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Sci Rep ; 12(1): 508, 2022 01 11.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-35017557


On-farm soybean yield has increased considerably in the last 50 years in southern Brazil, but there is still little information about how selection and breeding for yield increase has changed the agronomic attributes of cultivars. The objectives of this study were to evaluate the changes in soybean yield, seed oil and protein concentration, and changes in plant attributes that might be associated with yield improvement of 26 soybean cultivars released over the past 50 years in southern Brazil, sown simultaneously in a common field environment for two growing seasons. The average rate of yield gain was 45.9 kg ha-1 yr-1 (2.1% ha-1 yr-1), mainly due increased seed number per area and harvest index. Over year of cultivar release, cultivars became less susceptible to lodging, as well as plant mortality reduced. Meanwhile, the seed oil concentration increased, and seed protein concentration decreased, which could have negative consequences for soybeans use and requires further attention for breeding of future cultivars. Breeders have successfully contributed to the annual rate of soybean yield increase in southern Brazil. By our results, as well as the official on-farm production data, there is no evidence of soybean yield reaching a plateau in the near future in southern Brazil.

Plants (Basel) ; 7(3)2018 Jun 22.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-29932098


Rice feeds 50% of the world’s population. Flooding is the most common irrigation system used for growing rice, a practice responsible for a large amount of water loss. Climate changes may affect water availability in irrigated agriculture, and it will be necessary to develop more sustainable irrigation practices. The aim of this work was to determine, in controlled conditions, the threshold when water potential begins to decrease plant growth. Two independent greenhouse experiments were conducted during middle summer and fall, in order to validate the results for high and low evapotranspiration conditions. Rice plants were grown in hydroponics and the water potential was adjusted with polyethylene glycol 6000, varying from −0.04 MPa (control) to −0.19 MPa. Leaf water potential, water use efficiency, leaf area, and root and shoot biomass were evaluated. All assayed parameters decreased as the water potential was decreased. The water potential threshold which starts to negatively affect rice growth was between −0.046 and −0.056 MPa, which are values close to those observed in the field in previous research. The definition of a critical value may help to improve water management in rice cultivation and to maintain productivity.

PLoS One ; 13(2): e0192776, 2018.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-29462178


Early fertilizer nitrogen (N) application on cover crops or their residues during the off-season is a practice adopted in Brazil subtropical conditions under no-tillage corn (Zea mays L.) systems. However, the effect of early N application on yield, plant N content, and N recovery efficiency (NRE) for corn is not yet well documented. Five fertilizer N timings in an oat-corn system were evaluated in two studies utilizing an isotopic-labeled N determination, 15N isotope. The N fertilization timings were: (i) oat tillering, (ii) 15 days before corn planting time, over the oat residues, (iii) at corn planting time, (iv) in-season at the three-leaf growth stage (V3), and (v) in-season split application at V3 and six-leaf (V6) growth stages. Based on the statistical analysis, the N fertilization timings were separated into three groups: 1) N-OATS, designated to N applied at oat; 2) N-PLANT, referred to pre-plant and planting N applications; and 3) N-CORN, designated to in-season corn N applications. Corn yield was not affected by the N fertilization timing. However, the N-CORN N fertilization timings enhanced NRE by 17% and 35% and final N recovery system (plant plus soil) by 16% and 24% all relative to N-OATS and N-PLANT groups, respectively. Overall, N-OATS resulted in the largest N derived from fertilizer (NDFF) amount in the deeper soil layer, in overall a delta of 10 kg N ha-1 relative to the rest of the groups. Notwithstanding corn yield was not affected, early N fertilization under subtropical conditions is not a viable option since NRE was diminished and the non-recovery N increased relative to the in-season N applications.

Produtos Agrícolas/crescimento & desenvolvimento , Fertilizantes , Isótopos de Nitrogênio/metabolismo , Zea mays/crescimento & desenvolvimento
Front Plant Sci ; 8: 1482, 2017.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-28919900


The improvement of agronomic practices and the use of high technology in field crops contributes for significant increases in maize productivity, and may have altered the dynamics of nutrient uptake and partition by the plant. Official recommendations for fertilizer applications to the maize crop in Brazil and in many countries are based on critical soil nutrient contents and are relatively outdated. Since the factors that interact in an agricultural production system are dynamic, mathematical modeling of the growth process turns out to be an appropriate tool for these studies. Agricultural modeling can expand our knowledge about the interactions prevailing in the soil-plant-atmosphere system. The objective of this study is to propose a methodology for characterizing the micronutrient composition of different organs and their extraction, and export during maize crop development, based on modeling nutrient uptake, crop potential evapotranspiration and micronutrient partitioning in the plant, considering the production environment. This preliminary characterization study (experimental growth analysis) considers the temporal variation of the micronutrient uptake rate in the aboveground organs, which defines crop needs and the critical nutrient content of the soil solution. The methodology allowed verifying that, initially, the highest fraction of dry matter, among aboveground organs, was assigned to the leaves. After the R1 growth stage, the largest part of dry matter was partitioned to the stalk, which in this growth stage is the main storage organ of the maize plant. During the reproductive phase, the highest fraction of dry matter was conferred to the reproductive organs, due to the high demand for carbohydrates for grain filling. The micronutrient (B, Cu, Fe, Mn, and Zn) content follows a power model, with higher values for the initial growth stages of development and leveling off to minimum values at the R6 growth stage. The proposed model allows to verify that fertilizer recommendations should be related to the temporal variability of micronutrient absorption rates, in contrast to the classic recommendation based on the critical soil micronutrient content. The maximum micronutrient absorption rates occur between the reproductive R4 and R5 growth stages. These evaluations allowed to predict the maximum micronutrient requirements, considered equal to respective stalk sap concentrations.

