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Ann Pharm Fr ; 80(6): 810-818, 2022 Nov.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-35662588


Infection which occurs in renal kidney failure patient have to be therapeutically managed immediately and the treatment must be aggressive to be quickly efficient. In Bamako (Mali). Posology adaptation cause a problem in nephrology, especially for the most common used antibiotics to care these infections. Drug dosage is not routinely performed in Bamako. The main objective of this work is to compare anthropometric, clinical and pharmacokinetic profiles and the clinical future between infected hemodialysis patients following an antibiotic therapy in Bamako and Lyon (hospital used as a reference). To reach these objectives, a preliminary punctual study of clinical pharmacokinetic of vancomycin were set up at Bamako, following the personalization therapeutics model from Lyon. Bamako patients' samples were imported to France and dosage analysis were performed at Lyon. BestDose software was used to view and compare complete pharmacokinetic profile. It includes for the first time, in routine, the 50 ml/mn of the renal function during dialyses for 58 patients: 31 for Bamako and 21 for Lyon. The residual concentration at the beginning of the dialysis session was compared. In Bamako, patients are younger, the renal failure is more severe and arteriovenous fistula are never set up, treatments are limited in dose and in duration; the residual concentration before the dialyses are too low; as a consequence, infections are rarely quickly reduced and more especially the death linked to these infections are more important (9 in Bamako versus 1 in Lyon). Urgent corrective measures have to be proposed: propose a conciliation between therapeutic requirements formulated within Lyon protocols and the financial ability of the patient, to promote arteriovenous fistula creation as soon as possible, and develop first dose strategy (unfortunately there is often only one dose): a more aggressive dose estimated from simulation profile performed in this study.

Fístula Arteriovenosa , Vancomicina , Humanos , Diálise Renal , Mali , Antibacterianos/uso terapêutico
Mali Med ; 36(1): 1-7, 2021.
Artigo em Francês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-37973567


INTRODUCTION: Kidney disease (KD) is defined as a set of functional, morphological and histological kidney abnormalities. It is a truly global public health problem. Its prevalence is estimated to be 50 times that of end-stage renal disease (ESRD). In Kayes, there is no data on the prevalence of kidney disease, hence the interest of this study. OBJECTIVES: to determine the prevalence of renal disease, its main causes and the main factors of aggravation of this pathology in the emergency department at hospital Fousseyni DAOU of Kayes. METHODOLOGY: Retrospective cross-sectional study carried out from January 1, 2014 to February 1, 2015. We included all hospitalized patients in whom a renal damage marker (elevation of plasma creatinine, urinary sediment abnormality, ultrasound, histology and significant proteinuria) has been found. RESULTS: the prevalence of kidney disease was 9.9% (109/1099). Eighty-nine met the inclusion criteria. The study population was composed of 47 women (52.8%) and 42 men (47.2%), with a sex ratio of 0.89 in favor of women. The average age was 40.09 years with a predominance of patients in the age group [40-59]. The main reasons for consultation were hypercreatininaemia (48.3%), edematous syndrome (16.9%), low back pain (10.1%). High blood pressure (55.1%) and lower extremity edema (46.1%) were the medical history frequently found in our study. The kidney disease found was in order of growth: chronic renal failure (51%); acute renal failure (28%); proteinuria (16%), hematuria (3%), morphological abnormality of the kidneys (2%). Tubulointerstitial nephropathy represented 64% of acute renal failure with P = 0.000306. Vascular nephropathy constituted 46.7% of chronic renal failure with P = 0.000251. No cases of glomerular nephropathy were found in patients over 60 years of age.The most common causes were represented by nephrotoxic drugs injuries; infectious; high blood pressure and diabetes. The most observed aggravating factors are herbal medicine, urinary tract infections, renal hypoperfusion and unbalanced hypertension. CONCLUSION: kidney disease is not uncommon in the emergency room at Hospital Fousseyni Daou of Kayes. The most common causes are nephrotoxic drugs, hypertension and diabetes.

INTRODUCTION: La maladie rénale (MR) définie comme l'ensemble des anomalies rénales fonctionnelle, morphologique et histologique. Elle est un véritable problème mondial de santé publique. Sa prévalence serait 50 fois celle de l'insuffisance rénale terminale (IRT). A Kayes, il n'existe pas de donnée sur la prévalence de la maladie rénale, d'où l'intérêt de cette étude. OBJECTIFS: déterminer la prévalence de la maladie rénale, ses principales causes et les principaux facteurs d'aggravation de cette pathologie dans le service des urgences de l'hôpital Fousseyni DAOU de Kayes. MÉTHODOLOGIE: Etude transversale rétrospective réalisée du 1er janvier 2014 au 1er février 2015. Etaient inclus, tous les patients hospitalisés chez qui au moins un marqueur d'atteinte rénale (élévation de la créatinine plasmatique, anomalie du sédiment urinaire, anomalie échographique ou histologique et une protéinurie significative) a été retrouvé. Les paramètres analysés étaient socio-épidémiologiques, cliniques et para-cliniques. Nous avons exclu tous les patients dont les dossiers médicaux étaient inexploitables. RÉSULTATS: la prévalence de la maladie rénale était de 9,9% (109/1099). Quatre-vingtneuf répondaient aux critères d'inclusion. La population d'étude était composée de 47 femmes (52,8%) et de 42 hommes (47,2%), avec un sex-ratio de 0,89 en faveur des femmes. La moyenne d'âge était de 40,09 ans avec une prédominance des patients de la tranche d'âge [40-59]. Les principaux motifs de consultation étaient hypercréatininémie (48,3%), syndrome œdémateux (16,9%), douleur lombaire (10,1%). L'hypertension artérielle (55,1%) et œdème des membres inférieurs (46,1%) étaient les antécédents pathologiques fréquemment retrouvées dans notre étude. La maladie rénale retrouvée était par ordre de croissance : insuffisance rénale chronique (51%) ; insuffisance rénale aigue (28%) ; protéinurie (16%), hématurie (3%), anomalie morphologique des reins (2%). La néphropathie tubulo-interstitielle représentait 64% des insuffisances rénales aiguës avec P= 0,000306. La néphropathie vasculaire constituait 46,7% des insuffisances rénales chroniques avec P= 0,000251. Aucun cas de néphropathie glomérulaire n'a été retrouvé chez les patients de plus de 60 ans.Les causes les plus fréquentes étaient représentées par les causes toxiques (médicaments néphrotoxiques) ; infectieuses ; l'hypertension artérielle et le diabète. Les facteurs d'aggravations les plus observés sont la phytothérapie, l'infection urinaire, l'hypoperfusion rénale et l'HTA non équilibrée. CONCLUSION: la maladie rénale n'est pas rare aux urgences de l'hôpital Fousseyni Daou de Kayes. Les causes les plus fréquemment rencontrées sont les médicaments néphrotoxiques, l'HTA et le diabète.

