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Plast Surg (Oakv) ; 32(1): 78-85, 2024 Feb.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-38433788


Background: In the course of developing a standardized pathway for alveolar cleft repair, we conducted a systematic review comparing minimally invasive trephine with conventional open technique for iliac crest bone graft harvest in a pediatric population. Methods: A systematic review was conducted of studies comparing open with minimally invasive trephine techniques in pediatric populations undergoing alveolar cleft repair. Exclusion criteria included reviews, case series, editorials, abstracts, and those with adult-only populations. Data were compiled with outcome variables selected a priori. Results: Of 422 manuscripts screened, five met criteria. These comprised 257 patients (116 open, 141 trephine). Average age was 11 years. Patients undergoing trephine harvest had reduced length of stay (1.0-5.0 days trephine vs 1.25-5.4 days open), time to unassisted ambulation (16-46 hours vs 20-67 hours open), and less postoperative narcotic use (0.31 mg/kg vs 1.64 mg/kg IV morphine). Volume of cancellous bone was reported as 2.53 mL for open versus 1.22 mL for trephine in one study, and trephine graft was supplemented with demineralized bone in 54% of cases in another study. The use of anesthetic adjuncts was inconsistent but had a significant effect on postoperative pain and ambulation. Conclusions: Compared to open techniques, the minimally invasive trephine bone graft harvest is associated with a shorter time to discharge, slightly lower infection rates, and reduced opioid use. The possible benefits of trephine harvest must however be balanced against the risk of insufficient graft harvest. Finally, the choice of perioperative analgesic adjuncts significantly impacts patient outcomes regardless of the technique employed.

Contexte: Dans le cours de l'élaboration d'une méthode standardisée de réparation des fentes palatines, nous avons réalisé une revue systématique comparant la technique par tréphine peu invasive à la technique conventionnelle ouverte pour la collecte d'os de la crête iliaque dans une population pédiatrique. Méthodes: Une revue systématique a été réalisée sur les études comparant les techniques ouvertes avec les techniques utilisant une tréphine peu invasive dans des populations pédiatriques subissant une réparation de fente palatine. Les critères d'exclusion incluaient les revues, les séries de cas, les éditoriaux, les résumés et les études ne portant que sur une population adulte. Les données ont été compilées avec des variables de résultats sélectionnées a priori. Résultats: Parmi les 422 manuscrits sélectionnés, cinq répondaient aux critères. Ils incluaient 257 patients (116 techniques ouvertes, 141 tréphines). L'âge moyen des patients était de 11 ans. Les patients pour lesquels une collecte avait été obtenue par tréphine avaient une durée de séjour plus courte (tréphine : 1,0 à 5,0 jours; contre technique ouverte : 1,25 à 5,4 jours), un délai de déambulation non aidée plus court (16 à 46 heures contre 20 à 67 heures pour la technique ouverte) et un moindre recours aux antalgiques postopératoires (0,31 mg/kg contre 1,64 mg/kg de morphine IV). Le volume d'os spongieux collecté était de 2,53 ml avec les techniques ouvertes contre 1,22 ml avec la tréphine; le greffon par tréphine a été complété par de l'os déminéralisé dans 54% des cas dans une autre étude. L'utilisation de suppléments anesthésiques n'était pas homogène, mais a eu un effet significatif sur la douleur postopératoire et la déambulation. Conclusions: Comparativement aux techniques ouvertes, la collecte peu invasive de greffon osseux par tréphine est associée à une délai de congé plus court, des taux d'infections légèrement inférieurs et à une moindre utilisation d'opioïdes. Toutefois, les avantages éventuels de la collecte par tréphine doivent être soupesés par rapport au risque de collecte insuffisante de greffon. Enfin, le choix de suppléments analgésiques périopératoires a des répercussions significatives sur l'évolution des patients, indépendamment de la technique employée.

