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Phys Rev Lett ; 132(21): 210201, 2024 May 24.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-38856241


Quanta splitting is an essential generator of Gaussian entanglement, exemplified by Einstein-Podolsky-Rosen states and apparently the most commonly occurring form of entanglement. In general, it results from the strong pumping of a nonlinear process with a highly coherent and low-noise external drive. In contrast, recent experiments involving efficient trilinear processes in trapped ions and superconducting circuits have opened the complementary possibility to test the splitting of a few thermal quanta. Stimulated by such small thermal energy, a strong degenerate trilinear coupling generates large amounts of nonclassicality, detectable by more than 3 dB of distillable quadrature squeezing. Substantial entanglement can be generated via frequent passive linear coupling to a third mode present in parallel with the trilinear coupling. This new form of entanglement, outside any Gaussian approximation, surprisingly grows with the mean number of split thermal quanta; a quality absent from Gaussian entanglement. Using distillable squeezing we shed light on this new entanglement mechanism for nonlinear bosonic systems.

Phys Rev Lett ; 132(8): 083601, 2024 Feb 23.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-38457704


Quantum non-Gaussianity, a more potent and highly useful form of nonclassicality, excludes all convex mixtures of Gaussian states and Gaussian parametric processes generating them. Here, for the first time, we conclusively test quantum non-Gaussian coincidences of entangled photon pairs with the Clauser-Horne-Shimony-Holt-Bell factor S=2.328±0.004 from a single quantum dot with a depth up to 0.94±0.02 dB. Such deterministically generated photon pairs fundamentally overcome parametric processes by reducing crucial multiphoton errors. For the quantum non-Gaussian depth of the unheralded (heralded) single-photon state, we achieve the value of 8.08±0.05 dB (19.06±0.29 dB). Our Letter experimentally certifies the exclusive quantum non-Gaussianity properties highly relevant for optical sensing, communication, and computation.

Science ; 383(6680): 289-293, 2024 Jan 19.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-38236963


To harness the potential of a quantum computer, quantum information must be protected against error by encoding it into a logical state that is suitable for quantum error correction. The Gottesman-Kitaev-Preskill (GKP) qubit is a promising candidate because the required multiqubit operations are readily available at optical frequency. To date, however, GKP qubits have been demonstrated only at mechanical and microwave frequencies. We realized a GKP state in propagating light at telecommunication wavelength and verified it through homodyne measurements without loss corrections. The generation is based on interference of cat states, followed by homodyne measurements. Our final states exhibit nonclassicality and non-Gaussianity, including the trident shape of faint instances of GKP states. Improvements toward brighter, multipeaked GKP qubits will be the basis for quantum computation with light.

Phys Rev Lett ; 131(16): 160201, 2023 Oct 20.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-37925708


The nonclassicality of quantum states is a fundamental resource for quantum technologies and quantum information tasks, in general. In particular, a pivotal aspect of quantum states lies in their coherence properties, encoded in the nondiagonal terms of their density matrix in the Fock-state bosonic basis. We present operational criteria to detect the nonclassicality of individual quantum coherences that use only data obtainable in experimentally realistic scenarios. We analyze and compare the robustness of the nonclassical coherence aspects when the states pass through lossy and noisy channels. The criteria can be immediately applied to experiments with light, atoms, solid-state system, and mechanical oscillators, thus providing a toolbox allowing practical experiments to more easily detect the nonclassicality of generated states.

Nat Commun ; 14(1): 3817, 2023 Jul 12.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-37438372


Measurement-based quantum computation with optical time-domain multiplexing is a promising method to realize a quantum computer from the viewpoint of scalability. Fault tolerance and universality are also realizable by preparing appropriate resource quantum states and electro-optical feedforward that is altered based on measurement results. While linear feedforward has been realized and become a common experimental technique, nonlinear feedforward was unrealized until now. In this paper, we demonstrate that a fast and flexible nonlinear feedforward realizes the essential measurement required for fault-tolerant and universal quantum computation. Using non-Gaussian ancillary states, we observed 10% reduction of the measurement excess noise relative to classical vacuum ancilla.