Mali Med ; 36(1): 8-15, 2021.
Artigo em Francês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-37973572


INTRODUCTION: Obstructive renal failure or obstructive uropathy is an entity defined by the simultaneous presence of impaired renal function and dilated urinary excretory pathways in medical imaging. It accounts for 2 to 10% of the causes of acute renal failure (ARF). The purpose of this work was to evaluate the prevalence of this condition in our department. METHOD: This was a retrospective study conducted from January 1, 2017 to June 30, 2018 in the said department. The parameters studied were age, sex, etiology, type of renal failure, actions performed, surgical results of the procedure, creatinine level before and after management, and death rate. RESULTS: obstructive renal failure accounted for 7.32% of all hospitalizations during the study period. The sex ratio was 1.86 in favor of men. The average age was 48.99 ± 6.81 years with extremes of 7 and 102 years. The etiologies were dominated by lithiasis (43.4%). Renal failure was acute and chronic in 20.5% and 54.2% of cases, respectively. It was indeterminate in 25.3% of cases. The obstructive character of renal failure has been confirmed in medical imaging. Lithiases accounted for 43.4% of cases. For therapeutic management, our patients received urinary catheterization (38.6%), nephrostomy (34.9%), urological surgery (22.9%) and hemodialysis (22%). The evolution was favorable in 59% of the cases. CONCLUSION: Obstructions of the upper urinary tract are becoming more frequent in our medical practice. They occur mainly in patients with lithiasis. There is a large proportion of kidney failure requiring hemodialysis.

INTRODUCTION: L'insuffisance rénale obstructive ou encore uropathie obstructive est une entité définie par la présencesimultanée d'une altération de la fonction rénale et d'une dilatation des voies excrétrices urinaires à l'imageriemédicale. Elle représente 2 à 10% des causes d'insuffisance rénale aiguë (IRA). L'objectif de ce travail était de déterminer la prévalence de cette affection dans notre service. MÉTHODE: Il s'agissait d'une étude rétrospective réalisée du 1er janvier 2017 au 30 juin 2018 dans le service de néphrologie du CHU du Point G.Ont été inclus, tous les patients hospitalisés dans le service durant la période d'étude et ayant un dossier médical exploitable. Les paramètres étudiés étaient l'âge, le sexe, l'étiologie, le type d'insuffisance rénale, les gestes réalisés, les résultats chirurgicaux de la procédure, le taux de créatinine avant et après la prise en charge et le taux de décès. RÉSULTAT: Durant la période d'étude, 83 patients répondaient aux critères d'inclusion sur les 1133 patients hospitalisés, soit 7, 32%.Le sex-ratio était de 1,86 en faveur des hommes. L'âge moyen était de 48,99±6,81 ans avec des extrêmes de 7 et 102 ans. A l'admission 97,6% des patients avaient une créatininémie augmentée. La créatininémie moyenne était de 1284,087 µmol/l avec des extrêmes de 506 et 2063 µmol/l. La créatininémie moyenne après traitement était de 579,605 µmol/l. L'échographie de l'arbre urinaire réalisée chez tous nos patients a montré une hydronéphrose et une urétérohydronéphrose dans respectivement 61,5% et 38,5% des cas. La tomodensitométrie abdomino-pelvienne réalisée chez 42 patients, montrait une urétérohydronéphrose bilatérale dans 50% des cas. La lithiase urétérale et les séquelles bilharziennes étaient les plus fréquemment retrouvées à la TDM avec 23,53% chacune. L'infection urinaire était présente dans 59,7% des cas et le germe isolé était Escherichia coli dans 32,8% des cas. Les étiologiesétaient dominées par les lithiases (43,4%). L'insuffisance rénale était aiguë et chronique dans respectivement 20,5% et 54,2% des cas. Elle était indéterminée dans 25,3% des cas. La prise en charge thérapeutique comportait le sondage urinaire (38,6%), la néphrostomie percutanée (34,9%), la chirurgie urologique (22,9%) et l'hémodialyse (22%).L'évolution a été favorable dans 59,04% des cas dont 20,48% des cas de guérison complète, 14, 46% des cas d'amélioration et 24,10% des cas ont été transférés. Le taux de mortalité était élevé soit 36,14%. CONCLUSION: les obstructions du haut appareil urinaire sont de plus en plus fréquentes dans notre pratique médicale. Elles sont essentiellement d'origine lithiasique. On compte une importante proportion d'insuffisance rénale nécessitant une prise en charge en hémodialyse.

Mali Med ; 36(2): 45-50, 2021.
Artigo em Francês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-37973580


The kidney is one of the target of Covid-19. Damage may present itself as acute renal failure (5-35% of patients), hematuria (30-40%) and/or proteinuria (40-65%). We report the first couple cases of acute renal failure due to Covid-19 in Mali : a 63years old woman and a 60years old man, both black and diabetics. The circumstances of discovery of renal failure were oliguria in both cases and total macroscopic hematuria for the man. CONCLUSION: The kidney damages become more and more frequent during Covid-19 infection. We suggest that they should be systematically investigated as soon as the diagnosis of this infection is made.