Plast Surg (Oakv) ; 32(1): 86-91, 2024 Feb.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-38433800


Purpose: Pediatric hand fractures are frequent presentations to the emergency department. This study set out to evaluate the epidemiology, management, and outcomes, where care was imparted and by whom, and offer resource utilization suggestions regarding pediatric fractures presenting to a Canadian pediatric hospital. Methods: Records of patients from 0 to 18 years of age who presented to the British Columbia Children's Hospital Emergency Department between November 1, 2016, and January 31, 2021, with metacarpal or phalangeal fractures were analyzed. Results: A total of 524 hand fractures were identified in 499 patients. Over 60% of fractures occurred in boys. The number of fractures peaked at the age of 11 years for girls and 12 years for boys. Open fractures accounted for only 4.0% of all fractures. Approximately 40% of fractures were epiphyseal growth plate fractures, with Salter-Harris II fractures being the most common diagnosis overall. Management was primarily nonsurgical, with 75% of fractures managed with immobilization alone and 23% of fractures managed with bedside closed reduction and immobilization. Of the fractures requiring closed reduction, the majority were performed by the emergency physician with a success rate of 82%. Only 2.3% of all fractures required surgery. Conclusions: Hand fractures are common pediatric injuries and make up a large proportion of emergency room visits. The majority of fractures do not require formal surgery and are well managed with immobilization alone or closed reduction by an emergency room physician and immobilization. Nonsurgical treatment offers very encouraging outcomes. A certain percentage of these simple fractures would likely benefit from primary care management alone and not require specialist intervention.

Objectif : Les fractures de main de l'enfant sont des situations fréquemment rencontrées dans les services d'urgence. Cette étude a été menée pour évaluer l'épidémiologie, la gestion et les résultats, où les soins ont été transmis et par qui, et pour offrir des suggestions d'utilisation des ressources concernant les fractures pédiatriques arrivant dans un hôpital canadien pour enfants. Méthodes : Les dossiers des patients âgés de 0 à 18 ans arrivés au service des urgences de l'hôpital pour enfants de Colombie-Britannique avec une fracture métacarpienne ou phalangienne entre le 1er nov. 2016 et le 31 janvier 2021 ont été analysés. Résultats : Un total de 524 fractures de la main a été identifié chez 499 patients. Plus de 60 % des fractures concernaient des garçons. Le nombre de fractures était maximum à l'âge de 11 ans pour les filles et de 12 ans pour les garçons. Les fractures ouvertes représentaient seulement 4,0 % de toutes les fractures. Approximativement 40 % des fractures concernaient la plaque de croissance épiphysaire avec les fractures Salter-Harris II constituant globalement le diagnostic le plus fréquent. La gestion a été principalement non chirurgicale : 75 % des fractures ont été gérées par immobilisation seule et 23 % des fractures ont été gérées par réduction fermée au chevet des patients et immobilisation. La majorité des réductions fermées pour fracture a été réalisée par le médecin des urgences avec un taux de succès de 82 %. Seulement 2,3 % de toutes les fractures ont nécessité une intervention chirurgicale. Conclusions : Les fractures de la main sont des blessures pédiatriques fréquentes et constituent une proportion importante des visites aux urgences. La majorité des fractures ne nécessite pas de chirurgie et est bien gérée avec seulement une immobilisation ou une réduction fermée suivie d'une immobilisation par le médecin des urgences. Le traitement non chirurgical obtient des résultats très encourageants. Un certain pourcentage de ces fractures simples relèverait probablement d'une gestion en soins primaires uniquement et ne nécessitent pas l'intervention d'un spécialiste.

Plast Surg (Oakv) ; 32(1): 92-99, 2024 Feb.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-38433811


Introduction: Pediatric hand fractures are common and routinely referred to surgeons, yet most heal well without surgical intervention. This trend inspired the development of the Calgary Kids' Hand Rule (CKHR), a clinical prediction rule designed to predict "complex" fractures that require surgical referral. The CKHR was adapted into a checklist whereby the presence of any 1 of 6 clinically or radiologically identifiable fracture characteristics predicts a complex fracture. The aim of this study was to assess the accuracy of the CKHR in a prospective sample of children with hand fractures. Methods: Physicians were asked to complete the CKHR checklist when referring pediatric patients (< 18 years) to hand surgeons at a Canadian pediatric hospital (April 2019-September 2020). Completed checklists represented predicted outcomes and were compared to observed outcomes (determined via chart review). Predictive accuracy (primary outcome) was evaluated based on sensitivity and specificity. Secondary outcomes were interrater reliability between referring physicians and surgeons, and survey assessment of CKHR user satisfaction. Results: In total 365 fractures were included, with only 16 requiring surgical intervention. Overall performance of the CKHR was good with 84% sensitivity and 71% specificity. Percent agreement between referring physicians and surgeons ranged from 84.1% to 96.3% on individual predictors, with 78.1% agreement on the presence of any predictors. Survey results showed general user satisfaction but also identified areas for improvement. Conclusion: This study posits the CKHR as an accurate and clinically useful prediction rule and highlights the importance of education for its effective use and eventual scale and spread.