Opt Express ; 31(8): 12865-12879, 2023 Apr 10.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-37157437


In the field of continuous-variable quantum information processing, non-Gaussian states with negative values of the Wigner function are crucial for the development of a fault-tolerant universal quantum computer. While several non-Gaussian states have been generated experimentally, none have been created using ultrashort optical wave packets, which are necessary for high-speed quantum computation, in the telecommunication wavelength band where mature optical communication technology is available. In this paper, we present the generation of non-Gaussian states on wave packets with a short 8-ps duration in the 1545.32 nm telecommunication wavelength band using photon subtraction up to three photons. We used a low-loss, quasi-single spatial mode waveguide optical parametric amplifier, a superconducting transition edge sensor, and a phase-locked pulsed homodyne measurement system to observe negative values of the Wigner function without loss correction up to three-photon subtraction. These results can be extended to the generation of more complicated non-Gaussian states and are a key technology in the pursuit of high-speed optical quantum computation.

Sci Rep ; 12(1): 22455, 2022 Dec 27.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-36575239


We investigate assisted enhancement of quantum coherence in a bipartite setting with control and target systems, which converts the coherence of the control qubit into the enhanced coherence of the target qubit. We assume that only incoherent operations and measurements can be applied locally and classical information can be exchanged. In addition, the two subsystems are also coupled by a fixed Hamiltonian whose interaction strength can be controlled. This coupling does not generate any local coherence from incoherent input states. We show that in this setting a measurement and feed-forward based protocol can deterministically enhance the coherence of the target system while fully preserving its purity. The protocol can be iterated and several copies of the control state can be consumed to drive the target system arbitrarily close to a maximally coherent state. We experimentally demonstrate this protocol with a photonic setup and observe the enhancement of coherence for up to five iterations of the protocol.

Sci Rep ; 12(1): 20091, 2022 Nov 22.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-36418396


Unstable nonlinear systems can produce a large displacement driven by a small thermal initial noise. Such inherently nonlinear phenomena are stimulating in stochastic physics, thermodynamics, and in the future even in quantum physics. In one-dimensional mechanical instabilities, recently made available in optical levitation, the rapidly increasing noise accompanying the unstable motion reduces a displacement signal already in its detection. It limits the signal-to-noise ratio for upcoming experiments, thus constraining the observation of such essential nonlinear phenomena and their further exploitation. An extension to a two-dimensional unstable dynamics helps to separate the desired displacement from the noisy nonlinear driver to two independent variables. It overcomes the limitation upon observability, thus enabling further exploitation. However, the nonlinear driver remains unstable and rapidly gets noisy. It calls for a challenging high-order potential to confine the driver dynamics and rectify the noise. Instead, we propose and analyse a feasible stroboscopically-cooled driver that provides the desired detectable motion with sufficiently high signal-to-noise ratio. Fast and deep cooling, together with a rapid change of the driver stiffness, are required to reach it. However, they have recently become available in levitating optomechanics. Therefore, our analysis finally opens the road to experimental investigation of thermally-driven motion in nonlinear systems, its thermodynamical analysis, and future quantum extensions.

Sci Rep ; 12(1): 16574, 2022 Oct 04.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-36195727


Numerical simulation of continuous variable quantum state preparation is a necessary tool for optimization of existing quantum information processing protocols. A powerful instrument for such simulation is the numerical computation in the Fock state representation. It unavoidably uses an approximation of the infinite-dimensional Fock space by finite complex vector spaces implementable with classical digital computers. In this approximation we analyze the accuracy of several currently available methods for computation of the truncated coherent displacement operator. To overcome their limitations we propose an alternative with improved accuracy based on the standard matrix exponential. We then employ the method in analysis of non-Gaussian state preparation scheme based on coherent displacement of a two mode squeezed vacuum with subsequent photon counting measurement. We compare different detection mechanisms, including avalanche photodiodes, their cascades, and photon number resolving detectors in the context of engineering non-linearly squeezed cubic states and construction of qubit-like superpositions between vacuum and single photon states.