Le rein est une des cibles de Covid-19.L'atteinte peut se présenter sous forme d'une insuffisance rénale aigue (5-35% des patients), d'une hématurie (30-40%) et/ou d'une protéinurie (40-65%). Nous rapportons deux cas d'insuffisance rénale aigue due au Covid-19 au Mali. Il s'agit d'une femme de 63 ans et d'un homme de 60 ans, de race noire et tous deux diabétiques. Les circonstances de découverte de l'insuffisance rénale ont été l'oligurie dans les deux cas et l'hématurie macroscopique totale dans le deuxième cas. CONCLUSION: Les atteintes rénales deviennent de plus de plus fréquentes au cours de l'infection à Covid-19. Nous suggérons de les rechercher systématiquement dès que le diagnostic de cette infection est posé.

Mali Med ; 35(3): 12-14, 2020.
Artigo em Francês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-37978731


INTRODUCTION: Chronic kidney disease (CKD)is a serious public health problem in Africa with regard to mortality associated with it. According to global hospital data, CKD is involved in 4-22% of deaths in tropical Africa. In Mali, epidemiological studies are infrequent.Thus, this work is under taken with the objective of studying the epidemiological aspects and the factors associated with the mortality of hemodialysis patients in the hemodialysis unit of the Mali Gavardo Hospital (HMG) in Sébenikoro. METHOD: We conducted a descriptive retrospective cross-sectionalstudy of the hemodialysis unit of the HMG in Sébenikoro. Data were collected over a 12-month period from January to December 2017. Included were records of all hemodialysis patients for chronic renal failure who died, of either sex and anyage. RESULTS: A total of 52 patients were dialysed during the study period among whom 12 died or a mortality rate of 23%. The average age of the patients was 59.16 years with extremes of 39 and 71 years. Patients aged 60 and over accounted for 58.3% of cases. There was a male predominance with a sex ratio M / F: 2. In terms of chronic diseases, 83.3% of patients were hypertensive, 50% diabetic, and 16.66% hadhepatitis C. Compared to the initial nephropathies : glomerular nephropathy: 58.3%, vascular nephropathy: 25.0%, undetermined nephropathy: 16.7%. For the management of anemia, 100% ofour patients received EPO and iron injection. Regarding the management of hemodialysis, 83.3% had an AVF as a vascular approach and 16.7% had a central venous catheter as a vascular approach. The patients were all regular at their hemodialysis session with a rhythm of two sessions of 04H of time per session and per week. The causes of death were dominated by cardiovascular pathologies: 5 cases, 41.7%, infectious diseases: 4 cases, 33.3%, indeterminate pathologies: 3 cases or 25%. Deaths occurred in 58.3% of cases before one year of dialysis and 41.7% after one year of hemodialysis treatment. CONCLUSION: The mortality rate of hemodialysis patients is high in Mali, especially in the HMG of Sébénikoro. Cardiovascular causes have an important role in the mortality of hemodialysis patients, but other causes such as infections are not to be over looked.

INTRODUCTION: En Afrique, l'insuffisance rénale chronique (IRC) est un problème de santé publique au regard de la mortalité qui lui est associée. L'IRC est impliquée dans 4 à 22% de décès en Afrique tropicale . Au Mali les études épidémiologiques sont rares . Ce travail est entrepris pour étudier les aspects épidémiologiques et les facteurs associés à la mortalité chez les hémodialysés chroniques. MÉTHODE: il s'agissait d'une étude transversale rétrospective et descriptive ayant pour cadre l'unité d'hémodialyse de l'HMG. Les données ont été collectées sur une période de 12 mois. Ont été inclus, les dossiers de tous les patients hémodialysés chroniques décédés. RÉSULTATS: Au total 52 patients dialysés pendant la période d'étude parmi lesquels 12 sont décédés soit un taux de mortalité de 23%. L'âge moyen des patients était de 59,16 ans avec des extrêmes de 39 et 71 ans. Les patients âgés de 60 ans et plus constituaient 58,3% des cas. On notait une prédominance masculine avec un sexe ratio H/F : 2. Les néphropathies initiales étaient glomérulaire (58,3%), vasculaire (25,0%) et indéterminée (16,7%). Pour la prise en charge en hémodialyse, 83,3% avait une FAV et 16,7% avait bénéficié d'un cathéter veineux central. Les causes de mortalité étaient : les pathologies cardiovasculaires (41,7%,), les pathologies infectieuses (33,3), les pathologies indéterminées (25%). CONCLUSION: Le taux de mortalité des hémodialysés est élevé à l'HMG. Les causes cardiovasculaires ont une place importante dans la mortalité des hémodialysés.

Mali Med ; 35(4): 18-22, 2020.
Artigo em Francês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-37978749


Erectile dysfunction is a common pathology in the general population. The frequency of these erectile disorders is increased in some particular populations such as patients with renal impairment in which it is estimated between 50% and 70% depending on the stage of renal failure. AIMS: Our study aims to study erectile dysfunction in chronic hemodialyzed male patients. METHOD: This is a descriptive prospective study carried out during the period from April 3 to August 31, 2017 having covered 65 chronic hemodialyzed patients for more than 12 months. RESULT: In our study the prevalence of DE was 70.8% and moderate in 13.8%, severe in 30.8%, mild in 26.2%. Testosteronemia was normal in 83.1% of cases and significantly lower in patients with sexual disorders p = 0.030. Libido disorders were observed in 57% of our patients and significantly related to a decrease in testosteronemia p = 0.001. Vascular nephropathy was the most common etiology, i.e. 50.8% of cases followed by chronic Glomerulonephritis 24.6% and in 13.8% of cases no underlying etiology was found.