Ciênc. rural ; Ciênc. rural (Online);39(3): 711-717, maio-jun. 2009. ilus
Artigo em Português | LILACS | ID: lil-514061


O objetivo deste trabalho foi avaliar o efeito do ano agrícola sobre os atributos fenológicos e agronômicos em diferentes cultivares de cafeeiro arábica. Os atributos fenológicos determinados foram estádios de frutificação, de gema dormente até fruto seco e duração do ciclo. Como atributos agronômicos, foram avaliados o rendimento, a produtividade, os tipos e o tamanho de grãos. O período entre antese até fase chumbinho não variou entre as cultivares para o ano agrícola 2004/2005, já para o ano agrícola seguinte a cultivar 'Icatu Precoce' apresentou antecipação da fase chumbinho, e a cultivar 'Obatã' atrasou o início do ciclo fenológico em relação às demais cultivares estudadas. A duração do ciclo variou com o ano agrícola, o que possibilitou a confirmação da influência dos efeitos ambientais nessa característica. Os atributos agronômicos (produtividade, rendimento, tipo e tamanho de grãos), independentemente das cultivares, também variaram com o ano agrícola.

The aim of this study was to evaluate cultivars of Coffea arabica on the basic of phenology and agronomic attributes a function of the year of production. The phenological attributes were evaluated regarding phenology and percentage of cherry fruits at harvesting time. Agronomic traits evaluated included productivity and outturn, type of seeds and grain size. The period between the blooms till the fruits at the beginning of growth did not vary among the coffee trees in the year of production 2004/2005. While in the following year the Icatu Precoce cultivar presented anticipation of the fruits at the beginning of growth and the 'Obatã' cultivar delayed the beginning of the phenological cycle due to the other cultivars studied. The duration of each cycle varied with the year of production and then all the coffee trees in this study could be differentiated on the timing of maturation (early, middle and late). The agronomic attributes (productivity, outturn, type and size of grains), regardless the different cultivars of coffee also varied with the year of production.

Ciênc. rural ; Ciênc. rural (Online);38(1): 34-38, jan.-fev. 2008. tab
Artigo em Português | LILACS | ID: lil-469987


A utilização de substrato em tubetes para a formação de mudas de café aumentou em substituição à mistura de solo argiloso com resíduo orgânico, resistente à deformação da muda no plantio, devido à coesão e aderência às raízes. Por sua vez, o substrato em tubetes esboroa com facilidade, em razão da granulometria do material. Do exposto, avaliou-se uma metodologia para estimar a estabilidade ao manuseio do conjunto muda x substrato, com base na variação granulométrica (G1: 30,86 por cento; G2: 62,26 por cento e G3: 49,83 por cento de partículas nas peneiras 0,50 a 0,05mm) e do volume de material (V1: 50, V2: 120 e V3: 200cm³), em mudas de café Catuaí Vermelho IAC 144 com quatro pares de folhas. A estabilidade do conjunto muda x substrato foi estimada pela quantidade de substrato desagregado e partes de raízes, após submetê-lo a cinco ciclos de 60 segundos de rotação (1.750rpm) em mesa vibratória. A estabilidade foi maior nos tubetes de 50 e 120cm³ de substrato. A redução parcial da granulometria (50 por cento substrato na granulometria original e 50 por cento substrato moído) aumentou a aderência das partículas às raízes e a estabilidade do conjunto nos recipientes menores.

The objectives of this research are the evaluation of substrate volume and granulometer influence - used in production of coffee seedlings in plastic tubes - on coffee plants growth, the time of seedlings development and also seedling-substrate handling stability. The investigation was carried out in a nursery at Coffee Experimental Center of IAC, SP, Brazil, with the cultivar Catuaí Vermelho IAC 144 (Coffea arabica L.). Nine treatments were tested with four replicates and the experimental design used was randomized blocks with 3x3 factorial composed by three substrate volumes (V1: 50, V2: 120 and V3: 200cm³) and three granulometer substrate levels (G1: 30.86 percent, G2: 62.26 percent and G3: 49.83 percent of particles in sieves 0.50 to 0.05mm). The stability of seedlings to handle was evaluated using a vibratory table, with basis of amount of crumbling material (substrate and roots). The joint was submitted to rotation during 60 seconds, repeated five times (5 cycles). The end of each cycle the unfastened material was collected and definitive to disaggregated mass. The stability of joint seedling-substrate varied with the size of container, bigger in tubetes with 50cm³ and 120cm³ of substrate. The partial reduction of granulometry (50 percent of substrate on original granulometer and 50 percent of crushed substrate) increased the adhesion of particles with roots and, the stability of joint.