Introduction : Les fractures pédiatriques de la main sont fréquentes et régulièrement orientées vers les chirurgiens. Néanmoins, la plupart guérissent bien sans intervention chirurgicale. Cette tendance a inspiré l'élaboration de la Calgary Kids' Hand Rule (CKHR), un outil de prédiction clinique conçu pour prédire quelles fractures « complexes ¼ doivent être orientées vers un chirurgien. La CKHR a été adaptée sous forme de liste de contrôle où la présence de l'une quelconque de six caractéristiques cliniques ou radiologiques identifiables de fracture permet de conclure à une fracture complexe. Le but de cette étude était d'évaluer l'exactitude de la CKHR dans un échantillon prospectif d'enfants ayant une fracture de la main. Methodes : Les médecins ont été invités à remplir la liste de contrôle CKHR quand ils orientaient des patients pédiatriques (< 18 ans) à des chirurgiens de la main dans un hôpital pédiatrique canadien (avril 2019 à septembre 2020). Les listes de contrôle remplies représentaient les aboutissements prédits et elles ont été comparées aux aboutissements observés (établis par une revue des dossiers). La précision de la prédiction (critère d'évaluation principal) a été évaluée en termes de sensibilité et de spécificité. Les critères d'évaluation secondaires étaient la fiabilité inter-évaluateurs entre médecins référents et chirurgiens et l'évaluation de la satisfaction de l'utilisateur de la CKHR dans le cadre d'une enquête. Résultats : Au total, 365 fractures ont été incluses; seulement 16 d'entre elles ont nécessité une intervention chirurgicale. La performance globale de la CKHR a été bonne avec une sensibilité de 84% et une spécificité de 71%. Le pourcentage de concordance entre médecins référents et chirurgiens était compris entre 84,1% et 96,3% selon les éléments prédictifs individuels, avec une concordance de 78,1% sur la présence de l'un quelconque des éléments prédictifs. Les résultats de l'enquête ont montré une satisfaction globale des utilisateurs, mais ont aussi mis en évidence des domaines à améliorer. Conclusion : Cette étude assoit la CKHR comme règle de prédiction exacte et cliniquement utile; elle souligne aussi l'importance de l'éducation pour son utilisation efficace et une éventuelle plus grande diffusion.

Plast Reconstr Surg Glob Open ; 11(3): e4896, 2023 Mar.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-36998534


We recently highlighted shortcomings in the care of pediatric hand fractures in our local context. The Calgary Kids' Hand Rule (CKHR) was developed to predict hand fractures that require referral to a hand surgeon. The aims of this study were to identify barriers to a new care pathway for pediatric hand fractures, based on the CKHR and to generate tailored strategies to support its implementation. Methods: We performed a conventional content analysis of transcripts from four focus groups (parents, emergency/urgent care physicians, plastic surgeons, and hand therapists) to identify relevant concepts (facilitators and barriers). These concepts were mapped to two frameworks. Generic strategies to address the barriers were identified, and further discussions with key stakeholders resulted in tailored strategies for implementation. Results: Five facilitators to implementation of a CKHR-based hand fracture care pathway included established rapport between hand therapists and surgeons, potential for more streamlined care, agreement on identifying another care provider, positive perceptions of hand therapist expertise, and opportunity for patient education. Two individual barriers were concern for poor outcomes and trust. Three systemic barriers were awareness and usability, referral process, and cost and resources. Strategies to address these barriers include pilot-testing of the new care pathway, ensuring closed loop communication, multiple knowledge translation activities, integration of CKHR into the clinical information system, coordinating care and development of parent handouts. Conclusion: Mapping barriers to established implementation frameworks has informed tailored implementation strategies, bringing us one step closer to successfully implementing a new pediatric hand fracture pathway.