la dysfonction érectile est une affection fréquente dans la population générale. La fréquence de ces troubles de l'érection est majorée dans certaines populations particulières comme les patients insuffisants rénaux chez qui elle est estimée entre 50% à 70% selon le stade de l'insuffisance rénale. BUT: Notre étude a pour objectif d'évaluer la prévalence la dysfonction érectile chez les patients hémodialysés chroniques de sexe masculin. MÉTHODE: Il s'agit d'une étude prospective descriptive réalisée durant la période du 3 Avril au31 Aout 2017 ayant porté sur 65 patients hémodialysés chroniques depuis plus de 12 mois. RÉSULTAT: Dans notre étude la prévalence de la dysfonction érectile était de 70,8 %. Elle est modérée dans 13,8 %, sévère dans 30,8 %, et légère dans 26,2%. La testosteronémie était normale dans 83,1 % des cas et significativement plus basse chez les patients présentant des troubles sexuels p = 0,030. Les troubles de la libido étaient observés chez 57 % de nos patients et significativement liés à une diminution de la testostéronémie p = 0,001. La néphropathie vasculaire était l'étiologie la plus fréquente soit 50,8 % des cas puis la glomérulonéphrite chronique 24,6% et dans 13,8 % des cas aucune étiologie sous-jacente n'a été trouvée.

Mali Med ; 35(2): 1-5, 2020.
Artigo em Francês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-37978775


AIM: Hemodialysis is the only method of renal replacement in Mali. Purpose of this work: to study the evolution of chronic hemodialysis. PATIENTS AND METHODS: In a retrospective study, we used the medical charts of 150 patients. The studied parameters were the epidemiology and clinic profile of patients, the risk factors, the quality and the impact of the benefits on the survival. The data were analyzed on SPSS 12.0 for Windows with p <0.05 as the significance value. RESULTS: The mean age was 40.45 years (15 years and 77 years). Patients have a low income in 60%. The hemoglobin level was less than 9 g/l in 63.3%. Kidney vascular disease was the most frequent causes in 42%. Hyperphosphataemia was found in 38.6%. The lipid balance was disturbed in 73.9%. A central catheter was used directly in 78.7%. The mortality rate was of 37.3%. The death was due to hypertrophic cardiomyopathy in 35.5% (p = 0.002). Low hemoglobin (p = 0.0002), central catheterization (p=0.008), cardiovascular complications (p= 0.007) and hemodialysis duration (p = 0.00001) are the risk factors for high mortality. CONCLUSION: The duration of life in hemodialysis remains linked to the complications of renal damage and early management.

OBJECTIF: L'hémodialyse est la seule méthode de suppléance rénale au Mali. But du travail : étudier l'évolution des hémodialysés chroniques. PATIENTS ET MÉTHODES: Etude rétrospective transversale de 3 ans chez 150 patients. Les paramètres étudiés : le profil épidémioclinique, les facteurs de risques, la qualité et l'impact des prestations sur la survie. Les données ont été analysées sur SPSS 12.0 pour Windows avec p<0,05 comme valeur de significativité. RÉSULTATS: L'âge moyen des patients était de 40,45 ans. Le revenu était faible chez 60%. Le taux d'hémoglobine était inférieur à 9g/dl chez 63,3%. La néphropathie vasculaire était la principale cause 42%. L'hyperphosphorémie isolée était retrouvée chez 38,6%. Le bilan lipidique était perturbé chez 73,9%. L'abord vasculaire était le cathéter central chez 78,7%. La mortalité était de 37,3%. Le décès était dû à la cardiomyopathie hypertrophique chez 35,5% (p = 0,002). Le taux d'hémoglobine bas (p=0,0002), le KT central (p=0,008), les complications cardiovasculaires (p=0,007) et la durée en hémodialyse (p=0,00001) sont des facteurs de risques de mortalité élevée. CONCLUSION: La durée de vie en hémodialyse reste liée aux complications de l'atteinte rénale et à la prise en charge précoce.

Mali Med ; 35(2): 52-55, 2020.
Artigo em Francês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-37978776


INTRODUCTION: The appearance of spontaneous subdural hematoma (SSDH) is a rare phenomenon in chronic hemodialysis and is burdened with significant morbidity and mortality. It's prevalence remains low in Sub-Saharan Africa, is 0.43%. We report a case of SSDH in a young hemodialysis patient with favorable outcome after medico-surgical management. CLINICAL OBSERVATION: This is a 35-year-old patient who has been hemodialysed since June 2016 for chronic renal insufficiency of hypertensive origin. He was admitted on 18 July 2018 in the nephrology department of CHU Point G for intense headaches in a context of dysarthria. They associate themselves with speech disorders, photo-phonophobia, uncontrollable nausea and vomiting. It does not report any notion of head trauma. The physical examination noted dysarthria, a right pyramidal syndrome made of right Babinsky sign, right arm deficit at 4/5, and right hemicorporeal hyperkinesia. He weighed 62 kg for 165 cm, the blood pressure was 187 / 110 mmHg. The patient had clinical signs of extracellular dehydration. Non-injected cerebral CT showed an acute left sub-dural hematoma with peri-lesional cerebral hypodensity. Surgical evacuation of the hematoma through a trephine hole is performed under local anesthesia. The postoperative course was simple. His hemodialysis sessions were done without heparin from diagnosis until 23 days post operatively. CONCLUSION: Spontaneous subdural hematoma is multifactorial and rare in the dialysis patient. Despite high morbidity and mortality, hemodialysis should not refute surgical management of subdural hematoma.