Opt Express ; 30(17): 31456-31471, 2022 Aug 15.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-36242226


Squeezed states of the harmonic oscillator are a common resource in applications of quantum technology. If the noise is suppressed in a nonlinear combination of quadrature operators below threshold for all possible up-to-quadratic Hamiltonians, the quantum states are non-Gaussian and we refer to the noise reduction as nonlinear squeezing. Non-Gaussian aspects of quantum states are often more vulnerable to decoherence due to imperfections appearing in realistic experimental implementations. Therefore, a stability of nonlinear squeezing is essential. We analyze the behavior of quantum states with cubic nonlinear squeezing under loss and dephasing. The properties of nonlinear squeezed states depend on their initial parameters which can be optimized and adjusted to achieve the maximal robustness for the potential applications.

Sci Rep ; 12(1): 16022, 2022 Sep 26.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-36163483


A nanomechanical oscillator can be used as a sensitive probe of a small linearized mechanical force. We propose a simple quantum optomechanical scheme using a coherent light mode in the cavity and weak short-pulsed light-matter interactions. Our main result is that if we transfer some displacement to the mechanical mode in an initialization phase, then a much weaker optomechanical interaction is enough to obtain a high-precision multiparameter estimation of the unknown force. This approach includes not only estimating the displacement caused by the force but also simultaneously observing the phase shift and squeezing of the mechanical mode. We show that the proposed scheme is robust against typical experimental imperfections and demonstrate the feasibility of our scheme using orders of magnitude weaker optomechanical interactions than in previous related works. Thus, we present a simple, robust estimation scheme requiring only very weak light-matter interactions, which could open the way to new nanomechanical sensors.

Phys Rev Lett ; 128(11): 110503, 2022 Mar 18.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-35363012


We present a protocol for transferring arbitrary continuous-variable quantum states into a few discrete-variable qubits and back. The protocol is deterministic and utilizes only two-mode Rabi-type interactions that are readily available in trapped-ion and superconducting circuit platforms. The inevitable errors caused by transferring an infinite-dimensional state into a finite-dimensional register are suppressed exponentially with the number of qubits. Furthermore, the encoded states exhibit robustness against noise, such as dephasing and amplitude damping, acting on the qubits. Our protocol thus provides a powerful and flexible tool for discrete-continuous hybrid quantum systems.

Opt Express ; 30(6): 8814-8828, 2022 Mar 14.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-35299326


Laser cooled ions trapped in a linear Paul trap are long-standing ideal candidates for realizing quantum simulation, especially of many-body systems. The properties that contribute to this also provide the opportunity to demonstrate unexpected quantum phenomena in few-body systems. A pair of ions interacting in such traps exchange vibrational quanta through the Coulomb interaction. This linear interaction can be anharmonically modulated by an elementary coupling to the internal two-level structure of one of the ions. Driven by thermal energy in the passively coupled oscillators, which are themselves coupled to the internal ground states of the ions, the nonlinear interaction autonomously and unconditionally generates entanglement between the mechanical modes of the ions. We examine this counter-intuitive thermally induced entanglement for several experimentally feasible model systems and propose parameter regimes where state-of-the-art trapped ion systems can produce such phenomena. In addition, we demonstrate a multiqubit enhancement of such thermally induced entanglements.

Opt Express ; 29(15): 24083-24101, 2021 Jul 19.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-34614660


Two-mode squeezed states are scalable and robust entanglement resources for continuous-variable and hybrid quantum information protocols that are realized at a distance. We consider the effect of a linear cross talk in the multimode distribution of two-mode squeezed states propagating through parallel similar channels. First, to reduce degradation of the distributed Gaussian entanglement, we show that the initial two-mode squeezing entering the channel should be optimized already in the presence of a small cross talk. Second, we suggest simultaneous optimization of relative phase between the modes and their linear coupling on a receiver side prior to the use of entanglement, which can fully compensate the cross talk once the channel transmittance is the same for all the modes. For the realistic channels with similar transmittance values for either of the modes, the cross talk can be still largely compensated. This method relying on the mode interference overcomes an alternative method of entanglement localization in one pair of modes using measurement on another pair and feed-forward control. Our theoretical results pave the way to more efficient use of multimode continuous-variable photonic entanglement in scalable quantum networks with cross talk.

