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Nano Lett ; 24(22): 6813-6820, 2024 Jun 05.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-38781191


Spintronic devices incorporating magnetic skyrmions have attracted significant interest recently. Such devices traditionally focus on controlling magnetic textures in 2D thin films. However, enhanced performance of spintronic properties through the exploitation of higher dimensionalities motivates the investigation of variable-thickness skyrmion devices. We report the demonstration of a skyrmion injection mechanism that utilizes charge currents to drive skyrmions across a thickness step and, consequently, a metastability barrier. Our measurements show that under certain temperature and field conditions skyrmions can be reversibly injected from a thin region of an FeGe lamella, where they exist as an equilibrium state, into a thicker region, where they can only persist as a metastable state. This injection is achieved with a current density of 3 × 108 A m-2, nearly 3 orders of magnitude lower than required to move magnetic domain walls. This highlights the possibility to use such an element as a skyrmion source/drain within future spintronic devices.

Phys Chem Chem Phys ; 26(22): 16125-16138, 2024 Jun 06.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-38780571


The accurate computational treatment of polycrystalline materials requires the rigorous generation of grain boundary (GB) structures as many quantities of interest depend strongly on the specifics of the macroscopic and microscopic degrees of freedom (DoFs) used in their creation. In complex materials, containing multiple sublattices and where atomic composition can vary spatially through the system, we introduce a new microscopic DoF based on this compositional variation which we find governs observable properties. In spinel - a wide class of complex oxides where this compositional variation manifests as cation inversion - we exploit this DoF to generate and analyze low-energy microstates of two GBs with three spinel chemistries (FeCr2O4, NiCr2O4 and MgAl2O4). This treatment is found to allow for the co-redistribution of cations at the GBs which acts to modify the spatial charge distribution, defect segregation energy and defect transport through these regions. Additionally, we generate low-energy metastable microstates of the GB system with an induced cation disorder, simulating those which may develop as a result of damage events. These are then analyzed to discover their composition and defect transport properties which depend strongly on the amount of induced damage. We conclude that considering this new DoF is important in describing the properties of GBs in complex materials.

J Phys Condens Matter ; 35(7)2022 Dec 15.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-36541549


The doping of CdTe with As is a method which is thought to increase cell efficiency by increasing electron hole concentrations. This doping relies on the diffusion of As through CdTe resulting in AsTesubstitution. The potential effectiveness of this is considered through kinetic and electronic properties calculations in both bulk and Σ3 and Σ9 grain boundaries using Density Functional Theory. In bulk zinc-blende CdTe, isolated As diffuses with barriers <0.5 eV and with similar barriers through wurtzite structured CdTe, generated by stacking faults, suggesting that As will not be trapped at the stacking faults and hence the transport of isolated As will be unhindered in bulk CdTe. Substitutional arsenic in bulk CdTe has little effect on the band gap except when it is positively charged in the AX-centre position or occurring as a di-interstitial. However in contrast to the case of chlorine, arsenic present in the grain boundaries introduces defect states into the band gap. This suggests that a doping strategy whereby the grain boundaries are first saturated with chlorine, before single arsenic atoms are introduced, might be more beneficial.

Sci Rep ; 12(1): 19179, 2022 Nov 10.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-36357466


Magnetic skyrmions are meta-stable spin structures that naturally emerge in magnetic materials. While a vast amount of effort has gone into the study of their properties, their counterpart of opposite topological charge, the anti-skyrmion, has not received as much attention. We aim to close this gap by deploying Monte Carlo simulations of spin-lattice systems in order to investigate which interactions support anti-skyrmions, as well as skyrmions of Bloch and Néel type. We find that the combination of ferromagnetic exchange and Dzyaloshinskii-Moriya (DM) interactions is able to stabilize each of the three types, depending on the specific structure of the DM interactions. Considering a three-dimensional spin lattice model, we provide a finite-temperature phase diagram featuring a stable anti-skyrmion lattice phase for a large range of temperatures. In addition, we also shed light on the creation and annihilation processes of these anti-skyrmion tubes and study the effects of the DM interaction strength on their typical size.

ACS Appl Electron Mater ; 4(9): 4427-4437, 2022 Sep 27.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-36185075


Skyrmion-based devices have been proposed as a promising solution for low-energy data storage. These devices include racetrack or logic structures and require skyrmions to be confined in regions with dimensions comparable to the size of a single skyrmion. Here we examine skyrmions in FeGe device shapes using Lorentz transmission electron microscopy to reveal the consequences of skyrmion confinement in a device-like structure. Dumbbell-shaped elements were created by focused ion beam milling to provide regions where single skyrmions are confined adjacent to areas containing a skyrmion lattice. Simple block shapes of equivalent dimensions were also prepared to allow a direct comparison with skyrmion formation in a less complex, yet still confined, device geometry. The impact of applying a magnetic field and varying the temperature on the formation of skyrmions within the shapes was examined. This revealed that it is not just confinement within a small device structure that controls the position and number of skyrmions but that a complex device geometry changes the skyrmion behavior, including allowing skyrmions to form at lower applied magnetic fields than in simple shapes. The impact of edges in complex shapes is observed to be significant in changing the behavior of the magnetic textures formed. This could allow methods to be developed to control both the position and number of skyrmions within device structures.