Plast Reconstr Surg Glob Open ; 11(2): e4815, 2023 Feb.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-36817271


Pediatric hand fractures are common, and many are referred to hand surgeons despite less than 10% of referrals requiring surgical intervention. We explored healthcare provider and parent perspectives to inform a new care pathway. Methods: We conducted a qualitative descriptive study using virtual focus groups. Emergency physicians, hand therapists, plastic surgeons, and parents of children treated for hand fractures were asked to discuss their experiences with existing care for pediatric hand fractures, and perceptions surrounding the implementation of a new care pathway. Data were analyzed using directed content analysis with an inductive approach. Results: Four focus groups included 24 participants: 18 healthcare providers and six parents. Four themes were identified: educating parents throughout the hand fracture journey, streamlining the referral process for simple hand fractures, identifying the most appropriate care provider for simple hand fractures, and maintaining strong multidisciplinary connections to facilitate care. Participants described gaps in the current care, including a need to better inform parents, and elucidated the motivations behind emergency medicine physicians' existing referral practices. Participants also generally agreed on the need for more efficient management of simple hand fractures that do not require surgical care. Healthcare providers believed the strong preexisting relationship between surgeons and hand therapists would facilitate the changes brought forward by the new care pathway. Conclusion: These findings highlighted shortcomings of existing care for pediatric hand fractures and will inform the co-development and implementation of a new care pathway to enable more efficient management while preserving good patient outcomes.

Cleft Palate Craniofac J ; 59(5): 561-567, 2022 05.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-34000856


OBJECTIVE: To evaluate the development process and clinical impact of implementing a standardized perioperative clinical care pathway for cleft palate repair. DESIGN: Medical records of patients undergoing primary cleft palate repair prior to pathway implementation were retrospectively reviewed as a historical control group (N = 40). The historical cohort was compared to a prospectively collected group of patients who were treated according to the pathway (N = 40). PATIENTS: Healthy, nonsyndromic infants undergoing primary cleft palate repair at a tertiary care pediatric hospital. INTERVENTIONS: A novel, standardized pathway was created through an iterative process, combining literature review with expert opinion and discussions with institutional stakeholders. The pathway integrated multimodal analgesia throughout the perioperative course and included intraoperative bilateral maxillary nerve blocks. Perioperative protocols for preoperative fasting, case timing, antiemetics, intravenous fluid management, and postoperative diet advancement were standardized. MAIN OUTCOME MEASURES: Primary outcomes include: (1) length of hospital stay, (2) cumulative opioid consumption, (3) oral intake postoperatively. RESULTS: Patients treated according to the pathway had shorter mean length of stay (31 vs 57 hours, P < .001), decreased cumulative morphine consumption (77 vs 727 µg/kg, P < .001), shorter time to initiate oral intake (9.3 vs 22 hours, P = .01), and greater volume of oral intake in first 24 hours postoperatively (379 vs 171 mL, P < .001). There were no differences in total anesthesia time, total surgical time, or complication rates between the control and treatment groups. CONCLUSIONS: Implementation of a standardized perioperative clinical care pathway for primary cleft palate repair is safe, feasible, and associated with reduced length of stay, reduced opioid consumption, and improved oral intake postoperatively.

Fissura Palatina , Analgésicos Opioides , Criança , Fissura Palatina/cirurgia , Procedimentos Clínicos , Humanos , Lactente , Assistência Perioperatória , Estudos Retrospectivos
Fetal Pediatr Pathol ; 41(3): 486-492, 2022 Jun.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-33150803


Background: Cutaneous pseudolymphoma (CPL) refers to a group of benign, reactive processes that mimic cutaneous lymphoma and are associated with a variety of triggering immune stimuli, including arthropod bites, drugs, and foreign bodies. In children, most cases of CPL are due to a variant of Borreliosis that is specific to Eurasia. Cutaneous pseudolymphoma secondary to ear piercing has only been documented in adults. Case Reports: We present the clinical and pathological findings of cutaneous Bcell psuedolymphoma in two adolescent patients (11-year-old female and 15-year-old male) secondary to ear piercing. Conclusion: Our report expands the clinico-pathological spectrum of CPL associated with ear piercing by documenting its occurrence in children.

Piercing Corporal , Pseudolinfoma , Neoplasias Cutâneas , Adolescente , Adulto , Piercing Corporal/efeitos adversos , Criança , Diagnóstico Diferencial , Feminino , Humanos , Masculino , Pseudolinfoma/diagnóstico , Pseudolinfoma/etiologia , Pseudolinfoma/patologia , Pele/patologia , Neoplasias Cutâneas/complicações
Plast Reconstr Surg Glob Open ; 9(4): e3543, 2021 Apr.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-33889473