Phys Rev Lett ; 127(12): 129901, 2021 Sep 17.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-34597117


This corrects the article DOI: 10.1103/PhysRevLett.121.070401.

Sci Rep ; 11(1): 18185, 2021 Sep 14.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-34521904


Levitating nanoparticles trapped in optical potentials at low pressure open the experimental investigation of nonlinear ballistic phenomena. With engineered non-linear potentials and fast optical detection, the observation of autonomous transient mechanical effects, such as instantaneous speed and acceleration stimulated purely by initial position uncertainty, are now achievable. By using parameters of current low pressure experiments, we simulate and analyse such uncertainty-induced particle ballistics in a cubic optical potential demonstrating their evolution, faster than their standard deviations, justifying the feasibility of the experimental verification. We predict, the maxima of instantaneous speed and acceleration distributions shift alongside the potential force, while the maximum of position distribution moves opposite to it. We report that cryogenic cooling is not necessary in order to observe the transient effects, while a low uncertainty in initial particle speed is required, via cooling or post-selection, to not mask the effects. These results stimulate the discussion for both attractive stochastic thermodynamics, and extension of recently explored quantum regime.

Phys Rev Lett ; 126(21): 213604, 2021 May 28.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-34114867


Photon coincidences represent an important resource for quantum technologies. They expose nonlinear quantum processes in matter and are essential for sources of entanglement. We derive broadly applicable criteria for quantum non-Gaussian two-photon coincidences that certify a new quality of photon sources. The criteria reject states emerging from Gaussian parametric processes, which often limit applications in quantum technologies. We also analyze the robustness of the quantum non-Gaussian coincidences and compare it to the heralded quantum non-Gaussianity of single photons based on them.

Phys Rev Lett ; 126(15): 153602, 2021 Apr 16.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-33929221


Squeezed states of harmonic oscillators are a central resource for continuous-variable quantum sensing, computation, and communication. Here, we propose a method for the generation of very good approximations to highly squeezed vacuum states with low excess antisqueezing using only a few oscillator-qubit coupling gates through a Rabi-type interaction Hamiltonian. This interaction can be implemented with several different methods, which has previously been demonstrated in superconducting circuit and trapped-ion platforms. The protocol is compatible with other protocols manipulating quantum harmonic oscillators, thus facilitating scalable continuous-variable fault-tolerant quantum computation.

Sci Rep ; 10(1): 14436, 2020 Sep 02.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-32879371


We propose a novel methodology to estimate parameters characterizing a weakly nonlinear Duffing oscillator represented by an optically levitating nanoparticle. The method is based on averaging recorded trajectories with defined initial positions in the phase space of nanoparticle position and momentum and allows us to study the transient dynamics of the nonlinear system. This technique provides us with the parameters of a levitated nanoparticle such as eigenfrequency, damping, coefficient of nonlinearity and effective temperature directly from the recorded transient particle motion without any need for external driving or modification of an experimental system. Comparison of this innovative approach with a commonly used method based on fitting the power spectrum density profile shows that the proposed complementary method is applicable even at lower pressures where the nonlinearity starts to play a significant role and thus the power spectrum density method predicts steady state parameters. The technique is applicable also at low temperatures and extendable to recent quantum experiments. The proposed method is applied on experimental data and its validity for one-dimensional and three-dimensional motion of a levitated nanoparticle is verified by extensive numerical simulations.

Opt Express ; 28(10): 14839-14849, 2020 May 11.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-32403518


Photon number resolving detectors are the ultimate measurement of quantum optics, which is the reason why developing the technology is getting significant attention in recent years. With this arises the question of how to evaluate the performance of the detectors. We suggest that performance of a photon number detector can be evaluated by comparing it to a multiplex of on-off detectors in a practical scenario: conditional preparation of a photon number state. Here, both the quality of the prepared state and the probability of the preparation are limited by the number of on-off detectors in the multiplex, which allows us to set benchmarks that can be achieved or surpassed by the photon number resolving detectors.