INTRODUCTION: L'apparition d'un hématome sous-dural (HSD) spontané est un phénomène rare en hémodialyse chronique et est grevé d'une morbi-mortalité importante. Sa prévalence reste faible en Afrique Sub-Saharienne soit 0,43%. Nous rapportons un cas d'HSD spontané chez un patient jeune hémodialysé avec issue favorable après une prise en charge médico-chirurgicale. OBSERVATION CLINIQUE: Il s'agit d'un patient de 35 ans, hémodialysé depuis juin 2016 pour une insuffisance rénale chronique d'origine hypertensive. Il a été admis le 18 juillet 2018 dans le service de néphrologie du CHU Point G pour des céphalées intenses dans un contexte de dysarthrie. Ils s'y associent des troubles de langage, d'une photo-phonophobie, des nausées et des vomissements incoercibles. Il ne rapporte aucune notion de traumatisme crânien. L'examen physique notait une dysarthrie, un syndrome pyramidal droit fait de signe de Babinsky droit, un déficit du bras droit à 4/5, et une hyperkinésie hémicorporelle droite. Il pesait 62 kg pour 165 cm, la pression artérielle était à 187/110 mmHg. Le patient présentait des signes cliniques de déshydratation extracellulaire. La tomodensitométrie cérébrale sans injection montrait un hématome sous-dural aigu gauche avec hypodensité cérébrale péri-lésionnelle. L'évacuation chirurgicale de l'hématome à travers un trou Trépan est réalisée sous anesthésie locale. Les suites opératoires ont été simples. Ses séances d'hémodialyse étaient faites sans héparine depuis le diagnostic jusqu'à j 23 en post opératoire. CONCLUSION: L'hématome sous-dural spontané est multifactoriel et rare chez le patient dialysé. Malgré une forte morbi-mortalité, l'hémodialyse ne doit pas réfuter une prise en charge chirurgicale de l'hématome sous-dural.

Mali Med ; 34(1): 53-58, 2019.
Artigo em Francês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-35897250


For a long time, pregnancy in chronic hemodialysis was considered medically contraindicated, because of the many maternal complications that it could cause. Its management is as heavy for the medical teams (nephrologist, obstetrician and neonatologist) as for the patient herself. We report here a case of pregnancy in a dialysis patient observed at the Madeleine clinic in Dakar, Senegal. This pregnancy is the first described with a birth of a living child having a normal birth weight without abnormal malformative thanks to the multidisciplinary follow-up nephrologist, obstetrician and neonatologist), the intensification of dialysis care, the correction of anemia, control of blood pressure and improvement of the mother status nutritional.

Pendant très longtemps la grossesse chez l'hémodialysée chronique était considérée comme médicalement contre indiquée, à cause des nombreuses complications materno fœtales qu'elles pouvaient engendrer. Sa prise en charge est aussi lourde pour les équipes médicales (néphrologue, obstétricien et neonatologiste) que pour la patiente elle-même. Nous rapportons ici un cas de grossesse chez une dialysée observé à la clinique madeleine de Dakar au Sénégal. Cette grossesse est la première décrite avec une naissance d'un enfant vivant ayant un poids de naissance normal sans anomalie malformative grâce au suivi pluridisciplinaire (néphrologue, obstétricien et néonatologiste), l'intensification des soins de dialyse, la correction de l'anémie, la maitrise de la pression artérielle et l'amélioration de l'état nutritionnel de la mère.

Mali Med ; 33(3): 19-22, 2018.
Artigo em Francês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-35897196


INTRODUCTION: Cardiovascular abnormalities are frequent and often early, severe and masked in patients with renal impairment. These cardiovascular complications are the main causes of death in hemodialysis patients. The diagnosis of these cardiovascular anomalies by cardiac ultrasound allows the individualization of patients at high cardiovascular risk. We conducted this study to evaluate the echo-cardiographic aspects of chronic hemodialysis in the nephrology and hemodialysis department of the G-Point CHU. METHODS: This is a retrospective study of chronic renal failure patients who have undergone extra-renal treatment for 6 months or more from January 1, 2011 to December 31, 2012. Results: During this study, 83 files were retained The sex ratio was 1.51 in favor of men. The average age of patients was 48 years old. HTA (59%) and tobacco (43.3%) remain the dominant risk factors. Vascular nephropathy was the leading cause of CKD, 44.6%. Echo-cardiac abnormalities are dominated by cavitary dilatation (78.3%), LVH (41%), cardiac dysfunction (83.2%), valvular lesion (30.1%), and pericarditis (22,9%). The cardiovascular complications were LVH (41%), hypertension (25.3%) and dilated cardiomyopathy (9.7%). The evolution was favorable for 73.5% of the patients, the mortality represented 8.4% with various complication (18.1%).

INTRODUCTION: les anomalies cardiovasculairessont fréquentes et souvent précoces, sévères et masquées chez les patients insuffisants rénaux. Ces complications cardiovasculaires sont les principales causes de mortalités et de morbidité chez les hémodialysés. Le diagnostic de ces anomalies cardiovasculaires par l'échographie cardiaque permet l'individualisationdes patients à haut risque cardio vasculaire. L'objectif de cette étude était d'évaluer les aspects échocardiographiques chez les hémodialyses chroniques dans le service de néphrologie et d'hémodialyse du CHU du point G. MÉTHODES: Il s'agit d'une étude rétrospective du 1er janvier 2011 au 31 décembre 2012 et a concerné les insuffisances rénales chroniques ayant bénéficié d'une épuration extra-rénale depuis6mois. RÉSULTATS: Au cours de cette étude 83 dossiers étaient retenus. Le sex ratio était de 1,5 en faveur des hommes. L'âge moyen des patients était de 48 ans. L'HTA (59%), le tabac (43,3%) restent les facteurs de risque dominant. La néphropathie vasculaire a été la principale cause d'IRC soit 44,6%.Les anomalies échocardiographiques sont dominées par la dysfonction cardiaque (83,2%), ladilatation cavitaire (78,3%), l'HVG (41%), la lésion valvulaire (30,1%), et l'épanchement péricardique (22,9%). Les complications cardiovasculaires étaient l'HTA (67.%), lacardiomyopathie dilatée (49,7%) et l'HVG (41%). L'évolution était favorable chez 73,5% des patients, la mortalité représentait 8,4% avec complication diverse (18,1%).

