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Ecancermedicalscience ; 12: 884, 2018.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-30679951


Human papillomavirus (HPV) is the causative agent of cervical cancer (CC), the second most common cause of cancer deaths in Venezuela. Early detection and prompt treatment of precancerous lesions prevent up to 80% of CC cases. In Venezuela, difficult access to CC screening means that the disease is detected at advanced stages, especially in more vulnerable indigenous populations. The aim of the study was to detect precancerous cervical lesions and HPV infection in 60 women who attended the gynaecology service at the Maniapure Outpatient Clinic in Bolivar State, Venezuela. The study was carried out to detect precancerous cervical lesions using visual inspection with acetic acid (VIA), the Schiller test and conventional cytology (Pap testing). HPV detection and typing were carried out using the polymerase chain reaction. 58.3% of the women in the study belonged to the Eñepa indigenous community and 41.7% were white Creole women. The Schiller test showed irregularities in the staining of the exocervical epithelium in 8.33% of the patients, suggesting HPV infection. VIA was positive for 10.0% of the women. In the cytopathology report, 81.67% tested negative for intraepithelial lesions. The overall frequency of HPV detection was 35.0%. HPV infection was detected in 45.71% of the Eñepa women and 20.0% of the Creole women. 71.43% of the women had a high-risk single HPV infection. The percentage of viral infection was lower in the Creole patients than in the indigenous population; therefore, CC screening programmes in the latter population need to be improved.

Rev. obstet. ginecol. Venezuela ; 76(1): 11-22, mar. 2016. ilus, tab
Artigo em Espanhol | LILACS-Express | LILACS | ID: lil-788160


Objetivo: Determinar la influencia de la asesoría anticonceptiva en la elección del método anticonceptivo que realiza la usuaria. Métodos: Se incluyeron 873 mujeres (18-40 años) en 7 estados de Venezuela. Se obtuvo información sociodemográfica, método anticonceptivo elegido antes y después de la asesoría anticonceptiva estructurada, percepciones sobre el método anticonceptivo y razones de elección o no del mismo. La diferencia entre proporciones del método anticonceptivo antes y después con sus IC: 97,5 % se compararon usando un nivel de significancia unilateral de 1,25 %. Resultados: Posterior a la asesoría anticonceptiva, hubo una disminución en la selección de la píldora como método anticonceptivo, en el grupo de pacientes que inicialmente la eligieron (61,4 % a 45,6 %; P<0,0001), 68,7 % de quienes la solicitaron inicialmente la eligieron. La elección del parche se incrementó (7,8 % a 12,4 %; P=0,0007), manteniendo la intención original de uso 73,5 % de ellas. La elección del anillo vaginal muestra un incremento (16,5 % a 35,5 %; P<0,0001), conservando su elección original el 95,8.%. Los otros métodos disminuyeron (14,3 % a 3,1 %; P<0,0001) y 16,8 % mantuvieron elección inicial. Conclusiones: La asesoría anticonceptiva estructurada influye significativamente en la elección final del método anticonceptivo hormonal combinado (píldora, parche o anillo) y está asociado con el método solicitado previamente, número de hijos y percepciones de las usuarias sobre los anticonceptivos.

Objective: To determine the influence of contraceptive counselling in the choice of contraceptive method made by users. Methods: 873 women (18-40 years) in 7 states of Venezuela were included. Information about sociodemographic characteristics; contraceptive method chosen before and after a structured contraceptive counseling; perceptions about contraceptive method, and reasons for choosing or not the contraceptive method were obtained. The difference between the ratios of contraceptive method before and after counseling with CI 97.5 % was compared using a one-sided significance level of 1.25 %. Results: There was a decrease in the choice of the pill after counseling (61.4 % to 45.6 %; P<0.0001), 68.7% of those who initially requested pill then chose them. The patch choice was increased (7.8 % to 12.4 %; P=0.0007), they maintained their original intended use in 73.5 % of them. The choice of ring was increased (16.5 % to 35.5 %; P<0.0001), 95.8 % was retained their original request. The other methods decreased (14.3 % to 3.1 %; P<0.0001), and 16.8 % maintained initial choice. Women who requested a particular method were more likely to choose the same after counseling, except the ring which was very likely to choose regardless of whichever method originally was requested. Conclusions: Structured contraceptive counseling significantly influence the final choice of combined hormonal contraceptive method (pill, patch or ring) and is associated with the contraceptive method previously requested, number of children, and user perceptions on contraceptives.

Rev. venez. endocrinol. metab ; 14(1): 56-90, feb. 2016. graf, tab
Artigo em Espanhol | LILACS-Express | LILACS | ID: lil-788157


La diabetes mellitus gestacional (DMG) es uno de los trastornos metabólicos más frecuentes que pueden afectar el embarazo. Su prevalencia aumenta en la misma proporción que la epidemia de obesidad y sobrepeso. Reconocer y tratar cualquier grado de alteración de la glucemia que afecte la gestación conduce a la disminución de complicaciones maternas y fetales, inmediatas y a largo plazo. A pesar de un cúmulo de investigación básica y clínica, aun no existe un enfoque único para diagnosticar y tratar la diabetes durante el embarazo. Lo deseable para nuestro país es buscar la uniformidad de criterios en la pesquisa y el diagnóstico de la DMG, y de esa manera, poder tener nuestra propia casuística. Es por ello que la Sociedad Venezolana de Endocrinología y Metabolismo ha concebido la idea de elaborar este Manual de Diabetes Gestacional, con la colaboración de la Sociedad de Obstetricia y Ginecología de Venezuela, la Sociedad Venezolana de Medicina Interna y Especialistas que integran el equipo multidisciplinario de atención a la embarazada de alto riesgo conformado por endocrinólogos, internistas, obstetras, nutricionistas, deportólogos y/o biólogos del ejercicio y neonatólogos, para que pueda ser utilizado tanto a nivel primario como en áreas de especialización. Este manual se enfocará en la prevención, la pesquisa, el diagnóstico, el tratamiento y seguimiento de la Diabetes Mellitus Gestacional, pudiendo servir de base para la integración del equipo de salud que se constituya para atender a nuestra paciente.

Gestational diabetes mellitus (GDM) is one of the most common metabolic disorders that can affect pregnancy. Its prevalence increases in the same proportion as the epidemic of obesity and overweight. Recognize and treat any degree of impaired glucose affecting pregnancy leads to decreased maternal and fetal, immediate and long-term complications. Despite a wealth of basic and clinical research, there is no single approach to diagnose and treat diabetes during pregnancy. Desirable for our country is to seek uniformity of criteria in the screening and diagnosis of GDM and thus able to have our own casuistry. That is why the Venezuelan Society of Endocrinology and Metabolism has conceived the idea of a Manual of Gestational Diabetes, in collaboration with the Society of Obstetrics and Gynecology of Venezuela, the Venezuelan Society of Internal Medicine and specialists who make up the multidisciplinary care team high-risk pregnant formed with endocrinologists, internists, obstetricians, nutritionists, exercise physiologists and/or biologists exercise and neonatologist so that it can be used both at the primary level and areas of expertise. This manual will focus on prevention, screening, diagnosis, treatment and monitoring of Gestational Diabetes Mellitus and can serve as a basis for integrating health team to serve our patient.