BACKGROUND: Pediatric hand fractures are common, and most can be managed by a period of immobilization. However, it remains challenging to identify those more complex fractures requiring the expertise of a hand surgeon to ensure a good outcome. The purpose of this study was to develop a prediction model for identification of complex pediatric hand fractures requiring care by a hand surgeon. METHODS: A 2-year retrospective cohort study of consecutively referred pediatric (<18 years) hand fracture patients was used to derive and internally validate a prediction model for identification of complex fractures requiring the expertise of a hand surgeon. These complex fractures were defined as those that required surgery, closed reduction, or four or more appointments with a hand surgeon. The model, derived by multivariable logistic regression analysis, was internally validated using bootstrapping and then translated into a risk index. RESULTS: Of 1170 fractures, 416 (35.6%) met criteria for a complex fracture. Multivariable regression analysis identified six significant predictors of complex fracture: open fracture, rotational deformity, angulation, condylar involvement, dislocation or subluxation, and displacement. Internal validation demonstrated good performance of the model (C-statistic = 0.88, calibration curve p = 0.935). A threshold of ≥1 point (ie, any one of the predictors) resulted in a simple, easy-to-use tool with 96.4% sensitivity and 45.5% specificity. CONCLUSIONS: A high-performing and clinically useful decision support tool was developed for emergency and urgent care physicians providing initial assessment for children with hand fractures. This tool will provide the basis for development of a clinical care pathway for pediatric hand fractures.

BMJ Case Rep ; 13(6)2020 Jun 11.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-32532911


A term, large for gestational age male newborn, was admitted to the neonatal intensive care unit with meconium aspiration syndrome and severe hypoxic-ischaemic encephalopathy. The baby was treated with therapeutic hypothermia using a total body cooling blanket. After 48 hours, the baby developed tender, indurated subcutaneous nodules consistent with subcutaneous fat necrosis (SCFN). The lesions started initially over the back but gradually spread to cover both shoulders, upper arms, chest area and both thighs. On day 19 of life, multiple small nodules on the back softened and coalesced to form one sizeable fluctuant swelling over the thoracolumbar area. Over a few hours, the swelling rapidly progressed to a large, tense mass with sloughing of the gangrenous overlying skin. This unusual complication of SCFN required surgical intervention for evacuation and debridement of the haematoma followed by graft repair of the skin defect.

Dissecação/métodos , Necrose Gordurosa , Hematoma , Hipotermia Induzida , Hipóxia-Isquemia Encefálica , Síndrome de Aspiração de Mecônio , Transplante de Pele/métodos , Gordura Subcutânea/patologia , Necrose Gordurosa/complicações , Necrose Gordurosa/patologia , Gangrena/etiologia , Gangrena/cirurgia , Hematoma/etiologia , Hematoma/patologia , Hematoma/cirurgia , Humanos , Hipotermia Induzida/efeitos adversos , Hipotermia Induzida/métodos , Hipóxia-Isquemia Encefálica/complicações , Hipóxia-Isquemia Encefálica/diagnóstico , Hipóxia-Isquemia Encefálica/terapia , Recém-Nascido , Masculino , Síndrome de Aspiração de Mecônio/complicações , Síndrome de Aspiração de Mecônio/diagnóstico , Síndrome de Aspiração de Mecônio/terapia , Tratamento de Ferimentos com Pressão Negativa/métodos , Resultado do Tratamento
Plast Reconstr Surg Glob Open ; 8(3): e2703, 2020 Mar.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-32537358


Pediatric hand fractures are common and approximately 10% require surgery. METHODS: This retrospective cohort study reports on hand fractures in a large pediatric population and identifies the characteristics and patterns of fractures that required surgical correction. A χ2 analysis was done to evaluate the association between individual fracture variables and surgery. The STROBE checklist was applied. RESULTS: One thousand one-hundred seventy-three hand fractures were reviewed. Peak age was 16 years for boys and 14 years for girls. Most fractures were closed (96.0%) and nonrotated (91.3%), and had no concomitant soft tissue injury (72.7%). More than half (56.3%) were nonepiphyseal plate fractures; yet as a single diagnosis, Salter-Harris II fractures were most common (30.2%). The following variables were significantly associated with surgery: open fractures, rotational deformity, distal phalangeal fracture location, multiple fractures, oblique pattern, comminution, displacement >2 mm, intra-articular involvement, and angulation >15°. Most fractures required only immobilization and early range of motion (64.3%). Closed reduction was required in 22.7%. Minor surgery by the primary provider was performed in 3.2% of fractures. Surgery by a hand surgeon was performed in 9.8%. The most common patterns requiring surgery were proximal or middle phalanx head or neck fractures (38.2%) and metacarpal midshaft fractures (20.9%). The most common operation was open reduction internal fixation (52.2%). CONCLUSIONS: Pediatric hand fractures are common, but 90.2% do not require surgery and, as such, primary providers play a key role in management. Certain fracture variables and patterns are more likely to lead to surgery.