Nano Lett ; 22(12): 4963-4969, 2022 Jun 22.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-35687425


Thin film deposition from the vapor phase is a complex process involving adatom adsorption, movement, and incorporation into the growing film. Here, we present quantitative experimental data that reveals anion intermixing over long length scales during the deposition of epitaxial Fe2O3 and Cr2O3 films and heterostructures by oxygen-plasma-assisted molecular beam epitaxy. We track this diffusion by incorporating well-defined tracer layers containing 18O and/or 57Fe and measure their redistribution on the nanometer scale with atom probe tomography. Molecular dynamics simulations suggest potential intermixing events, which are then examined via nudged elastic band calculations. We reveal that adatoms on the film surface act to "pull up" subsurface O and Fe. Subsequent ring-like rotation mechanisms involving both adatom and subsurface anions then facilitate their mixing. In addition to film deposition, these intermixing mechanisms may be operant during other surface-mediated processes such as heterogeneous catalysis and corrosion.

Nat Commun ; 12(1): 4938, 2021 Aug 23.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-34426582


The conversion efficiency of as-deposited, CdTe solar cells is poor and typically less than 5%. A CdCl2 activation treatment increases this to up to 22%. Studies have shown that stacking faults (SFs) are removed and the grain boundaries (GBs) are decorated with chlorine. Thus, SF removal and device efficiency are strongly correlated but whether this is direct or indirect has not been established. Here we explain the passivation responsible for the increase in efficiency but also crucially elucidate the associated SF removal mechanism. The effect of chlorine on a model system containing a SF and two GBs is investigated using density functional theory. The proposed SF removal mechanisms are feasible at the 400 ∘C treatment temperature. It is concluded that the efficiency increase is due to electronic effects in the GBs while SF removal is a by-product of the saturation of the GB with chlorine but is a key signal that sufficient chlorine is present for passivation to occur.

ACS Nano ; 15(1): 387-395, 2021 Jan 26.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-33119252


Nanoscopic lamellae of centrosymmetric ferromagnetic alloys have recently been reported to host the biskyrmion spin texture; however, this has been disputed as the misidentication of topologically trivial type-II magnetic bubbles. Here we demonstrate resonant soft X-ray holographic imaging of topological magnetic states in lamellae of the centrosymmetric alloy (Mn1-xNix)0.65Ga0.35 (x = 0.5), showing the presence of magnetic stripes evolving into single core magnetic bubbles. We observe rotation of the stripe phase via the nucleation and destruction of disclination defects. This indicates the system behaves as a conventional uniaxial ferromagnet. By utilizing the holography with extended reference by autocorrelation linear differential operator (HERALDO) method, we show tilted holographic images at 30° incidence confirming the presence of type-II magnetic bubbles in this system. This study demonstrates the utility of X-ray imaging techniques in identifying the topology of localized structures in nanoscale magnetism.

Proc Math Phys Eng Sci ; 476(2239): 20200056, 2020 Jul.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-32821240


Cadmium telluride (CdTe) solar cells are deposited in current production using evaporation-based tech- niques. Fabricating CdTe solar cells using magnetron sputtering would have the advantage of being more cost-efficient. Here, we show that such deposition results in the incorporation of the magnetron working gas Ar, within the films. Post deposition processing with CdCl2 improves cell efficiency and during which stacking faults are removed. The Ar then accumulates into clusters leading to the creation of voids and blisters on the surface. Using molecular dynamics, the penetration threshold energies are determined for both Ar and Xe, with CdTe in both zinc-blende and wurtzite phases. These calculations show that more Ar than Xe can penetrate into the growing film with most penetration across the (111) surface. The mechanisms and energy barriers for interstitial Ar and Xe diffusion in zinc-blende are determined. Barriers are reduced near existing clusters, increasing the probability of capture-based cluster growth. Barriers in wurtzite are higher with non-Arrhenius behaviour observed. This provides an explanation for the increase in the size of voids observed after stacking fault removal. Blister exfoliation was also modelled, showing the formation of shallow craters with a raised rim.

Adv Mater ; 31(16): e1806598, 2019 Apr.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-30844122


The intense research effort investigating magnetic skyrmions and their applications for spintronics has yielded reports of more exotic objects including the biskyrmion, which consists of a bound pair of counter-rotating vortices of magnetization. Biskyrmions have been identified only from transmission electron microscopy images and have not been observed by other techniques, nor seen in simulations carried out under realistic conditions. Here, quantitative Lorentz transmission electron microscopy, X-ray holography, and micromagnetic simulations are combined to search for biskyrmions in MnNiGa, a material in which they have been reported. Only type-I and type-II magnetic bubbles are found and images purported to show biskyrmions can be explained as type-II bubbles viewed at an angle to their axes. It is not the magnetization but the magnetic flux density resulting from this object that forms the counter-rotating vortices.

Adv Mater ; 28(41): 9142-9151, 2016 Nov.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-27571277


A novel artificially created MnO2 monolayer system is demonstrated in atomically controlled epitaxial perovskite heterostructures. With careful design of different electrostatic boundary conditions, a magnetic transition as well as a metal-insulator transition of the MnO2 monolayer is unveiled, providing a fundamental understanding of dimensionality-confined strongly correlated electron systems and a direction to design new electronic devices.