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Environ Monit Assess ; 195(11): 1281, 2023 Oct 07.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-37804408


Linear infrastructure (LI) has varying effects on landscapes depending on different ecosystems' sensitivity and threat levels. Economically developing tropical countries are particularly at risk from LI. Therefore, understanding a country's current LI network and planning future developments to avoid further fragmentation and disturbance is crucial. This study aimed to assess the extent of Sri Lanka's LI network (i.e., roads, railroads, and powerlines), given that it is both a biodiversity hotspot and an economically developing country in the tropics. First, we calculated the average normalized difference vegetation index (NDVI) and normalized difference built-up index (NDBI) indices and examined their spatial autocorrelation per divisional secretariat division. Then a multivariate cluster analysis was used to determine clusters of natural and protected areas that may receive similar impacts from different LI and their combinations. Results indicated that roads are the most widespread LI type in Sri Lanka, followed by powerlines and railroads. Over 80% of Sri Lanka's total land area falls within 1 km of either a national or a provincial/local road. Areas with high NDVI were primarily manmade habitats, with less than 20% contribution from protected areas. Over 50% of the total protected area of Sri Lanka is being impacted by all three types of LI. Powerlines were the most common LI type in protected areas in proportion to their total network lengths. To minimize environmental impact while achieving development goals, future LI development activities should use a landscape approach to identify development needs and strategies informed by these findings.

Ecossistema , Monitoramento Ambiental , Sri Lanka , Biodiversidade , Planejamento Social
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-34934617


Gastrointestinal (GI) parasites may impose detrimental consequences on wildlife populations due to their capacity to cause mortality and reduce fitness. Additionally, wild animals play an important role in the transmission of zoonoses. Despite this importance, information on GI parasites of tropical wild mammals is critically lacking. The present study aimed to document GI parasites of six wild-dwelling large mammal taxa in Sri Lanka: Asian elephant (Elephas maximus), Sloth bear (Melursus ursinus), civet (Paradoxurus sp.), Leopard (Panthera pardus), Grey langur (Semnopithecus priam) and buffalo (Bubalus sp). Fresh faecal samples (n = 56) collected from the Wasgomuwa National Park, Sri Lanka were subjected to coprological examination using faecal smears, and the brine floatation technique followed by microscopic identification; quantitative data were accrued using the formol-ether method. The survey revealed a high prevalence of GI parasites, where 86% (48/56) of faecal samples screened positive for parasitic infections. Faecal samples of the civet, buffalo and Leopard recorded 100% prevalence, while the lowest (40%) was recorded for the Grey langur. Eight types of GI parasites were documented: protozoan cysts, platyhelminth ova (three types of digenean and a single cyclophillidean type), nematode ova (strongyle, strongyloid, ascarid, and trichuroid types) and rhabditiform larvae. The buffaloes and civets had a comparatively high number and diversity of GI parasites (buffalo: 7 types, H' = 1.02; civet: 6 types, H' = 1.52), whilst only a single type (digenean) was detected in the Grey langur. Likewise, parasite loads were also highly variable; highest in the bear (486 per g faeces) and lowest in the monkey (10 per g faeces). The outcome of this survey is important on two accounts; i) to fill the knowledge gap on GI parasites of tropical wild mammals, and ii) the revelation of many first-time parasite-host records for some of the threatened wild-dwelling large mammals in Sri Lanka.

Conserv Biol ; 34(3): 754-761, 2020 06.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-31584211


Standardized classification methods based on quantifiable risk metrics are critical for evaluating extinction threats because they increase objectivity, consistency, and transparency of listing decisions. Yet, in the United States, neither federal nor state agencies use standardized methods for listing species for legal protection, which could put listing decisions at odds with the magnitude of the risk. We used a recently developed set of quantitative risk metrics for California herpetofauna as a case study to highlight discrepancies in listing decisions made without standardized methods. We also combined such quantitative metrics with classification tree analysis to attempt to increase the transparency of previous listing decisions by identifying the criteria that had inherently been given the most weight. Federally listed herpetofauna in California scored significantly higher on the risk-metric spectrum than those not federally listed, whereas state-listed species did not score any higher than species that were not state listed. Based on classification trees, state endemism was the most important predictor of listing status at the state level and distribution trend (decline in a species' range size) and population trend (decline in a species' abundance at localized sites) were the most important predictors at the federal level. Our results emphasize the need for governing bodies to adopt standardized methods for assessing conservation risk that are based on quantitative criteria. Such methods allow decision makers to identify criteria inherently given the most weight in determining listing status, thus increasing the transparency of previous listing decisions, and produce an unbiased comparison of conservation threat across all species to promote consistency, efficiency, and effectiveness of the listing process.

Uso de Métodos Estandarizados para Mejorar la Clasificación del Riesgo de Extinción Resumen Los métodos estandarizados de clasificación basados en medidas cuantificables del riesgo de extinción son sumamente importantes para evaluar las amenazas de extinción ya que incrementan la objetividad, consistencia y transparencia de las decisiones de listado. Aún así, en los Estados Unidos, ni las agencias federales ni las estatales usan métodos estandarizados para enlistar a las especies para su protección legal, lo que podría poner en discrepancia a las decisiones de listado con la magnitud del riesgo. Usamos un conjunto de medidas cuantitativas del riesgo, desarrollado recientemente para la herpetofauna de California, como un estudio de caso que nos permitiera resaltar las discrepancias en las decisiones de listado hechas sin métodos estandarizados. También combinamos dichas medidas cuantitativas con un análisis de árbol de clasificación para intentar incrementar la transparencia de las decisiones de listado previas al identificar los criterios a los cuales se les había otorgado mayor peso inherentemente. La herpetofauna de California que se encontraba enlistada a nivel federal tuvo un puntaje significativamente más alto en el espectro de la medida del riesgo que aquellas especies que no estaban enlistadas, mientras que las especies enlistadas a nivel estatal no tuvieron un puntaje más alto que aquellas especies que no estaban enlistadas a nivel estatal. Con base en los árboles de clasificación, el endemismo estatal fue el indicador más importante del estado de listado a nivel estatal y tanto la tendencia de distribución (declinación del tamaño de la extensión de una especie) y como la tendencia poblacional (declinación de la abundancia de una especie en sitios localizados) fueron los indicadores más importantes a nivel federal. Nuestros resultados enfatizan la necesidad que tienen los cuerpos de gobierno de adoptar los métodos estandarizados que están basados en criterios cuantitativos para la evaluación del riesgo de conservación. Dichos métodos permiten que quienes toman las decisiones identifiquen los criterios a los cuales se les otorga inherentemente el mayor peso al determinar el estado de listado, lo que incrementa la transparencia de las decisiones previas de listado, y produce una comparación sin sesgos de la amenaza de conservación en todas las especies para promover la regularidad, eficiencia y efectividad de los procesos de listado.

Conservação dos Recursos Naturais , Espécies em Perigo de Extinção , Animais , Estados Unidos