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PeerJ ; 9: e10938, 2021.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-33665035


BACKGROUND: This paper analyzes the impact of changes in fertilization on crop yields and the runoff of nutrients from a small agricultural catchment (176 km2) to a shallow bay, using the SWAT model. Puck Bay is part of the Gulf of Gdansk and belongs to the Baltic Sea. The whole area of Puck Bay (364 km2) is protected (Natura 2000) yet despite this it suffers from eutrophication problems due to the relatively minimal depth and difficult water exchange. METHODS: The paper presents a comparison of the calculated yields and the runoff of nutrients and pesticides in the SWAT model, for a small agricultural coastal catchment. Calculations were made for 13 crop scenarios with weather data from 2011 to 2019. For each crop, an agriculture calendar was made. Two variants of fertilization were considered (autofertilization mode and according to the calendar). The nutrient runoff was calculated depending on the adopted scenario. In addition, the fate of selected pesticides was simulated. RESULTS: Depending on the crop, the annual load of NO3into the stream ranged from 0.74 to 3.65 kg ha-1. The annual load of organic phosphorous into the stream was between 0.686 and 3.64 kg ha-1. This is lower than in the majority of EU or Baltic countries. The surface runoff of dissolved Glyphosate was equal to 286 mg ha-1. The annual loads of nutrients from the catchment area are equivalent in both fertilization modes. Regardless of the selected fertilization mode, in addition to the dosage, the form of nutrients is important for the model.

PeerJ ; 8: e8899, 2020.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-32257651


BACKGROUND: Nutrient leaching from agricultural fields is one of the main causes of pollution and eutrophication of the Baltic Sea. The quantity of nitrogen (N) leached from a particular field can be very different from the amount of N leached from other fields in a given region or even within a single farm. Therefore, it is necessary to estimate the quantity of N leached for each field separately. METHODS: An opinion poll has been conducted on 31 farms within the Puck Commune, which is approximately 3.6% of all farms located in this commune. Farmers provided data on the manner of fertilizing and cultivating crops on all their farms. For each field individually, on the basis of collected data, an estimated amount of the N leaching from the field has been determined. RESULTS: An interactive calculator to assist farmers in determining the quantity of N leaching from the agricultural field has been developed. The influence of factors shaping the amount of N leaching from a single field has been analyzed, and it has been determined that autumn plowing (specifically its absence) and the type of cultivated soil had the greatest average influence on this value in the studied sample. DISCUSSION: Due to the possible ways of reducing N leaching from agricultural fields, most of the studied fields were fertilized in an appropriate manner. However, in the studied sample there were fields for which the fertilization intensity significantly exceeded the recommended doses. In this context, a tool in the form of an interactive, easy-to-use N leaching calculator should help farmers to select appropriate doses and optimal fertilization practices.

PeerJ ; 8: e8789, 2020.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-32219029


BACKGROUND: The Puck commune is one of the largest agricultural regions in the Pomeranian Voivodship that due to the pollution of the coastal zone negatively affects the functioning of the Puck Bay, including health of its inhabitants, and causes decrease in tourism as well as in overall economic value of the region. The objective of the undertaken study was to assess the extent of risk to the environment posed by the pesticides used in agricultural production in the coastal area of the Puck commune. METHODS: The study focused on organochlorine insecticides (DDT and its metabolites: α, ß, ϒ, δ-HCH, aldrin, dieldrin, endrin, isodrine), glyphosate and its metabolite AMPA, and 309 active substances used as pesticides. Analyses were carried out using GC-MS, GC-MS/MS and LC-MS/MS techniques. The undertaken novel approach included "tracking" of a large number of substances in multiple environmental matrices (surface water, groundwater, seawater, soil, sediment and fish), along with examination of their transport routes from the pesticides application locality to the Puck Bay. RESULTS: Glyphosate and its metabolite AMPA, anthraquinone, boscalid, chlorpyrifos-ethyl, dimethachlor, diflufenican, difenoconazole, epoxiconazole, fluopicolide and metazachlor were found in soil samples and surface water samples collected from drainage ditches surrounding the studied agricultural plots. In the samples of seawater and fish taken from the Puck Bay no studied pesticides were found.

PeerJ ; 8: e8381, 2020.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-32071800


Diffuse sources of pollution like agricultural or urban runoff are important factors in determining the quality of surface waters, although they are more difficult to monitor than point sources. The objective of our study was to verify assumptions that the inflow from agricultural nutrient sources is higher than from urbanized ones. It has been done by comparing the nutrients and organic matter concentrations and loads for three small streams in northern Poland (Pomerania Region). Two streams flowing through agricultural catchments and an urban stream flowing through the city of Gdansk were analysed. Concentrations of nutrients: N-NO 3 - N-NH 4 + , P-PO 4 3 - , total phosphorus, total nitrogen and COD were measured 1-3 times per month in the period from July 2017 to December 2018 in agricultural watersheds and from October 2016 to March 2018 for an urban stream. Seasonal changes in concentrations were analysed with descriptive statistics tools. Principal Component Analysis (PCA) was used to point out the most significant factors determining variations in nutrients and organic matter concentrations with respect to different seasons. The factors included a number of characteristics regarding the catchment and streams: total catchment area, stream length, watershed form ratio, stream slope, flow rate and land use with respect to paved areas, agricultural areas and green areas (parks, forests, meadows and pastures). Although concentrations of nitrogen compounds were higher in streams flowing through agricultural areas, our study showed that total concentrations of phosphorus were higher in the urban stream, especially in summer. In agricultural areas the summer concentrations of nutrients were not high, which was probably due to dense vegetation. The correlation between P-PO 4 3 - concentration and size of agricultural area in the catchment was observed in winter when no vegetation field cover exists. Our study shows an urgent need to monitor the nutrient loads carried with urban streams especially if discharged into receivers prone to eutrophication.

PeerJ ; 8: e8396, 2020.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-31938583


BACKGROUND: In order to counteract the eutrophication of waterways and reservoirs, a basic risk assessment of phosphorus (P) losses in the surface runoff from agricultural land should be included in water management plans. A new method has been developed to assess the risk of P losses by estimating the degree of P saturation (DPS) based on the P concentration of the water extract water-soluble P. METHODS: The risk of P losses in surface runoff from agricultural land in the Puck Commune on the Baltic Sea Coast was assessed with the DPS method. The results were compared to an agronomic interpretation of the soil test P concentration (STP). Research was conducted on mineral and organic soils from 50 and 11 separate agricultural plots with a total area of 133.82 and 37.23 ha, respectively. Phosphorus was extracted from the collected samples using distilled water on all soil samples, acid ammonium lactate on mineral soils, and an extract of 0.5 mol HCl·dm-3 on organic soils. The organic matter content and pH values were also determined. The results of the P content in the water extracted from the soils were converted into DPS values, which were then classified by appropriate limit intervals. RESULTS AND DISCUSSION: There was a high risk of P losses from the soil via surface runoff in 96.7% of the agricultural parcels tested (96% of plots with mineral soils and 100% of plots with organic soils). Simultaneously, a large deficiency of plant-available P was found in soils from 62% of agricultural plots. These data indicate that the assessment of P concentration in soils made on the basis of an environmental soil P test conflicts with the assessment made based on STP and create a cognitive dissonance. The risk level of P losses through surface runoff from the analyzed plots as determined by the DPS indicator is uncertain. This uncertainty is increased as the DPS index is not correlated with other significant factors in P runoff losses, such as the type of crop and area inclination.