Mali Med ; 32(4): 1-6, 2017.
Artigo em Francês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-30079642


OBJECTIVE: Determine prevalence of the depression in a population of patients chronic hemodialysis. Look for the associated sociodemographic, clinical and biological factors. METHOD: It was a transverse study. She concerned the at least 18-years-old patients, followed in the center of Hemodialysis of the CHU at the rate of 2 - 3 sessions a week. The patients having agreed, were in dialysis at least for 3 months and benefited from an individual interview through an index card of investigation based of Hamilton's scale French version in 17 items. RESULTS: On a sample of 107 patients, the average age was 43, 24 ± 14 years old with extremes between 20 and 75 years. The average duration in dialysis was of ±40, 37 36, 5 months with extremes between 4 and 144 months. Prevalence of the depression was 88 %. The depression was light in 78, 5 %, moderated in 6,5% and severe in 3 %. The anemia was present at 94 patient's among whom 76 had a light depression. CONCLUSION: We observed that prevalence of the depression remains high to the chronic hemodialysis.

OBJECTIF: Déterminer la prévalence de la dépression dans une population de patients hémodialysés chroniques. Rechercher les facteurs sociodémographiques, cliniques et biologiques. MÉTHODE: Il s'est agi d'une étude transversale. Elle a concerné les patients âgés d'au moins 18 ans, suivis au Centre d'Hémodialyse à raison de 2 ­ 3 séances par semaine. Les patients ayant acceptés, étaient en dialyse au moins depuis 3 mois et ont bénéficiés un entretien individuel à travers une fiche d'enquête basé sur l'échelle d'Hamilton version française à 17 items. RÉSULTATS: Sur un échantillon de 107 patients, l'âge moyen était de 43,24 ± 14 ans avec les extrêmes entre 20 et 75 ans. La durée moyenne en dialyse était de 40,37 ±36,5 mois avec les extrêmes entre 4 et 144 mois. La prévalence de la dépression était de 88 %. La dépression était légère dans 78,5 %, modéré dans 6,5 % et sévère dans 3 %. L'anémie était présente chez 94 patients dont 76 avaient une dépression légère. CONCLUSION: Nous avons observé que la prévalence de la dépression reste élevée chez les hémodialysés chroniques.

Mali Med ; 28(2): 46-52, 2013.
Artigo em Francês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-30049092


AIM: To determine the impact of emigration on HIV transmission in the Kayes region. PATIENTS AND METHODS: It was a cross-sectional study conducted in 2007 in the Fousseyni DAOU Hospital of Kayes. A total of 109 subjects were included - all participants were over 14 years old and were diagnosed as HIV positive. The variables studied were knowledge, attitudes and behaviors regarding HIV/AIDS, the notion of traveling outside of Mali and emigration. Pearson Chi2 and Fisher test were used for a bivariate analysis. RESULTS: The female/male sex ratio was of 2.51. In this data pool, 32.3% (10/31) of men were emigrants. More than a third 37.2% (29/78) of women had an emigrant as a sexual partner. There was no significant difference in the levels of knowledge regarding HIV between emigrants and those who never went abroad. The likelihood of having had relations with a sex worker in the preceding 12 months was nine times higher for an emigrant than to a non-emigrant [OR=9.13, CI 95% (2.20 - 37.84)].An emigrant was five times more likely to have at least two sexual partners [OR=5.11, CI 95% (1.37-18.94)]. CONCLUSION: This study showed that emigration is an important factor regarding the spread of HIV in the region of Kayes Mali. Sensitization of the candidates to emigration must be reinforced.

OBJECTIF: Déterminer la place de l'émigration sur la transmission du VIH dans la région de Kayes. PATIENTS ET MÉTHODES: Il s'agissait d'une étude transversale menée en 2007 à l'hôpital Fousseyni DAOU de Kayes. Au total 109 sujets de plus de 14 ans dépistés VIH positif ont été inclus. Les variables ont été les connaissances, attitudes et comportements par rapport au VIH/SIDA, la notion de voyage à l'extérieur du Mali et l'émigration. Le Chi2 de Pearson et le test exact de Fischer ont été utilisés pour l'analyse bivariée. RÉSULTATS: Le sex ratio a été de 2,51 en faveur du sexe féminin. Dans cette série, 32,3% (10/31) des hommes étaient des émigrants. Plus d'un tiers soit 37,2% (29/78) des femmes avaient comme partenaire sexuel un émigré. Il n'y a pas eu de différence significative entre les niveaux de connaissance en matière de VIH selon qu'on soit émigré ou non. Les risques qu'un émigré fréquente une professionnelle de sexe, 12 mois avant notre interview ont été 9 fois supérieurs à ceux d'un non émigré [OR=9,13 ; IC 95% (2,20 ­ 37,84)]. Un émigré était cinq fois plus susceptible d'avoir au moins deux partenaires sexuels [OR=5,11, 95% IC, (1,37 ­ 18,94)]. CONCLUSION: Cette étude a montré que le phénomène de l'émigration est un facteur d'expansion du VIH dans la région de Kayes au Mali. La sensibilisation des candidats à l'émigration doit être renforcée.

Mali Med ; 27(1): 47-50, 2012.
Artigo em Francês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-22765969


Cerebral toxoplasmosis is common opportunistic infections of central nervous system in AIDS. It occurs most often in case of severe immunosuppression. The aim of this study is to investigate the general characteristics of cerebral toxoplasmosis during HIV infection and AIDS in hospital area in Bamako. It is a retrospective study of 5 years (form January 2001 to December 2005), conducted in the infectious diseases department of Point G Teaching Hospital of Bamako. It concerned all patients infected with HIV, hospitalized for cerebral toxoplasmosis. The diagnosis of cerebral toxoplasmosis was based on clinical, C T and therapeutic arguments. A total of 745 patients investigated, 26 met cerebral toxoplasmosis diagnostic criteria (14 men and 12 women). The rate of cerebral toxoplasmosis in the study population was 3.5%. The average age was 38.1 years (18-58 years). Focused neurological deficit (73.07%), intracranial hypertension signs (69.20%), meningeal syndrome (15.40%), seizures (57.69%) and consciousness disorders (30.80%) were the clinical characteristics. Hypodensity with or without peripheral enhancement images (93.75%) were found on CT. The average rate of CD4 T cells was 98.7cells/mm3 (5-473 cells/mm3). Oropharyngeal candidiasis in 61.53% of cases, intestinal cryptosporidiosis (11.53%), herpes zoster (3.84%) and Pott's disease (3.84%) were the opportunistic infections associated. Cotrimoxazole was used in 88.46% of patients and 3 patients (11.54%) received the standard treatment (Sulfadiazine-Pyrimethamine). Antitoxoplasmic treatment led to a clinical improvement in 84.61% and 4 deaths (15.39%). were recorded. The technical platform for etiological diagnosis of toxoplasmosis is not available at the Point-G Teaching Hospital, so in case of encephalitis signs in a HIV positive patient, CT should be urgently perform and a treatment trial must begin without delay.