Plast Surg (Oakv) ; 27(4): 340-347, 2019 Nov.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-31763335


BACKGROUND: Pediatric hand fractures are common, but few require surgery; therefore, these fractures are often perceived to be overreferred. Our objective is to systematically identify and describe pediatric hand fracture referring practices. METHOD: A scoping review was performed, searching electronic databases and grey literature up to January 2018 to identify referring practices for children (17 years and younger) with hand fractures (defined as radiographically confirmed fractures distal to the carpus) to hand surgeons. All study designs were included, and study selection and data extraction were independently performed in duplicate by 2 reviewers. Outcomes included referring rates, necessity of referral, referring criteria, and management of fractures. RESULTS: Twenty (10 cross-sectional, 7 prospective cohorts, and 3 narrative reviews) studies reporting on referring practices or management of 21,624 pediatric hand fractures were included. Proportion of pediatric hand fractures referred to hand surgeons ranged from 6.5% to 100%. Unnecessary referral, defined as those fractures within the scope of primary care management, ranged from 27% to 78.1%. Ten studies reported referring criteria, with 14 unique criteria identified. The most common referring criteria were displacement (36.4%), loss of joint congruity (36.4%), and instability (36.4%). The most common justification for these criteria was increased likelihood of requiring surgery. The most common initial management was immobilization (66%-100%). Final management was provided by orthopedic or plastic hand surgeons with 0% to 32.9% of fractures requiring surgery. CONCLUSION: Referring practices vary widely in the literature. Major gaps in the literature include objective measures and justification for referring criteria and primary care education on hand fracture referring practices.

HISTORIQUE: Les fractures de la main sont courantes en pédiatrie, mais rares sont celles qui exigent une opération. C'est pourquoi on a souvent l'impression qu'elles sont trop envoyées en consultation. Les chercheurs avaient comme objectif de déterminer et de décrire systématiquement les pratiques de consultation à cause d'une fracture de la main en pédiatrie. MÉTHODOLOGIE: En janvier 2018, dans le cadre d'une analyse exploratoire, les chercheurs ont fouillé les bases de données électroniques et la documentation parallèle pour déterminer les pratiques de consultation de chirurgiens de la main pour les enfants (de 17 ans et moins) victimes de fractures de la main (définies comme des fractures de la partie distale du carpe, confirmées par radiographie). Ils ont inclus toutes les méthodologies, et deux analystes ont chacun effectué toute l'extraction des données. Les résultats incluaient le taux, la nécessité et les critères de consultation ainsi que le traitement des fractures. RÉSULTATS: Les chercheurs ont inclus 20 études (dix transversales, sept cohortes prospectives, trois examens narratifs) sur les pratiques de consultation ou de prise en charge de 21,624 fractures de la main en pédiatrie. De 6,5 % à 100 % de ces fractures étaient envoyées en consultation à un chirurgien de la main. De 27 % à 78,1 % des consultations étaient inutiles, c'est-à-dire qu'elles pouvaient être traitées en soins primaires. Dix études faisaient état de critères de consultation, pour un total de 14 critères uniques. Ainsi, les principaux critères de consultation étaient un déplacement (36,4 %), la perte de la congruence articulaire (36,4 %) et l'instabilité (36,4 %). La principale justification de ces critères était une plus grande probabilité d'opération. L'immobilisation (66 % à 100 %) demeurait le traitement initial le plus courant. Un chirurgien orthopédique ou plastique de la main effectuait le traitement définitif, et de 0 % à 32,9 % des fractures devaient être opérées. CONCLUSION: Les publications font état de pratiques de consultation très variables. Elles comportent de grandes lacunes, soit l'objectivité des mesures, la justification des critères de consultation retenus et la formation en soins primaires sur les pratiques de consultation en cas de fracture de la main.

