/fisiologia , Desempenho Psicomotor , Adulto , Atenção , Comportamento de Escolha , Feminino , Lateralidade Funcional , Humanos , Masculino , Autonomia Pessoal , Análise de Regressão , Retenção Psicológica , Autoeficácia , Adulto Jovem
PLoS One ; 9(2): e88989, 2014.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-24523947


Non-generic feedback refers to a specific event and implies that performance is malleable, while generic feedback implies that task performance reflects an inherent ability. The present study examined the influences of generic versus non-generic feedback on motor performance and learning in 10-year-old children. In the first experiment, using soccer ball kicking at a target as a task, providing participants with generic feedback resulted in worse performance than providing non-generic feedback, after both groups received negative feedback. The second experiment measured more permanent effects. Results of a retention test, performed one day after practicing a throwing task, showed that participants who received non-generic feedback during practice outperformed the generic feedback group, after receiving a negative feedback statement. The findings demonstrate the importance of the wording of feedback. Even though different positive feedback statements may not have an immediate influence on performance, they can affect performance, and presumably individuals' motivation, when performance is (purportedly) poor. Feedback implying that performance is malleable, rather than due to an inherent ability, seems to have the potential to inoculate learners against setbacks--a situation frequently encountered in the context of motor performance and learning.

Retroalimentação Psicológica , Aprendizagem , Destreza Motora , Criança , Feminino , Humanos , Masculino , Motivação , Distribuição Aleatória , Reprodutibilidade dos Testes , Retenção Psicológica , Análise e Desempenho de Tarefas
Rev. bras. educ. fís. esp ; 27(3): 485-492, jul.-set. 2013. ilus, tab
Artigo em Português | LILACS | ID: lil-687888


O objetivo do presente estudo foi investigar os efeitos da frequência autocontrolada de "feedback" na aprendizagem do lançamento da bola da ginástica rítmica. A amostra foi constituída de 24 crianças, de sete a 10 anos de idade, distribuídas em dois grupos em relação aos diferentes tipos de condições de "feedback": autocontrolado e externamente controlado. O estudo foi composto de uma fase de prática e um teste de retenção. Os resultados de um questionário revelaram que a maioria dos participantes do grupo autocontrolado solicitou "feedback" principalmente após as boas tentativas de prática, enquanto os participantes do grupo "yoked" indicaram ter recebido "feedback" nas tentativas em que o desejavam. Nenhuma diferença foi encontrada em relação ao desempenho ou aprendizagem. Conclui-se que a frequência autocontrolada de "feedback" é tão eficiente quanto a frequência externamente controlada na aprendizagem da habilidade motora específica lançamento do aparelho bola em crianças desta faixa etária...

The aim of this study was to investigate the effects of self-controlled frequency of feedback on the learning of ball throwing in rhythmic gymnastics. 24 children, ranging from 7 to 10-years old participated in the study, divided into two groups in relation to the different feedback conditions: self-controlled and externally controlled (yoked). The study consisted of a practice phase and a retention test. The results of a questionnaire showed that the majority of participants of the self-control group requested feedback mainly after good trials, while participants of the yoked group indicated that they had received feedback on the trials they desired. No differences were found regarding performance or learning. We concluded that self-controlled feedback frequencies are as effective as externally controlled feedback frequencies for the learning of rhythmic gymnastics ball throwing in children...

Humanos , Feminino , Criança , Criança , Aprendizagem , Destreza Motora , Tempo de Reação
Rev. bras. cineantropom. desempenho hum ; 15(2): 225-232, Mar.-Apr. 2013. ilus
Artigo em Português | LILACS | ID: lil-669462


O objetivo do presente estudo foi comparar os efeitos de duas frequências (100 e 33%) de conhecimento de resultados (CR) na aprendizagem de uma habilidade motora em indivíduos com síndrome de Down (SD). Vinte participantes com SD foram divididos, aleatoriamente, em dois grupos. O grupo 100% recebeu CR após cada tentativa, enquanto o grupo 33% recebeu CR em um terço das tentativas, ou seja, uma tentativa com CR em cada bloco de três tentativas. A tarefa consistiu em arremessar um implemento em um alvo, com a mão dominante, sem visualizar o alvo. A fase de aquisição constou de 60 tentativas de prática, enquanto a fase de retenção, realizada 48 horas após, de 10 tentativas, sem CR. Os resultados indicaram a inexistência de diferença significativa entre os grupos. Conclui-se que frequências relativas reduzidas de CR podem ser tão efetivas quanto altas frequências para a aprendizagem de habilidades motoras em adultos com SD.

The objective of the present study was to verify the effects of two frequencies (100 and 33%) of knowledge of results (KR) on the learning of a motor skill, in individuals with Down syndrome (DS). Twenty participants with DS were randomly assigned into two groups.While the 100% group received KR after each trial, the 33% group received KR in a third of the trials. The task consisted of throwing an implement on a target, with the dominant hand, while blindfolded. The acquisition phase consisted of 30 practice trials, while the retention phase, performed 48 hours later, consisted of 10 trials without KR. The results showed no differences between the groups. We concluded that reduced relative frequencies of KR are as effective as high frequencies on the learning of simple motor tasks in adults with DS.