Infecções Oportunistas Relacionadas com a AIDS/epidemiologia , Toxoplasmose Cerebral/epidemiologia , Infecções Oportunistas Relacionadas com a AIDS/diagnóstico , Infecções Oportunistas Relacionadas com a AIDS/tratamento farmacológico , Adolescente , Adulto , Coccidiostáticos/uso terapêutico , Comorbidade , Transtornos da Consciência/epidemiologia , Transtornos da Consciência/etiologia , Feminino , Hemiplegia/epidemiologia , Hemiplegia/etiologia , Hospitais Universitários/estatística & dados numéricos , Humanos , Hipertensão Intracraniana/epidemiologia , Hipertensão Intracraniana/etiologia , Masculino , Mali/epidemiologia , Pessoa de Meia-Idade , Prevalência , Estudos Retrospectivos , Convulsões/epidemiologia , Convulsões/etiologia , Tomografia Computadorizada por Raios X , Toxoplasmose Cerebral/complicações , Toxoplasmose Cerebral/diagnóstico , Toxoplasmose Cerebral/tratamento farmacológico , Resultado do Tratamento , Adulto Jovem
Mali Med ; 26(2): 12-5, 2011.
Artigo em Francês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-22766387


The objective of this prospective study conducted in November 2008, was to determine the prevalence and the factors associated with Hepatitis C Virus (HCV) infection in chronic hemodialysis patients. The study was carried out in the hemodialysis unit of the university teaching hospital of Point G. Serum samples were tested for anti-HCV antibody, anti-HIV antibody and HBs Ag using enzyme immunoassay methods (ELISA) at the laboratory of immunology of the National Blood Transfusion Service of Bamako. The following parameters were assessed: initial nephropathy, duration of the dialysis, history of blood transfusion, number of blood units transfused since the beginning of the dialysis, history of nosocomial exposure. A total of 66 patients were enrolled. The mean age of the patients was 42,27±14, 8 years, with a male to female sex-ratio of 1,44. Anti-HCV antibodies were found in 13 chronic hemodialysis patients, leading to a prevalence of 19,7%. A significant association was found between the bearing of HCV and the duration of the dialysis. These results indicate that hepatitis C is frequent in the chronic hemodialysis patients of the university teaching hospital of Point G, and that the duration of dialysis constitutes the main factor associated with the contamination by the HCV.

Hepatite C/epidemiologia , Diálise Renal , Adulto , Idoso , Idoso de 80 Anos ou mais , Estudos Transversais , Feminino , Humanos , Hospedeiro Imunocomprometido , Masculino , Mali/epidemiologia , Pessoa de Meia-Idade , Prevalência , Estudos Prospectivos , Fatores de Risco , Fatores de Tempo , Adulto Jovem
Mali Med ; 26(2): 16-20, 2011.
Artigo em Francês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-22766418


AIMS: To assess the social and psychological state development of our patients six months after their dialysis treatment. PATIENTS AND METHODS: It was about a prospective study within January to June 2006. The data collection was conducted on personal search records and a questionnaire "Choice Health Experience Questionnaire" (CHEQ). The CHEQ self managed assessed the mental health, the physical health, the sexual and social functioning, the concept of sleeping disorders, familial life, leisure's and education's level. The typing was done on Epi Info 6,0 and the analyse on SPSS10. RESULTS: They where 20 men and 10 women or a ratio sex of 2. The average age was 40.36 years ±13.08. Twenty three patients (76.7%) were satisfied of their life in general. Four patients (13.3%) were depressed, two had sleeping disorders. Fifteen men (75%) had erection disorders. CONCLUSION: Our patients' quality of life in iterative haemodialysis remains satisfactory. A better care taking of the anaemia is necessary because it plays an important role in the erection disorders.

Qualidade de Vida , Diálise Renal/psicologia , Adulto , Feminino , Humanos , Masculino , Mali , Estudos Prospectivos
Mali Med ; 26(2): 27-30, 2011.
Artigo em Francês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-22766477


AIMS: To determine the frequency and the diagnostic difficulties of tuberculosis of haemodialysis patients. PATIENTS AND METHODS: The study was about a retrospective analyse of patients haemodialysis records treated for tuberculosis within January 2003 to April 2006. The tuberculosis check-up contained a questioning, a meticulous clinic examination, thorax radiography, a tuberculosis intra dermoreaction (IDR) and the search of Koch Bacillus (BK) in biological liquids. RESULTS: Tuberculosis was identified to 15.52% of haemodialysis patients (10/95). The average age of our patients was from 44.3 years, with a ratio sex of 2.5 in favour of men. Tuberculosis infection happened on average 27.4 months after the beginning of the haemodialysis. We found out 50% of extra pulmonary tuberculosis (three peritoneales and two pleurales); and 50% of pulmonary tuberculosis. The IDR was positive in two cases (2/6). The search of BK didn't succeed. We reported three deaths. CONCLUSION: The effect of tuberculosis to chronic haemodialysis patients is very high. The diagnostic is sometimes difficult and is based only on specific therapeutic test.