Plast Reconstr Surg Glob Open ; 7(6): e2308, 2019 Jun.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-31624693


BACKGROUND: Infantile lip hemangiomas are challenging to manage due to the functional and aesthetic importance of the lips. Hemangiomas in this region may lead to significant complications including ulceration, feeding difficulties, and lip contour distortion requiring surgical intervention. METHODS: A retrospective chart review of children with focal lip hemangiomas treated at our institution between January 2000 and December 2016 was conducted. Patient demographics, lesion characteristics, complications, treatments, and outcomes were collected. Lesions were classified based on depth (superficial, deep, or mixed depth), vermillion border involvement, and location. RESULTS: One hundred and two patients with focal lip hemangiomas were identified; 45.1% were managed expectantly, 43.1% were treated medically, and 18.6% required surgery. Residual lip contour deformity following involution was the most common complication (26.5% of patients). Ulceration during the proliferation phase was reported in 14.7% of patients, leading to significant feeding difficulties in 9.8% of patients. All ulcerations occurred in lesions with a superficial component. None of the patients with superficial lesions underwent surgery; 27.1% of patients with deep or mixed depth hemangiomas required surgical treatment to restore lip contour. CONCLUSIONS: Lip hemangiomas have high rates of complications that seem to be related to lesion morphology and phase of growth. Ulceration occurs during the early proliferative phase and is most frequently associated with mixed depth hemangiomas. Residual lip contour deformities are identified in the involution phase; presence of a deep component is the primary factor in predicting the need for surgical intervention in these patients.

Plast Surg (Oakv) ; 27(1): 66-77, 2019 Feb.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-30854364


OBJECTIVE: Perforator flaps are one possible surgical treatment for burn scar contractures; however, a review of evidence on this topic is lacking. METHODS: MEDLINE was searched for articles related to perforator flaps for burn contractures. Following title and abstract screen, full texts were searched to identify articles describing perforator flaps for burn scar joint contractures. Data were extracted and summarized descriptively. Only articles that contained ≥10 patients with burn scar contracture were considered. RESULTS: Two hundred forty-eight articles were identified, of which 17 met criteria for review. Of these, 16 were low-quality case series, while 1 was an open randomized controlled trial. In total, perforator flaps were performed on 339 patients (age range: 3-75 years), with the most common contracture locations being cervical (n = 218) and knee (n = 41). Nine of the 17 articles described a rehabilitation strategy. In general, functional outcomes were excellent, with the majority of patients experiencing return of normal joint range of motion and no recontracture. Compared to full-thickness skin grafts, perforator flaps showed greater improvements in joint range of motion. Cosmetically, perforator flaps were shown to have good color match with surrounding tissue, good contour around anatomical landmarks, and improved overall patient appearance. The most common complications were marginal flap necrosis (n = 26 patients) and venous congestion (n = 17 patients). CONCLUSIONS: Preliminary evidence from low-quality case series and 1 high-quality trial suggests perforator flaps may be successful for resurfacing released burn scar contractures; however, there is a need for additional trials comparing perforator flaps to other approaches.

OBJECTIF: Les lambeaux perforateurs font partie des traitements chirurgicaux des contractures des cicatrices de brûlure, mais il n'y a pas d'analyse des données probantes sur le sujet. MÉTHODOLOGIE: Les chercheurs ont effectué une recherche dans MEDLINE pour extraire les articles liés aux lambeaux perforateurs pour les contractures causées par des brûlures. Après un filtrage en fonction des titres et des résumés, ils ont fouillé les textes intégraux et retenu les articles décrivant les lambeaux perforateurs pour corriger les contractures causées par des cicatrices de brûlure. Ils ont extrait les données et procédé à un résumé descriptif. Ils n'ont évalué que les articles portant sur au moins dix patients ayant des contractures causées par des cicatrices de brûlure. RÉSULTATS: Les chercheurs ont extrait 248 articles, dont 17 respectaient les critères d'analyse. De ce nombre, 16 étaient des séries de cas de faible qualité et un, un essai aléatoire et contrôlé ouvert. Au total, 339 patients (de trois à 75 ans) ont reçu des lambeaux perforateurs, et les contractures étaient surtout situées dans la région du cou (n = 218) et du genou (n = 41). Neuf des 17 articles décrivaient une stratégie de réadaptation. En général, les résultats fonctionnels étaient excellents, car la majorité des patients retrouvaient une amplitude de mouvements normale et n'avaient plus de contractures. Par rapport aux greffes cutanées pleine épaisseur, les lambeaux perforateurs assuraient une plus grande amélioration de l'amplitude du mouvement articulaire. Sur le plan esthétique, les lambeaux perforateurs assuraient un bel appariement de couleur par rapport aux tissus avoisinants, un beau contour des repères anatomiques et une amélioration globale de l'apparence. Les principales complications étaient une nécrose du lambeau marginal (n = 26 patients) et une congestion veineuse (n = 17 patients). CONCLUSIONS: D'après les données probantes préliminaires de séries de cas de faible qualité et d'un essai de haute qualité, les lambeaux perforateurs peuvent être utiles pour le resurfaçage de contractures causées par des cicatrices de brûlure. D'autres études devront être réalisées pour comparer les lambeaux perforateurs à d'autres approches.

Plast Surg (Oakv) ; 25(4): 255-260, 2017 Nov.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-29619348


BACKGROUND: Physicians are increasingly using smartphones to take clinical photographs. This study evaluates a smartphone application for clinical photography that prioritizes and facilitates patient security. METHODS: Ethics approval was obtained to trial a smartphone clinical photography application, PicSafe Medi. Calgary plastic surgeons and residents used the application to obtain informed consent and photograph patients. Surveys gauging the application's usability, consent process, and photograph storage/sharing were then sent to surgeons and patients. RESULTS: Over a 6-month trial period, 15 plastic surgeons and residents used the application to photograph 86 patients. Over half of the patients (57%) completed the survey. The majority of patients (96%) were satisfied with the application's consent process, and all felt their photographs were secure. The majority (93%) of surgeons/residents completed the survey. The application was felt to overcome issues with current photography practices: inadequate consent and storage of photographs (100%), risk to patient confidentiality (92%), and unsecure photograph sharing (93%). Barriers to regular use of the application included need for cellphone service/Internet (54%), sanitary concerns due to the need for patients to sign directly on the phone (46%), inability to obtain proactive/retroactive consent (85%), and difficulty viewing photographs (80%). The majority of surgeons (85%) believe a smartphone application would be suitable for clinical patient photography, but due to its limitations, only 23% would use the trialed application. CONCLUSIONS: A smartphone clinical photography application addresses the patient confidentiality risks of current photography methods; however, limitations of the trialed application prevent its broad implementation.

HISTORIQUE: Les médecins utilisent de plus en plus leur téléphone intelligent pour prendre des photographies cliniques. La présente étude vise à évaluer une application photographie clinique pour téléphone intelligent qui priorise et favorise la sécurité des patients. MÉTHODOLOGIE: Les auteurs ont obtenu l'approbation éthique nécessaire pour mettre à l'essai PicSafe Medi©, une application photographie clinique pour téléphone intelligent. Des plasticiens et des résidents de Calgary l'ont utilisée pour obtenir le consentement éclairé des patients et les photographier. Les plasticiens et les patients ont ensuite reçu un sondage pour évaluer la facilité d'utilisation de l'application, le processus de consentement et le processus d'entreposage et de partage des photos. RÉSULTATS: Sur une période d'essai de six mois, 15 plasticiens et résidents ont utilisé l'application pour photographier 86 patients. Plus de la moitié des patients (57 %) ont rempli le sondage. La majorité d'entre eux (96 %) étaient satisfaits du processus de consentement de l'application et avaient l'impression que leurs photographies étaient sécurisées. La plupart des plasticiens et des résidents (93 %) ont rempli le sondage. Ils trouvaient que l'application réglait des problèmes liés aux pratiques actuelles de photographie : consentement et entreposage inadéquats (100 %), risque de ne pas respecter la confidentialité des patients (92 %) et partage non sécurisé des photographies (93 %). Les obstacles à l'utilisation régulière de l'application incluaient la nécessité d'avoir accès à un service de téléphonie cellulaire ou à Internet (54 %), les problèmes d'hygiène puisque les patients devaient signer directement sur le téléphone (46 %), l'impossibilité d'obtenir un consentement proactif ou rétroactif (85 %) et la difficulté à visualiser les photographies (80 %). La majorité des chirurgiens (85 %) trouvaient qu'une application pour téléphone intelligent conviendrait à la prise de photos cliniques des patients, mais à cause de ses limites, seulement 23 % utiliseraient celle mise à l'essai. CONCLUSIONS: Une application photographie clinique pour téléphone intelligent résout les risques potentiels des modes de photographie actuels liés à la confidentialité des patients, mais les limites de celle à l'essai en empêchent l'utilisation généralisée.