Diálise Renal , Tuberculose/epidemiologia , Adulto , Feminino , Humanos , Hospedeiro Imunocomprometido , Masculino , Mali , Estudos Retrospectivos , Tuberculose/diagnóstico
Transfus Clin Biol ; 17(4): 218-22, 2010 Oct.
Artigo em Francês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-20961789


This prospective study conducted within 9 months period aimed to determine the frequency of red cell alloimmunization among polytransfused patients of the medical Hematology and oncology ward, and the unit of hemodialysis of the Nephrology ward at the Point-G hospital. Irregular red blood cell antibody screening and identification were performed by gel-filtration method using indirect antiglobulin test and enzymatic treated cells. We did not use saline medium. A total of 78 patients were included in this study. The mean age of the patients was 36.78±14.73 years (range: 11 and 77 years). The sex ratio was of 1.11 in favour of the women. The mean blood units transfused were 12.21±9.99 units (range: 4 and 45 units). The Rhesus phenotypes Dccee, DccEe and DCcee were most predominant, with the respective frequencies of 67.9, 15.4 and 10.3%. Kell antigen was found at a frequency of 1.28%. The total rate of red cell alloimmunization was 10.3%. There was no significant difference between the two wards. All the screened agglutinins were warm antibodies belonging to the Rhesus system: anti-E (7.7%), anti-C (1.3%) and anti-D (1.3%). Only Anti-E was present among hematologic patients. We did not find a significant link between the sex, the age, the number of blood units transfused and the positivity of the antibody screening. We conclude that the frequency of post-transfusional alloimmunization is high among polytransfused patients in Mali. A systematic antibody screening among these patients and the selection of red cells with known Rhesus/Kell phenotypes would allow an optimal blood transfusion safety.

Anticorpos/imunologia , Transfusão de Sangue/estatística & dados numéricos , Eritrócitos/imunologia , Hemaglutininas/imunologia , Adolescente , Adulto , Idoso , Criança , Feminino , Hospitais Universitários , Humanos , Masculino , Mali , Pessoa de Meia-Idade , Estudos Prospectivos , Adulto Jovem
Mali Med ; 24(2): 53-6, 2009.
Artigo em Francês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-19666371


PURPOSE: To assess renal features joint to gene of the drepanocytose. PATIENTS AND METHODS: It concerned a descriptive transversal study from June 1995 to January 2004. Were included drepanocytose patients admitted hospital or seeing for consulting having one of the features: haematuria, proteinuria, leucocyturia, positive aeroculture, urea increasing and/ or of blood creatinine. The analysis and data capture were conducted on SPSS 11.0. The statistic text was the Khi square with a threshold of signification p<0.05. RESULTS: The folders of 30 patients (18 m and 12 w) were collected. The average age was of 3104 years (5 and 64 years). The most hospitalization reasons encountered were the oedema syndrome (26.7%) and the overall haematuria (20%). The majority of the patients were heterozygote 93.33%. The kidney sicknesses encountered were: acute renal deficiency 40%, the macroscopic haematuria 20%, the nephritic syndrome 20%, chronic renal deficiency 13.4%, urinary infection 3.3% and microscopic haematuria 33%. CONCLUSION: The sicklaneny's gene in Mali is associated to a renal morbidity. The increased frequency of drepanocytaria feature bearers must be confirmed by other studies in order to establish a strategic of treatment of this pathology.

Hemoglobina Falciforme/genética , Nefropatias/genética , Adolescente , Adulto , Criança , Pré-Escolar , Feminino , Humanos , Masculino , Pessoa de Meia-Idade , Nefrologia , Diálise Renal , Unidade Hospitalar de Urologia , Adulto Jovem
Mali Med ; 24(1): 29-32, 2009.
Artigo em Francês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-19666378


AIMS: This study was aimed to follow clinical and biological data of patients presenting a nephrotic syndrom apparently primitiv, devided in two groups. PATIENTS AND METHODS: The study was prospectiv including 50 patients hospitalized from January 1999 to January 2001. The first group received prednison tablets according to their body weight, and the second group received firstly a bolus of methyl prednisone to the cumulative dose of 20mg/kg divided on 3 days; relayed by the 20mg/day of prednison tablets. The Chi2 test was estimated (p

Glucocorticoides/uso terapêutico , Metilprednisolona/uso terapêutico , Síndrome Nefrótica/tratamento farmacológico , Prednisona/uso terapêutico , Adolescente , Adulto , Criança , Pré-Escolar , Feminino , Humanos , Lactente , Tempo de Internação , Masculino , Pessoa de Meia-Idade , Estudos Prospectivos , Adulto Jovem
Mali Med ; 23(3): 23-31, 2008.
Artigo em Francês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-19617155


OBJECTIVE: To specify the clinical, paraclinic and therapeutic aspects of urogenital tuberculosis in the services of Urology and Nephrology of the CHU of the Point G. PATIENTS AND METHODS: From January 2005 to November 2006, six patients reached of urogenital tuberculosis were seen. The initial evaluation comprised an interrogation in the search of antecedents of urinary extra tuberculosis, a creatinemy, a urogenital echography and an intravenous urography. The research of the bacillus of Koch in the urines was made. A bacteriological examination cyto- of urines (ECBU) was carried out as well as the histological analysis of the fragment S biological and/or the part of exérèse. RESULTS: The incidence of urogenital tuberculosis was 0.3%. compared to the consulted patients. The principal clinical demonstrations were the lumbar pain (83.33%), the hématurie (33.33%), the pollakiurie (33.33%) and the burns mictionnell be (16.67%). 50% of the patients presented a fever and 33.33% an asthenia. Three (50%) were presented with a renal insufficiency (average creatinemy: 866.7 micromol/l). The bacilluria was present in 50% of the cases. Echography had shown anomalies in 100% of the cases of which most frequent was the urétéro hydronéphrose (2 cases, are 33.33%). The positive diagnosis was related to the bacteriological data (3 times) and histological (3 times). The treatment consisted of a bacillar anti chemotherapy among all patients in association with the surgery (4 cases) and/or of the endo-urologic operations (1 case). CONCLUSION: The diagnosis of urogenital tuberculosis remains difficult and often late in our context. A surgical or endo-urologic gesture is often necessary to preserve the renal function and to improve the quality of life.

Tuberculose Urogenital/diagnóstico , Tuberculose Urogenital/terapia , Adulto , Feminino , Humanos , Masculino , Pessoa de Meia-Idade